Friday, May 11, 2018

1110: unexpected harvest

#1110: unexpected harvest
Comments 81
The Soul Sect Sect Head­quar­ters sky, in­nu­mer­able pro­found en­ergy are flee­ing up­wardly, changes to pro­found en­ergy mighty cur­rents, all emerges in star of slow re­volv­ing, until does not have pro­found en­ergy that can at­tract gath­ers again.
The Lit­tle Jas­mine pupil light dodges, shat­tered of star in a re­sound­ing, but along with its shat­tered, slightly pro­found en­ergy has not ac­tu­ally been de­feated and dis­persed, was an­ni­hi­lated in star un­ex­pect­edly com­pletely, along with star dis­ap­pear­ance, but melts in in­vis­i­ble, was sim­i­lar to fell into un­known void.
Soul Sect Sect Head­quar­ters all peo­ple... pro­found strength dries up com­pletely, is pre­cisely un­re­cov­er­able thor­ough de­ple­tion, is no ex­cep­tion.
Send­ing silk of dis­pers­ing grad­u­ally flut­ters, the Lit­tle Jas­mine pupil light re­moved the dark green blue color, looked at dis­tant place one, she hap­pily has smiled: „This was good, hee hee, I was re­ally too in­tel­li­gent... Plays!”
Has turned around, wipes de­par­ture that the color movie jumps, as if did an or­di­nary mat­ter.
The dis­tant place, Wu Chengyan has turned for a long time round in the shock, was pro­tected by him in be­hind Wu Guike has ap­peared the weak shape, that fear­ful peer­less pres­sure, was far from he can with­stand a mo­ment ago.
„Young Mas­ter, she... She is...”
Girl's age and ap­pear­ance, that Caiyi (coloured clothes), as well as „Falling Star De­stroy­ing Light Array”, how he can­not be­lieve again that fear­ful name heav­ily presently in the mind, lets his soul surg­ing star­tled day wild waves as be­fore.
„...” Wu Guike holds Wu Chengyan to stand up, both legs un­con­trolled trem­bling, he has been trans­fer­ring the eye as be­fore, looked to the dis­tant place al­ready soul de­stroyed/ter­ror-stricken Lei Qian­feng and the oth­ers, slowly made the gloomy sound: „Ex­tin­guishes... Mouth!”
Wu Chengyan lifts the hand, pro­found light, in an in­stant, was abol­ished pro­found strength Lei Qian­feng and the oth­ers the com­plete body to trem­ble, the body sur­face is seam­less, did not have the con­scious­ness thor­oughly.
Wu Chengyan Di­vine Sov­er­eign Realm pro­found strength, must kill them to be easy as pie, do not say that they had been aban­doned pro­found strength.
Lit­tle Jas­mine has not gone out far, then re­al­ized that rear area Wu Chengyan and Wu Guike aura also van­ishes, ob­vi­ously does not dare to stay, de­parts in a panic.
The eye­brow of Lit­tle Jas­mine bends, in small hand pinches two Pro­found Im­agery Stone slowly, the lip angle shows the small smile sa­tan­i­cally.
--- --- --- --- --- ---
Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce.
Al­though in the heart the in­ten­tion has hope that but Yun Che is also very clear, one­self pre­sent strength is mean , the back does not have to de­pend on, wants to find Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade and Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass pos­si­ble small ex­tremely be­fore Pro­found God Con­fer­ence. Rel­a­tively speak­ing, de­pends upon the prac­tice to achieve Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm in two years, al­though the sim­i­lar hope is un­cer­tain, will be very likely is some of he fi­nally only choices.
Ji Ruyan has strong iso­la­tion for­ma­tion for prac­tice room that he arranges, is very peace­ful, here, he can achieve the true re­lief not to have the duck. But, has not known how long, his eye closed, time have opened once again, through­out is un­able to calm the mind truly.
In­sists on en­ter­ing God Realm with Mu Bingyun, his only ob­ses­sion, sees Jas­mine.
Mu Xu­anyin, his sec­ond Pro­found Dao Mas­ter, she such as the ice im­mor­tal above clouds, is ac­tu­ally com­ing un­re­ten­tive good to his Lower Realm, in his heart end­less grat­i­tude, should sim­i­larly the un­re­ten­tive re­pay­ment, ac­tu­ally... Only can run away dis­tress­edly.
When he not can want to see her once more, can be what kind of scene and con­se­quence. But ac­tu­ally in­nu­mer­able re­mem­bers her voice and face, was wor­ried she cur­rently does have to re­gain con­scious­ness, does the in­jury have to change for the bet­ter.
also dies, in he cher­ishes He Lin... They ob­vi­ously only then very short oc­cur­ring to­gether, but his death, his final tears, words and wor­ry­ing, ac­tu­ally ex­tremely heavy has touched the most deep place of his in­ner­most feel­ings.
He wanted to find Jas­mine, wanted to find He Lin's Elder Sis­ter, even also sev­eral times flashed through Snow Song Realm to the thought that Mu Xu­anyin apol­o­gized...
„Shouted!” Gasp­ing for breath of heav­ily, Yun Che opens eye, sky over looks, peace­ful a day, his look is ac­tu­ally not gen­tle, but is an empty con­fused­ness: „Jas­mine... I...”
„Young Mas­ter Ling Yun, can I come in?”
A wisp of very light sound con­veys, Yun Che stands up, walks to open the door of prac­tice room, looks at Ji Ruyan to stand there, ten­der face red­den, is mix­ing the in­tense ex­cite­ment and ur­gency, his cu­ri­ous [say / way]: „Miss Ruyan, what hap­pened?”
„Soul Sect...” Some Ji Ruyan slightly asth­mas: „Soul Sect's per­son... Com­pletely... Ended!”
„...?” Yun Che knit the brows: Words that „you spoke... What mean­ing? Soul Sect how?”
Ji Ruyan breathes heav­ily lightly some lit­tle time, is tran­quil: „Just Soul Sect Sect Head­quar­ters spread the news, that side had the ex­tremely strange im­por­tant mat­ter, en­tire sect is not known but sud­denly from where to the blue light cov­ers, then, Soul Sect high and low all peo­ple, from dis­ci­ple to elder, in ten count breaths, pro­found strength was aban­doned com­pletely!”
„...” The Yun Che eye­lid jumped jump­ing, con­firmed a Ji Ruyan look and ex­pres­sion re­peat­edly: „To have how pos­si­bly this mat­ter?”
Ji Ruyan said: „I am un­able to be­lieve that but my fa­ther goes to con­firm per­son­ally that all are ab­solutely true. Be­fore Black Soul Moun­tain, the fa­ther they have also dis­cov­ered the Lei Qian­feng corpse!”
„... That Di­vine Mar­tial Realm per­son?” Yun Che brow big wrin­kle, is un­able to un­der­stand.
Soul Sect Sect Head­quar­ters has 8 mil­lion peo­ple fully, he once had en­tered by Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow, its not only the scale is huge, but also the pow­er­house is ex­tremely nu­mer­ous, is en­tire Heiya Realm most top layer, is the most ter­ror­ist place... Com­pletely had been aban­doned ac­tu­ally pro­found strength?
This lets fan­tasy story that the per­son is un­able to be­lieve and un­der­stand rad­i­cally!
Per­son who „does not have Di­vine Mar­tial Realm, should leave. And...” Ji Ruyan beau­ti­ful eyes is flash­ing the dif­fer­ent light: „Will have this mat­ter, the only pos­si­bil­ity, was Di­vine Mar­tial Realm King loses the Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit in­ci­dent to move the real anger to Soul Sect... Young Mas­ter Ling Yun pos­si­bly to the Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit knowl­edge slightly few, even if Di­vine Mar­tial Realm King that ex­isted, will also earnestly seek to Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit, will hear Soul Sect to ob­tain Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit to be wild with joy surely, in know­ing and los­ing after the hand of Soul Sect, will fly into a rage is the nor­mal mat­ter.”
This point, Yun Che will not feel strange. That day in Wood Spirit Se­cret Realm, gave his Qing Mu once per­son­ally to say wife's Wood Spirit Bead, in the past for the per­son who Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit Bead killed the Wood Spirit Race long --- also He Lin par­ents, was East­ern God Ter­ri­tory to had Brahma Em­peror God Realm high!
In­clud­ing King Realm so, let alone Di­vine Mar­tial Realm!
But had en­trusted with Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit Bead him by He Lin, why is clearer than it to incur such saliva in so­ci­ety any­body.
„Al­though Di­vine Mar­tial Realm and Soul Sect have re­la­tions by mar­riage to re­late, but by Di­vine Mar­tial Realm plane/level, basic im­pos­si­ble places in Soul Sect the eye. Di­vine Mar­tial Realm King moved the real anger, must de­stroy com­pletely Soul Sect not to have any scru­ples. Abol­ishes pro­found strength of Sect Head­quar­ters all peo­ple in a short time com­pletely, if Di­vine Mar­tial Realm, de­cides how­ever can achieve, more­over only then Di­vine Mar­tial Realm has this pos­si­bil­ity.”
Ji Ruyan was say­ing at the same time, just slow below ex­cited re­veals in speech and ap­pear­ance once more. Be­cause, this re­sult solely is not the Soul Sect de­struc­tion is so sim­ple, but also means that was im­mo­bi­lized mil­len­ni­ums Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce thor­oughly to get rid of the shack­les by the Soul Sect op­pres­sion.
Is forced to draw more and more black abyss, ac­tu­ally sees in this day sud­denly Yun Kai the moon/month, this far more than is pleas­antly sur­prised, sim­ply likely is the new stu­dent of heaven gra­cious gift.
„Young Mas­ter Ling Yun, Soul Sect was low­ered so the heavy fine by Di­vine Mar­tial Realm, sev­eral near de­struc­tion, are your merit.” Ji Ruyan lifts the pupil. In pupil light of rock­ing is hav­ing the deep grat­i­tude: „If not for ini­tially you stole that to be only young from the Soul Sect hand Wood Spirit, will not have the fruit of today, my Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce will not leave the shack­les in light of this, Ruyan, also Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce, al­ways does not for­get your oblig­a­tion.”
„...” Yun Che is ac­tu­ally the brow tight wrin­kle, did not re­spond to the Ji Ruyan fol­low­ing words, some lit­tle time, he re­sem­bles to think aloud: „Dis­cards 8 mil­lion peo­ple of pro­found strength, even also a large part is Di­vine Dao pro­found prac­ti­tioner, the dif­fi­culty, as well as the strength of con­sump­tion, com­pared with all kill them wanted on a big way not to know many times, but also has left be­hind such many words to redicule about in light of this. Since is angry the se­vere pun­ish­ment, why has not killed com­pletely, in­stead big fee flus­tered all aban­doned them?”
Ji Ruyan said: „Per­haps, is too cer­tainly, after all, the younger sis­ter of Lei Qian­feng Di­vine Mar­tial Realm does not want to do is the con­cu­bine of Di­vine Mar­tial Realm.”
„Why can that ac­tu­ally kill Lei Qian­feng? More­over be­fore you, has said that the per­son who Di­vine Mar­tial Realm comes has two, in Wu Guike --- Di­vine Mar­tial Realm was most im­pos­si­ble kills the Lei Qian­feng per­son?”
„This...” Ji Ruyan does not know that should make what ex­pla­na­tion: „Al­though some in­com­pat­i­ble com­mon senses, but the re­sult is so, more­over only may be Di­vine Mar­tial Realm do. Es­corts should be Di­vine Sov­er­eign that Wu Guike comes, this grade of plane/level mas­ter works only as one de­sires wants, homi­cide Lei Qian­feng ac­tu­ally does not kill the Soul Sect's per­son, in­stead abol­ishes pro­found strength them com­pletely, very pos­si­ble this is he wants such to do purely.”
Yun Che hates to Lei Qian­feng ex­tremely, he has taken the huge ef­fort, after hav­ing taken the enor­mous risk, him com­pels into the dead bound­ary, the ar­rival of Di­vine Mar­tial Realm to make him think that has fallen short, has not thought that pre­sented a such re­sult. But he has not thought in light of this pleased, what in­stead are more is strange.
„What con­di­tion that side Soul Sect the pre­sent is? Was gath­ered many peo­ple?” Yun Che said sud­denly.
Ji Ruyan shakes the head: „Fa­ther dis­persed news de­sir­ably, be­cause in­volved Di­vine Mar­tial Realm, in­stead no­body was near, Soul Sect major Branch Sect com­pletely Bi sect, the every­body feels in­se­cure, did not have one to dare to ap­proach Sect Head­quar­ters.”
„That Lei Qian­feng corpse also in?”
„In, more­over is very com­plete.” Ji Ruyan re­veals the doubts: „Young Mas­ter Ling Yun?”
„Sect Head­quar­ters ended thor­oughly, even if also mas­sive Branch Sect, by the hates of Soul Sect these year of in­cur­ring, it is es­ti­mated that cer­tainly do not have the way out, this is also the ret­ri­bu­tion that they early should ob­tain.” Yun Che said with deep ven­er­a­tion: „Is the hand that Di­vine Mar­tial Realm moves is unim­por­tant, I am also dis­in­clined to get rid to Soul Sect again, but... I want to carry off the Lei Qian­feng corpse!”
Ji Ruyan one sur­prised, then nods the head slowly: „Nat­u­rally does not have the issue. I send greet­ings the fa­ther im­me­di­ately, mak­ing per­son be far away from the re­gion that the Lei Qian­feng corpse is.”
--- --- --- --- ---
Black Soul Moun­tain Range.
Close to Soul Sect, here aura at­mos­phere was en­tirely dif­fer­ent from the past.
Once dan­ger­ous feel­ing and con­stric­tion dis­ap­peared com­pletely, in the air, filled dis­mal and de­spair that a dis­tant place was dis­si­pat­ing.
From run­ning amuck Heiya Realm over­lord, sud­denly has be­come a nest dis­abled per­son, on this day hall and hell drop­ping vari­ance, with­out doubt is the night­mare that is un­able to wake up, but at Soul Sect these years in the Heiya Realm evil rep­u­ta­tion and ac­tions, their re­sults how, it can be imag­ined.
Black Soul Di­vine Sect, such does not have the omen, even is some­what be­wil­dered... Thor­ough end­ing.
Ac­cord­ing to the po­si­tion that Ji Ruyan in­forms, Yun Che found the Lei Qian­feng corpse to be at quickly.
Here land is very smooth, seemed to be that the storm has curled. Lei Qian­feng corpse is es­pe­cially con­spic­u­ous. His side, also sev­eral Soul Sect's peo­ple, looked from their at­tire that these peo­ple ab­solutely are not low in the Soul Sect's sta­tus, but they are the same with Lei Qian­feng, did not have the sound.
Yun Che from air­borne falls, coldly is star­ing at Lei Qian­feng. This Heiya Realm Great Realm King, that dif­fer­ence in du­ra­tion of sun­shine calls the roll of of­fi­cers and as­sign them tasks the per­son who he com­pels into the death­trap, the loath­some ap­pear­ance is not tran­quil. His both eyes cir­cle stares, dies with in­jus­tice unre­dressed, but re­fracts was ac­tu­ally not the fear to the death, but was the dead grey cav­ity, likely in dying to with­stand the huge de­spair, be­fore the body died, the soul then pre­de­ceased.
„Lei Qian­feng, should be your where­abouts these in­no­cent Wood Spirit apol­o­gizes!” Yun Che read one lowly, arm stretches out, corpse crude work­ing of Lei Qian­feng.
Just about to grabs Lei Qian­feng to fly from, near the ear ac­tu­ally sud­denly hears a slight jade falling sound, one side of the Yun Che vi­sion, saw a pur­ple space ring, since falls from Lei Qian­feng body, that nat­u­rally was he wears.
The good and evil is Heiya Realm King, his body space ring, is stock­pil­ing mas­sive pro­found stone and rare trea­sures surely. Yun Che puts out a hand to grasp, at­tracts that space ring, the thought sweeps at will, has ac­tu­ally gawked.
Be­cause of this Lei Qian­feng body space ring, in­side has de­posited un­ex­pect­edly only four dif­fer­ent stones.
And two, are or­di­nary Pro­found Im­agery Stone, an­other two, small that lon­gan size, is re­leas­ing the strange sparkling stone light, big that is the iron grey to­gether, seems the re­versed image is to­gether the or­di­nary lime­stone.
Yun Che doubts puts out these four stones: The Lei Qian­feng fam­ily prop­erty should be richly right to the ex­treme, how to have four stones.
Works on that grey stone, the Yun Che pro­found en­ergy re­lease, was prob­ing the in­va­sion a mo­ment ago, was rep­ri­manded in­stan­ta­neously, is un­able to find out by se­cret in­quiry.
The Yun Che eye­brow jumps, un­der­stands in­stan­ta­neously, this seems a com­mon stone is far from every thing.
Al­though are un­able to search knowl­edge by pro­found en­ergy, but Ji Ruyan should know that it is any­thing.
Re­ceives it, Yun Che pinches that to re­lease the strange sparkling stone light jade, its ray is not in­tense, but ac­tu­ally An He es­pe­cially, re­flects pleas­ant, re­mind­ing him can­not help but of under the dark night to fuse in the to­gether stars and bright moon glow, his pro­found en­ergy care­ful in­va­sion, a name, ap­peared slowly in his mind.
Yun Che's arm trem­bles fiercely, the slip of the tongue calls out in alarm: „Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade!!”


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