Sunday, May 6, 2018

1073: Kicks the steel plate

#1073: Kicks the steel plate
Comments 141
The Yun Che foot­steps stop, has not ac­tu­ally turned head: „What mean­ing doesn't sell is?”
The words of black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son make all peo­ple look the sur­prise, Ji Ruyan is also the beau­ti­ful face slightly changes.
They have never ex­pe­ri­enced this mat­ter in Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce... Or in the Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce sev­eral thou­sand years his­tor­i­cal, never has.
„Nat­u­rally is the mean­ing in word­ing.”
The black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son moves to­ward Yun Che grad­u­ally, his man­ner does not have Ji Ruyan to be so gen­tle, a face still chill­ing: „In a mo­ment ago, caught this only Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit Sir to spread the news, pre­pares to take back from our hands Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit, such being the case, that this trans­ac­tion then in light of this re­lin­quished, there­fore can only be sorry. How­ever you could rest as­sured that your pur­ple pro­found stone, meets one point of many re­turn­ing to give you.”
In the mouth was say­ing „is sorry”, im­per­a­tive mood that but the ex­pres­sion ac­tu­ally clearly does not allow to re­ject.
„This...” Be­fore the Ji Ruyan half step ar­rives at the black clothed mid­dle age per­son, hes­i­tant, makes noise to ask: The thing that „Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce sells, will never take back, does not know... Had an ac­ci­dent?”
The black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son looked at her one eyes, in look­ing to Ji Ruyan, the vi­sion is lead­ing cold in­tent as be­fore, his lip moves slightly, passes mes­sage to her briefly.
„Ah!?” does not know that heard any­thing, Ji Ruyan un­ex­pect­edly was the flash beau­ti­ful face dis­as­trous in­ci­dent, under foot even all of a sud­den re­treat one step, re­ceived any huge fright­en­ing likely.
Yun Che just about to speaks, sud­denly felt that was grasped the Wood Spirit boy whole body in hand to cower by one­self, a small hand firmly held his lower hem cor­ner, the body of trem­bling also shrank his be­hind, ob­vi­ously in feared Yun Che to re­turn him.
Yun Che has turned around, the vi­sion stares to the black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son: „Is this your Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce style?”
„No, so!” The black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son has not opened the mouth, Ji Ruyan is the run­ning to­gether of two syl­la­bles in rapid speech said. Can pre­side over such trade fair, she con­trols the as­pect the abil­ity to be ab­solutely good, but at this time is ac­tu­ally pupil light trem­bling, ob­vi­ously is in the real heart the chaos: „Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce can stand erect for 50,000 years in Heiya Realm, all be­cause our ex­tremely heavy prin­ci­ple, the thing of sale force­fully will take back this mat­ter, your ser­vant en­sure never has. This sit­u­a­tion is quite spe­cial... This how, so long as the young mas­ter is will­ing to re­turn him, not only four hun­dred mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone re­turn the young mas­ter com­pletely, your ser­vant is will­ing to pre­sent the young mas­ter 50 mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone as apol­o­giz­ing, how doesn't know under young mas­ter in­tent?”
These words hear all peo­ple dumb­found­edly... Apol­o­giz­ing of 50 mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone! Even if to their this plane/level char­ac­ters, is an enor­mous digit. With­out doubt has the sin­cer­ity ex­tremely.
„, Prin­ci­ple?” Yun Che is ac­tu­ally sneers one: „Con­ducts this to not ex­posed to the light the cham­ber of com­merce of trade fair, un­ex­pect­edly also has a face to pro­pose the prin­ci­ple?”
Taunt that Yun Che is not for­giv­ing, he thinks the op­po­site party can care about noth­ing smile to ten­derly right, has not thought that Ji Ruyan is ac­tu­ally the com­plex­ion fierce one white, the broad and hand­some fore­head dan­gles, heav­ily has bit­ten the lip, does not have a lan­guage re­but­tal.
Yun Che: „???”
Yun Che stares to the black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son, the [say / way] of un­emo­tion­ally: „You have made a mis­take prob­a­bly com­pletely a mat­ter. This pay­ment pro­found stone, I al­ready one point many have given you, this Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit also ar­rived in my hand, the trans­ac­tion was al­ready closed, then, that four hun­dred mil­lion pro­found stone are your things, but this Wood Spirit, is my thing, did not have the least bit re­la­tions with your Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce, takes back? You did not have the qual­i­fi­ca­tions to say these two char­ac­ters prob­a­bly com­pletely.”
In­door peo­ple all turn very quiet, looks at each other in blank dia­may. Here is the Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce do­main, no­body dares here hur­riedly. But the sta­tus of that black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son, many peo­ple faintly guessed cor­rectly, in the heart in­com­pa­ra­bly dreaded why this is also from be­gin­ning to end no­body dares to in­quire about this Black-robed Man sta­tus to Ji Ruyan.
No one has thought that Yun Che when fac­ing this Black-robed Man, can be un­ex­pect­edly so strong in ad­di­tion leaves no ground.
„He He, the young peo­ple, the speech so im­pul­sive good.” The black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son was ac­tu­ally thin smile: „You said but ac­tu­ally also right, since the trans­ac­tion is closed, then this Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit has only be­longed to you, must come back force­fully, in­deed is im­proper. But I must re­mind you, wants this only Wood Spirit that per­son, I can­not stir up, you can­not stir up. You are hon­est to hand over him to be quite good, all may live in peace with each other. Oth­er­wise, the con­se­quence feared that is you can­not un­der­take.”
Very ob­vi­ously, he does not want no con­sid­er­a­tion for face. After all, Yun Che can fling four hun­dred mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone coolly . More­over the spirit is as­ton­ish­ing, has the greatly strength­ened back­ground and fam­ily back­ground ab­solutely, does not ar­rive to have no other choice, good that nat­u­rally thor­oughly does not of­fend.
As every­one knows... Yun Che let alone any back­ground, a com­pan­ion does not have now, com­pletely is all alone!
„This young mas­ter, if the com­pen­sa­tion of 50 mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone is still in­suf­fi­cient, you com­pletely may put for­ward the con­di­tion, so long as your ser­vant, cer­tainly sat­is­fies in one's power the young mas­ter.” The Ji Ruyan light lan­guage said that in the pupil light of fine mo­tion is bring­ing some plead­ing, also... Anx­ious?
Yun Che just about to opens the mouth, near the ear ac­tu­ally sud­denly re­sounds passes mes­sage from Ji Ruyan: „Young Mas­ter Ling Yun, plead­ing you also to come back him im­me­di­ately. The sit­u­a­tion must by far com­pared with se­ri­ous many that you imag­ine, in­volved High-Rank Star Realm! More­over, you this per­son ori­gin is very at pre­sent big, has not been will­ing to of­fend you to hurry while him to obey thor­oughly in him, oth­er­wise... He not only will rob force­fully, also will pos­si­bly kill you to elim­i­nate a po­ten­tial in­for­mant!”
High-Rank Star Realm, to Low-Rank Star Realm, is just likes heav­enly palace gen­eral ex­is­tence. If im­pli­cates High-Rank Star Realm, even if a Low-Rank Star Realm king, will be star­tled the ghastly pale look, hur­ried does not fall hands over Wood Spirit.
But was a pity, their this meets is ac­tu­ally Yun Che. His eye nar­rows the eyes slightly, ac­tu­ally ig­nores to passes mes­sage of Ji Ruyan, is sneer­ing a sound track to the black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son: „He is my thing, if I do not hand over, how you can I?”
„Young Mas­ter!” Ji Ruyan shouted lightly.
„He he he.” The black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son ex­udes the mys­ti­fy­ing laugh­ter, but on the face does not have the happy ex­pres­sion of least bit: „It seems like, you must pro­pose a toast do not eat to be made to drink as a for­feit!”
Along with his change of tonal­ity and look, en­tire stone cham­ber sud­denly be­came has con­strained.
„He he he.” Yun Che is ex­ud­ing the sim­i­lar laugh­ter: „What's wrong? Is thick the fa­cial skin to de­mand in­ad­e­quately, steal­ing openly that prepa­ra­tion is not con­cerned about face com­pletely?”
The black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son has not spo­ken again, cloudy and cold Kuangfeng curls up sud­denly, his en­tire pho­to­graph is one black hawk that runs out of the dark night, the speed the five fin­gers that if quickly the thun­der, opens grasp to the Yun Che be­hind Wood Spirit boy.
The black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son gets rid sud­denly, Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm for­mi­da­ble pro­found en­ergy surges in the stone cham­ber, is star­tled sits with­draws in the front per­son.
Yun Che pushes to be­hind the Wood Spirit boy, Heaven Smit­ing Sword has grasped in the hand, Pur­ga­tory opens, wel­comes a Black-robed Man sword that is throw­ing to sweep away.
Al­though Yun Che pro­found strength, only then Di­vine Soul Realm Sec­ond Level, in the black clothed mid­dle age per­son eyes rad­i­cally in­suf­fi­cient is the worry, but his throws 400 mil­lion and ice air/Qi how­ever makes him save one point of scru­ples to the Yun Che's fam­ily back­ground through­out, even if there­fore gets rid, grasps to Wood Spirit, but has not at­tacked Yun Che. Has not ac­tu­ally thought that Yun Che under the pres­tige of Di­vine Tribu­la­tion he erupts, not only does not have to flee to leave star­tled, in­stead re­vealed that the weapon wel­comed di­rectly to his at­tack.
This laugh­able „a man­tis try­ing to stop a char­iot” makes Black-robed Man sneer: „Idiot of act­ing reck­lessly, courts death...”
The voice has not fallen, his com­plex­ion then fierce changes, the power storm of com­ing such as the going to sea flood dragon, presses him in­stan­ta­neously to suf­fo­cate, the com­plex­ion is star­tled changes.
Rum­bling --- -
In giant bel­low that all peo­ple are un­ex­pected, all stone table stone chair com­plete dis­in­te­gra­tions.
pro­found strength storm blast­ing open cen­ter, black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son stuffy, re­treat, dor­sal col­li­sion ma­li­ciously on rear stone wall, has the high level pro­found mark pro­tec­tion wall to shake in a panic is split up, his fierce raise one's head, the eye pupil did not have for­merly as­sured gloomy again, only had deep shock­ing and un­be­liev­able, his right arm was shiv­er­ing slightly, al­most passed out.
This, mak­ing in the stone cham­ber all peo­ple dumb­founded... That scary power, came from a Di­vine Soul Realm per­son a mo­ment ago un­ex­pect­edly? And... Has re­pelled Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm un­ex­pect­edly di­rectly!?
„You a mo­ment ago... Said that what is com­ing?” Yun Che nar­rows the eyes to focus on the seam, slowly said.
„You!” The black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son look has changed, in the five fin­gers that the numb ooze of right arm, his low roar, opens sud­denly flashes through to­gether black light­ning sud­denly, jet black Spear has grasped in the hand, on the spear|gun light­ning light ten True Dragon are danc­ing in the air, straight thrust Yun Che.
„Black Soul Light­ning Star... He is re­ally the Soul Sect's per­son.” The per­son of stone cham­ber rear end shouted lightly.
The Yun Che brow sinks, the Wood Spirit boy back­ward fierce pushes, be­fore body sud­denly throws, the black thun­der that the front ap­proaches such as the mon­ster snake dances in the air, he ac­tu­ally com­pletely looks but not see, pounds down with the Falling Moon Sink­ing Star di­rect sword.
Under the Wood Spirit boy pushed to be pushed to fly in Yun Che di­rectly, dis­tant fell down. Stay­ing of his fright­ened non- han­dling there, has for­got­ten at once stand­ing up.
But be­hind him does not ar­rive at dis­tance of hun­dred feet, is whole face star­tled color Ying Yushan. Looks at hand Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit, he after hes­i­tates short, clenches teeth fiercely, moves side­ways to run out, grasps to the Wood Spirit boy.
spear and sword bumps into, is al­most the flash, spear|gun body black pro­found light­ning com­pletely is then de­feated and dis­persed, nine feet spear|gun's body di­rectly curved be­comes the wan­ing moon, under the un­be­liev­able great strength, black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son whole body in­tense shock, then the foot does not moisten fly­ing up­side down of place, dor­sal once more col­li­sion ma­li­ciously on stone wall.
Rum­bles ---
stone wall that in a mo­ment ago then been cracked col­lapses loudly, Black-robed Man grasps the both arms of Light­ning Soul Spear to trem­ble in the numb­ness, the cor­ners of the mouth, over­flowed a scar­let blood thread im­pres­sively.
A sword bang draws back Black-robed Man, Yun Che after in­stead shakes the strength turns, bring­ing in­tense storm to plunge to ap­proach Ying Yushan of Wood Spirit boy, a fist pounds down.
Tries Ying Yushan that picks to leak not to think Yun Che that com­pletely just kicked out in­stan­ta­neously will turn back un­ex­pect­edly, his only with enough time star­tled how­ever raise one's head, Yun Che's fist then al­ready pound­ing of heav­ily in his chest... That flash, he felt that own whole body bone as if flash com­pletely dis­rupts, one blood fog di­rect in­jec­tion sev­eral feet, the whole body flies hor­i­zon­tally in the piti­ful yell sound, pounds ma­li­ciously on stone cham­ber end stone wall, shakes en­tire stone cham­ber fierce trem­bling.
The Ying Yushan body falls to the ground, after twitch­ing ma­li­ciously sev­eral next, then did not have the sound, only fast spread of large pool blood under body.
Sur­round­ings, no­body for­wards, but slowly re­treat in alarmed and afraid. Ying Yushan pro­found strength, but has reached the Di­vine Soul Realm peak. But Yun Che, clearly has Di­vine Soul Realm Sec­ond Level... Ac­tu­ally by a fist, merely is a fist then se­vere wound stu­por!!
The Yun Che's be­hind storm wells up crazily, body of black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son, has ap­peared at this time a huge black snake shade, whole body light­ning neighed, a spread of ter­ror peer­less aura ex­tremely fast.
„Soul Sect's... Black Light­ning Snake!” A per­son calls out in alarm said.
„Boy... This is you... Brings upon one­self!” The black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son com­plex­ion is gloomy, clenches jaws.
light­ning light neighed, roared with Black-robed Man one, that black snake shade such as lived sud­denly gen­er­ally, bring­ing his body all light­ning to flee above the spear|gun's body, im­me­di­ately, Black Soul Spear changed to a fierce black great snake, opened the dark fang, bring­ing ter­ror light­ning to rip to Yun Che.
Was re­pelled by Yun Che two times, Black-robed Man in a blaze of pas­sion, has not dared to have the least bit again has a low opin­ion of the enemy or re­tains, but in his heart also started to lose pres­ence of mind fright­ened... Be­cause be­fore him, sim­ply does not have only then Di­vine Soul Realm ini­tial pe­riod pro­found strength Yun Che will place in the eye, thus was not wor­ried com­pletely he can carry off Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit from his hand.
But he has a dream has not thought that this clearly has Di­vine Soul Realm Sec­ond Level pro­found strength Yun Che, the strength un­ex­pect­edly is the ter­ror of com­pletely in­com­pat­i­ble com­mon sense! His fright­ened is not Yun Che, but if car­ried off Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit by Yun Che, then, his con­se­quence dies the far ratio also wants piti­ful many!
Ob­tains the Mu Xu­anyin Ice Phoenix Pri­mor­dial Yin not two days, he can­not un­der­stand the pre­sent strength to ar­rive at what level com­pletely, but after feel­ing this has Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm ini­tial pe­riod pro­found strength Black-robed Man ac­tu­ally not to other party to be­come Taida op­pres­sion, he is in­com­pa­ra­bly as­sured, fac­ing he un­re­ten­tive at­tack, Yun Che shoves open a Wood Spirit boy palm again as be­fore, wel­comed di­rectly on.
This time, the Wood Spirit boy was pushed to is far­ther, but there is learn­ing from an­other's mis­takes of Ying Yushan, does not have one per­son to dare to for­ward again.
„De­stroy­ing Sky Dec­i­mat­ing Earth!!”
Black-robed Man Black Light­ning Snake is very fear­ful, but power that Yun Che rum­bles, wanted the sev­eral fold in for­merly, in power storm that in Heaven Smit­ing Sword cov­ered, Black Light­ning Snake was de­pressed im­me­di­ately ma­li­ciously, but such as was en­raged im­me­di­ately thor­oughly, ex­uded one, wel­comed the pro­found strength storm to throw, anti- sword pres­tige.
If the high­est heaven thun­der is born, this deep store­house un­der­ground stone cham­ber in shiv­er­ing is crack­ing fast.
„What...?” Black-robed Man mid­dle-aged per­son both eyes stare in a big way, the ex­pres­sion of that dis­tor­tion such as sees the ghosts and gods. He can­not be­lieve in any event, own power... Own fully, was blocked by Yun Che un­ex­pect­edly di­rectly!
It is not right, should say that was he has re­sisted Yun Che's power... Also re­luc­tantly re­sists.
The Yun Che's face ice-cold and quiet, but sup­ports Black Light­ning Snake Black-robed Man is ac­tu­ally being the both arms con­tin­ues to trem­ble again, the whole body stream­ing with sweat, presses on the spear|gun, the body great strength, seems like re­vers­ing to his ten thou­sand zhang (3.33 m) moun­tain slowly.
„You...” Heavy Sword de­presses slowly, the Black Soul Spear lit­tle bend, the plate starts to send out the wail above Black Light­ning Snake, the eye pupil of Black-robed Man en­larges grad­u­ally, is con­dens­ing more and more in­tense panic-stricken.
Bang... Day!
In the Yun Che's heart read lowly, Evil God Fourth Level pass/test heart­less open­ing.
Black Light­ning Snake that pro­found strength sud­denly to in­crease, can sup­port sud­denly by stren­u­ous ef­forts calls out in grief, the smash­ing that in­stan­ta­neously ripped, the Black-robed Man both arms bone breaks to pieces com­pletely, sprin­kled the blood to fly in the berserk pro­found strength storm, Black Soul Spear let go to de­part.
The Yun Che arm grasps, at­tracts Black Soul Spear in the hand, flings sud­denly.
If black me­teor flashes through to­gether, Black Soul Spear ac­cu­rate in­com­pa­ra­ble pricked the right chest of Black-robed Man, passes through heart­lessly, flew him hor­i­zon­tally the body solid nail in the ground, the blood stream has spurted place.
Stone cham­ber fi­nally peace­ful, ex­cept for sound that the blood wan­ders about des­ti­tute fast, the breath­ing was un­able to hear.
Ji Ruyan stands in not far away, is beau­ti­ful face chang­ing col­ors, is un­able to say a word. Rear au­di­ences Heiya pro­found prac­ti­tioner stick to wall, stares dumb­founded, the whole body sweats, let alone makes noise, does not dare to breathe heav­ily the at­mos­phere.
Di­vine Soul Realm Sec­ond Level... Short sev­eral putting in an ap­pear­ance crush cause heavy losses to a Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm pow­er­house!
They see what one never saw be­fore, hear some­thing never heard of be­fore!! Even is un­able to imag­ine what kind plane to train such mon­ster.
The Wood Spirit boy stays on the ground, both eyes con­tin­u­ously looks at Yun Che, but, he as if has for­got­ten the fear, what in both eyes flashes is an ex­cep­tion­ally ra­di­ant ray.
Yun Che for­wards grad­u­ally, not the heavy sound of foot­steps, ac­tu­ally likely stepped on above the hearts of all peo­ple. Be­fore he ar­rives at the Black-robed Man body, is over­look­ing him cold at this time the piti­ful ap­pear­ance, leisurely said: „Later needs help from the per­son time, the man­ner is best tem­per­ately, if oth­er­wise meets like me un­for­tu­nately the per­son... Courts death!”


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