Thursday, May 10, 2018

1105: Aggravating the situation

#1105: Aggravating the situation
Comments 46
Lei Qian­feng and the oth­ers re­turned to Soul Sect, his six son fa­cial ex­pres­sion also re­stored as usual, al­though small wound vi­tal­ity, but seems has not dam­aged again, raises last some time to de­cide to re­cover com­pletely.
Soul Sect con­strained for a long time at­mos­phere to be warm im­me­di­ately, when Lei Qian­feng mind big loosen, al­ways thought faintly some did not suit, but where could not find out does not suit. But he has also had no free time to pon­der, but at this mo­ment him the major event, nat­u­rally is re­fin­ing up from „Black Heart Poi­son Saint” Di­vine Pill!
Under Di­vine Sov­er­eign does not have the bot­tle­neck, 3,000 years ten thou­sand does not in­vade poi­so­nously, solely these two ef­fects, feared that is Di­vine Mar­tial Realm can­not take, do not say that can also make him re­store hu­man­ity. Al­though has spent the 5 bil­lion pro­found stone sky-high price, but he does not have the least bit to think to love dearly, in­stead has a be­stowed by heaven luck rea­son ex­cited feel­ing.
„Then some time, this King must re­fine Di­vine Pill fully, you con­tinue to trace Ling Yun, if no huge mat­ter, can not dis­turb.”
After Lei Qian­feng told, then opened the jelling heart to re­fine Di­vine Pill.
med­i­cine pill re­fin­ing up is long, and has the process of risk, is high level med­i­cine pill is so, thus needs enough peace­ful the se­cure en­vi­ron­ment. Al­though Lei Qian­feng is work­ing as „Black Heart Poi­son Saint” sur­face cloth­ing/tak­ing under early, but this grade of high level med­i­cine pill, he nat­u­rally does not dare be­fore re­turn­ing to the sect on im­pa­tient re­fin­ing up.
The sur­round­ing peace, Lei Qian­feng gen­tle aura and ex­cited mood, start care­ful rev­o­lu­tion pro­found en­ergy, to within the body „Scar­let Im­mor­tal Spirit Pill” gath­ers. He is prepa­ra­tion probe and haul­ing ef­fi­cacy cau­tiously, what makes him not think, along with the haul­ing of his pro­found en­ergy, should con­tain is ex­tremely abun­dant, the high level ef­fi­cacy „Scar­let Im­mor­tal Spirit Pill” un­ex­pect­edly di­rect dis­in­te­gra­tion, a pure in­com­pa­ra­ble aura fast es­cape, spreads the whole body, mak­ing under his en­tire body such as wash the spring, com­fort­able in­com­pa­ra­ble.
But this com­fort­able feel­ing con­tin­ued short to count breaths, then all dis­si­pated not to have the trace, but Lei Qian­feng fierce open­ing eye, com­plex­ion big change.
Fear­ful aura, likely is one in the vol­cano in within the body sud­denly erup­tion, erupts the in­nu­mer­able ter­ror in­com­pa­ra­ble flame great demon, pro­found en­ergy that as he is used to tow, spreads in a flash the whole body.
But this aura he is not strange, clearly is his seven sons fear­ful deadly poi­son!
The vi­o­lence of this poi­so­nous breath, the toxin com­pared with his seven sons adds also to want heavy over a hun­dred times, more­over di­rectly erupts in his body!
Lei Qian­feng calls out, cella that is at im­me­di­ately avalanche, but pro­found strength re­lease under his anger, lets his within the body toxin of di­rect berserk of Horned Dragon, the Lei Qian­feng com­plex­ion again changes, stands firm aura hastily, is re­served all pro­found en­ergy, the pres­sure ex­plodes the poi­so­nous breath that flees to within the body stub­bornly.
„Sect Mas­ter!”
The huge sound, has brought in the peo­ple im­me­di­ately. Lei Tian­gang and Lei Qiandu and the oth­ers ap­proached, saw that the Lei Qian­feng com­plex­ion is un­usual, then felt that strongly to the ex­treme poi­so­nous breath, im­me­di­ately looked with amaze­ment, star­tled sound track: „Sect Mas­ter, what's all this about?!”
„Is Ling Yun...... That Black Heart Poi­son Saint...... Is Ling Yun!......”
How­ever makes the sound, the aura leak slightly, then lets within the body deadly poi­son Beng Luan. This poi­so­nous erup­tion in one­self body, he by one­self asked for ad­vice its ter­ror, his full con­geal­ing air/Qi has a change of heart, but the whole body mus­cle is ac­tu­ally crazy. Twitch­ing, com­plex­ion from time to time flood white, from time to time is red, the cold sweat drenches crazily falls, is ac­com­pa­ny­ing the scald­ing hot water vapor of fast as­cen­sion.
„In that med­i­cine...... Has that deadly poi­son!?”
The Lei Qian­feng words, also his ap­pear­ance of this time pain, which Lei Tian­gang and Lei Qiandu have not un­der­stood any­thing.
Kills by poi­son Lei Guangmo, in­tox­i­cates again his other six sons, forces to look „just” comes to Heiya Realm Black Heart Poi­son Saint...... Orig­i­nally his goal at is not the Lei Qian­feng son, but is Lei Qian­feng I!
Lei Tian­gang and Lei Qian­feng look at each other in blank dis­may, saw in the op­po­site party pupil deep panic-stricken. That is Black Heart Poi­son Saint Ling Yun dis­guises as un­ex­pect­edly? Help­lessly looks in the Lei Qian­feng body deadly poi­son, they for a very long time are ac­tu­ally not able to be­lieve...... aura that not mea­sures strangely, lets the per­son pal­pi­ta­tion aura, the ap­pear­ance that is hard to look straight ahead, the fear­ful abil­ity of dis­in­tox­i­cat­ing, is hav­ing the words and deeds of in­ex­plic­a­ble de­ter­rent force con­ve­niently, as well as his black heart to make the blood boil method......
They can­not think of any flaw, no­body can see any flaw.
Even that „Scar­let Im­mor­tal Spirit Pill”, is Lei Qian­feng hus­band and wife ini­tia­tive ask to buy.
That can be un­ex­pect­edly Ling Yun plays the role!?
They are will­ing to be­lieve that is Black Heart Poi­son Saint, but un­for­tu­nately is the Ling Yun part­ner!
Crossed some lit­tle time, the Lei Qian­feng com­plex­ion fi­nally was more mod­er­ate, he holds one's breath, said slowly in a low voice: „This toxin...... I should...... Presses lives...... Qiandu...... You for me...... Pro­tec­tor sev­eral days......”
Lei Qiandu and Lei Tian­gang hear is a look loosen. Lei Tian­gang waves rapidly, mak­ing other peo­ple draw back com­pletely, looks at the Lei Qian­feng ap­pear­ance, even if can scat­ter deadly poi­son, is not easy. In this process, he may not rash ac­tion pro­found strength, the mood, can­not have the too big fluc­tu­a­tion.
„Sect Mas­ter, Ling Yun that mean young child in order to plans you, first gave six young mas­ters to solve the toxin, but he de­cided how­ever can­not think that Sect Mas­ter pro­found strength was ex­ceed­ingly high, this toxin again fiercely how you, there­fore, al­though was plot­ted by him, but in the re­sult looked, in­stead was a good deed, there­fore Sect Mas­ter does not need to be in­dig­nant, drove the toxin re­lieved, after sev­eral days, Sect Mas­ter was safe and sound, feared that was that Ling Yun must be mad spits blood ex­tremely!”
„Tian­gang said right!” Lei Qiandu also com­forts say­ing that then beck­ons with the hand: „Tian­gang, Sect Mas­ter here has me, will de­cide will be ab­solutely safe. Out­side gave you, which young mas­ter do not make be plot­ted again.”
Lei Tian­gang nods, then must leave.
But at this mo­ment, an in­so­lent in­com­pa­ra­ble big laugh­ter re­sounds sud­denly.
„Ha­ha­ha­haha!!” The di­rec­tion that this laugh­ter trans­mits is quite re­mote, at least be­yond sev­eral hun­dred li (0.5km), but ac­tu­ally ear-spit­ting like star­tling thun­der­clap: „Lei Qian­feng, I am your Se­nior Poi­son Saint, is your Grand­fa­ther Ling Yun! The big rit­ual that I pre­sent spe­cially, thinks that you re­ceived!”
Dis­solute, de­spises and taunts, this sound in ad­di­tion is hold­ing Yun Che's all pro­found strength, is away from sev­eral hun­dred li (0.5km) re­mote, passed on to Soul Sect's each cor­ner.
„Ice...... clouds!” Lei Tian­gang and Lei Qiandu fierce stand­ing up, Lei Qian­feng body in a flash, com­plex­ion micro white.
„Tian­gang, fo­cuses on sound im­me­di­ately, you go to take him per­son­ally!” Lei Qiandu ex­claimed.
His voice has not fallen, Lei Tian­gang al­ready div­ing pos­ture, di­rect im­pact West.
„Lei Qian­feng, Heiya Realm Great Realm King, I work as some big skills, is ac­tu­ally only a stu­pid pig, by my name­less ju­nior run­ning around in cir­cles that when the fool same plays, six bil­lion pro­found stone buy tox­i­cant...... Was cheap you Ha­ha­ha­haha......”
„Well!” The Lei Qian­feng whole body trem­bles, out­side frown raised, a face twists like the ma­li­cious ghost in­stan­ta­neously.
„Sect Mas­ter, he is in­ten­tion­ally is clearly en­rag­ing you! Seals up the sense of hear­ing quickly, is not want­ing his [say / way]!” Lei Qiandu anx­ious sound track.
„Was right, had a mat­ter to for­get to re­mind you.” As if re­al­ized that ap­proach­ing of Lei Tian­gang, „Ling Yun” the sound is get­ting more and more far, but taunt is ac­tu­ally even more strong: „Dis­in­tox­i­cat­ing pill who your six sons eat up, that in­gre­di­ent that and you eat is equally same, your fa­thers and sons seven peo­ple, well enjoy the big rit­ual that this six bil­lion pro­found stone trade, Ha­ha­ha­haha!”
Laugh­ing wildly sound reck­lessly goes far away fast, then van­ishes, but a sound of being panic-stricken con­veys: „Sect Mas­ter, is not good!”
Soul Sect dis­ci­ple is burn­ing with im­pa­tience flies, leaves is very far, the sound al­ready passed on to: „Six young mas­ters sent a mo­ment ago sud­denly com­pletely poi­so­nously, Madame Sect Mas­ter she......”
„Get lost to me!” The Lei Qiandu com­plex­ion sud­den change, bel­lows, the arm raises, along with a heavy sound, that Soul Sect dis­ci­ple had then been rum­bled to fly, the life and death does not know.
„Sect Mas­ter, things have got­ten to this point, any­thing does not want to think that does not may take of­fense!” Lei Qiandu wants to com­fort vig­or­ously, but under en­tire body is ac­tu­ally ice-cold one piece. He a mo­ment ago still in think­ing Ling Yun was to di­rect on them wraps, has solved the Lei Qian­feng six sons' tox­ins spe­cially, has not thought un­ex­pect­edly......
Lei Qian­feng both eyes shut tightly, the body is trem­bling, the mus­cle on face is twitch­ing fiercely, the whole body scar­let-red piece, orig­i­nally al­ready by deadly poi­son that he de­presses re­luc­tantly, when his en­tire body flees fiercely along with the anger re­sent­ment that he loses con­trol, is dif­fi­cult to stop, the Lei Qiandu sound falls, his cor­ners of the mouth in­fil­trate to­gether the scar­let black blood­stain slowly.
Re­gard­ing the toxin of Horned Dragon, Yun Che ear­li­est then con­tacted from Mu Bingyun body, to the pre­sent, is quite un­der­stood.
Be­cause can only under very small quan­tity, Yun Che not think that kills by poi­son Lei Qian­feng suf­fi­ciently ab­solutely...... But the premise, is Lei Qian­feng after poi­so­nous send­ing first sup­presses gen­tly, then scat­ters.
Oth­er­wise, if lets the toxin of Horned Dragon in enough of his within the body per­co­la­tion, Lei Qian­feng is strong, must die with­out doubt.
Is bet­ter than Di­vine Sov­er­eign Realm Mu Bingyun, when be­cause of past years was poi­soned fol­lows the se­vere wound, later lost power and re­mem­bers that scat­tered with­out enough time, al­though took ad­van­tage of the body of strong brace Di­vine Sov­er­eign not dead, but was ac­tu­ally in­vaded by the toxin of Horned Dragon to heart ar­ter­ies Soul, even if later re­stored power, was adding on Mu Xu­anyin, and even the en­tire Ice Phoenix God Sect power great power was in­ca­pable.
Let alone Di­vine King Realm Lei Qian­feng!!
The Yun Che char­ac­ter char­ac­ter like the blade, the straight thrust Lei Qian­feng soul, his final a few words, is makes the Lei Qian­feng anx­ious anger launch a psy­cho­log­i­cal at­tack, the painstak­ing care ad­verse cur­rent, enough sev­eral dou­ble-hour can­not be com­pletely tran­quil, a world goes, deadly poi­son not only has not pressed, in­stead even more vi­o­lent.
Next day, the Lei Qian­feng mood re­laxes fi­nally slightly, when dri­ves poi­so­nous is en­ters the con­di­tion fi­nally slightly, Yun Che fulls floaded op­er­a­tion the sound of full thun­der from the re­mote south ear-spit­ting bi­og­ra­phy to:
„Lei Qian­feng! Your Grand­fa­ther Ling Yun in this! You have not wanted to tear to shreds me! I de­liver now, you come ac­tu­ally, does not come is my grand­son!”
„ah pēi! Re­ceives your this stu­pid pig to be­come grand­son sim­ply is to my in­sult. It seems like that you are not only a stu­pid pig, is a tur­tle!! Told the good news that you you should not know while con­ve­nient again, your six sons died, now is hav­ing big group of peo­ple to make the fu­neral arrange­ments to him, but when your this fa­ther, not only killed him while still alive, now un­ex­pect­edly also sits there but­tocks does not move, what your this fa­ther worked as was re­ally piti­ful piti­ful!”
„.........” The Lei Qian­feng body sways, peace­ful for a long time body trem­bled to swing once more fiercely, the whole body fluc­tu­ates more and more chaotic aura.
„Sect Mas­ter, close sense of hear­ing...... Does not want on his work­ing as!” Lei Qiandu panic-stricken [say / way].
Lei Qian­feng has not opened eyes, has not spo­ken, but his both sides cor­ners of the mouth start slowly the ooz­ing of blood, trem­bling of body con­tin­ued half dou­ble-hour not to stop.
Third day.
„Lei Qian­feng, you are Heiya Realm King, ac­tu­ally dam­ages Heiya all liv­ing things, mas­sacres the in­nu­mer­able in­no­cent lives, makes the in­nu­mer­able ex­ter­mi­na­tion mas­sacres, the mon­strous crimes, the per­son the god al­to­gether in­dig­nant! Not is only the shame of Heiya, makes the an­ces­tor be shamed! Ig­nominy that you vi­o­late, I not only meets Duke in Heiya Realm, will also in­form Eter­nal Sky King Realm surely, mak­ing you for ten thou­sand fresh spurn! If you a also ashamed heart, that early me­di­ate, you live a breath, is the Human Race shames!”
Fourth day.
„Lei Qian­feng, con­grat­u­lated you dead a son, after you may know me trans­mit­ting that this news spared no ef­fort, Heiya Realm up and down how in high spirit? Your these sons not only and you are equally stu­pid, ugly coun­te­nance is also the looks like that one by one stud­ies, even if your Grand­fa­ther Ling Yun does not help Heiya Realm clean up the sed­i­ment, sooner or later must be hit to be struck by light­ning by the day, as for you, only matches dead with­out a heir!”
Fifth day......
Sixth day......
From the Lei Qian­feng poi­son, Yun Che ap­pears around Soul Sect every day surely, the po­si­tion and dis­tance of but each time pre­sent­ing have noth­ing in com­mon, more­over per­fectly was far away from Soul Sect's to squat, some­times a day pre­sented two times, then some­times 34 times, were shake each time send greet­ings spa­tially, after count­ing breaths, es­cape in in­vis­i­ble, Soul Sect want to pur­sue do not look for the shade, air/Qi ky­oo­dled.
Yun Che gives the Lei Qian­feng six sons „dis­in­tox­i­cat­ing pill” very sin­is­ter and ruth­less, in six dis­in­tox­i­cat­ing pill deep con­ceal the toxic agent of quan­tity of Horned Dragon is all dif­fer­ent. There­fore, six peo­ple, al­though si­mul­ta­ne­ously poi­so­nously sends, but the killed by poi­son time is var­i­ous.
But con­se­quence ob­vi­ous...... His six sons die an un­timely death under the toxin of Horned Dragon grad­u­ally in turn, every other 1-2 days die, do not ac­com­pany to hud­dle to­gether.
Tenth day, his last son was also thor­ough sends dead poi­so­nously.
„Lei Qian­feng, your Grand­fa­ther Ling Yun came!”
The Yun Che's sound, such as the night­mares re­sounds through Soul Sect „as usual”: „First con­grat­u­lates your suc­cess­ful dying with­out a heir, hey...... Is the Heiya Realm biggest tur­tle, the son dies in my hand re­ally worthily in his­tory, died dying with­out a heir, you not only did not ask me to go all out, the fart has not put one, I ad­mired re­ally ex­tremely, Ha­ha­ha­haha.”
„Was right, now en­tire Heiya Realm knows that you can­not the hu­mane piti­ful crea­ture, now dies with­out a heir, is re­ally piti­ful. How­ever what is more piti­ful is your wife and con­cu­bines, must de­fend the lving widow with your such waste, thinks to feel sorry for...... Per­haps, your wife and con­cu­bines al­ready qui­etly had not de­liv­ered you dozens sev­eral hun­dred green and glossy hats, this is also the way things should be, Ha­ha­haha......”
The word of shame any men cer­tainly im­pos­si­ble en­dures, re­sounds through en­tire Soul Sect, clar­ity that all sect peo­ple lis­ten, dumb­founded.
If the Lei Qian­feng con­geal­ing calm air/Qi, not the big poi­so­nous quan­tity, 56 days, enough com­pletely scat­ters within the body deadly poi­son. But at this mo­ment passed en­tire ten days, Lei Qian­feng within the body deadly poi­son, not only has not scat­tered the half minute, in­stead wreaks havoc is more vi­o­lent.
His com­plex­ion like blood, whole body also scar­let-red such as the iron is com­mon, his body shiv­ers, in mouth, nos­tril fierce asthma. In Yun Che's laughs wildly in the sound, he opens the eye sud­denly, shoots up to the sky, „clos­ing up” ten day place palace loudly dis­in­te­gra­tion, a vocal cord the end­less pain and hate, such as des­per­ate wild beast whooshes re­sounds sky over Soul Sect's.
„Ice...... clouds! I want you...... Bro­ken ......... Corpse ............ Ten thou­sand...... Wuaah......”
Along with his dual out of con­trol erup­tion of anger and pro­found en­ergy, within the body deadly poi­son in­stan­ta­neous berserk, the liver spleen dis­rup­tion, in the Lei Qian­feng mouth the blood from the pores of the feet spurts to­gether crazily, at pre­sent one black, from air­borne plants to fall ma­li­ciously.
„Sect Mas­ter!!”
Run­ning out that Lei Qiandu is thrown into con­fu­sion, catches Lei Qian­feng, the arm moves in­stant, al­most throws him.
Lei Qian­feng at this time two red­ness, al­though opens, is con­scious­ness not to have, whole body scald­ing hot like fire, but poi­so­nous breath that flees crazily, is more vi­o­lent than his pro­found en­ergy.
The re­mote north, the Yun Che's form dis­ap­pears in the air slowly, ac­com­pa­nies one to read lowly: „It seems like was sim­i­lar...... 2-3 times, this got down hell again!”


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