Wednesday, May 9, 2018

1093: Black Heart Poison Saint

#1093: Black Heart Poison Saint
Comments 78
Yun Che to the west, di­rectly left the Black Soul Moun­tain Range re­gion. mind that in a short time two times Dragon Soul Do­main cre­ates dam­ages again, in ad­di­tion the in­jury, his fol­low­ing 1-2 days was ex­tremely not suit­able to as­sas­si­nate the Soul Sect's per­son again.
More­over Soul Sect had is­sued seals the sect pro­hi­bi­tion rule, he was un­able to start.
Ar­rives at Black Soul Moun­tain Range Over­grown Lands sev­eral hun­dred li (0.5km) away, the Yun Che sit­ting down body, im­me­di­ately has not ac­tu­ally calmed the mind to cure to re­cover, but takes up sound trans­mis­sion jade:
„Miss Ruyan, help me again...... Lei Qian­feng should have many chil­dren to keep Branch Sect, de­ter­mined that their po­si­tion and trend, then told me near­est sev­eral.”
Quick, Ji Ruyan then gave an­swered: „Re­cent Branch Sect is Heiya City Branch Sect, Lei Qian­feng youngest son Lei Guangmo is one of the Vice Sect Mas­ter.”
„Lei Guangmo is the sec­ond son who the Lei Qian­feng wife has, is the son who he most likes, has kept be­fore, until last year, sent Heiya Branch Sect to come in­formed and ex­pe­ri­enced. Al­though is hang­ing the name of Vice Sect Mas­ter, but as a whole is ac­tu­ally the liquor pouch rice sack, piled the pen­e­trat­ing the huge re­sources, cul­ti­vates to also just now enter Di­vine Essence Realm. Be­fore will re­turn to Sect Head­quar­ters fre­quently, but this pe­riod of time be­cause of the mat­ter of Sect Head­quar­ters, has then kept Heiya City but has not gone back.”
„Sect Head­quar­ters has the im­por­tant mat­ter, the Heiya Branch Sect this sev­eral days at­mos­phere was also se­ri­ous. But Lei Guangmo ac­tu­ally as be­fore is to one's heart's con­tent de­meanor, by the Young Mas­ter Ling Yun abil­ity, if starts to him, should be very sim­ple.”
Yun Che sim­ply asked one, Ji Ruyan not only ex­treme rapid of re­sponse, but also de­tailed in­com­pa­ra­ble.
Re­gard­ing Yun Che, the Ji Ruyan ini­tial im­pres­sion is mys­te­ri­ous and fiery re­sem­bles staunchly. But Yun Che re­gard­ing Ji Ruyan, be­cause of the re­la­tions of Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce, what are more is a repel. But for serveral days, scary passed to the Ji Ruyan ear to the un­be­liev­able news, Yun Che also ex­pe­ri­ences to the Ji Ruyan as­ton­ish­ing in­tel­li­gence ca­pa­bil­ity, in ad­di­tion have the com­mon enemy, grad­u­ally started to have some trusts.
„Good, that since he starts...... Within one day, I will re­turn to Heiya City, help­ing me pay at­ten­tion Lei Guangmo where­abouts par­tic­u­larly his tonight's des­ti­na­tion. More­over, ex­cept for Lei Guangmo, a also more im­por­tant mat­ter...... Helps me col­lect is quite fa­mous in Low-Rank and Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm, but the where­abouts is also un­cer­tain, ex­tremely mys­te­ri­ous doc­tor. Mys­ti­cally is bet­ter. Best is ex­tremely fa­mous , are ex­tremely few some peo­ple per­son­ally have seen the itin­er­ant doc­tor.”
Black Soul Di­vine Sect.
The Soul Sect's per­son found Lei Kuangfeng, when he brings back to sect, Lei Kuangfeng suf­fo­cated.
„Kuangfeng, ex­actly what hap­pened?” Lei Qian­feng sink­ing sound track.
The Lei Kuangfeng whole body is the blood, the air/Qi, if gos­samer: „Is Ling Yun......”
This name, lets all per­son com­plex­ion chang­ing sud­denly.
„He wants me...... Passed on to Sect Mas­ter...... Wants Sect Mas­ter within three days...... From waste pro­found strength and four limbs...... Oth­er­wise...... Oth­er­wise......”
„thing!” Lei Qian­feng flies into a rage, he in Heiya Realm for tyrant these many years, who dares so to threaten in him: „I must him...... Tears to shreds!”
„Sect Mas­ter, does not need to pay at­ten­tion to that boy ex­tremely ar­ro­gant word. Kuangfeng, is ac­tu­ally Ling Yun what cul­ti­vates is? Was he has killed Qinglie, also......” Great Elder Lei Qiandu sink­ing eye­brow asked you.
„Ling Yun...... pro­found strength...... Di­vine Soul Realm Sec­ond Level......” the Lei Kuangfeng sound is weak, off and on, words that but he said that was makes peo­ple si­mul­ta­ne­ously be shocked.
„For­merly Heiya City news, had said Ling Yun pro­found strength has ini­tial pe­riod Di­vine Soul Realm...... This is how pos­si­ble!?” All peo­ple are un­be­liev­able of whole face.
„Ling Yun pro­found strength...... Al­though strange...... But pos­i­tive words...... He should not be my...... Matches...... But...... Was......” as if has thought any ex­tremely ter­ri­fy­ing thing, the body of Lei Kuangfeng shiv­ered: „His mind strength...... Very fear­ful...... Very fear­ful...... Cer­tain...... Want­ing...... Be care­ful............”
The Lei Kuangfeng sound stops, then did not have the sound thor­oughly.
„Sect Mas­ter, Ling Yun blood en­ergy van­ishes quickly, is un­able to trace, but he leaves be­hind very mas­sive blood­stains, ob­vi­ously is in­jured heav­ily, this time the com­pre­hen­sive searche, be­lieves that quick will have the re­sult.” Lei Tian­gang said.
„Wants me from waste pro­found strength and four limbs? Snort!” The Lei Qian­feng air/Qi sneers ex­tremely: „I must have a look but ac­tu­ally, three days later, he can I be what kind of!”
The in­jury is slightly steady, Yun Che then re­turns to out­side Heiya City, just about to en­ters in the city, then ob­tained passes mes­sage of Ji Ruyan.
„These news that Young Mas­ter Ling Yun, you need about the doc­tor, I re­or­ga­nized, seven doc­tor most meet young mas­ter’s re­quire­ment.”
50,000 years of back­ground huge cham­ber of com­merce, the in­for­ma­tion re­serve is quite nat­u­rally abun­dant. Ji Ruyan seven doc­tor names, given names, fam­ily back­ground, med­ical skill achieve­ment, ap­pear­ance char­ac­ter­is­tics wait / etc....... To the ut­most con­crete nar­ra­tion gives Yun Che.
Yun Che lis­tens at­ten­tively peace­fully, after she said that silent a while, said: „You said that the fourth per­son, that by the title is ‚Black Heart Poi­son Saint’ the per­son, is his dis­in­tox­i­cat­ing abil­ity very strong?”
„rumor so.” Ji Ruyan replied: „‚Black Heart Poi­son Saint’ should never save oth­ers in the med­ical skill, at least never has rumor in this as­pect, but his poi­son­ing and dis­in­tox­i­cat­ing abil­ity, was ap­proved to make ‚un­par­al­leled in the world’. rumor re­gard­less of how fear­ful deadly poi­son, he may solve con­ve­niently, even rumor he once said the toxin that in this world did not have him un­able to solve. As for ‚black heart’ the name, is his man­ner dis­in­tox­i­cat­ing asks a price strange tall, once an­noys him not to be quick, will then in­tox­i­cate the mur­der. The per­son who he uses to kill by poi­son, must detox­ify to save the per­son com­pared with him many. More­over, under the an­ti­dote that he gives, the op­po­site party must take face to face, should not want to be in­quired into the con­sti­tu­tion of an­ti­dote.”
„His ap­pear­ance?” Yun Che thinks that asked.
„The in­for­ma­tion in this as­pect is very lim­ited, but sev­eral points are very uni­fied, he ap­pears each time can wear greatly black over­alls, the fig­ure is tall, some upper body rick­ets. More­over it is said be­cause of year to year with deadly poi­son for part­ner, his face de­stroyed look­ing awful, there­fore lit­tle shows by the true col­ors.”
„Black Heart Poi­son Saint more than 3000 years ago then il­lus­tri­ous, the per­sonal enemy but who af­ter­ward an­noyed are too many, then the dis­so­ci­a­tion in major Star Realm, must find him to be ex­tremely dif­fi­cult on own ini­tia­tive. Pre­vi­ous that me can find about his news, dozens years ago. In Star Realm that he comes, even some rumor said that he died.”
Yun Che has thought a while silently, said: „Miss Ruyan, start­ing from to­mor­row , to pro­mote dis­sem­i­na­tion Black Heart Poi­son Saint ’ to come to the Heiya Realm news in se­cret ‚, fierce that does not need to dis­sem­i­nate, can spread to the Soul Sect ear then good.”
„This......” Ji Ruyan some­what hes­i­tates, asks: „Is the in­ten­tion of young mas­ter this act?”
„Is very sim­ple.” Yun Che said straight­for­wardly: „I pre­pare to dis­guise as that ‚Black Heart Poi­son Saint’, gives a Soul Sect super big pre­sent!”
„Ah!?” the Yun Che's words, mak­ing Ji Ruyan one call out in alarm, along with it [say / way]: „Young Mas­ter, this mat­ter may not ab­solutely! Al­though Soul Sect should no­body see Black Heart Poi­son Saint, per­son but who they are not eas­ily cheated, in­stead the method is sin­is­ter, the con­duct is also quite de­ceit­ful care­fully, oth­er­wise my Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce so will not be re­strained Soul Sect. More­over, ‚Black Heart Poi­son Saint’ this grade of char­ac­ter, but in the dis­in­tox­i­cat­ing abil­ity de­pend­ing on his rumor, must dis­guise as then such as to as­cend to heaven dif­fi­cultly, if you were seen through face to face,...... Was re­ally dan­ger­ous.”
„You could rest as­sured that I have not thought they are the fools.” Yun Che said slowly: „I nat­u­rally have the means to make them be­lieve...... And has to be­lieve! You said right, this per­son is ex­tremely dif­fi­cult to dis­guise as...... Enough that but if can pre­tend to be, sim­i­larly is ac­tu­ally hard to be seen through.”
„......” Ji Ruyan starts to speak but hes­i­tates. How she can­not imag­ine Yun Che to „dis­guis­ing as”, how must make Soul Sect „have to be­lieve”.
„Your should Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce, meet reg­u­lar­ity to send for going to out­side the city to pur­chase the thing? Then today, you then send three peo­ple to go out of town, any name all may, body prob­a­bly bring at least five mil­lion pro­found stone, then told me their routes.”
„This nat­u­rally does not have the issue, but, is young mas­ter’s goal?” The Ji Ruyan doubts said.
Yun Che in­dif­fer­ently said: „They on road by named ‚Black Yama’ the poi­so­nous snake bites, as far as I know, the Black Yama toxin does not have the med­i­cine to be solv­able in Heiya Realm, once below Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm it, must die with­out doubt. But they in deadly poi­son, suf­fo­cated, in de­spair, will meet ‚Black Heart Poi­son Saint’, takes their body com­pletely pro­found stone as the price, detox­i­fies for them...... Later, will spread nat­u­rally ‚Black Heart Poi­son Saint’ to be in Heiya Realm rumor, you only need add fuel to the flames slightly then.”
Sent greet­ings fin­ished, Yun Che re­ceived sound trans­mis­sion jade, in the hand has ac­tu­ally worked on two all over the body jet black, the length still thin snake this of non- full scale was he be­fore leav­ing Black Soul Moun­tain Range, grasped spe­cially.
He in en­ter­ing Black Soul Moun­tain Range when the 1st date, by that Jade Sword Sect per­son „res­cued” from this deadly poi­son black snake's mouth, the op­po­site party once had shouted him, once were nipped, must die with­out doubt, its tox­i­c­ity can be in­ferred fiercely.
„Com­pletes this mat­ter, should leave Heiya City.” Yun Che thought aloud that then raises head, sighed one lightly: „He Lin, my pre­sent strength is too weak, uses fully , can only achieve this de­gree. Two years later, if I can enter Eter­nal Sky Realm for­tu­nately, I will do every­thing pos­si­ble to see the Eter­nal Sky Realm per­son, in­forms your Wood Spirit Clan sit­u­a­tion. In the fu­ture, if I can be­come enough for­mi­da­ble...... Cer­tainly will let in this world, un­manned dares to hu­mil­i­ate Wood Spirit again.”
Long in­spired, Yun Che calms the mind, the left palm stretches out, the palm, pre­sents the triv­ial red poi­so­nous light slowly.
The toxin of An­cient Horned Dragon!
Toxin of the faint trace Horned Dragon is slowly dif­fi­cult to see this al­most naked eye wipes on Sound But­ter­fly Blade, after look­ing steadily at a while, di­luted dozens times it by pro­found en­ergy, this re­ceives Sound But­ter­fly Blade.
But fol­low­ing mat­ter, then quite smooth ac­cord­ing to the Yun Che ex­pec­ta­tion car­ries on.
The Ji Ruyan fac­tion goes out of town the out­side three peo­ple when pass­ing through a wooded moun­tain re­gion, was flown to shoot sud­denly, but to „Black Yama” bites, when deadly poi­son is on the verge of death, a whole body Yin en­ergy black robe per­son ap­pears, said that „Black Heart Poi­son Saint”, claimed five mil­lion pro­found stone may res­cue their lives. Even if three peo­ple do not be­lieve that but des­per­ate, which also man­ages any pro­found stone, after hand­ing over five mil­lion pro­found stone, ob­tained three from „Black Heart Poi­son Saint” green pill, after cloth­ing/tak­ing next, deadly poi­son sets up the so­lu­tion.
„Black Heart Poi­son Doc­tor” comes to Heiya Realm rumor, im­me­di­ately the small range spreads.


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