Thursday, May 10, 2018

1104: Scarlet Immortal Spirit Pill

#1104: Scarlet Immortal Spirit Pill
Comments 58
Also was called as „Black Heart Poi­son Saint”, can be the heart black goods with­out a doubt. There­fore Lei Qian­feng refers to him to res­cue Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce three peo­ple of ask­ing prices, en­hanced five times on own ini­tia­tive.
Has not thought that this Black Heart Poi­son Saint is the opens mouth asks a price un­ex­pect­edly one hun­dred mil­lion!!
Hun­dred mil­lion! Is Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce three peo­ple of en­tire 100 times!!
Which this is the black heart? This butch­ers the pig es­pe­cially!
Lei Qian­feng is Heiya Great Realm King, under the hand/sub­or­di­nate has huge Soul Sect, but hun­dred mil­lion pro­found stone to him are also far from small num­bers, let alone his six sons, must equal six hun­dred mil­lion pro­found stone!
Lei Qian­feng is one twitches to the scruff from the cor­ners of the mouth, but this „Black Heart Poi­son Saint” keeps him nat­u­rally from man­i­fest­ing sud­denly fiercely, the face was say­ing painstak­ingly: „Se­nior Poi­son Saint, life of na­ture my son price­less, in the below not par­si­mo­nious per­son. This solves Poi­son Spirit pill hun­dred mil­lion pro­found stone, re­ally some...... Does not know whether the se­nior does stretch the rules slightly?”
„Stretches the rules? Hey......” black clothed old man sneers: „Heiya Realm King, you with do not take to ob­tain these six hun­dred mil­lion pro­found stone, the old man is very clear. Dares to bar­gain back and forth with the old man...... Hey, feared that is the name of old man black heart, you lis­ten in­suf­fi­cient many.”
The voice of black clothed old man makes the Lei Qian­feng whole body un­com­fort­able, in the heart is flood in­ex­plic­a­ble un­easy. He just about to speaks, be­hind broad­casts the Lei Tian­gang sound sud­denly: „Sect Mas­ter, but also few!”
Lei Qian­feng fierce turn­ing around: „Few one is any mean­ing......”
The words just ex­ported, he fierce re­sponse...... „Black Heart Poi­son Saint” for­merly threw to their dis­in­tox­i­cat­ing med­i­cine pill, should just be six, but he pru­dent, fed first is planted Thou­sand Souls Poi­son Soul Sect dis­ci­ple. But after him, loses to Lei Tian­gang and Lei Qiandu hastily, ac­tu­ally has five.
He for­merly ex­cited in ad­di­tion dis­tressed, un­ex­pect­edly has ne­glected this point.
Was fed the dis­in­tox­i­cat­ing pill's five peo­ple to shed the detox­i­ca­tion breath com­pletely, the com­plex­ion be­comes ruddy, does not have the color of pain again. Only re­mains one per­son, eager looks that other five broth­ers all get rid of deadly poi­son, dis­tressed , the whole body strug­gles is fierce, Lei Tian­gang shouted words that is makes him strug­gle fiercely: „Royal Fa­ther...... Mother...... Saves me quickly......”
But this only not detox­i­fied son...... Im­pres­sively is Lei Guangqian! Lei Qian­feng and Xiao Qing­tong re­main­ing only sons.
„Qian'er!” A Xiao Qing­tong pain, then loudly cursed an­grily: „You, why do not feed the an­ti­dote first to Qian'er!!”
„This......” Lei Tian­gang in a ter­ri­fied way said: „Madame ap­peases anger, I think in Great Elder am also three, who knows......”
Xiao Qing­tong just about to throws, but also re­sponded sud­denly that changed „Black Heart Poi­son Saint”, said anx­iously: „Se­nior Poi­son Saint, my hus­band his nat­ural dis­po­si­tion was over­sus­pi­cious, has wasted spirit med­i­cine, but also asked the se­nior to be­stow one again.”
„Snort!” Low and deep coldly snorted, mak­ing all per­son souls one cold: „Sus­pected the per­son who old man method what are many, the old man is also in­suf­fi­cient to care. But...... The med­i­cine of old man has given, your sons lived, counter- the face has ac­tu­ally come to bar­gain back and forth with the old man. Since your son's lives are so hum­ble, that dies 1-2!”
The voice of black clothed old man, com­pared with it for­merly ice-cold sev­eral fold, ob­vi­ously moved the real anger...... Bar­gain­ing of Lei Qian­feng, clearly moves his any taboo!
The Lei Qian­feng com­plex­ion again changes, but the Xiao Qing­tong plead­ing sound has al­most taken the weep­ing voice: „Se­nior Poi­son Saint, my hus­band he is un­ap­pre­cia­tive, af­fronts the se­nior, but this is far from the mean­ing of your ser­vant, your ser­vant for­merly per­son­ally had said that so long as can res­cue their lives, re­gard­less of any price, your ser­vant does not hes­i­tate.”
Lei Qian­feng moves the lip, the whole face gan color [say / way]: „Se­nior......”
„You shut up to me!” Lei Qian­feng just an exit / to speak, was an­grily re­buked sup­press­ing by Xiao Qing­tong one, she puts out a pur­ple crys­tal space ab­sten­tion from body fast, said: „Se­nior Poi­son Saint, seven spirit med­i­cine, seven hun­dred mil­lion pro­found stone, your ser­vant is will­ing then to pay the se­nior now.”
The black clothed old man vi­sion has swept, but cold in­tent has ac­tu­ally dis­persed: „Hey, that does not need, the old man never to fear that went into debt, be­cause dares to go into debt, died.”
Xiao Qing­tong looks im­me­di­ately joy­fully: „Said that Se­nior Poi­son Saint does agree to be­stow one again? your ser­vant Thanks Se­nior Poi­son Saint.”
Where the black clothed old man never knows pulls out dirty black wooden box slowly, places stone table in hand, the box opens, in­side has packed var­i­ous col­ors, var­i­ous types of big or medium pills, dis­in­tox­i­cat­ing pill who near half he threw a mo­ment ago, has swept, has 50 fully.
But the vi­sion of all peo­ple, in that flash that the box opens, such as by the ir­re­sistible power at­trac­tion, lock­ing firmly on that med­i­cine pill of wooden box cen­ter. This is in the en­tire wooden box biggest one, has the lon­gan size fully, other med­i­cine pill are the dark color, but it, ac­tu­ally as­sumes bright red.
But the na­tures of at­trac­tion all per­son at­ten­tion are not its ap­pear­ance, but is an in­com­pa­ra­bly mys­te­ri­ous and mys­te­ri­ous unique spir­i­tual en­ergy, is only the vi­sion moves merely, they clearly felt un­ex­pect­edly a clear un­der­stand­ing feel­ing straight pen­e­trat­ing soul, let the mind in­stan­ta­neous clear(ly), faintly was limpid in­clud­ing the vi­sion.
This aura hears some­thing never heard of be­fore, but this feel­ing was in­de­scrib­able that never has.
In the wooden box med­i­cine pill is nu­mer­ous, but this scar­let-red med­i­cine pill spir­i­tual en­ergy has pressed un­ex­pect­edly other. But seems like the most com­mon an­ti­dote, its for­mi­da­ble ef­fect they per­son­ally saw, then this scar­let-red med­i­cine pill...... Must be ex­tremely high-level with­out a doubt, may be called ex­is­tence of rare trea­sure.
Under their un­usual gazes, the black clothed old man pinched an­ti­dote slowly, leisurely said: „Wants the price to be ap­pro­pri­ate, the busi­ness does not cer­tainly have the rea­son not to do. But this, the price was dif­fer­ent from for­merly six.”
Be­fore with­ered hand ex­tends, but black wooden box that opens has not ac­tu­ally closed, what­ever that unique spir­i­tual en­ergy dis­si­pates: „This, wants three hun­dred mil­lion pro­found stone.”
„Any­thing! Three...... 300 mil­lion?” The Lei Qian­feng star­tled roar makes noise, eye­ball dif­fer­ence taps a drum lightly.
„Oh?” black clothed old man eyes partly nar­row the eyes: „It seems like, the ini­tial price of Heiya Realm King to old man is as be­fore un­sat­is­fied, that...... Five hun­dred mil­lion pro­found stone, how?”
[Say / Way] that „......” the Lei Qian­feng both legs one soft, hur­ried does not fall: „No, not...... 300 mil­lion, 300 mil­lion!”
„Does not need to lis­ten his!” Xiao Qing­tong ma­li­ciously hor­i­zon­tal Lei Qian­feng, is ac­tu­ally the in­com­pa­ra­bly de­ci­sive [say / way]: „Se­nior Poi­son Saint, since said five hun­dred mil­lion pro­found stone, that five hun­dred mil­lion pro­found stone! your ser­vant son's life, se­nior let alone five hun­dred mil­lion pro­found stone, want bil­lion pro­found stone, is the gra­cious gifts!”
The sound falls, she usu­ally han­dles gen­tly rev­o­lu­tions, in the hand pur­ple crys­tal ab­stains the ray to dodge, was pushed to the black clothed old man by her neatly: „In this al­to­gether is 1.1 bil­lion pro­found stone, but also asked Se­nior Poi­son Saint to ex­am­ine and ac­knowl­edge re­ceipt.”
Lei Qian­feng opened the opens mouth, has not ac­tu­ally made the sound.
Be­hind, from Lei Qiandu and Lei Tian­gang to or­di­nary Soul Sect dis­ci­ple, stares dumb­founded all. Lei Qiandu and Lei Tian­gang are in the heart sighed that Sect Mas­ter has been used to Heiya Realm cov­ers the sky, for­ever is over­bear­ing ar­ro­gant, es­pe­cially in re­cent years, is al­most year by year hot tem­pered testy. But spoke of the at­mos­pheric style, as well as how to deal with the dif­fer­ent peo­ple, es­pe­cially „per­son of high skill”, Madame Sect Mas­ter ac­tu­ally com­pared with Sect Mas­ter.
Also no won­der the Di­vine Mar­tial Realm peo­ple ob­vi­ously like Xiao Qing­tong...... Es­pe­cially Lei Qianyu Wu Guike mother and child.
„die rat­tles on to be cheer­ful ob­vi­ously, he who......” black clothed old man smiles does not have to in­spect pur­ple crys­tal to ab­stain the pro­found stone quan­tity, at a mod­er­ate pace re­ceives it, then in a dis­in­tox­i­cat­ing pill ball the hand, quite com­mended gen­tly: „Heiya Realm King, you, al­though is good-for-noth­ing, but ac­tu­ally mar­ried a good madame, what a pity, what a pity.”
Lei Qian­feng does not know that what speech/words by right, had the hol­low laugh two.
Xiao Qing­tong re­ceived the an­ti­dote, be­fore ar­riv­ing at the Lei Guangqian body hastily, has fed to him per­son­ally.
In the an­ti­dote is con­tain­ing the pu­rifi­ca­tion strength of Sky Poi­son Pearl, the na­ture is rapid, is the same with the first five peo­ple, ten breaths also over­flowed, the Lei Guangqian in­guinal bubo breath is com­pletely loose, in the mouth did not have the groan of pain.
After Xiao Qing­tong likes, ac­tu­ally hastily draws still weak Lei Guangqian to ar­rive in front of the black clothed old man: „Qian'er, Se­nior Poi­son Saint is your sav­ior, has the gra­cious­ness of restora­tion to you, kow­tows quickly the ex­pres­sion of grat­i­tude!”
Lei Guangqian lis­tens to the Xiao Qing­tong words very much, im­me­di­ately kneels down, „” is three knocks: „ju­nior Lei Guangmo, thanked the Se­nior Poi­son Saint life-sav­ing oblig­a­tion.”
This woman...... It is not a sim­ple role.
In the black clothed old man heart is think­ing, in mouth cloudy sound track: „Does not need to come these use­less things with the old man. You have at­tained the life, the old man has at­tained pro­found stone, since the busi­ness has com­pleted, you have not hur­ried!”
Xiao Qing­tong helps up Lei Guangqian, raises slightly say­ing: „Yes, that did not dis­turb Se­nior Poi­son Saint. Se­nior Poi­son Saint dur­ing Heiya Realm, if has leisure, but also please visit Soul Sect for the guest, Soul Sect de­cides by the hon­ored guest treats cour­te­ously it.”
Then, she looked at Lei Qian­feng one: „We walk.”
Lei Qian­feng im­me­di­ately has not ac­tu­ally stepped, his vi­sion, once for a while has swept that scar­let-red med­i­cine pill, after hes­i­tat­ing con­tin­u­ally, fi­nally has turned around, the prepa­ra­tion leaves.
„......” Help­lessly looks that the Lei Qian­feng prepa­ra­tion leaves, in the vi­sion that the black clothed old man knit­ting the brows head, sinks darkly flashes through the deep dis­ap­pointed color.
But the Lei Qian­feng ap­pear­ance com­pletely was ac­tu­ally watched by Xiao Qing­tong, she sud­denly has turned around, said to the black clothed old man: „Se­nior Poi­son Saint, your ser­vant also in­ci­dent.”
Does not wait for the black clothed old man to re­spond, the Xiao Qing­tong vi­sion is to ac­tu­ally go to that scar­let-red med­i­cine pill: „your ser­vant just now then in the heart had ex­claimed in sur­prise that dif­fer­ent of this pill spir­i­tual en­ergy, the en­tire life has not seen. It stems from the hand of Se­nior Poi­son Saint, wants to de­cide the ex­tra­or­di­nary thing. Does not know whether Se­nior Poi­son Saint grants in­struc­tion 12, quite makes your ser­vant open mind.”
„......” Black clothed old man is slightly slant­ing the eye to come: „This pill, named Scar­let Im­mor­tal Spirit Pill, the col­lec­tion sev­eral thou­sand poi­so­nous in­sect spirit grass re­fine, may the world myr­iad things, solve the world ten thou­sand tox­ins only.”
At the same time was say­ing, the black clothed old man took scar­let-red Pre­cious Pill di­rectly, but was such sim­ple tak­ing up, the spir­i­tual en­ergy of es­cape was rich im­me­di­ately the sev­eral fold, let Lei Qian­feng and the oth­ers is mind shakes, in heart as­ton­ished was in the ex­treme.
The black clothed old man con­tin­ues say­ing: „Under this pill takes, may wash the mar­row only body, thor­ough Pro­found En­trances, re­fin­ing up after com­pletely, under Di­vine Sov­er­eign, is dif­fi­cult the bot­tle­neck, and in 3,000 years, ten thou­sand do not in­vade poi­so­nously!”
The words of black clothed old man, are star­tled all peo­ple dumb­founded. The Lei Qian­feng vi­sion stretches straight, the throat wrig­gled con­tin­u­ously sev­eral. Xiao Qing­tong looked at Lei Qian­feng, said di­rectly: „So Di­vine Pill, does not know...... Can the se­niors be will­ing to give up what one trea­sures to sell?”
„Hey......” black clothed old man sin­is­ter smile: „Thing sus­pends, nat­u­rally is used to sell. How­ever this Scar­let Im­mor­tal Spirit Pill, the old man lived the num­ber thou­sand years, until now, re­fin­ing up three, your small Low-Rank sect, feared that can­not af­ford.”
One hear of this words, Xiao Qing­tong said im­me­di­ately: „Soul Sect, al­though is small, but fam­ily prop­erty was still abun­dant, the se­nior also in­vited the ini­tial price, can re­sult in the se­nior and so Di­vine Pill, was the rea­son of be­stowed by heaven, so the chance, how your ser­vant can be re­signed to miss.”
„It is good!” Is tak­ing „scar­let im­mor­tal Pre­cious Pill”, the black clothed old man has turned around: „Your this fe­male baby tem­per is re­ally is very good, the old man likes . The old men orig­i­nally were the prepa­ra­tion sold to Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm these old mon­sters it, since your this fe­male baby start to talk, that gave you an op­por­tu­nity...... Hey, has been pre­des­tined friends, but must think that your fam­ily prop­erty is thick enough.”
Black clothed old man an­other hand stretches out, the five fin­gers open slowly: „5 bil­lion pro­found stone.”
This as­tro­nom­i­cal fig­ures, are star­tled rear area the Soul Sect dis­ci­ple eye­ball al­most to jump out the eye socket.
The Lei Qian­feng body shook ob­vi­ously in a flash, but the re­sponse of Xiao Qing­tong ac­tu­ally many that he is calmer , is al­most [say / way] with­out hes­i­ta­tion: „5 bil­lion pro­found stone in­deed sky-high price. But so Di­vine Pill, even if loses every­thing ab­solutely is worth. Good...... Se­nior Poi­son Saint, this mir­a­cle cure, your ser­vant then bought.”
Lei Qian­feng fierce turn­ing the head looks to her, has not ac­tu­ally ex­ported to pre­vent, among the looks is quite in­stead ex­cited.
„......” Black clothed old man eyes have nar­rowed nar­row­ing the eyes slightly, in the reg­u­la­tions heart is ac­tu­ally a rave: I de­pend! 5 bil­lion...... 5 bil­lion pro­found stone! Such the brow does not wrin­kle buys? How many fam­ily prop­er­ties your Soul Sect these years have plun­dered!?
I must be short es­pe­cially!?
Be­fore owing me, hes­i­tated is being too ruth­less!
A Xiao Qing­tong not only de­ci­sion must buy, but also is very afraid „Black Heart Poi­son Saint” to re­nege on a promise, has put out an­other pur­ple crys­tal ab­sten­tion fast, after the ray dodges, has pushed to „Black Heart Poi­son Saint”: „Se­nior Poi­son Saint, in this is 5 bil­lion pro­found stone, but also asked the se­nior to take in­ven­tory.”
„He he he......” black clothed old man dry smil­ing of: „It seems like, the old man also was re­ally look down upon you. Hey, since the words have ex­ported, that has then given you!”
His palm flings, „Scar­let Im­mor­tal Spirit Pill” im­me­di­ately draws to­gether the scar­let-red arc, fell gen­tly light in the Xiao Qing­tong hand.
„med­i­cine pill that but, the old man sells, al­ways has a cus­tom.” The black clothed old man said sud­denly.
Xiao Qing­tong dou­ble han­dles gen­tly gath­ers to­gether „Scar­let Im­mor­tal Spirit Pill”, said: „your ser­vant hears, under the mir­a­cle cure that the se­nior be­stows, must take face to face. Does not know the se­nior refers, is this cus­tom?”
I go to this woman...... Does not need me to say!
The black clothed old man said: „You know well then. You are pre­pare to use for one­self, is......” his vi­sion slant­ing nearby Lei Qian­feng: „Can give this boy?”
Xiao Qing­tong raises slightly slightly: „A your ser­vant fe­male, must take the hus­band as the day even­tu­ally, there­fore......”
„This Scar­let Im­mor­tal Spirit Pill is your thing, even if threw did not have the least bit re­la­tions with the old man.” The black clothed old man in­ter­rupts her words, the vi­sion stares to Lei Qian­feng: „To this boy but ac­tu­ally also good. This boy has cul­ti­vated sev­eral thou­sand years of Thun­der At­tribute Pro­found Arts, dam­ages one­self fi­nally, for­merly should sup­port many years with var­i­ous spirit med­i­cine Spirit Stone, but even­tu­ally...... Hey, feared that has not been able thor­oughly the hu­mane dozens years.”
These words, let Lei Qian­feng and Xiao Qing­tong si­mul­ta­ne­ously are star­tled.
„If how­ever re­fin­ing up this Scar­let Im­mor­tal Spirit Pill com­pletely, three months, can re­store hu­man­ity , the pain of province your this fe­male baby has de­fended the lving widow.”
The Lei Qian­feng eye opens slowly, ex­cited [say / way]: „Se­nior...... This words...... Takes se­ri­ously!?”
„Snort!” Black clothed old man cold sound track: „How old man the use­less boys will talk ir­re­spon­si­bly like your this and other!”
Is Heiya Realm Great Realm King, ac­tu­ally by this „Black Heart Poi­son Saint” a boy, but he at this mo­ment not only does not have the least bit re­pug­nance not to be feel­ing well, in­stead only has the ex­cite­ment of being un­able to re­strain one­self.
The Thun­der At­tribute Pro­found Arts might is huge, but also ex­tremely Yi Shi and one­self. He after hav­ing youngest son Lei Guangmo, the hid­den wound is then dif­fi­cult to sup­press, the com­plete ex­plo­sion, mak­ing him lose hu­man­ity thor­oughly. This to the man, with­out doubt is the mat­ter of los­ing en­tirely dig­nity, let alone his solemn Heiya Realm King, Soul Sect Mas­ter.
With­out a doubt, he later in front of Xiao Qing­tong again is un­able raised the head, even if by her con­tin­u­ally shout­ing to scold, al­most never talked back, but out­side, the per­son­al­ity ac­tu­ally be­came be­cause of it more and more hot tem­pered testy.
Es­pe­cially when Lei Guangmo, does not have again, did not take a con­cu­bine again, in Heiya Realm oc­ca­sion­ally will also pass on the base­less rumor, is lets his vi­o­lent anger, feels ur­gently the shame.
But now, „Black Heart Poi­son Saint” after has been un­cov­er­ing his most shame scabs words that in the pres­ence of every­one spoke, to him with­out doubt is be­yond the day im­mor­tal sound.
„,” Lei Qian­feng did not say hastily: „Does not have to ques­tion that below cer­tainly the mean­ing of se­nior, the se­nior poi­so­nous tech­nique is ex­ceed­ingly high, the men­tal per­cep­tion like the torch, for­merly had eyes but failed to see below, does not know the per­son of high skill, now only whether there is ad­mir­ing com­pletely, if all such as the se­nior said that the se­nior was my Lei Qian­feng oblig­a­tion per­son.”
„Snort! Rub­bish, hur­ries to eat.” „Black Heart Poi­son Saint” im­pa­tient [say / way].
Lei Qian­feng takes „Scar­let Im­mor­tal Spirit Pill” from the Xiao Qing­tong hand hastily, deeply in­spires, then swal­lows.
Im­me­di­ately, pure spreads to the in­con­ceiv­able spir­i­tual en­ergy in­stan­ta­neously the whole body, like had the cool breeze of in­nu­mer­able [say / way] from an­cient times for­est to stroke each cor­ner of body, Spirit Sense, vi­sion, sense of smell and sense of hear­ing has awaked, the whole per­son as if had a feel­ing of broad­minded re­birth.
On the Lei Qian­feng face shows fa­cial ex­pres­sion that im­merses, not from closed road: „Re­ally is Di­vine Pill.”
„Is Di­vine Pill, after you re­fine it com­pletely, knew.” Looks at Lei Qian­feng to swal­low „Scar­let Im­mor­tal Spirit Pill”, in the eyes of black clothed old man flashes through to­gether the dark crafty light.
Looks at the Lei Qian­feng look, ap­par­ent „Scar­let Im­mor­tal Spirit Pill” surely is the ef­fect ex­tra­or­di­nary...... But this was also only just swal­lowed, has not built up. Xiao Qing­tong has done hastily obei­sance: „The gra­cious­ness of se­nior restora­tion, we do not cer­tainly have the tooth to be un­for­get­table.”
„Snort, does busi­ness, which comes these many false art.” The black clothed old man back passes away: „Busi­ness has com­pleted, where that back and forth where goes. Do not blame the old man not to re­mind you, here may every­where be col­or­less taste­less in­vis­i­ble deadly poi­son, you do not walk, the toxic gas en­ters the body, when the time comes feared that wants to walk can­not get away.”
In the Soul Sect peo­ple heart is one star­tled, holds one's breath hastily, and uni­fies the pro­found en­ergy guard in se­cret. Xiao Qing­tong said: „Al­ready so, that did not dis­turb the se­nior to be quiet, our then left. The se­niors felt re­lieved that you at the Heiya Realm mat­ter, we will not dis­close half char­ac­ter.”
„Hey, how said? How­ever is many sev­eral poi­so­nous in­sect that comes to bring death.” The sin­is­ter smile that the black clothed old man dis­dains, each char­ac­ter all over the body is send­ing coldly, the foot­steps that leaves on own ini­tia­tive did not speed up.
The Soul Sect's per­son leaves fast, when with com­ing aura of death is heavy, when leaves sim­ply over­joyed, sweeps the haze that Ling Yun brings, to „black” their en­tire more than 6 bil­lion pro­found stone „Black Heart Poi­son Saint” thanked pro­fusely sim­ply, in case the day fell the good for­tune.
After con­firm­ing them walks away, the black clothed old man in­spires ruth­lessly, body pro­found en­ergy ex­plodes, the azure black cape and dis­guise thing have bro­ken to pieces im­me­di­ately every­where, has re­vealed the true body...... Im­pres­sively is Yun Che!
His com­plex­ion at­trac­tive, the back was not moist­ened by the cold sweat ex­tremely com­pletely.
When his in­de­pen­dence fac­ing Lei Qian­feng hus­band and wife, as well as Soul Sect Chief Hall Mas­ter and Great Elder these ex­tremely char­ac­ter, the heavy pres­sure of each breath, as big is un­able to imag­ine as the av­er­age man.
But has the flaw slightly, the con­se­quence will be ten deaths and life­less.
His heav­ily sits falls to the ground, the respite of big mouth, breathes heav­ily after con­tin­u­ally sev­eral tones, the both arms wield, black qi that body, in the also stone cham­ber flut­ters dis­si­pates not to have the trace im­me­di­ately.
These black qi are he dark pro­found qi that re­leases from within the body Devil Source Pearl, in stone cham­ber ice-cold, pal­pi­ta­tion gloomy feel­ing, then pro­found en­ergy from these dark pro­found qi and union of cold ice, he does not dare to stay, looked for clothes to ex­change ca­su­ally, then runs away to the re­versed di­rec­tion that Lei Qian­feng they de­parted fast.
By his pro­found strength, wants to kill Lei Qian­feng is ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble.
But, his body can ac­tu­ally kill the Lei Qian­feng thing.
That is the toxin of Horned Dragon!
That by he is called as „Scar­let Im­mor­tal Spirit Pill” med­i­cine pill, was his lay­out such long key. From dis­sem­i­na­tion „Black Heart Poi­son Saint” news, to killing by poi­son Lei Guangmo, ar­rives again to his other six sons in­tox­i­cates, com­pelling him to look for „Black Heart Poi­son Saint”, is, „Scar­let Im­mor­tal Spirit Pill” feeds this to him!
Fishes his one while con­ve­nient again ma­li­ciously!
Be­cause its outer layer, is the Heav­enly Poi­son spir­i­tual en­ergy, but inner layer...... Ac­tu­ally is the toxin of Horned Dragon!
But, this most es­sen­tial one step nearly is ac­tu­ally de­feated, al­though Lei Qian­feng its was at­tracted ob­vi­ously, in the heart in­tent moves ex­tremely, has not in­quired about. Was good came a per­fect sec­ondary at­tack be­cause of Xiao Qing­tong...... And re­gard­less of „dis­in­tox­i­cat­ing pill”, is „Scar­let Im­mor­tal Spirit Pill”, mag­nan­i­mous pro­found stone that pays, is puts out by Xiao Qing­tong com­pletely, but is not Lei Qian­feng.
This made Yun Che see clearly a mat­ter: This Xiao Qing­tong sta­tus, is seem­ingly higher than this Lei Qian­feng. At least is she gov­ern­ing the Soul Sect's fi­nan­cial power?
Lei Qian­feng after is Di­vine King, but that „Scar­let Im­mor­tal Spirit Pill” is also doomed un­able to con­ceal the tox­ins of too many Horned Dragon, oth­er­wise is ex­tremely easy to ex­pose the poi­so­nous breath, there­fore, Lei Qian­feng after poi­son, if melts fully, will have greatly is killed very much pos­si­bly by poi­son.
But the Yun Che so un­told hard­ships, all these are also com­plete com­ple­tions, how also to be re­signed in this.
He then must do, is gives him to come to have one mis­for­tune after an­other!
„Lei Qian­feng, waits for death!”
Yun Che read one lowly, form van­ishes in the hori­zon of dis­tant place quickly.


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