Sunday, May 6, 2018

1079: Tragedy

#1079: Tragedy
Comments 476
Heiya City to Yun Che is an ab­solute dan­ger­ous place, when he is in the city to col­lect the air/Qi and dis­guise, cau­tiously.
But now, which his also man­ages to be able by Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce to be de­tected the where­abouts, on welling up that whole body pro­found en­ergy went all out, Ex­treme Mi­rage Light­ning dis­plays peak, such as stream of light is pierc­ing the Heiya City sky, every­where one visit, has the ear-spit­ting in­com­pa­ra­ble keenly blow­ing sound.
Be­fore he de­liv­ers He Lin re­turns to the Wood Spirit se­cret, but also care­fully has in­ves­ti­gated his body whether has the trac­ing mark.
But...... Why will have Ten Thou­sand Li Pur­su­ing Soul In­cense this type of thing!
Is cer­tainly false...... Pos­si­bly how to have this type of thing! Cer­tainly im­pos­si­ble!
Heiya City backs up under his body rapidly, but his tooth tightly bites, sev­eral near dis­rup­tion.
He stayed -and-a-half dou­ble-hour in the Wood Spirit se­cret, after leav­ing, to the pre­sent, passed 34 dou­ble-hour. If all real, then in the past such long time......
Yun Che runs out of Heiya City like the thun­der, for­merly de­liv­ered He Lin leaves quickly the sev­eral fold to con­tinue when com­pared with it, then the dash­ing about wildly south­east, en­ters the jun­gle, the en­tire process that has not feared the in­stant idle time.
After en­ter­ing the jun­gle, the Yun Che's speed still does not re­duce, in the jun­gle such as blew enor­mous and pow­er­ful hur­ri­cane sud­denly, the veg­e­ta­tion flew hor­i­zon­tally, ten thou­sand years of an­cient wood Qi Gen­sui broke.
Fol­low­ing also clear the com­pletely mem­ory, Yun Che fi­nally saw that rows of close to the Wood Spirit se­cret en­trance old tree, his whip, along with it pupil fierce shrinks.
At pre­sent, sup­ports Wood Spirit imag­i­nary Gu Mu to break to pieces com­pletely, azure black Ki­fuji with­stood dev­as­ta­tion of Kuangfeng rough sea waves likely, are torn to pieces, chaotic has spread place.
A world peace of the front, peace­ful ap­palling.
The Yun Che's heart in tight stopped the beat sud­denly, his both eyes straighten, whole body flood cold, dull stand­ing there some lit­tle time, both legs in stiff­ness slow steps for­ward, the under foot steps on the sound of cane such as one to tor­ture is crack­ing un­ceas­ingly his Soul.
Over­stepped break Ki­fuji every­where, the Yun Che's foot­steps stopped, his body was trem­bling, the com­plex­ion all of a sud­den be­came a pale­ness, was the blood of whole body drains off in the flash likely com­pletely.
A emer­ald green neat flow­ers and plants piece in con­fu­sion, the old tree com­pletely dropped down, the log cabin changed to place in con­fu­sion. In all di­rec­tions, ex­cept for the trace that the chaotic bat­tle passes, only has a place pale-green blood and deathly still­ness.
Wood Spirit peace­ful lying down on dye­ing the ru­ined land of blood of full Wood Spirit, silent. Near re­cent Wood Spirit from the Yun Che foot, his both eyes pupil stared in a big way in a big way, but did not have the emer­ald green col­ored pupil light, only had the fear, des­per­ately...... Hate that also until death has not dis­si­pated.
„............ ............”
The Yun Che's lip is trem­bling, the pupil of sud­den en­large­ment al­most du­pli­cate filled all scle­ras, the both feet such as is nailed tight on the ground, is un­able to move again, the line of sight also in­ter­mit­tent fuzzi­ness, was dizzy.
For a long time, his both hands lifted, grasp on their head, the five fin­gers trem­bled likely is the life old per­son com­pletely.
Is I......
Was I have killed them...... Is I......
„Oh...... Shouted......”
The en­tire sev­eral se­ri­ous breath, his state of mind and pupil pupil fi­nally re­stored clear un­der­stand­ing.
He for­wards grad­u­ally, the line of sight some­what is as be­fore fuzzy, but each Wood Spirit corpse and each drop of green blood, in­com­pa­ra­bly clear maps his soul...... Then changes to the in­com­pa­ra­bly ice-cold sharp knife blade, is pierc­ing his Soul each cor­ner.
Oc­ca­sion­ally ob­vi­ously scar­let blood of human, in this be­comes in the mis­er­able bro­ken world in con­fu­sion, ac­tu­ally ap­pears es­pe­cially daz­zling dirty.
Deep in­spi­ra­tion, the Yun Che's com­plex­ion fi­nally is gen­tle, the look also be­comes tran­quil. He for­wards grad­u­ally, care­ful is step­ping on this by de­struc­tion Small World.
A vet­eran of dis­rup­tion dropped down at this time sud­denly, ap­peared rear Wood Spirit did not have the body of aura...... She is old, full is the face of wrin­kle al­ready eter­nal tran­quil.
„Grandma Qing Ye......” Yun Che pro­nounces un­stressed one, be­gins supinely, has closed the eye slowly. She is He Lin most re­spects, is in this Small World the rank and pres­ti­gious high­est Wood Spirit, be­fore sev­eral dou­ble-hour, he also re­ceived Wood Spirit Di­vine Dew that she has pre­sented per­son­ally.
„Sorry, was I have brought the dis­as­ter to you.” Yun Che dis­cussed lightly: „Please rest.”
Tragedy that fac­ing cast, he can do, only then this pale apol­ogy.
Al­though the heart had calmed down, but chest still stops up is con­strain­ing the in­com­pa­ra­ble un­com­fort­able feel­ing. The Yun Che div­ing pos­ture, the Spirit Sense re­lease, try­ing, or the ex­pec­ta­tion can find the sur­vival Wood Spirit...... Even if also good.
Be­fore col­lapse log cabin, he saw vig­or­ous and healthy mid­dle-aged Wood Spirit, even if did not have aura, in the hand has grabbed Spear that breaks stub­bornly, on body and spear|gun is dye­ing the blood of green and scar­let mix.
His back has a big blood hole...... Ar­rives for the bloody bat­tle, he does not have shift­ing to an ear­lier time self-de­struc­tion Wood Spirit Bead, with­out a doubt, after he died, Wood Spirit Bead was taken force­fully.
„Qing Mu se­nior.”
The Yun Che lip moves lightly, both hands in shiv­er­ing get hold.
His sur­round­ings, are lying down the mas­sive grown Wood Spirit corpses, each corpse is cov­er­ing en­tirely the trace of bloody bat­tle. But their eyes greatly open com­pletely, panic-stricken and des­per­ate, re­sent­ing...... Does not have dies con­tent.
Yun Che silent has flown, in the Small World rear area, he saw im­ma­ture Wood Spirit, some of them hug in the same place, some died in the bosom of elder...... But small­est that his im­ma­ture body, is pass­ing through a paint black long blade.
The breath, has been hard to sub­side more and more, Yun Che dif­fi­cult rev­o­lu­tions line of sight...... He saw that big flower gar­den, he for­merly here stayed the longest place.
Ten thou­sand flow­ers fall rem­nantly, does not have a Fly­ing But­ter­fly again.
Flower gar­den end, two young girl tight hug­ging in the same place. Their body do not have the scar, did not have life aura.
Self-de­struc­tion Spirit Bead per­ishes.
Yun Che falls, vis­its them dull: „Fei Yan...... Qing He......”
Out­side the flower gar­den, Wood Spirit youth silent pour­ing in there, spreads the scar of whole body to show him to pro­tect the be­hind two girls ex­pe­ri­enced the how frigid bru­tal fierce bat­tle.
„Qing...... Bam­boo......”
Sen­sa­tion of as­phyxia sud­denly again sec­ond rolling that has re­laxed ob­vi­ously to his Chest and Soul, more­over in­com­pa­ra­ble in­tense...... Un­prece­dented in­ten­sity.
„...... Good to think that can one day, be have a look out­side world truly......”
„I have thought human is very fear­ful, has not thought that will have Big Brother Yun Che to be so fierce, such lik­able human.”
„This is the charm amulet that I make per­son­ally, it will bless safely your......”
„Big Brother Yun Che...... You will come back fre­quently...... Sees us......”
Qing Zhu...... Fei Yan...... Qing He......
His grabs the head, is cov­er­ing the Chest, has squat­ted slowly, the in­ner­most feel­ings dug in myr­iad poi­so­nous nee­dles likely, the whole body very painful were shiv­er­ing.
Be­fore sev­eral dou­ble-hour, they with like that is pure, earnestly, the pupil light of hope to visit him, in­com­pa­ra­bly earnest is lis­ten­ing at­ten­tively to his words, lest omits, even if a char­ac­ter, he can feel in their Soul clearly flood deep hope.
Des­tiny to them al­ready ex­tremely bru­tal, thing that con­tem­po­raries be­come ac­cus­tomed to com­pletely, to them is ac­tu­ally the im­prac­ti­ca­ble ex­pec­ta­tion, they just ar­rived at the most beau­ti­ful time pas­sage, ac­tu­ally al­ready......
„Yes...... Yes...... Harmed...... You......”
„Yes...... I......”
The heart is twitch­ing, the tooth is trem­bling, grasps pricked the body in head five fin­gers in shiv­er­ing, ac­tu­ally can­not feel a pain.
This is al­ways the sec­ond time, he had such feel­ing.
The first time, was in the past in Azure Cloud Con­ti­nent, he lost Mas­ter, lost Ling'er, in the world did not have him to worry again, not wor­ried his per­son, he in hat­ing and crazed, has killed by poi­son all lives of en­tire city by Sky Poi­son Pearl......
After pleased of dis­tor­tion, end­less con­strain­ing makes his pain sev­eral want the col­lapse crazy with the feel­ing of guilty......
That time, he has ru­ined sev­eral mil­lion lives...... Most in­no­cent, does not have the en­mity to be not re­sent­ful with him.
This time, hun­dred Wood Spirit, he per­son­ally does not kill...... But fulls floaded op­er­a­tion the Soul pain, was ac­tu­ally as in­tense as sev­eral like the past years.
Why will have this mat­ter......
These in­no­cent Wood Spirit have made the mis­take any­thing!
Be­cause is only ex­tremely good, is ex­tremely small and weak!?
No...... Be­cause of me...... If not my this un­lucky star...... How they can en­counter such dis­as­ter!
All be­cause of me!!
If not I looks for any Wood Spirit Bead, if not I thinks that benev­o­lent comes back the He Lin belt, can­not......
Wait / Etc....... He Lin!?
If a trough cold water pour­ing in the head, Yun Che raise one's head, then fiercely has stood all of a sud­den...... He Lin? In these Wood Spirit corpses does not have He Lin, where did He Lin go to?
The Yun Che div­ing pos­ture, the Spirit Sense fast re­lease, cov­ers the en­tire Wood Spirit se­cret, has swept each inch land, each flow­ers and plants, each Wood Spirit corpse.
Only has not ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered ex­is­tence of He Lin.
Brain fast cold awakes, Spirit Sense im­me­di­ately largest scale pro­lif­er­a­tion...... With­out the He Lin corpse, per­haps he is also liv­ing...... No, is liv­ing cer­tainly.
These peo­ple know that He Lin is Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit, de­cides how­ever hopes to catch to live. But He Lin in­com­pa­ra­bly cares about one­self Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit sta­tus, even if falls into the des­per­ate hope­less sit­u­a­tion, loses hope cer­tainly un­will­ingly...... Right! He is also cer­tainly liv­ing!
The biggest pos­si­bil­ity, lived is seized.
The blood­stain of ground is not dry, they have not cer­tainly walked are too far.
Yun Che flies to a higher upper air, closes the eye, going all out con­den­sa­tion mind...... Must find, must find!!
East­ern, spreads to­gether to the dis­tant place steps on the trace to ap­pear in his Spirit Sense, his eye opens the eyes, body pro­found strength flick­ers to ex­plode, such as has fired into East­ern like light­ning.


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