Wednesday, May 23, 2018

1124: „Flaw

#1124: „Flaw”
Comments 115
In­de­pen­dent Se­cret Realm nat­u­rally col­lapses, will not af­fect out­side world. But the col­lapse of imag­i­nary sea well is ex­tremely frigid, in de­struc­tion arouses an in­com­pa­ra­ble berserk space tur­bu­lent flow in­stant, rips open a lot of space fis­sures, flick­ers to em­bez­zle Il­lu­sory Is­land.
Re­mains be­hind Il­lu­sory Is­land three Star Realm dis­ci­ple to make any re­sponse with­out enough time, was swal­lowed into the space fis­sure, van­ishes with Il­lu­sory Is­land in so­ci­ety to­gether.
The tran­quil sea level rushed Il­lu­sory Is­land that van­ishes given space tur­bu­lent flow crazily, a sur­round­ings sev­eral hun­dred li (0.5km) sea area curls up chaotic whirlpool for no rea­son, raises the dread­ful rough sea waves calmly.
Il­lu­sory Is­land pre­sented the Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass aura news al­ready to spread, to at this mo­ment, had the mas­sive neigh­bor Star Realm pow­er­houses from drown one­self in the sea in all di­rec­tions, but, many per­son from Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm.
The rough sea waves that curls up for no rea­son make all peo­ple one star­tled, but they also in the fu­ture and will in­quire about the out­come, then the com­plete com­plex­ion will be star­tled changes, orig­i­nally was body stop­ping of full speed flight stub­bornly there, does not dare to go for­ward one step.
Be­cause of the the front world, is turn­ing round a ter­ri­fy­ing peer­less pres­sure, such as sky is vast, such as the earth is bound­less, they dare to come this place, is the haughty side, even com­mands a pow­er­house, but in front of this aura, they felt that one un­ex­pect­edly base and low such as mos­quito ant, from the body to Soul, only has trem­bling of fear.
Does not dare to go for­ward, even does not dare re­treat.
„This...... This is...... What power?” pro­found strength has achieved Di­vine King Realm old man trem­bling said.
„could it be that...... Is some...... Does Di­vine Lord ar­rive?”
Same read­ing wants to flash through in the mind of every­one flashes through, mak­ing them look deathly pale im­me­di­ately, re­gen­er­ates ten thou­sand times of panic-stricken.
Di­vine Lord, is built on the Di­vine Dao peak, in pri­mor­dial chaos truly to seal|con­fer Shen to ex­ists high. God Realm in­nu­mer­able pro­found prac­ti­tioner have lis­tened to Di­vine Lord that like the myth leg­end, looks up to and is yearn­ing for ex­is­tence of Di­vine Lord, but poor its life, had not ex­pected that can wit­ness its ex­ists, do not say that with­stands its un­par­al­leled Wei ice by one­self.
But ter­ri­fy­ing of aura at this time they the sen­sa­tion ar­rives, non- sev­eral fold has sur­passed their cog­ni­tion to the Pro­found Dao, that seems fear­ful power that ex­is­tence in­clud­ing world is de­feated, in front of such power, they puts to­gether com­pletely half a life­time prac­tice, being proud power is in­ex­haustible. „Di­vine Lord” two char­ac­ters, ap­pear, in they trem­ble in the soul that swings.
The space fis­sure heals com­pletely, Il­lu­sory Is­land com­plete dis­ap­pear­ance, has not left be­hind grain of sand dust. After whirlpool high sea chaotic wreak­ing havoc, sub­sides fi­nally slowly.
Then, that al­most star­tled bro­ken in­nu­mer­able pow­er­house heart and Soul pres­sure also sud­denly van­ishes.
All per­son whole body pines that ap­proaches, such as ten thou­sand zhang (3.33 m) moun­tain sud­denly ex­so­m­a­tize. But in their eyes alarmed and afraid has not re­duced, turns around in abun­dance, al­ways when the di­rec­tion fast runs away, does not have one per­son to dare to ap­proach again half step.
Sky over dis­ap­pear­ance Il­lu­sory Is­land, Mu Xu­anyin and Lit­tle Jas­mine dis­tant look­ing at each other. Sur­round­ing ocean waves tuck dive, but the sea areas under their body ac­tu­ally smooth such as the mir­ror is com­mon, does not have the mighty waves.
pro­found en­ergy is as­signed away from the cap­i­tal as be­fore, but they as if by prior agree­ment hid­den has got­ten down the pro­found light, again has not fought. Short si­lence, Mu Xu­anyin coldly start to talk: „Cai Zhi Princess, the Star God Realm King youngest daugh­ter, the liv­ing body is today weak, is most mediocre in Star God Realm King all chil­dren, be­cause the birth mother early per­ishes to be sub­ject to des­o­lately, ac­tu­ally per­fectly in­her­its the strength of Heav­enly Wolf Star God five years ago, rumor is also Star God Realm in his­tory only one per­fect con­junc­tion.”
„Has not thought ac­tu­ally that I un­ex­pect­edly one day to fight with Heav­enly Wolf Star God!”
The blood sex­ual ha­rasser pupil on Heav­enly Wolf Saint sword closed, dodges along with the blue light, the Heav­enly Wolf Saint sword van­ished in the hand of Lit­tle Jas­mine.
Re­ceived the Heav­enly Wolf Saint sword, Lit­tle Jas­mine aura changed im­me­di­ately, the look also re­stored limpidly nim­ble and re­source­ful. Re­gard­ing Mu Xu­anyin ac­cu­rate ex­poses her sta­tus and name, she is not strange, lip curls up­wards, both hands hold the chest, mum­bled low voice: „You not only for­tu­nately and this Princess fights, had not been de­feated, you cer­tainly were fa­vorite.”
Mu Xu­anyin: „......”
„But...... But!!” Lit­tle Jas­mine sound sud­denly big, her cir­cle stares both eyes to look at Mu Xu­anyin: „You...... Will you so be why fierce? y-yo-you are you re­ally only Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm Realm King? All High-Rank Star Realm Realm King this Princess have seen, but you equally fierce per­son, com­ing of ten fin­ger num­bers.”
„About your in­for­ma­tion, you ob­vi­ously should be only Fourth Level Di­vine Lord, why can...... More­over you are so fierce, Star Realm that even if you are is the cat puppy, de­pends on you, should ad­vance into High-Rank Star Realm to be right, why is Snow Song Realm Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm? Is could it be that you have been hid­ing the strength?”
„If were known the Snow Song Realm un­ex­pect­edly such fierce peo­ple, even if my Royal Fa­ther, will have a scare, it is es­ti­mated that en­tire East­ern God Ter­ri­tory will alarm, High-Rank Star Realm cer­tainly will be also many.”
„Has noth­ing to do with you!” The Mu Xu­anyin pupil light is in­dif­fer­ent, her Snow Princess Sword has not re­ceived, still aims at Lit­tle Jas­mine...... Al­though the op­po­site party lets Cai Zhi Princess that ten thou­sand realms bows the head suf­fi­ciently: „An­swered me the be­fore­hand issue! Why you must se­cretly with him!”
Cai Zhi Princess head one crooked: „Snort, does not want! I am will­ing with him, you un­able to man­age. Ha! Your big courage, knew this Princess sta­tus, un­ex­pect­edly also dares to be so im­po­lite, you do not fear the this Princess vi­tal­ity!”
Mu Xu­anyin ice pupil one cold: „Is it pos­si­ble that...... Do you know him and re­la­tions of your Elder Sis­ter?”
A probe of Mu Xu­anyin, mak­ing the eye­brow of Cai Zhi Princess fierce jumps, face trans­ferred all of a sud­den: „You...... How do you know?”
„Re­ally!” The Mu Xu­anyin fil­a­ment eye­brow sinks: „Re­gard­ing him...... You also know any­thing!”
Cai Zhi Princess lip half, then rope char­ac­ter: „I know that he called Yun Che, from re­mote Lower Realm, ar­rived at God Realm to look for my Elder Sis­ter, I also know that he came to here to seek for Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, was in order to sees my Elder Sis­ter.”
Cai Zhi Princess will say one every time, the Mu Xu­anyin eye pupil ice-cold point: „How these you know! This mat­ter, he will not tell oth­ers to be right!”
„How you know!”
„I am his Hon­ored Mas­ter!” Mu Xu­anyin coldly said: „His all, I nat­u­rally clear.”
Snow Princess Sword blooms ice glow, cov­ers into Cai Zhi Princess the sword glow: „Now this you an­swered my issue. His im­pos­si­ble told you cer­tainly on own ini­tia­tive, ac­tu­ally you how knew...... His body, ac­tu­ally also any­thing flaw!”
Looks at the Mu Xu­anyin dig­ni­fied look, sen­sa­tion the chill in the air in her sword glow, Cai Zhi Princess was un­der­stand­ing any­thing fi­nally, the fa­cial ex­pres­sion a loosen, has smiled im­me­di­ately: „You care about him prob­a­bly very much.”
„I am his Hon­ored Mas­ter, nat­u­rally must care about him!”
„Why you must be so omi­nous to him a mo­ment ago, but also he......”
„An­swered my issue!” The Mu Xu­anyin tonal­ity is colder.
„Hee hee, good.” Cai Zhi Princess vig­i­lant and anx­ious goes, [say / way] with a smile: „You care about him prob­a­bly re­ally very much, more­over he is will­ing with you say­ing that mat­ter about Elder Sis­ter, def­i­nitely very much be­lieves that you are right.”
Mu Xu­anyin: „......”
Cai Zhi Princess said: „Ac­tu­ally, is not con­sid­ered as that any flaw, has the lit­tle co­in­ci­dence.”
„Prob­a­bly was six months ago? this Princess runs away to play se­cretly, runs into a bad uncle, this Princess wants to lose play­ing that bad uncle, but he ac­tu­ally sud­denly clashes, help­ing this Princess expel the bad uncle.” Cai Zhi Princess very nose: „His ex­pelling bad uncle, what uses is the Heav­enly Wolf's Di­vine Tome of Im­pris­on­ment first sword.”
„......” Mu Xu­anyin pupil light con­cen­trates.
„That sword vis­i­ble has po­ten­tial to be athe­is­tic, he also in­te­grated the flame, other peo­ple def­i­nitely can­not look. But but this Princess Heav­enly Wolf Star God, most fa­mil­iar Heav­enly Wolf's Di­vine Tome of Im­pris­on­ment per­son. After Big Brother dies, can dis­play the Heav­enly Wolf's Di­vine Tome of Im­pris­on­ment per­son, should, only then a this Princess tal­ented per­son is right, but Elder Sis­ter told me, in this world a also per­son, he did not draw sup­port from Heav­enly Wolf Star God power and blood­line, has built Heav­enly Wolf's Di­vine Tome of Im­pris­on­ment, only then the first sword.”
„Un­ex­pect­edly...... Will have this mat­ter!?” Snow Princess Sword dan­gles slowly, Mu Xu­anyin body aura also grad­u­ally re­strains. She does not know Yun Che's body also Heav­enly Wolf Star God Di­vine Art...... Was sep­a­rated from Heav­enly Wolf Star God power and blood­line force­fully has ac­tu­ally built the Heav­enly Wolf's Di­vine Tome of Im­pris­on­ment first sword, all over the world, in­deed also only had to have Evil God's Pro­found Veins Yun Che to achieve.
She be­lieves firmly that Yun Che de­cides how­ever with Jas­mine will not in­form other peo­ple the con­tact, once oth­er­wise passes on to Star God Realm, the con­se­quence will be very se­ri­ous. There­fore, she must know that his body ac­tu­ally also any­thing flaw made Cai Zhi Princess stare at him un­ex­pect­edly...... Orig­i­nally, can be the so strange co­in­ci­dence un­ex­pect­edly.
He gets rid to res­cue Heav­enly Wolf Star God un­ex­pect­edly...... Heav­enly Wolf's Di­vine Tome of Im­pris­on­ment that uses......
„Has not dared to be­lieve firmly that he is that per­son who Elder Sis­ter said that this Princess qui­etly with him, then dis­cov­ered that he and Elder Sis­ter said looks like more and more, in a while, this Princess knows that he cer­tainly was that per­son who Elder Sis­ter said.”
„To look for Elder Sis­ter, he runs up to God Realm to come, this Princess has is moved lit­tle, there­fore fol­lows to pro­tect him be­hind him, so as to avoid he be­fore see­ing Elder Sis­ter died, , he since has you such fierce Hon­ored Mas­ter, this Princess does not need to fear ap­pear­ance that prob­a­bly again he died...... Went back to ac­com­pany Elder Sis­ter to be good.”
„About his mat­ter, how many your Elder Sis­ter said? Be­sides you, whom did she also tell?” Mu Xu­anyin pur­sues asks.
„Elder Sis­ter said are more, cer­tainly imag­ines you are more. But only told me.” Cai Zhi Princess smiles: „I have Royal Fa­ther, there are many uncle un­cles Big Brother Elder Sis­ter, but Elder Sis­ter, is ac­tu­ally my only fam­ily mem­ber. Re­gard­ing Elder Sis­ter, I am also her only fam­ily mem­ber.”
She was smil­ing faintly sweet, but be­hind the strange voice, Mu Xu­anyin ac­tu­ally felt an in­de­scrib­able mis­ery.
„Elder Sis­ter will be in a daze fre­quently sud­denly, meets times to men­tion about his mat­ter on own ini­tia­tive, Elder Sis­ter any­thing is will­ing to me, the only that red skirt, she to hug fre­quently in the bosom, ac­tu­ally never al­lows me to move one time.”
„Wants about him, Elder Sis­ter will be­come com­pletely will be dif­fer­ent. I very much have wanted to know that is ac­tu­ally what kind of per­son, will make Elder Sis­ter have that big change. Elder Sis­ter has added that this life this life, im­pos­si­ble see again/good­bye ar­rives at him, but I know, if can see again/good­bye, she very be cer­tainly happy. Al­though she......”
The fol­low­ing words, Cai Zhi Princess an­chors sud­denly, has not said.
Mu Xu­anyin aura takes back com­pletely, the pupil light re­turn is tran­quil, only then the deep place is shak­ing some­thing com­plex some: „What you have not ar­rived at God Realm him tells you Elder Sis­ter?”
„Nat­u­rally does not have!” Cai Zhi Princess [say / way] with­out hes­i­ta­tion: „You can­not say with any­body!”
„Does not need you to re­mind!” Mu Xu­anyin cold words, in her heart have doubts and se­cu­rity elim­i­nate, no longer stay, no longer talks too much, turns around to fly from di­rectly, but in the heart has ac­tu­ally been left over one point of deep shock.
Cai Zhi Princess, ac­cord­ing to rumor, she has com­pleted the in­her­i­tance of Heav­enly Wolf Di­vine Power five years ago, be­comes new Heav­enly Wolf Star God. The short five years, Di­vine Power should be only the pre­lim­i­nary fu­sion, the strength then al­ready for­mi­da­ble to so the sit­u­a­tion, in five years...... Ten years...... Hun­dred years...... When she fuses Heav­enly Wolf Di­vine Power com­pletely, to what kind Realm, will un­able imag­ine for­mi­da­ble sim­ply.
The leg­end she might in the fu­ture very much be­comes in the Star God Realm his­tory strongest Star God...... It seems like is not a wild talk.
„...... Wait / Etc.!”
Be­fore body of Mu Xu­anyin, color movie in a flash, Cai Zhi Princess al­ready an­i­mated keep­ing off be­fore her body: „Big Sis­ter, this Princess very much earnestly an­swered your issue a mo­ment ago, you also...... Earnest is a very reply this Princess issue good!”
„...... What issue?”
„That......” Cai Zhi Princess sud­denly be­comes shyly, face hangs slightly, but also red­den, starts to speak but hes­i­tates slightly, she looked at Mu Xu­anyin to stand tall and erect to want the snow clothes of crack, looked at an only will micro pros­per­ous chest, fi­nally has had the great­est courage: „Wants...... What to do, after grow­ing up, can be­come is the same after you are raised curls up­wards?”
Mu Xu­anyin: „......”
【Must open Pro­found God Con­fer­ence im­me­di­ately, the open­ing and process should think not same as your any­body......】


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