Thursday, May 10, 2018

1106: Divine Martial comes the person

#1106: Divine Martial comes the person
Comments 35
This month to Black Soul Di­vine Sect, is one such as falls the abyss night­mare.
Short one month, the elite dis­ci­ple ca­su­alty are in­nu­mer­able, eight Great Elder buckle half, the Lei Qian­feng seven sons were killed by poi­son suc­ces­sively, the en­tire sects are high and low, the dig­nity com­pletely loses, the fame sweeps the floor. Yes­ter­day, Lei Qian­feng also thor­ough poi­so­nously sent, the en­tire sect front door shut tightly, the at­mos­phere con­strained the ex­treme.
But all these, do obei­sance a per­son of in­sti­tute to be­stow un­ex­pect­edly.
„Ling Yun” this name, such as the brand mark of devil, deep carves into the soul of each Soul Sect peo­ple, re­mind­ing them each time, is afraid.
On this day glo­ri­ous weather. Yun Che from sit­ting in med­i­ta­tion opens the eye, this pe­riod of time has been so­cial­iz­ing with Soul Sect, step by step cau­tiously, na­ture sparse prac­tice. After per­se­cut­ing to death Lei Qian­feng, he should also leave Heiya Realm, seeks for Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade and Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass fully, must prac­tice fully.
From Pro­found God the time of con­ven­tion, is more and more near.
Stands up, Yun Che looks to the Soul Sect's di­rec­tion, the cor­ners of the mouth are slant­ing to wipe to sneer: Also to has de­liv­ered the warm time to Lei Qian­feng.
Yes­ter­day Lei Qian­feng pro­found en­ergy erupted sud­denly, was de­feated and dis­persed with the big roar of out-of-con­trol sud­denly, ob­vi­ously deadly poi­son berserk, this nat­u­rally was the re­sult that Yun Che most wants to see , was about ex­pected.
This but is ac­tu­ally not the Lei Qian­feng mood con­trol frail, but frus­tra­tion and hu­mil­i­a­tion con­tin­u­ally, the son was killed com­pletely, one­self were plot­ted against the poi­son, scan­dal that most can­not move heart­less re­veals to the pub­lic...... Let alone his Lei Qian­feng, it is es­ti­mated that the liv­ing bud­dha is alive must be mad being more dead than alive day.
Al­though Yun Che's meth­ods was re­ally meaner, but his all alone, pro­found strength also has Di­vine Soul Realm, fac­ing huge Soul Sect, his side anger also can only vent from this. More­over method that he uses, all over the world, only then he can re­al­ize. There­fore, Lei Qian­feng by this fate, is not un­de­served.
Yun Che div­ing pos­ture, fast close to the Soul Sect di­rec­tion. After yes­ter­day, Lei Qian­feng body the erup­tion spread of toxin of surely enor­mous de­gree Horned Dragon, if the fol­low­ing 2-3 days, Lei Qian­feng can­not con­cen­trate all men­tal ef­forts to sup­press deadly poi­son as be­fore, along with the fur­ther spread of toxin of Horned Dragon, he must die with­out doubt.
En­ters Black Soul Moun­tain Range heavy, the Yun Che body , after going through to moun­tain range East Ter­ri­tory , the speed was slow grad­u­ally.
Today's Black Soul Moun­tain Range did not have some time for­merly ex­ces­sive peace­ful, trans­mits whoosh­ing of var­i­ous pro­found beast in all di­rec­tions, air­borne often has the fal­con to fly, the Yun Che brow wrin­kled the wrin­kle...... Today's doesn't Black Soul Moun­tain, ac­tu­ally have Soul Sect dis­ci­ple to squat?
Dif­fi­cult to be in­ad­e­quate yes­ter­day's toxin to send, was poi­so­nous thun­der Tian­feng to be dying...... Is in­suf­fi­cient?
Has not re­laxed vig­i­lantly, Yun Che con­tin­ues to for­ward, in­deed has not re­al­ized any Soul Sect dis­ci­ple aura. At this time, he looked at a Soul Sect's di­rec­tion sub­con­sciously sud­denly vi­o­lently, the eye­brow did not have the rea­son jumped, along with the line of sight one sud­denly, the whole per­son also all of a sud­den stopped.
This feel­ing is......
A mo­ment ago was look­ing to that flash of Soul Sect di­rec­tion, an in­tense dan­ger­ous feel­ing raids sud­denly, sud­denly van­ishes along with stop of his body, but in­ex­plic­a­ble un­easy ac­tu­ally through­out in souls tur­bu­lent con­tin­u­ous.
Yun Che brow big wrin­kle...... Each time close Soul Sect, he by dan­ger­ous feel­ing pack­age, be­cause has slightly care­lessly, can a nar­row es­cape. But these time is ac­tu­ally the un­prece­dented in­ten­sity, as if the front is bot­tom­less abyss, if con­tin­ues to ap­proach again, will be be­yond re­demp­tion.
Yun Che does not dare to sus­pect that own Soul early warn­ing, he there, both eyes is fix­ing the eyes on the Soul Sect's di­rec­tion stiffly, for a long time has not moved.
Yes­ter­day had al­most com­pelled Lei Qian­feng to the hope­less sit­u­a­tion, so long as made an ef­fort again slightly, may push him to death abyss...... But if has given him the op­por­tu­ni­ties of sev­eral days of respite, the be­fore­hand all will drain pos­si­bly, more­over again im­pos­si­ble has the sec­ond such op­por­tu­nity.
When he is sur­prised, sud­denly felt that pro­found strength fluc­tu­ates, he takes up sound trans­mis­sion jade, the Ji Ruyan sound re­sounds, and quite anx­ious.
„Young Mas­ter Ling Yun, you now where? Do not ap­proach Soul Sect! Soul Sect as if came last night ex­tra­or­di­nar­ily char­ac­ter!”
Yun Che: „......”
„Who al­though was un­able to de­ter­mine now is, but looked from the Soul Sect's bat­tle for­ma­tion that is very likely the Di­vine Mar­tial Realm per­son! Young Mas­ter Ling Yun do not ap­proach Soul Sect again, is best to change the look, to the far­ther the bet­ter...... You can ar­rive at Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce to come tem­porar­ily, that side Soul Sect had not sus­pected you and we have any re­la­tions, here should very be safe. Who we will in­ves­ti­gate thor­oughly the op­po­site party im­me­di­ately are.”
„......” The Yun Che com­plex­ion sinks, after short con­sid­er­a­tion, foot­steps re­treat, then re­turns to the body to leave.
The dan­ger­ous feel­ing of sud­denly raid­ing re­ally has the rea­son.
Di­vine Mar­tial Realm...... Ex­is­tence that the High-Rank Star Realm per­son, he can­not pro­voke ab­solutely.
Yun Che left Black Soul Moun­tain Range, dis­guise later ar­rived at Heiya City, en­tered to Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce.
„Young Mas­ter Ling Yun!”
Shortly after Yun Che just ar­rived, wears the fe­male of pur­ple clothes silk skirt to wel­come hastily. The fe­male stance is quiet and re­fined, mak­ings like water, pretty mov­ing, under the wil­low eye­brows, pair of bright eyes re­flect the charm­ing soft light, the long hair like clouds, sends is a shal­low pur­ple thick belt, graces com­pletely ob­vi­ously grace­ful noble, is Ji Ruyan.
Al­though passes mes­sage fre­quently, but dur­ing Yun Che this, never has ac­tu­ally seen her.
Ji Ruyan is not the one per­son alone mid­dle-aged per­son, but, her also one does not look un­fa­mil­iar...... That Mr. Ji that im­pres­sively when is his first time en­ters Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce meets!
Also is the Ji Ruyan fa­ther, Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce high­est hi­er­arch.
When with first time sees him des­o­late com­pletely dif­fer­ent, sees Yun Che, the Mr. Ji then quick steps for­wards, on the face brings the ex­cite­ment that is un­able to cover, then deeply does obei­sance un­ex­pect­edly: „Young Mas­ter Ling Yun, your oblig­a­tion to the Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce, Ji not thinks the re­port, please first re­ceive Ji to do obei­sance.”
The Yun Che ex­pres­sion has not changed, said: „Mr. Ji does not need so, I cope with Soul Sect be­cause of my re­sent­ment, does not re­late with your Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce. Miss Ruyan help me a lot ac­tu­ally. More­over, the method that I can use has ex­hausted, Soul Sect does not ex­tin­guish, you later must under the Soul Sect's im­mo­bi­liza­tion.”
„No,” Mr. Ji shakes the head slowly: „Black feather huge fam­ily prop­erty, ac­tu­ally falls into the Soul Sect evil clutches, these years, I am sleep­less fre­quently, hate bit­terly, is ac­tu­ally in­ca­pable counter it. The foul odor that re­gard­less of other, sole Young Mas­ter Ling Yun leaves for us, fully has then con­soled the re­main­ing years of life.”
„Not only that” the Ji Ruyan faint smile is sweet: „The Soul Sect pre­sent pres­tige suf­fered a dis­as­trous de­cline, Lei Qian­feng seven com­pletely per­ishes, lacks suc­ces­sors, after Lei Qian­feng, Soul Sect and Di­vine Mar­tial Realm re­la­tions by mar­riage will re­late in light of this will also cut off, Inner Sect will also be very likely be­cause of seiz­ing power, but will live the civil strife greatly, per­haps at the ap­pointed time, will then be my Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce gets rid of the op­por­tu­nity of shack­les. But these, are Young Mas­ter Ling Yun be­stow.”
The Mr. Ji vi­sion has been look­ing at Yun Che, can­not bear deeply sigh: „Young Mas­ter Ling Yun, all your alone, ac­tu­ally this and other huge in­flu­ences forces so the sit­u­a­tion Soul Sect, Ji, if not per­son­ally sees, heard with one's own ears that feared will be has a dream does not be­lieve. Ruyan once said that you come Lower Realm, the young per­son but who Ji life sees, does not have one per­son to en­dure to com­pare Young Mas­ter Ling Yun.”
Yun Che smiled at will: „The Mr. Ji er­ro­neous ap­proved.”
„Young Mas­ter Ling Yun, that side Soul Sect had the news.” The Ji Ruyan com­plex­ion is pru­dent: „Re­ally is the Di­vine Mar­tial Realm per­son, 3 to 5 p.m then ar­rived at Soul Sect prob­a­bly yes­ter­day, if the news is cor­rect, al­to­gether is two peo­ple.”
„Two peo­ple?” Yun Che moves the brow.
„Young Mas­ter Ling Yun does not want look down upon.” Ji Ruyan said: „These two peo­ple are far from the Di­vine Mar­tial Realm mes­sen­gers and so on, but is...... Wu Guike!”
„Wu Guike?” The Yun Che eye­brow jumps.
One month ago, Ji Ruyan has men­tioned this name with him em­phat­i­cally. Wu Guike, Di­vine Mar­tial Realm Great Realm King son! Is Di­vine Mar­tial Great Realm King Wu Sanzun and Lei Qian­feng younger sis­ter Lei Qianyu lives, be­cause of being the low-born con­cu­bine room lived, there­fore the sta­tus is mediocre, ac­tu­ally ex­poses as­ton­ish­ing nat­ural tal­ent after grow­ing into, in Di­vine Mar­tial Realm sta­tus ten thou­sand li in a day.
He is the Lei Qian­feng bi­o­log­i­cal nephew, in the mean­time, has be­come Black Soul Di­vine Sect in the God Realm biggest backer.
High-Rank Star Realm the child of Great Realm King...... Solely this title, suf­fi­ciently star­tled Heiya Realm all lives keep silent.
„Wu Guike nat­ural tal­ent is ex­tremely high, after ex­pos­ing nat­ural tal­ent, re­ceives key train­ing of Wu Sanzun, now the age just now over 30 years old, Pro­found Dao cul­ti­vates for is as­ton­ish­ing Di­vine Spirit Realm, this Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, he can amaze the world with a sin­gle bril­liant feat surely.” Ji Ruyan then said: „How­ever he is the child of Di­vine Mar­tial Great Realm King, fol­lows the pro­tec­tion in his per­son, surely is an ex­tremely fierce char­ac­ter. Very pos­si­ble...... Is Di­vine Sov­er­eign!”
„......” Yun Che has not said for a very long time.
In ad­di­tion Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm is he biggest ex­pec­ta­tion, but that Wu Guike he is less than greatly ten years old, is ac­tu­ally scary Di­vine Spirit Realm.
This is the fear­ful­ness of High-Rank Star Realm.
Fol­lows in his side, only then a per­son, if is re­ally a Di­vine Sov­er­eign Realm pow­er­house and a ter­ri­fy­ing char­ac­ter of Mu Bingyun level, he ap­proaches Soul Sect again, ab­solutely is full ten court­ing death!
If Di­vine Sov­er­eign is aux­il­iary in the side, the Lei Qian­feng body toxin, within very pos­si­ble sev­eral days com­pletely to scat­ter.
„Young Mas­ter Ling Yun, in any event, you can­not ap­proach Soul Sect again. this pe­riod of time you stay here, when the Di­vine Mar­tial Realm per­son leaves, after the rumor is slightly even, I will arrange you to go to Heaven's Fate Realm im­me­di­ately.” Ji Ruyan sin­cere [say / way]: „You are our Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce oblig­a­tion per­son, we will not harm you ab­solutely, if there is any­thing to re­quest, we are also cer­tain will­ing to risk one­self through ten thou­sand death.”
„......” The Yun Che chest fluc­tu­ates, is re­call­ing to kill by poi­son Lei Qian­feng, is step by step thrilling, layer upon layer the de­sign, un­ex­pect­edly such falls short, he is un­able to be re­signed.
„Good.” Yun Che heav­ily as­pi­rated: „That was ex­hausted you, I place that needed one to prac­tice re­lieved.”
Black Soul Di­vine Sect, the at­mos­phere is stern.
En­tire sect high and low peace­ful to the ex­treme, au­di­ences dis­ci­ple has de­fended to stand or­derly, stand­ing that Hall Mas­ter and elder move in the front, is the waist dec­li­na­tor, the look is ter­ri­fied, but major Branch Sect Mas­ter also al­ready at the same night rushed, each lapel stands.
Ob­vi­ously in own sect, but from dis­ci­ple to the elder, ac­tu­ally turns very quiet, the at­mos­phere does not dare to breathe heav­ily, that in­tense fright­ened ap­pear­ance, sim­ply likely is the gods who greets born.
In the total hall, Lei Qian­feng sits well in that whole body pro­found en­ergy surges, his be­hind, is stand­ing erect a black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son, his palm ac­cord­ing to the Lei Qian­feng back of the body, fa­cial color chill­ing, but this con­di­tion, has con­tin­ued to have sev­eral dou­ble-hour.
Fi­nally, Lei Qian­feng has opened eye sud­denly, then „” spouts the big mouth scar­let blood, the place of blood sprin­kling, under foot pro­found stone layer upon layer melts.
Lei Qian­feng knocks down, the big mouth respite, along with the blowout of this scar­let blood, his com­plex­ion was also good grad­u­ally, he hur­ries to stand up, to that black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son deep rit­ual, is in rev­er­en­tial awe: „Ven­er­a­ble Wu life-sav­ing oblig­a­tion, Qian­feng does not have the tooth to be un­for­get­table.”
The per­son is ac­tu­ally vis­ited him by Lei Qian­feng is called as „Ven­er­a­ble Wu” re­spect­fully, but the calm brow said: „Good fierce toxin, is good be­cause of the poi­so­nous quan­tity are re­ally few, the time was still short, oth­er­wise, Great Prin­ci­ple Di­vine Im­mor­tal could not save you.”
„Said, al­ready safe?” A leisure, ac­tu­ally passes some sloppy sounds to trans­mit slowly.
Near the win­dow, a young man car­ries to them crosses the hands be­hind the back to stand, his blue mark white cloth­ing, long hair and waist, al­though does not see him to ac­com­mo­date, but noble gas has headed on re­mark­ably, ver­ti­cal is only sur­face its back, does not dare to look straight ahead.
The black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son bends down im­me­di­ately slightly: „Re­turns to Young Mas­ter, in the thun­der Sect Mas­ter in­sti­tute the toxin is quite over­bear­ing, al­though is well for the time being, but must dis­pel com­pletely, still needed the sev­eral days.”
„Oh?” in male voice dis­closed with amaze­ment, he has turned around slowly, re­vealed one del­i­cately and pret­tily ex­tra­or­di­nary, the face that such as the jade carved, his cor­ners of the mouth in­clined, said easely: „Uncle, it seems like I come just in time, if sev­eral days, feared again in the evening must gather up dead bod­ies to you.”


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