Friday, May 11, 2018

1111: Consoling

#1111: Consoling
Comments 11
Yun Che has gawked for a long time, in the hand the jade has trans­ferred, nine are re­leas­ing pure flu­o­res­cent stars seal pleas­ant, but he ac­tu­ally still for a very long time can­not be­lieve.
Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade, he longs for even in dreams, by times was in­formed, even if High-Rank Star Realm ex­tremely Di­vine Jade that is dif­fi­cult to ob­tain, he from Lei Qian­feng there „black­mail” mag­nan­i­mous pro­found stone, for is Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade. Even, in the sub­con­scious, he does not think one can find it, but now, it such ap­pears in his hand un­ex­pect­edly.
Is the space falls com­pletely, was picked with hands down in vain by him!
Lei Qian­feng Low-Rank Realm King, body can hide this grade of di­vine item un­ex­pect­edly!?
And died ob­vi­ously, had not ac­tu­ally been taken away in body.
Also just such di­rectly was picked by him...... Also is just he most longs for the thing.
This es­pe­cially...... The co­in­ci­dence adds the luck to some­what to talk non­sense sim­ply well!
could it be that was the heaven felt re­ally in­sist­ing on his heart, there­fore did en­large ones vi­sion?
Al­though deeply feels to be sur­prised and in­con­ceiv­able, but with­out a doubt, this to Yun Che is a huge pleas­ant sur­prise. His cor­ners of the mouth un­ceas­ing twitches, wants to smile ob­vi­ously, but ex­tremely in­tense pleas­antly sur­prised how ex­cit­edly and made him for­get to smile ob­sti­nately.
Lei Qian­feng died is very long, corpse al­ready flood white, but his scary face, be­comes in the Yun Che's eye es­pe­cially is at this time pleas­ing to the eyes.
„Lei Qian­feng, you did evil in­nu­mer­ably, after dying,...... Has done a big good deed fi­nally! Early hands over this thing, I per­haps, but can also make your sev­eral sons die happy!” Yun Che is chant­ing in a low voice to Lei Qian­feng, de­presses in the heart ex­cited, care­ful in­com­pa­ra­ble Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade that in this day will fall re­ceived.
„Jas­mine,” Yun Che raised the head, is smil­ing pro­nounc­ing un­stressed: „It seems like, wants to make me find you in­clud­ing the heaven again, only misses Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, I cer­tain...... Cer­tainly will find your!”
be­hind, weak, but quite fa­mil­iar aura in not so fast but so slow nei­ther is ap­proach­ing. Yun Che takes back the dis­tract­ing thoughts, has turned around, saw a girl of wear seven pink clouds skirts just long flies to here, the in­ter­labial in­dis­tinctly was also hum­ming the de­light­ful bal­lad:
„pure white jas­mine Duo Duo'er, col­or­ful grease fairy Xing Xing'er, rose is not cute at all, prison vine(Yu Luo) is a huge per­vert......! Brother-in-law!”
Sud­denly sees Yun Che, Lit­tle Jas­mine shouts ten­derly, „whiz” flew, vis­its him grin­ningly: „Hee hee, orig­i­nally you here.”
Heiya Realm is so big, ac­tu­ally can bump into her, Yun Che has been un­alarmed by strange sights, al­though this lit­tle girl whole body is pass­ing strangely, but he was held re­spon­si­ble is dis­in­clined to ask, whole face help­less [say / way]: „Be­fore where did you run?”
„Snort, you also feel all right to ask me.” Lit­tle Jas­mine nose, put the blame on vic­tim: „You sit there sud­denly are mo­tion­less, quite a while pays no at­ten­tion to me, I can only cer­tainly play. When I come back, you ac­tu­ally dis­ap­pear, you said that you are want to throw down me in­ten­tion­ally, no mat­ter!”
„......” Yun Che had noth­ing to say in reply for a while.
„? Brother-in-law, what in your hand takes is what thing? Good at­trac­tive light.” Lit­tle Jas­mine slightly jumps the step, works on Yun Che's hand, then re­veals to be dis­ap­pointed: „Orig­i­nally is Pro­found Im­agery Stone, I also think any amus­ing thing. Well...... You it in the hand, en­graved any amus­ing thing, I must think that I must look.”
These two Pro­found Im­agery Stone from Lei Qian­feng is Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade puts to­gether, wants not to need to think that in­side de­cided how­ever to en­grave very im­por­tant image. Yun Che is also in the heart cu­ri­ous, im­me­di­ately only ob­tains en­light­en­ment: „Good good. How­ever, you must promise me first, re­gard­less of you saw any­thing, with­out my per­mis­sion, can­not tell oth­ers.”
„The girl who that nat­u­rally, spoke ir­re­spon­si­bly every­where most dis­liked.” [Say / Way] that Lit­tle Jas­mine pre­tends to be se­ri­ous.
„......” Yun Che crooked mouth awry, pours into first Pro­found Im­agery Stone pro­found en­ergy care­fully.
The image in Pro­found Im­agery Stone screens, Yun Che saw the Lei Qian­feng form, his wife Xiao Qing­tong in the side, side, was one is bring­ing re­mark­ably the noble gas, the look un­com­mon young man, young man be­hind, an ap­pear­ance chill­ing mid­dle-aged per­son...... Even if under is only Pro­found Im­agery Stone en­graves the image, still has taken to a Yun Che ex­tremely se­ri­ous con­stric­tion.
The Yun Che brow moves, guessed cor­rectly the sta­tus of these two faintly, but their di­alogs, is makes him be sur­prised.
„Uncle Uncle, Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit in­ci­dent, my Royal Fa­ther, but rare moved has got­ten angry re­ally......”
„Guike! You must help your Uncle......”
„Aban­doned Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit not say­ing that in your years trib­ute Wood Spirit Bead and human fur­nace were also fewer and fewer......”
Yun Che is silent to look, the brow that sinks has been tight­en­ing firmly, when the image van­ishes, he that Pro­found Im­agery Stone re­ceiv­ing firmly in hand, al­though is only Pro­found Im­agery Stone, ac­tu­ally sud­denly be­comes , if there is ex­tremely heavy heav­i­ness.
Be­cause of this small Pro­found Im­agery Stone, in which image and sound, make the Di­vine Mar­tial Realm King rep­u­ta­tion ruin suf­fi­ciently, and even makes Di­vine Mar­tial Realm be pun­ished by King Realm!
That young man is child of Wu Guike Di­vine Mar­tial Realm King! But Ji Ruyan has said that can ac­com­pany a sick per­son to pro­vide nurs­ing care in the Wu Guike body side, may be the Di­vine Sov­er­eign Realm fear­ful pow­er­house ex­tremely. But Pro­found Im­agery Stone when en­grav­ing, will have the cor­re­spond­ing pro­found en­ergy fluc­tu­a­tion, is ex­tremely easy to de­tect, image that but, in this Pro­found Im­agery Stone en­graves, each look, each ex­pres­sion change clear in­com­pa­ra­ble, the sound is such as in the be­side the ear, ob­vi­ously en­graves in the rel­a­tive near dis­tance, but Wu Guike, also was called by Wu Guike for „Chengyan”, may be the for­mi­da­ble Di­vine Sov­er­eign per­son ex­tremely, hadn't de­tected un­ex­pect­edly com­pletely?
Ac­tu­ally does Lei Qian­feng how achieve?
„Quite bored, strange per­son was say­ing strange words, is un­a­mus­ing.” Lit­tle Jas­mine whole face dis­ap­pointed mum­bled one, then the pupil light dodged, [say / way] with a smile: „But, that puts on Big Sis­ter looks so beau­ti­ful of cyan women's cloth­ing.”
Has this Pro­found Im­agery Stone in the hand, so long as uses ap­pro­pri­ately, did not ex­ag­ger­ate said that this was equal to grasp­ing a Di­vine Mar­tial Realm han­dle! Rel­a­tive big han­dle.
Grasps High-Rank Star Realm, but also in­volves the Di­vine Mar­tial Realm King han­dle...... Is this what kind con­cept?
Yun Che has filled with the an­tic­i­pa­tion to an­other Pro­found Im­agery Stone im­me­di­ately, takes up fast, pours into pro­found en­ergy.
The image presently, the man loud respite of woman rapid moan re­sound­ing re­sound­ing, in the image of reap­pear­ing, has not been two naked­ness, is hug­ging is leav­ing the men and women of mat­ter of drift­ing along. The time seems the dark night, but from tall win­dow shines but the below bright moon­light makes the faces of two peo­ple clearly dis­cernible.
The men, im­pres­sively are Wu Guike!
But that woman...... Un­ex­pect­edly is the Lei Qian­feng wife, the Wu Guike aunt, Xiao Qing­tong!!
Yun Che stares dumb­founded, the ear re­sounds the squeal of young girl sud­denly, Lit­tle Jas­mine cov­ers the eye to re­bound by far, face red­den: „You...... You...... Your this bas­tard and sex fiend, super greatly ab­nor­mal! Un­ex­pect­edly is so dis­gust­ing, such...... Such dis­gust­ing thing...... Your you!”
„~! @#¥%......” Yun Che is thrown into con­fu­sion re­ceives Pro­found Im­agery Stone, beck­ons with the hand to say fast: „This is not my thing, this was I just picked.”
„You...... You not only do the mat­ter of this shame­less lower reaches, agree had not ac­knowl­edged that you are re­ally vil­lain!” Lit­tle Jas­mine sharp sound track.
Yun Che help­less shrugs: „Good good, I am shame­less lower reaches super greatly ab­nor­mal, there­fore again with me.”
Then, he works on the Lei Qian­feng corpse, the div­ing pos­ture.
„Hello! Where do you go to? Wait / Etc. I!” Lit­tle Jas­mine puts down to cover the small hand of eye, fol­lowed hastily.
„...... You how also with me?”
„Snort! Who called you are my brother-in-law, even if were bas­tard sex fiend is greatly ab­nor­mal also can only rec­og­nize...... I am quite piti­ful.” The Lit­tle Jas­mine whole face is suf­fer­ing from in­jus­tice.
Yun Che rolled the eyes, is dis­in­clined to speak.
The nos­ing Soul Sect's con­di­tion, Yun Che has not been bring­ing the Lei Qian­feng corpse, has flown Black Soul Moun­tain, by­passes Heiya City, ar­rived at Heiya City south.
Here is being dis­il­lu­sioned Wood Spirit Se­cret Realm , after is they dis­ap­pears to fall the place of find­ing a place to live.
Ar­rives land that this hun­dred flow­ers put, on the Yun Che face all ex­pres­sions van­ish, he loses Lei Qian­feng on the ground, then sin­gle knee slowly kneels, has closed the eye.
Looks at his ac­tion, Lit­tle Jas­mine small mouth micro, small sound track: „Brother-in-law, where here is, what are you mak­ing?”
The Yun Che dan­gling head, said in a soft voice: „Here, once hid in extra mun­dane, is place that many Wood Spirit live, they have the gra­cious­ness in me, in some time ago, com­pletely was ac­tu­ally killed by me.”
„Oh?” the Lit­tle Jas­mine eye winked wink­ing.
Peace­ful for a long time, Yun Che opens eye, the palm stretches out, one group of flame ig­nite in Lei Qian­feng corpse body im­me­di­ately, in an in­stant then burns the fly­ing ash it, scat­ters reck­lessly.
„Grandma Kumu, Qing Mu se­nior...... Qing He...... Fei Yan...... Qing Zhu...... I owe you, this was un­able to repay, ex­cept for per­se­cutes your more than clan years of evil per­son to burn to ex­tin­guish this to con­sole, from now on I can do only, does my best, pro­tects Wood Spirit that each I meet.”
„He Lin, I must leave Heiya Realm im­me­di­ately. But I will cer­tainly find your Elder Sis­ter, I pledged. Where Heaven's Fate Realm could tell me her. When I found her, if she wants, I will bring that planet that she re­turned to me born, there, she life, will not re­ceive any hu­mil­i­a­tion safely.”
The Lei Qian­feng fly­ing ash clears, here wind was also gen­tle.
Silent for a long time, Yun Che stands up, Lit­tle Jas­mine said at this time: „Brother-in-law, you said a mo­ment ago must go to Heaven's Fate Realm, real?”
„Nat­u­rally, I had the per­son and thing that must find, God Realm is so big, I all alone, can help my, should have Heaven's Fate Realm...... We hope that de­scribed won­der­ful Heaven's Fate Realm will not dis­ap­point me.”
„......” On girl's small face does not show the quite puz­zled fa­cial ex­pres­sion, she has pressed ac­cord­ing to the small tip of the nose, sud­denly said: „Brother-in-law, do not go to good of Heaven's Fate Realm, even if went cer­tainly to be also use­less.”
Yun Che looks askance, the vi­sion is star­ing at her: „How do you know?”
„This......” Lit­tle Jas­mine raised the head to rack one's brains, crossed some lit­tle time the grin­ning [say / way]: „Rea­son has not wanted to come out, when I do want to come out to tell again hello?”
„......” The Yun Che's eye has nar­rowed nar­row­ing the eyes, sinks slightly the face: „lit­tle girl, you had not told me, ac­tu­ally you are, from where? Re­gard­less of where I ar­rive, you can al­ways find my po­si­tion ac­cu­rately...... Who are you? What goal ap­proaches me is?”
„Nat­u­rally...... Is be­cause you are my sav­ior, is my brother-in-law!” The Lit­tle Jas­mine whole face is earnest.
Yun Che curls the lip: „I be­lieve you...... Only if I am an idiot.”
His body an­tev­er­sion, pro­found vi­sion stares at her eye: „Men­tioned Heaven's Fate Realm a mo­ment ago, your ap­pear­ance is very strange. You should un­able...... Is the Heaven's Fate Realm per­son?”


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