Tuesday, May 8, 2018

1086: Minding others'business

#1086: Minding others'business
Comments 99
This sound does not have the sen­ti­ment, does not have the omen, is passes on likely sud­denly from the space crack, two Soul Sect Black-robed Man im­me­di­ately one star­tled, turns round sud­denly, saw that Yun Che stands be­fore their bod­ies is less than two dis­tances, straight is star­ing at them, on the face does not have an ex­pres­sion.
„Un­ex­pect­edly jumps to court death, is re­ally an in­cur­able idiot.” Goes all out to run away First Se­nior Brother to taunt in a low voice.
Sees the Yun Che's ap­pear­ance and aura, the Soul Sect two peo­ple of hearts star­tled di­verges fast: „Good, is your Soul Sect's Grand­fa­ther, is think­ing holds the thigh of Grand­fa­ther... Well!”
Rum­bles ---
A dull thump­ing sound, is very low, but ac­tu­ally sad blasts out in the Soul deep place likely.
The Yun Che's form, ap­peared like the ghost in their front, both hands has si­mul­ta­ne­ously rum­bled in their chests... Rushes the pro­found en­ergy in­stan­ta­neous re­lease, re­strains again in­stan­ta­neously, along with it, his both arms takes back, has turned around, the step is slow, ac­tu­ally in an in­stant, van­ished in the ab­sent-minded lines of sight of all peo­ple.
Out­side two Soul Sect Black-robed Man both eyes raised, when the Yun Che form dis­ap­pears, they then such as two do not have the life block­head pile, straight but ac­tu­ally, did not have the sound, has not twitched, only has in, nose to gush out to mix the foam and in­ter­nal or­gans pow­der dust scar­let crazily.
The Gu Xi­ao­lian eye stares in a big way, dull looks that for a long time is un­able to get back one's com­po­sure. But the dis­tant place, ran away two also to stop, the sur­face like the paraf­fined paper, such as the stone carv­ing was mo­tion­less, had screened out the soul likely sud­denly.
Yun Che con­tin­ues to east, after a dis­tance, he soars, the speed speeds up, ap­proaches to the moun­tain range.
Killed Soul Sect a mo­ment ago their coun­te­nance and act, as well as the Jade Sword Sect three peo­ple feared to Soul Sect's, enough could see Soul Sect is what kind of sect.
God Realm is also good, Lower Realm is also good, con­trols sect, not only need have enough big strength in­flu­ence, needs enough will of the peo­ple. For ex­am­ple Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent Four Great Sa­cred Grounds „sa­cred ground” the name is to own beau­ti­fi­ca­tion, has Ice Phoenix God Sect of ab­solute strength in Snow Song Realm, will not de­pend upon the hu­mil­i­a­tion in­no­cent per­son de­cid­edly ma­li­ciously.
But Soul Sect ob­vi­ously not in this row.
In­stan­ta­neous re­sponse of that three Jade Sword Sect dis­ci­ple when hear­ing name of Soul Sect prove Soul Sect di­rectly in no­to­ri­ous of Heiya Realm, but they ac­tu­ally do not dare to re­volt, ob­vi­ously Soul Sect's cov­ers the sky. Be­cause on Soul Sect has Di­vine Mar­tial Realm is big tree, in Heiya Realm, through hold­ing under duress Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce and other meth­ods, is grasp­ing the major sect han­dles, mak­ing them angry but not dare say any­thing, does not dare to act rashly.
The Yun Che speed speeds up grad­u­ally, copes with the Soul Sect's method also the NC rapid pro­to­typ­ing in the brain. At this time, wiped pe­tite color movie to pass his cor­ner of the eye, his line of sight down­ward can­not help but, un­ex­pect­edly has then been star­tled some lit­tle time, the speed also slow.
That is a sem­blance has not been sep­a­rated from „young” the lit­tle girl.
The prob­a­bly 12 or 13-year-old age, has one to look at one, ac­tu­ally does not dare al­most un­able to be­lieve its fine beau­ti­ful ap­pear­ance of ex­is­tence. Eye­brow moon/month and eye each inch that if star and lip like the fat, the vi­sion can see, each, re­sem­bles the pow­der to carve the jade to carve.
Her car­riage is pe­tite, a color skirt, seven color col­ors and are in­com­pat­i­ble in the gloomy tone of world. The moun­tain breeze has stroked, slen­der calf that under the skirt bare pair of white jade is also re­sem­bling. The snow foot is ex­quis­ite, is tread­ing pair of seven color col­ored glazes, does not know that with pretty shoes that any ma­te­r­ial qual­ity makes.
Girl body pro­found en­ergy has Em­peror Pro­found Realm, at her age, the book was also great, but in this dan­ger­ous world, her pro­found strength was ac­tu­ally the low pity, but she was ac­tu­ally all alone, the sur­round­ings not elder ac­com­pa­nied.
Al­though does not know how she ar­rived here, but she ob­vi­ously is not afraid, be­cause that two thin moon/month eye­brow slightly warpage, flow­ery lips, main­tains cute has been being smart-alecky, ac­tu­ally beau­ti­ful must to look has been again also hard to leave the vi­sion the curve.
She in this dan­ger­ous world lithe is walk­ing slowly and aim­lessly the step, is ap­pre­ci­at­ing the scenery likely hap­pily, the color skirt of mag­nif­i­cent bright eye flut­ters gen­tly, such as a beau­ti­ful color but­ter­fly in lithe grace­ful dance.
Her smil­ing face very cute, has a not being able to say mon­ster dif­fer­ent.
The vi­sion of Yun Che vi­sion fol­lows girl some lit­tle time, sud­denly to faint from fear, puts aside the vi­sion.
A girl of tal­ent so age, can make him have the so in­tense shock­ing feel­ing un­ex­pect­edly, this is in it­self one may be called the fear­ful mat­ter. Yun Che's surg­ing emo­tions flood mighty waves... He thinks that this life, ex­cept for Jas­mine, some im­pos­si­ble peo­ple takes to him again this feel­ing, has not thought that the girl who when this world ac­tu­ally has one to be able such as ini­tially to see Jas­mine like that at­tacks his mind.
More­over, when this girl's age, as if also want on small some com­pared with he ini­tially sees Jas­mine.
Em­peror Pro­found Realm pro­found strength, the sur­round­ings no­body ac­com­pa­nies, does she go to this place? Her words, meet any pro­found beast here, will be quite dan­ger­ous... It is not right! If runs into the per­son, must com­pared with meet­ing pro­found beast also dan­ger­ous many.
Thought this point can­not help but, he slightly shakes the head, aban­dons these un­nec­es­sary dis­tract­ing thoughts , to con­tinue goes to the for­ward flight... He at this time, in the girl di­rec­tion not far away, he felt for­mi­da­ble aura.
Ini­tial pe­riod Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm for­mi­da­ble aura!
This is one is tall, the ap­pear­ance is solemn, body is also lead­ing the ob­vi­ous hos­til­ity mid­dle-aged man. When Yun Che sees him, the op­po­site party also noted that lit­tle girl, the Yun Che brow wrin­kled the wrin­kle, if other places do not need to be wor­ried but ac­tu­ally, but, in this type the dan­ger­ous place that does not have prin­ci­ple to re­strain, a nor­mal man meets one to com­plete the order form and not have the strength of re­volt, has the young girl who lets the star light chang­ing col­ors sem­blance... Will have any­thing, with­out a doubt.
Soul Sect be­fore, does not want the med­dle­some dis­ci­ple to cause the trou­ble... In the Yun Che heart read one lowly, the rev­o­lu­tions glanced at the light, ac­cel­er­ated to fly to East­ern.
In Heiya Realm, can achieve­ment Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm, not be the great per­son rank. This mid­dle-aged man is also so, but in he sees the color skirt girl in line of sight, he re­vealed Yun Che to be ex­pected com­pletely the re­sponse.
His eye straight­ens, turned very quiet that time of breath in him, he even felt one were hav­ing a dream, be­cause of by his mil­len­ni­ums cog­ni­tion, is un­able to be­lieve in this world most to exist hap­pily to so the thing of de­gree.
Per­haps the girl does not know that her charm has how fear­fully, has not re­al­ized the dan­ger, in­stead moved to­ward the mid­dle-aged per­son on own ini­tia­tive, bright beau­ti­ful eyes is re­veal­ing the doubts: „Uncle, why do you think so me? Had I seen the uncle be­fore?”
Her sound is hav­ing some naivete, what are more is God­dess re­cites the fine­ness and elu­sive­ness lightly. Is makes the mid­dle-aged per­son whole body quickly grasp the mean­ing of some­thing un­ex­pect­edly fiercely, the vi­sion still stares looks, one type never has dry air/Qi, in within the body fast as­cen­sion, in a flash then as in­tense as sev­eral near out-of-con­trol.
Takes his cul­ti­vat­ing as, sta­tus, al­ready was the wife and con­cu­bines in groups, not de­fi­cient fe­male sex­ual at­trac­tive­ness, by his dis­po­si­tion story, will not con­fuse the heart by the fe­male sex­ual at­trac­tive­ness de­cid­edly eas­ily, has not loved. Vir­gin kind of fond­ness, but this girl, lets each spot of his whole body at pre­sent likely is burns the flame...
That is this lives never has the in­tense im­pul­sion, mak­ing him want throw­ing ma­li­ciously in the past, stole her, the col­lec­tion, held ap­pre­cia­tively heartily, reck­lessly dev­as­ta­tion... Looked like had one from the stars of space falling world of mor­tals, solely thinks that was one type is will­ing with ten thou­sand dead the feel­ing of sat­is­fac­tion of ex­change.
Al­though al­ready not re­main­ing many elab­o­ra­tive fac­ulty, but Spirit Sense of mid­dle-aged per­son has swept fast around, was con­firm­ing this girl was re­ally all alone. He made an ef­fort to swal­low saliva, en­tered to the girl, re­veals a tem­per­ate smil­ing face: „young miss, your per­son here? Here is very dan­ger­ous, does uncle pro­tect hello?”
Looks at his ap­pear­ance, girl's pe­tite body is ap­proach­ing the re­liev­ing, vig­i­lant [say / way]: „But, uncle's ap­pear­ance... It looks like vil­lain.”
The face of mid­dle-aged man is twitch­ing, shows never has be­fore the ugly ex­pres­sion un­ex­pect­edly, both hands un­bear­ably anx­ious out­stretch, grasp­ing of five fin­gers out-of-con­trol: „I be­fore was not vil­lain, but today, works as vil­lain to be good!”
The daz­zling and fear­ful en­tice­ment is de­stroy­ing the cor­rect path in his heart, burns his all ugly in­stinct, the sound just falls, he plunged the girl like the greedy per­son.
„--- saves a life Ah!!”
Black Soul Moun­tain air­borne re­sounds girl's squeal im­me­di­ately.
The body of mid­dle-aged per­son just kicked out, then such as sud­denly hit on the air wall, but sud­denly to the great strength shook ma­li­ciously him, he slightly some­what dis­tressed falling, saw, be­fore girl's body, was stand­ing fa­cial color des­o­late young peo­ple.
„Im­me­di­ately get lost! The far­ther the bet­ter.” Be­fore Yun Che right arm ex­tends, palm to the chest of mid­dle-aged per­son.
... How I can­not pro­vide lodg­ing this!!
„You... Is who?” Yun Che's ap­pears, mak­ing mid­dle-aged per­son com­plex­ion one gloomy un­cer­tain.
Yun Che has not replied him, taunted in a tone with: „Takes your cul­ti­vat­ing as, in Heiya Realm surely is also an hon­ored and pop­u­lar per­son, ac­tu­ally must hu­mil­i­ate one is only young young miss. If this scan­dal passes on, feared that is clean that your rep­u­ta­tion must de­stroy, hur­ries get lost!”
The Yun Che's words make the mid­dle-aged per­son pupil shrink, on the face re­veals fright­ened, but im­me­di­ately fast trans­fers with raw hate, sneers say­ing: Good that „young peo­ple, said. But, if you died, ex­it­ing how can also pass on.”
His body pro­found en­ergy erupts sud­denly, in­tense killing in­tent solidly locks Yun Che: „Lit­tle ras­cal of over­reach­ing one­self, death!!”
Yun Che com­plex­ion one cloudy, is be­fore the mid­dle-aged per­son runs out, Heaven Smit­ing Sword grasps in the hand in­stan­ta­neously. Op­po­site party pro­found strength is Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm, is good be­cause of being only ini­tial pe­riod, but if will not leave Heaven Smit­ing Sword ex­tremely to be for­mi­dabe. More­over the rear girl leaves is too near, by her Em­peror Pro­found Realm pro­found strength, slightly will bump into com­ple­men­tary waves to die with­out doubt, must fight a bat­tle to force a quick de­ci­sion.
The Heavy Sword bang , the huge pres­sure of com­pletely in­com­pat­i­ble com­mon sense makes the mid­dle-aged per­son fa­cial color change, used 10% pro­found strength to well up im­me­di­ately com­pletely.
Rum­bles ---
A bang, grounds under two human foot crack crazily, power also stub­bornly re­fused to com­pro­mise. The mid­dle-aged per­son eye pupil en­larges, can­not be­lieve the per­son who a tal­ent Di­vine Soul Realm ini­tial pe­riod, kept off his power un­ex­pect­edly di­rectly: „You... Un­ex­pect­edly...”
„Rum­bling Heaven!!”
Yun Che's power, rises sud­denly in this flash heart­lessly, the mid­dle-aged per­son the com­plex­ion big change, along with a it piti­ful yell, such as is flown by the dead wood that the hur­ri­cane de­stroyed im­me­di­ately hor­i­zon­tally.
A Yun Che body rev­o­lu­tion, on Heaven Smit­ing Sword the flame con­fla­gra­tion, the cry of Phoenix roar hiss­ing the flash in the pan to get up with Heav­enly Wolf.
„Phoenix Sky Wolf Slash!!”
Burns the wolf shade of scar­let-red flame to pierce the space, shells mid­dle-aged per­son body in fly­ing up­side down heart­lessly.
In sad and shrill piti­ful yell sound, is shelled by the form that the flame wraps to dozens li (0.5km) be­yond, shoots up to the sky be­yond dozens li (0.5km) along with a it flame, is star­tled the beast roar day after day, that mid­dle-aged per­son is the life and death does not know.
His Star God's Bro­ken Shadow and Heav­enly Wolf's Di­vine Tome of Im­pris­on­ment come from Jas­mine. Star God's Bro­ken Shadow he has not dared to use in God Realm, Sky Wolf Slash nat­u­rally can­not, but he fuses „Phoenix Sky Wolf Slash that” be­comes by the Phoenix Fire strength and Heav­enly Wolf's Di­vine Tome of Im­pris­on­ment eas­ily nat­u­rally not in this row.
Yun Che spits the one breath, re­ceives Heaven Smit­ing Sword, has turned around. But be­fore the girl jump­ing ar­rived at his body, a pair as if em­bell­ishes vis­its him who the beau­ti­ful eye star light of ra­di­ant cold star is sparkling, fil­a­ment eye­brow curved, on the face is hang­ing cute chuckle: „Wa! Big Brother you are quite fierce, thank you have saved me, I soon scared to death a mo­ment ago.”
„...” Yun Che winked under the eye, low­ers the head slightly: „But Lit­tle Sis­ter, looks at your ap­pear­ance, prob­a­bly is not afraid.”
„It is not.” The girl has curled up­wards the out­stand­ing tip of the nose, then puts out a hand to cover the two sides cheeks, smil­ing [say / way]: „, Oth­ers such cute lit­tle loli, even if afraid, can­not dis­play, oth­er­wise on not cute.”
The word that this young miss, where stud­ies!!


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