Sunday, May 6, 2018

1082: Strange invitation

#1082: Strange invitation
Comments 104
emer­ald green bril­liance that body has flashed dis­si­pates fi­nally, Yun Che felt that the con­di­tion of one­self en­tire body changed, this feel­ing is un­able to de­scribe, re­sem­bling is one type never has the en­er­getic feel­ing.
For­merly force­fully dis­played the life flaw that Draw­ing Moon Re­turn­ing Star caused, al­ready com­pletely dis­ap­pear with­out a trace... How He Lin will de­ceive him, 50,000 years of life... To True Dragon this grade of high level beasts, this is not strange, but to human, this only has the mir­a­cle that Di­vine Lord may have.
Lifts the right hand, his thought moves lightly, im­me­di­ately, wipes the green light to reap­pear in his palm... Dif­fer­ent with the Sky Poi­son Pearl quiet green ray, this is one type such as the new­born ten­der grass emer­ald green col­ored.
But wipes reap­pear­ing of ray along with this, the sur­round­ing flow­ers and plants dance sud­denly calmly, then gath­ered com­pletely to him, was re­leas­ing the joy­ful vi­tal­ity.
Yun Che is prob­ing the palm du­pli­cate, faces the flow­ers and plants be­fore body. Under the green light cov­ers, im­me­di­ately, these flow­ers and plants to com­pletely go against the com­mon sense the speed to grow quickly, but dur­ing count­ing breaths, grew un­ex­pect­edly enough more than one foot high.
The Yun Che palm grasps, green light re­strain­ing, the growth of flow­ers and plants also along with it stop.
Ex­pe­dites flow­ers and trees all var­i­ous grassy plants... He ac­tu­ally has the mys­te­ri­ous abil­ity that Wood Spirit was in sole pos­ses­sion.
Power of Na­ture!
In­ces­santly so, in his mind, were many many things.
But these are not the He Lin mem­o­ries, but is the in­nu­mer­able flow­ers and plants spirit wooden in­for­ma­tion.
In Blue Pole Star, under train­ing of Yun Gu, Yun Che is fa­mil­iar to var­i­ous types of raw ma­te­r­ial for med­i­cine poi­so­nous ma­te­ri­als, even has not needed an eye of view, heard by far that can know its in­gre­di­ent and even the year. But God Realm is com­pletely is dif­fer­ent from Blue Pole Star an­other world. The Blue Pole Star top raw ma­te­r­ial for med­i­cine, here is only every thing, but God Realm dif­fer­ent grass spirit flower, he knows noth­ing ba­si­cally.
But at this time, en­graves, in he re­mem­bers, is ac­tu­ally may be called the vast news. From the or­di­nar­i­est veg­e­ta­tion, to is eter­nally dif­fi­cult strange flower that meets, from their out­ward ap­pear­ances and aura and prop­erty in­tel­li­gence tox­i­c­ity name and al­ter­nate name, to pos­si­ble ge­o­graph­i­cal en­vi­ron­ment, yield con­di­tion, veg­e­ta­tive cycle and dif­fer­ent growth pe­riod... wait wait! Ex­haus­tively to in­con­ceiv­able.
Yun Che does not even doubt... These news have cov­ered vast God Realm all veg­e­ta­tion!
But these news do not grant or in­her­its from Soul, but seems in­born ex­ists --- is not right in Wood Spirit Bead! If is re­ally so, only may only exist in Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit Bead. Solely is the news that these as if na­ture grants, suf­fi­ciently lets the price­less trea­sure that King Realm in­com­pa­ra­bly longs.
50,000 years of life, ten thou­sand spirit news, re­sult in the veg­e­ta­tion to be com­pat­i­ble, re­sults in Wood Spirit spirit strength... Per­haps, abil­ity that also he now has not de­tected, if usu­ally, ob­tains ran­dom, will be wild with joy, but pre­sent he, does not have, even if a joy.
Yun Che leaves Heiya City as soon as pos­si­ble, find­ing way to go to the idea of Heaven's Fate Realm is noth­ing left.
If did not stay that time in the Wood Spirit se­cret, if not He Lin, for does not be­come his bur­den has made up mind to go, but also has given him own Wood Spirit Bead... Even if he kills them for him­self in­di­rectly, but deeply re­bukes one­self, will not lose the wis­dom wants to pro­voke on own ini­tia­tive in Heiya Realm has Black Soul Di­vine Sect of po­ten­tial of cov­ers the sky.
But at this mo­ment, under his en­tire body, boil­ing berserk killing in­tent.
Used for a long time to come tran­quil state of mind very much, he has trans­ferred de­par­ture, di­rec­tion that went, im­pres­sively as be­fore was Heiya City.
In a while, aura of the front fast im­mi­nent dan­ger, his foot­steps stag­nate, the form dis­ap­peared there slowly.
Quick, the front pre­sented dozens jet black forms.
„Hall Mas­ter, 17 peo­ple all died, I have in­ves­ti­gated care­fully, not ob­vi­ous thun­der snake power re­mains, very pos­si­ble... Under the sit­u­a­tion in al­most not re­volt­ing against was slaugh­tered . More­over the method is quite cruel.”
Is called „Hall Mas­ter” the Black-robed Man fa­cial color is stiff, body sends out is mak­ing Yun Che feel ur­gently dan­ger­ous aura.
„Hall Mas­ter, the per­son of start­ing, can be yes­ter­day that se­verely wounded Branch Hall Mas­ter Lei Ya ‚Ling Yun’?”
„Will not have oth­ers.” Black Soul Hall Mas­ter cold sound track: „Can the Lei Ya se­vere wound to that de­gree, be able to kill them, pours is not strange, it seems like that this boy who called Ling Yun... The courage is also not gen­eral big!”
The Black Soul Hall Mas­ter chest fluc­tu­ates, on face a gloom: „The boy from Clean Moon Realm, the Heiya City di­men­sion sta­tion has sealed, ac­cord­ing to the Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce news, he ran away now Heiya City. Im­me­di­ately passes mes­sage Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce, mak­ing them start the Heiya Realm all Main City in­tel­li­gence net­works, does not hes­i­tate to trace the Ling Yun where­abouts. also, in­forms Chief Hall Mas­ter, mak­ing him re­port Sect Mas­ter, im­me­di­ately sends for going to Clean Moon Realm, traces Ling Yun all de­tails, if easy to do, per­son who has the re­la­tions all and him grasps com­pletely! If thorny, then in Di­vine Mar­tial Realm given name on re­port!”
Yun Che: Also is Clean Moon Realm? What's the mat­ter?
„This... For bold out­side pro­found prac­ti­tioner so drags in lots of peo­ple, feared that is Chief Hall Mas­ter...”
„You are not un­der­stand­ing!” Black Soul Hall Mas­ter sink­ing sound track: „That Ling Yun is the live im­pa­tient court­ing death idiot, the key is that small Wood Spirit! They for­merly sent greet­ings cap­tured alive small Wood Spirit, now ac­tu­ally com­pletely died, but small Wood Spirit did not have the trace, if Ling Yun does, that small Wood Spirit surely in his hand.”
„If in dead­line, but also can­not seize that to be only small Wood Spirit...” Black Soul Hall Mas­ter clenches teeth slowly: „I guar­an­tee us, can­not see the next day Sun!”
That Black Soul dis­ci­ple whole body quickly grasps the mean­ing of some­thing, fear sound track: „Yes... dis­ci­ple does im­me­di­ately.”
The Black Soul Hall Mas­ter eye sweeps all around, gloomy the face is for­ward­ing, slightly had not ac­tu­ally re­al­ized that does not ar­rive at dis­tance of hun­dred zhang (333 m) right him, is bring­ing the killing in­tent ice cold eyes light to­gether stub­bornly is star­ing at him.
Yun Che mur­der­ous aura in Stealth over­flow, is deep from time to time from time to time hid­den. Judges from the op­pres­sion strength, this Black Soul Hall Mas­ter pro­found strength should Late Stage in Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm, his al­most im­pos­si­ble de­feat... Let alone pe­riph­ery also dozens Di­vine Soul Realm Black Soul dis­ci­ple.
Hate that in the heart killing in­tent boil­ing, is eager to do to vent, but he is in­suf­fi­cient to lose the rea­son fi­nally, fi­nally, his re­treat, is far away to north slowly, the after dis­tance of enough se­cu­rity, re­lieves the Stealth con­di­tion, non-stop flies Heiya City to go.
Any Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade, Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass and Heaven's Fate Realm, were unim­por­tant!
Al­though not pos­si­bly re­ally de­stroyed cer­tainly has con­trolled huge Star Realm Black Soul Di­vine Sect, but... Even if puts to­gether the life, he must make Soul Sect pay the price of blood!!
Since the Soul Sect's per­son rec­og­nizes him al­ready not in Heiya City, then Heiya City in­stead has be­come the safest place, but rea­son that he re­turns to Heiya City again, then must eaves­drop on that Soul Sect's is at!
--- --- --- --- ---
Re­turned to Heiya City darkly, the weather al­ready, but in city as be­fore lively con­tin­u­ous. Stands in city gate, hos­til­ity that in the Yun Che tran­quil pupil the deep place has not sub­sided as be­fore.
As Heiya Realm con­trol sect, Black Soul Di­vine Sect in should pub­lic­ity, must eaves­drop on that is not ab­solutely dif­fi­cult.
His vi­sion sweeps, has cho­sen a small cham­ber of com­merce in line of sight ca­su­ally, grad­u­ally walked.
But at this mo­ment, his sound trans­mis­sion jade trans­mits pro­found en­ergy to fluc­tu­ate sud­denly.
The Yun Che's foot­steps stop sud­denly.
This type through or­di­nary passes mes­sage that sound trans­mis­sion jade car­ries on, im­pos­si­ble sur­mounts Star Realm.
But in Heiya Realm, has his sound trans­mis­sion mark... Only has Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce!
The Yun Che brow sinks, takes up sound trans­mis­sion jade slowly. The sound in sound trans­mis­sion jade is ac­tu­ally not that Mr. Ji, but is a voice of fe­male.
„Young Mas­ter Ling Yun, I am Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce Ji Ruyan, must have mat­ter seeks an au­di­ence Young Mas­ter Ling Yun. After two dou­ble-hour, Ruyan meets sin­gle one per­son to await calmly Young Mas­ter Ling Yun east Heiya City, ask­ing Young Mas­ter Ling Yun must enjoy the sur­face to keep an ap­point­ment... Asked Young Mas­ter Ling Yun to be­lieve. Ruyan is your friend, but is far from your enemy, will not have in­formed Soul Sect about your any mat­ter.”
After the sound, a also po­si­tion news.
Ji Ruyan!?
Yun Che: „...”
Yun Che's first re­sponded that --- this is one di­rects his snare.
But, if the snare, too Low Rank. More­over, why will Ji Ruyan think him also in Heiya City? Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce trans­mits to the Soul Sect's news, wasn't he es­caped to Heiya City?
The rec­ol­lec­tion Ji Ruyan gave his two times to send greet­ings at the trade fair last night, as well as the peo­ple of Soul Sect think that he from called „Clean Moon Realm” the place, but did not say a word about and Flame God Realm, he felt that Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce and Soul Sect's re­lated as if not the sur­face seem was so sim­ple.
But, ex­cept for must plot against him, Yun Che can­not find out any Ji Ruyan to see his rea­son.
„Good! I have a look at you to play any trick!” Yun Che chants in a low voice to say.
He has Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow in the body, most does not fear plots.
Yun Che trans­fers the di­rec­tion, goes di­rectly to the east.
The cur­tain of night low­ers slowly, has put out a hand not to see the five fin­gers.
Com­pares is clear in the Snow Song Realm ice blink, the Heiya Realm dim light of night is es­pe­cially pro­found.
Place that Ji Ruyan makes an ap­point­ment with al­though as in the Heiya City range, but is ac­tu­ally place of ex­tremely broad leav­ing un­cul­ti­vated, sev­eral thou­sand zhang (3.33 m) dry above, only then sev­eral ru­ined huts, can only see clearly the com­plete pic­ture in ad­di­tion spa­cious as well as a place sub­tilis.
The place that suits hides does not have, do not say that is used for the cloudy per­son.
Yun Che early ar­rives, then pa­trolled in the Stealth con­di­tion sev­eral back and forth, let alone any ex­cep­tion­ally aura, the per­son's shadow of pass­ing by has not had.
But Yun Che has not re­laxed vig­i­lantly, is main­tain­ing the Stealth con­di­tion, makes an ap­point­ment with when until the dis­tance also when re­mains less than the quar­ter, to­gether Di­vine Soul Realm aura fast neigh­bor­ing, Yun Che raise one's head, above the upper air, wipes the grace­ful white shade from the West to fly.
All alone.
A Ji Ruyan sim­ple el­e­ment Chang­bai skirt, the look is tran­quil, at least and last night de­sir­ably re­lease flat­ters com­pletely dif­fer­ent.
When Yun Che the front, her light land­ing, both feet place, belt de­sir­ably quite heavy land­ing sound.
Yun Che has not come, coldly vis­its her.
Ji Ruyan looks all around, then such stands in the there sta­tic wait­ing. The time winds through in the dark si­lenc­ing fast, but the dis­tant place, does not have any aura to ap­proach through­out again.
„Young Mas­ter Ling Yun, Ruyan knows that you came, asked to come to meet.”
The Ji Ruyan soft and gen­tle words make noise sud­denly.
Yun Che did not re­spond.
„Young Mas­ter Ling Yun, please be­lieve Ruyan, Ruyan will not harm you ab­solutely, has no rea­son to harm you. Today sud­denly makes an ap­point­ment with, is some Ruyan mat­ters re­quested that ask­ing Young Mas­ter Ling Yun to help.”
Her sound is bring­ing sin­cerely, even also plead­ing, only, Yun Che has not lis­tened falsely.
The Yun Che brow moves, fi­nally makes noise: „I be­hind you!”
Speech at the same time, the Stealth con­di­tion has also re­lieved.
Ji Ruyan sud­denly turns round, sees the Yun Che ice-cold face, on her face re­veals is ac­tu­ally pleas­antly sur­prised: „Young Mas­ter Ling Yun...”
„Why you know that I did come?” Yun Che asked.
„In­tu­ition.” Ji Ruyan smile: „The in­tu­ition of woman, is al­ways very ac­cu­rate.”
„In­tu­ition?” Yun Che sneers: „You use your in­tu­ition to guess, you can live tonight going back!”
The sound falls for the first time, the Yun Che's form has ex­ploded to shoot, be­fore bul­ly­ing near Ji Ruyan body in a flash, the palm such as the ter­ror hawk hook, the heart­less lock­ing on her slen­der snow neck, the great strength of in­stan­ta­neous re­lease al­most di­rectly de­stroys her nape of the neck.
Ji Ruyan pro­found strength cul­ti­vates to be the same with Yun Che, but the strength is ac­tu­ally the day badly leaves. In­tense suf­fo­ca­tion and pain make her look deathly pale in­stan­ta­neously, ac­tu­ally can­not put forth the strength of least bit strug­gling.
In her pupil is full the pain, does not have the pan­icked and dis­or­derly, has not begged, her [say / way] gen­tly: „Ruyan... In­deed... De­serv­ing to be damned... If dies in... In young mas­ter’s hand... Also good...”
Then, she has closed the eye gen­tly.
„...” From the Ji Ruyan sound, Yun Che clearly felt the ex­tri­ca­tion.


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