Friday, May 11, 2018

1108: Scared out of one's wits

#1108: Scared out of one's wits
Comments 192
As Lei Qian­feng is­sues an order, Lei Tian­gang gets rid per­son­ally, such as the big bird kicks out, di­rect im­pact Lit­tle Jas­mine goes.
Al­though the op­po­site party is only aura the Em­peror Pro­found Realm lit­tle girl, the im­pos­ing man­ner that but he kicks out is quite as­ton­ish­ing. Had stepped on for nearly one month by the Ling Yun en­tire as­pect, 64 Halls that he con­trols loses se­ri­ously, was Chief Hall Mas­ter, Lei Tian­gang also has nat­u­rally sup­pressed a lot of angry re­sent­ment, but the young girl ob­vi­ously is at pre­sent con­cerned with Ling Yun, holds her, then fi­nally at chas­ing down the Ling Yun in­ci­dent took a stride.
As his vi­o­lent kick­ing out, sur­round­ing air by crude dis­pelling. But his ac­tion lets the Wu Guike look big change, then plunges Lei Tian­gang sud­denly, move­ment swift and vi­o­lent was be­hind the but­tocks is held likely sud­denly a knife, even also fol­lows one des­per­atily, com­pletely de­stroyed call­ing out of his proudly stance.
power that rum­bles hastily hits solid after Lei Tian­gang car­ries on the back, Lei Tian­gang un­ex­pected, in the sky was turned by rum­bling side, falls to the ground dis­tress­edly, stag­gers to come to a stop lat­ter to see to at­tack his un­ex­pect­edly is Wu Guike, im­me­di­ately de­cides there, is sur­prised is not dar­ing to speak.
Lei Qian­feng is the whole face is also sur­prised: „Guike, are you?”
Wu Guike has not paid at­ten­tion to them slightly, but after is the dark Shu one breath, be­fore rub­bing sev­eral move to­ward, in Lit­tle Jas­mine body first ten place well-man­nered stand­ing firm, the body slightly an­tev­er­sion, a com­plex­ion tur­bu­lence, as to smile, ac­tu­ally can­not smile in alarmed and afraid, fi­nally only shows an in­com­pa­ra­bly stiff ugly smil­ing face: „Palace... Your High­ness, that idiot had eyes but failed to see a mo­ment ago, al­most af­fronts Your High­ness, does not have... Hasn't alarmed you?”
Lei Qian­feng and Lei Tian­gang pet­rify in­stan­ta­neously, is want­ing to cover di­vine sense Wu Chengyan also from air­borne to lower, the color of whole face shock.
Wu Guike that leans the ap­pear­ance that the body forces a smile at this time, is flat­ter­ing un­ex­pect­edly... That not only has not flat­tered, he is the child of Di­vine Mar­tial Realm King, for­merly ice how­ever, ar­ro­gance, even the noble gas dis­si­pates not to have the trace, look, com­plex­ion and ac­tion, not only there is alarmed and afraid, but also clearly has base and low!
Re­gard­less of Wu Chengyan, is Lei Qian­feng, all kinds be­lieve firmly, even if Wu Guike is fac­ing his fa­ther Wu Sanzun, as for is not the so alarmed and afraid ap­pear­ance.
„Oh?” the Lit­tle Jas­mine eye winked wink­ing, has sized up his one eyes very much earnestly, then eye­brow one curved: „Ah! No won­der such looks fa­mil­iar, prob­a­bly be­fore has seen your ap­pear­ance soon, I think that I re­mem­ber that you are... Well! Di­vine Mar­tial Realm... Called Wu Gui... Wu Gui... In brief is one in that sev­eral small tur­tle! Is right!”
The Wu Sanzun chil­dren are nu­mer­ous, near hun­dred years of en­doge­nous below chil­dren are the "Gui" char­ac­ter gen­er­a­tion, the name such as Wu Guiyun, Wu Guilin, Wu Guike wait / etc.. But Wu Gui has homonym is „tur­tle”. But by the great strength of Di­vine Mar­tial Realm, is the given name of child of Great Realm King, who must dare to turn over to homonym to be­come the tur­tle the mil­i­tary face to face, that courts death com­pletely.
But Lit­tle Jas­mine is in front of Wu Guike, „sev­eral small tur­tles” five char­ac­ter his broth­ers and sis­ters liv­ing rack­ets on his face, Wu Guike ac­tu­ally not only does not get angry, in­stead looks the color of feel­ing ex­tremely flat­tered, quite ex­cit­edly said: „Below Wu Guike, Your High­ness ac­tu­ally still re­mem­bers below, is re­ally is hon­ored ut­most.”
Lei Qian­feng and the oth­ers are shocked com­pletely, brain piece of pri­mor­dial chaos, al­most lost the elab­o­ra­tive fac­ulty. But that just knew Lit­tle Jas­mine Black Soul Hall Mas­ter al­ready out­side both eyes raised, mouth big, ac­tu­ally can­not make the least bit sound.
„Young Mas­ter, is this miss?” Wu Chengyan is hav­ing the deep shock, care­ful ask­ing.
Wu Guike has not ac­tu­ally turned head, had not replied. His again 10,000 courage, does not dare to say girl's sta­tus rashly. He tries hard to re­veal most tem­per­ate smil­ing, bent eight de­grees the waist, cour­te­ous in­com­pa­ra­ble [say / way]: „Does not know that Your High­ness vis­its this place, has...”
Has said that in his heart then fierce one star­tled, dor­sal in­stan­ta­neous cold sweat. As she fear­ful in­com­pa­ra­ble, will go to this place, de­cides how­ever for the im­por­tant mat­ter, can it be that he has the qual­i­fi­ca­tions to in­quire.
When cold sweat, he also cal­cu­lates that re­sponse is ex­tremely quick, changed a state­ment rapidly: „Can prob­a­bly meet Your High­ness in this place, Guike is hon­ored. If there is some­thing with ob­tain­ing the Guike place, Your High­ness com­pletely may tell, Guike will­ing to risk one­self through ten thou­sand death.”
His these words nat­u­rally are only smalltalk flat­ter­ing, al­though he is con­ceited, but does not think one can add on girl any­thing busy.
Has not thought that lis­tened to his words, the girl is ac­tu­ally the eye one bright: „Wa! real? That was good!”
Wu Guike stares, said hastily: „Can be Your High­ness works, is the good for­tune of Guike. Does not know Your High­ness...”
„Hee hee hee hee. Ac­tu­ally, oth­ers rush to here with great dif­fi­culty, to look for a thing, if the small tur­tle is will­ing to help, was too good.”
The girl was ex­tremely beau­ti­ful, the chuckle gets up such as be­gin­ning re­spon­si­bil­ity blooms, the local prod­ucts, Wu Guike does not dare to look straight ahead, the scalp does not have one of the rea­son to tin­gle with numb­ness, lives in­ter­mit­tent in­tense un­easy at heart steep, can only brace one­self say­ing: „Does not know that Your High­ness the thing of seek­ing is?”
„It is not very pre­cious thing.” A Lit­tle Jas­mine face has no time naively: „Is only a small stone, the name was called Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade prob­a­bly ‚’, the small tur­tle, your did body have this type of stone?”
„Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade” this name, the Wu Chengyan brow limps in­stan­ta­neously, Wu Guike heart fierce tight­ened, then im­me­di­ately said: „Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade is the world won­der stone, seeks ex­tremely awk­wardly, may with not be pos­si­ble to ask. Guike is also longs for even in dreams not to. How­ever since is Your High­ness told, after Guike re­turns to Di­vine Mar­tial Realm, will tell that im­me­di­ately seeks fully, if there is a news, cer­tain meet­ing... Finds the way to in­form Your High­ness.”
„Is this?” The girl is still smil­ing, but along with a change of her cor­ners of the mouth small curve, after sweet smil­ing face, ac­tu­ally sud­denly had one to seem to be does not have, made all per­son in­ner­most feel­ings fierce the dan­ger­ous feel­ing of pal­pi­tat­ing: „But, Heaven's Fate Realm Grandpa said that last month, you just ob­tained Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade, that Grandpa gives you per­son­ally. Was could it be that Grandpa of that long beard has de­ceived oth­ers?”
Grandpa of some Heaven's Fate Realm long beard was given to sell by a Lit­tle Jas­mine opens mouth, is ac­tu­ally caused that Wu Guike and Wu Chengyan si­mul­ta­ne­ously the com­plex­ion is star­tled changes.
To at this mo­ment, Wu Guike has been star­tled how­ever awak­ens... Rea­son that the girl here, clearly will come to him un­ex­pect­edly, but any­thing does not meet by chance!
The Wu Guike in­stan­ta­neous cold sweat braves, whole body sends the cake. He has a dream can­not think, one­self this... Will not have the qual­i­fi­ca­tions enter her eyes „unim­por­tant per­son”, will have by one day that she stares at spe­cially un­ex­pect­edly, he at once, does not know this is hon­ored or is afraid.
His body, in­deed has Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade to­gether. But that is he seeks painstak­ingly for many years, the ex­pen­di­ture huge price, re­sulted in the great­est chance to ob­tain. Again two years are Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, had this Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade, he has the ab­solute con­fi­dence to pro­mote a big trun­ca­tion within two years pro­found strength once again, thus on Pro­found God Con­fer­ence moves East­ern God Ter­ri­tory.
There­fore, he in any event, will not be re­signed such to give other peo­ple it. But pre­sent girl, is he can­not pro­voke ab­solutely, can de­cide in a flash his life and death the ter­ror ex­ists, his ten lives do not dare to touch the crime again.
The cold sweat, Wu Guike bows the head to say with the back stream­ing with sweat fright­ened: „Your High­ness, Guike a while ago, in­deed was pre­des­tined friends ob­tains Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade, but, non- was Guike is not will­ing to give Your High­ness it, but was it is very im­por­tant to Guike, if...”
„Ah ah, the small tur­tle should not be so tense.” Lit­tle Jas­mine grin­ning crooked tilt­ing the head: „Also had not said that must seize your thing. Al­though wants Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade very much, but that after is your thing, how can make you give to oth­ers in vain. Oth­ers such cute girl, is not that un­rea­son­able vil­lain.”
Wu Guike stares.
„Oth­ers can you trade with the thing, the guar­an­tee is the Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade equally good thing.” Lit­tle Jas­mine is flash­ing long eye eye­lash, was speak­ing very rea­son­able words: „If the small tur­tle saw, does not want to trade, oth­ers will cer­tainly not de­mand, is good?”
„...” The Lit­tle Jas­mine words make in the Wu Guike heart slightly peace­ful, had sev­eral points of cu­rios­ity: „Does not know that Your High­ness the thing of say­ing is?”
„Is this!” Lit­tle Jas­mine small hand, clear black pro­found stone lies down on the white and ten­der ten­der palm, un­ex­pect­edly is or­di­nary Pro­found Im­agery Stone.
Has not waited for Wu Guike to ask, Lit­tle Jas­mine is hand pinches, the image and sound under Pro­found Im­agery Stone China , India im­me­di­ately pre­sent in all peo­ple at pre­sent.
Lei Qian­feng and the oth­ers saw, place that in the image pre­sents, im­pres­sively is their Soul Sect's Main Palace!
But the per­son in image... Wu Guike, Wu Chengyan, Lei Qian­feng and Xiao Qing­tong... In!
„Be­fore again that any Ling Yun tears to shreds, you first man­age well you! That only Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit what's the mat­ter? My Royal Fa­ther be­cause of this mat­ter, un­usual moved the real anger! You should bet­ter give a nice an­swer...”
This is the Wu Guike sound, is ac­com­pa­ny­ing the omi­nous se­vere in­to­na­tion.
„Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit mat­ter is far from false, we after catch­ing that only Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit, must give to your Royal Fa­ther im­me­di­ately, has not thought that ac­tu­ally for a while care­lessly, by Ling Yun steal­ing!”
Lei Qian­feng in pro­found shade in star­tled reply.
„Aban­dons Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit this mat­ter, you in re­cent years trib­ute Wood Spirit Bead and ex­er­cise mar­tial arts human fur­nace to be also get­ting fewer and fewer, wants to make my Royal Fa­ther ap­pease anger to this mat­ter, feared is dif­fi­cult very!”
„Guike, non- is the Uncle ne­glects, but is these year of Wood Spirit are get­ting fewer and fewer, good human fur­nace is get­ting more and more dif­fi­cult to seek, is re­ally... Guike, after you go back, must to your Royal Fa­ther fine talk sev­eral, the mat­ter of Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit, the Uncle have 10,000 courage par­tic­u­larly, does not dare to de­ceive your Royal Fa­ther.”
„Re­ally is only fewer and fewer?... You to lord over Heiya, make han­dle, should get up the trib­ute Wood Spirit Bead to sell to other peo­ple part of qui­etly?”
From see­ing the first image, hears the first sound, the face of Wu Guike all of a sud­den be­comes pal­lid, when pro­found shade by Lit­tle Jas­mine sud­denly re­ceiv­ing with a smile, he is the whole body feels weak, the both legs are weak, from in­ter­nal or­gans four limbs in fierce is shiv­er­ing.
But the pro­tec­tion sim­i­larly com­pletely changed in Wu Chengyan of his body side the com­plex­ion, in the pupil of con­trac­tion is shak­ing some­thing not Wu Guike are less than many panic-stricken.
Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit, on trib­ute Wood Spirit Bead and human fur­nace... Wu Guike per­son­ally said that clear...
Do not hunt and kill Wood Spirit, this is Eter­nal Sky God Realm unites other three King Realm to­gether below the pro­hi­bi­tion rule. If this Pro­found Im­agery Stone image spreads, merely will not be the Di­vine Mar­tial Realm scan­dal so will be sim­ple, will also cer­tainly re­ceive the sanc­tion of Eter­nal Sky God Realm!
More fear­ful, is this Pro­found Im­agery Stone, stems from this girl's hand!
But he, as Pro­found Im­agery Stone in „lead”, if the ac­ci­dent, in God Realm, he will bring ruin and shame upon one­self, in Di­vine Mar­tial Realm, his con­se­quence and sit­u­a­tion can be imag­ined.
Al­though, many Star Realm in se­cret are win­ning over Wood Spirit Bead, even hunts and kills Wood Spirit... But covertly, with was pub­li­cized in Zhong, is the en­tirely dif­fer­ent two con­cepts!
The Wu Guike pupil al­most lost the color, the en­tire pho­to­graph was fright­ened the soul, the whole body only re­main­ing trem­bling. This ab­solutely is this whole life has re­ceived biggest fright­en­ing.
„You... Who you are! Why must plot against us!” Wu Chengyan one step, kept off one side of Wu Guike for­ward, the com­plex­ion was un­able to re­store again in­dif­fer­ently.
The image in Pro­found Im­agery Stone, oc­curred be­fore less than three quar­ters. In other words, she at least at that time, ac­tu­ally con­tin­u­ously hid­den nearby them.
But he does not have to think un­ex­pect­edly.
Lit­tle Jas­mine raise one's head looks slightly to him, on the face the smil­ing face van­ishes, flow­ery lips also dis­con­tented has curled up­wards: „This uncle, you are quite omi­nous, could it be that does not know that spoke to be gen­tler to the beau­ti­ful girl? Snort, you can­not speak again, oth­er­wise, mas­sacres you.”
Girl's sound pam­pered is crisp, de­light­ful in­com­pa­ra­ble, but when her last few words fall, Wu Chengyan is ac­tu­ally the whole body one cool, one in­ex­plic­a­ble fear lives in the soul steep, the micro pupil steep shrank the sev­eral fold in­stan­ta­neously.
„Chengyan, shuts up im­me­di­ately!” Wu Guike has got­ten back one's com­po­sure slightly, hur­ries to shove open Wu Chengyan, but lat­ter one step, then re­ally firmly shuts up back­ward, does not dare to say half char­ac­ter. That flash in­ex­plic­a­ble alarmed and afraid, mak­ing his whole body merid­i­ans such as frozen, for a very long time is stiff.
„Small tur­tle, the thing in oth­ers hand, but in world unique, you had looked a mo­ment ago, very mys­te­ri­ously is right? There­fore, can you trade with Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade?”
The sim­ple-hearted faint smile ap­pears once more on the face of young girl, she grasps Pro­found Im­agery Stone in palm, but also is very the [say / way] of being with good in­ten­tion: „Words that is not will­ing to trade, oth­ers are also ab­solute ~~ will not com­pel ab­solutely your.”
Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade can give him, is pro­found strength in a short time in­creases, but once Pro­found Im­agery Stone in girl hand falls into the King Realm hand, ruins might be his life ex­tremely, Wu Guike is un­able to choose, is trem­bling the nod: „I trade... I trade... Please... Your High­ness tol­er­ant sev­eral days, Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade after is slightly pre­cious, was kept Di­vine Mar­tial Realm by me, the round-trip words, still needed some date and time.”
„Good good.” Lit­tle Jas­mine nod with­out hes­i­ta­tion com­plies: „Oth­ers just were also very long have not gone to Eter­nal Sky Realm to look for that white-bearded uncle to play, when the time comes can look for you with white-bearded uncle.”
The Wu Guike whole body quickly grasps the mean­ing of some­thing fiercely, in the heart a final fan­tasy is dis­il­lu­sioned com­pletely, the lip trem­bles is fiercer: „Palace... Your High­ness, I think sud­denly, just be­fore leav­ing be­fore , I ac­tu­ally... Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade to the belt in body, in­vited Your High­ness... Kindly ac­cepts.”
At the same time was say­ing, when his both hands held to­gether the sparkling stone white jade stone trem­blingly, the jade comes, the en­tire world all of a sud­den was brighter.
Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade!
Lit­tle Jas­mine eye pupil one bright, small hand grasps, that jade in­stan­ta­neously has then flown in her hand. The jade is ex­quis­ite, such as her flesh shiny smooth, the jade in­lays nine stars, is re­leas­ing the light of bright moon, is in­ter­lock­ing the glow of stars.
Lit­tle Jas­mine flow­ery lips goes up, ex­poses the smil­ing face, grin­ning re­ceives Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade, then points at a ball, that then has al­most flown in Pro­found Im­agery Stone of Wu Guike scared out of one's wits the hand of Wu Guike: „Small tur­tle, this is you must trade vol­un­tar­ily, oth­ers may end ~~ en­tire ~~ has not com­pelled you!”
Re­ceived Pro­found Im­agery Stone, caught it firmly in palm, until using pro­found en­ergy de­stroyed the pow­der. His raised the head, haunches the ratio to cry also the ugly smil­ing face: „Yes... I nat­u­rally am... Vol­un­tary, many thanks... Your High­ness... Helps.”
„Right right.” Lit­tle Jas­mine sat­is­fac­tory nod: „Also thinks you can not be will­ing to ex­change with oth­ers, orig­i­nally, this thing is so valu­able.”
Among flow­ery lips that curls up­wards re­veals a sparkling stone bright small ca­nine tooth, the Lit­tle Jas­mine small hand ex­tends, in the fil­a­ment ten­der fair fin­gers has taken sud­denly up Pro­found Im­agery Stone: „Ac­tu­ally, in oth­ers hands also, can the small tur­tle take the thing again and oth­ers trades? Hee hee hee hee.”
Wu Guike fierce raise one's head: „Your High­ness, you...”
„This ab­solutely was a mo­ment ago dif­fer­ent from that... How­ever is quite dis­gust­ing.” A Lit­tle Jas­mine two stars eye curved be­comes two care­ful cre­cent moons: „Last night, oth­ers came out to play, sud­denly saw the small tur­tle and a name called ‚aunt’ Big Sis­ter has stripped off the clothes, hugged has been han­dling the strange mat­ter in one, al­though oth­ers thought dis­gust­ing, but was also very cu­ri­ous, se­cretly en­graved, you must look.”


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