Tuesday, May 8, 2018

1087: Small... Jasmine!?

#1087: Small... Jasmine!?
Comments 116
More­over looks at her ap­pear­ance, where has the fear of least bit!
„... Why can you a per­son here, your com­pan­ion or the fam­ily mem­ber?” Girl's eyes make Yun Che some not dare to look straight ahead, he has swept around one, asked.
„I do not have the com­pan­ion, more­over I am a per­son run away to play se­cretly, the fam­ily mem­ber does not know.” The girl is ac­tu­ally the vi­sion grace­ful stares at him to look, on the face is bring­ing such as the fairy tale Princess fine smil­ing face.
A per­son? The Yun Che brow moves greatly.
Al­though here be­longs to the Black Soul Moun­tain fring­ing field as be­fore, but also pen­e­trated nearly 200 li (0.5km), her tal­ent Em­peror Pro­found Realm can lit­tle girl, the per­son of is well come here? The com­mon sense, is al­most the im­pos­si­ble mat­ter!
Wait / Etc., could it be that, are some peo­ple pro­tect­ing her ac­tu­ally in se­cret?
Rea­son that he can­not re­al­ize , be­cause the op­po­site party is ex­tremely for­mi­da­ble, to him def­i­nitely is un­able for­mi­da­ble sen­sa­tion its aura.
Thinks that the girl does not have been afraid slightly in­tensely and so on ap­pear­ance from be­gin­ning to end, her sem­blance also at­trac­tive fine ex­cess, has one ex­tremely spe­cial mak­ings, cer­tainly im­pos­si­ble is the fam­ily back­ground or­di­nary fam­i­lies.
The syn­the­sis wants to come, Yun Che even more thinks the pos­si­bil­ity... It seems like one­self get rid to save her, is minds oth­ers'busi­ness purely!
„Big Brother, do you name?” The girl asked.
„Ling Yun.” Yun Che spoke thought­lessly the reply, in any case was a false name: „Words of per­son, here are very dan­ger­ous, you sooner leave.”
Then, he has turned around, then must leave.
„Orig­i­nally is Big Brother Ling Yun...! wait wait!” See­ing Yun Che must leave, the girl makes noise to stop by call­ing him: „Since here is so dan­ger­ous, you do pro­tect oth­ers to be good? Hee... Oth­ers such cute girl on own ini­tia­tive makes you pro­tect, you cer­tainly good hap­pily is right?”
„... My also very im­por­tant mat­ter must do, you sooner go home.”
Yun Che floats the body, in an in­stant flown is very far.
„! Your you... How you can like this... Can­not walk!”
The rear area hears girl in­dig­nant ten­der call, Yun Che turns a deaf ear, rapidly far... Until, girl's voice turned was hav­ing the panic-stricken scream.
„Help... Saves me quickly... Ah!!”
Yun Che op­tional shot a look at one back­ward, ac­tu­ally sud­denly re­al­ized that has sev­eral dan­ger­ous aura to plunge that girl.
pro­found beast that is for­merly the sound that got rid to bring in!
But, in girl's call­ing out in alarm sound, does not have Yun Che to ex­pect that from be­gin­ning to end the pow­er­house gets rid to scat­ter close to girl's dan­ger­ous pro­found beast these.
could it be that... Is she re­ally only all alone?
The cir­cum­stance is ur­gent, Yun Che has thought with­out enough time that folds the body like light­ning, flies to fall, con­sec­u­tively sev­eral Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow, be­fore sharp claws of giant pro­found beast will soon move the girl kept off be­fore her body in­stant.
Throws the bang!
The right claw of giant beast hits hard in the Yun Che chest, ma­li­ciously in­stead was ac­tu­ally shaken in its power by the sev­eral fold, the Yun Che arm sweeps, the the front moun­tain­ous re­gion was raised im­me­di­ately crudely, flies eight pro­found beast di­rect bang.
Rear sev­eral pro­found beast ac­tu­ally dashed to at this time to girl's back, the girl has ex­uded one once more... Al­though sounds likely is not the fear call­ing out in alarm sound, Yun Che has not turned round, the right arm that sweeps ig­nites the flame, the tak­ing ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity bang rear­ward... But sud­denly thinks that in­stan­ta­neous high tem­per­a­ture is very likely the wound to ar­rive at the girl, the flame com­pletely is im­me­di­ately loose, the blue light flashes be­fore.
In grat­ing con­geal­ment sound, rear seven pro­found beast were flick­ered frozen, in roar cold wind in ac­tu­ally to be flown sud­denly by the dis­tant belt, did not have the sound com­pletely.
Pe­riph­ery the con­fir­ma­tion is non­haz­ardous, the Yun Che arm puts down, has turned around: „Was good, was all right.”
„You... You were too hate­ful! A your per­son runs away un­ex­pect­edly sud­denly, throws down me, no mat­ter, but also makes me al­most be eaten by them! You... How you must com­pen­sate me!!” The girl beau­ti­ful eye cir­cle stares, an­grily said.
„... The young misses, I have saved you, but also has res­cued two times, you did not thank me, un­ex­pect­edly also scolded me.” Yun Che de­pressed [say / way].
„Snort! You is a man, res­cues my such at­trac­tively such cute lit­tle loli could it be that should not be!” Girl's pow­dery white cheek helps highly bulge, „right­eous­ness words” [say / way]: „You not only should save me, sees alone my such dan­ger­ous place, but should also pro­tect me well, my such cute girl, even if were in­jured the lit­tle hair is ab­solutely not.”
„How­ever you dare to throw down me not to do un­ex­pect­edly... Can­not for­give ab­solutely! You must admit mis­takes, then pro­tects me well!”
„...” Yun Che mouth big, quite a while has not sup­pressed a char­ac­ter ob­sti­nately.
This lit­tle girl... Al­though she in­deed has nar­cis­sis­tic cap­i­tal, but this tem­per... Grows in ex­treme spoil­ing ob­vi­ously, more­over small Princess that se­ri­ous spoiled!
Sees Yun Che un­able to speak, girl flow­ery lips goes up, com­pla­cent: „Snort, could not speak! You know that now also with enough time, I have been mis­tak­enly able to for­give you very much mag­nan­i­mous. How­ever, from now on you must pro­tect me well, can­not make me en­counter any dan­ger again, oth­er­wise, you... You... You are the per­son who in this world most can­not be for­given!”
„...” Yun Che deeply in­spired: „young miss, you make me pro­tect you... Did not fear that I am also vil­lain?”
The girl star drills the bright eyes visit him earnestly: „Al­though, you seem also likely are vil­lain, but should not be spe­cially bad vil­lain?”
The Yun Che cor­ners of the mouth twitch con­tin­u­ously... It is not spe­cially bad vil­lain...
That not vil­lain!
Shout! Ok, do not lower one­self to the same level with nar­cis­sis­tic lit­tle girl. Since has res­cued her two times, that sim­ply res­cues.
Be­fore Yun Che palm ex­tends, the blue light flashes, one one zhang (3.33 m) come long Ice Boat to con­geal in their the front, Yun Che flut­ter to Ice Boat above, worn out [say / way]: „Comes up, sends you to the safe place.”
„Well... Good good!” The girl looked at Ice Boat one, with­out hes­i­ta­tion jumped, then [say / way] with a smile: „Big Brother, al­though you not like good per­son, but is quite fierce, not only can use the fire, but can also with icing... Re­ally fierce.”
Yun Che: „...”
Ice Boat soars, the speed is ex­tremely fast, flies to the Black Soul Moun­tain sur­round­ing.
„young miss, are you re­ally one?” Yun Che vi­sual the front, asked.
„Nat­u­rally! Oth­ers such cute lit­tle loli, will not lie.” Girl's crisp reply.
„... Do you name?” Yun Che spoke thought­lessly to ask. When thor­ough moun­tain range is very slow, but he stim­u­lates to move­ment Ice Boat fully, the speed of turn­ing back wants on quick dozens times, soon can re­turn to be­side the moun­tain range.
„Name, well... I think oh.” Girl small head one crooked, small hand se­lects on the chin, in the mouth low voice read sud­denly bro­ken: „Or­ange apple Chi­nese hawthorn peach Chi­nese flow­er­ing quince litchi chi­nen­sis...”
Yun Che: „......???”
„... Big mush­room small mush­room ant ele­phant camel­lia japon­ica Jas­mine...” Her eye sud­denly one bright, small hand, ex­cited to yell: „My name was called Jas­mine!”
„~! @#¥%...” Under Yun Che has turned around, bends down: „young miss, even if must lie... Can should not be so ob­vi­ous!”
„Well? How can?” The young girls blinked, earnest [say / way]: „Oth­ers very much dili­gently think of such cute name.”
„What I asked was your true name.” Yun Che sound high eight points: „More­over you just did not say won't one lie?”
„Snort!” The girl is ac­tu­ally the small face turns, air/Qi toot toot [say / way]: „Is you de­ceives me with the false name ob­vi­ously first, now in­stead comes to be omi­nous I, you are re­ally hate­ful vil­lain!”
„...” Yun Che is at a loss for words in­stan­ta­neously... I de­pend, she knows false name that I use? Blind ig­no­rant?
„You... Knows that my name is false?” The Yun Che's sound fell, is bring­ing sev­eral points of afraid ob­vi­ously.
„I know!”
„Well good, I ac­knowl­edged that my name is false, I ac­knowl­edged that I de­ceive you not to be right.” Yun Che help­less shak­ing hand: „You... Can change a name?”
„Why?” Girl ques­tion crooked tilt­ing the head: „Jas­mine not only of pleas­ant to hear, but also con­forms to my at­trac­tive cute very much, I like very much.”
„You... Can give a name of pleas­ant to hear.” Yun Che thinks to say dili­gently: „For ex­am­ple, you can call... Small apple?”
„Does not want!” Girl dis­con­tented shak­ing the head of: „Oth­ers ob­vi­ously are such cute lit­tle loli, should not be big like the apple and fat.”
„... Or, called the car­rot?”
„Does not want! After oth­ers grow up , be­fore want­ing , after being raised, curls up­wards, do not look like the car­rot to be so ugly!”
First raised... Lat­ter curls up­wards...
Yun Che sev­eral nearly grasp crazily: „You again change the name that you like, in brief can­not call Jas­mine!”
„Why?” In girl's eye pupil is pass­ing the doubt: „could it be that doesn't Big Brother like Jas­mine?”
„Nat­u­rally is not!!”
„Jas­mine” two char­ac­ters, what touches is the shadow of his Soul most deep place, he is al­most the in­stan­ta­neous exit / to speak de­nied that then grasps the scalp, said: „Good, my hon­est said with you that I have a very im­por­tant per­son, her name was called Jas­mine, ex­cept for her, I do not want to shout again any­body this name, is not will­ing to see that some peo­ple gave this name ran­domly.”
„Well... Like this oh.” The girl as if un­der­stood.
„Is this!” Yun Che with em­pha­sis.
„Good,” girl nods gen­tly, then again earnest think­ing: „I changed a name to be good.”
Yun Che re­laxes darkly, grat­i­fied thought: Al­though this lit­tle girl the will­ful nar­cis­sism is ner­vous, but fi­nally has a lit­tle rea­son­able.
„Was right, Big Brother, your ‚Jas­mine’ age is older than me, is smaller than me?” The girl asked sud­denly.
„Nat­u­rally is older than you.” Yun Che replied.
„Good, de­ci­sion!” The dou­ble pupil once more star light sparkle of girl: „My name was called... Lit­tle Jas­mine!!”
„~! @#¥%...” The Yun Che two sides cor­ners of the eye are twitch­ing: „This... Has... Any­thing... Dif­fer­ence!!”
„Nat­u­rally has! Lit­tle Jas­mine hear cute.” The girl win­ning smile is at­trac­tive, as if this name lik­ing and sat­is­fac­tion to „Lit­tle Jas­mine”.
„...” Yun Che is speech­less thor­oughly.
„Right right, Big Brother, you said that Jas­mine is a you very im­por­tant per­son, is could it be that your mother?” Lit­tle girl cu­ri­ous ask­ing, is „Lit­tle Jas­mine”, sud­denly was in­ter­ested in very big being cu­ri­ous to „Jas­mine”: „If Jas­mine is your mother, that Lit­tle Jas­mine is your lit­tle mother... It is not right, is lit­tle ma­ter­nal aunt!”
„Nat­u­rally is not!” Yun Che has al­most roared. More­over be­hind that strange logic what's the mat­ter??
„Very im­por­tant per­son, is not mother,” girl thinks again, im­me­di­ately eye one bright: „I know! She cer­tainly is the Big Brother wife!”
„...!!” Yun Che just about to again the roar re­futes, but thought of her sud­denly a mo­ment ago the strange logic, if told her Jas­mine is own Mas­ter, but also re­ferred to er­rat­i­cally draws any mon­stru­ous tal­ent con­clu­sion.
He im­me­di­ately com­plex­ion one en­tire, with deep ven­er­a­tion nod: „Right, right, Jas­mine is my wife.”
„Oh!!” Girl's re­sponse un­ex­pected ex­ag­ger­a­tion, the eye­brow warpage, the sparkling pupil sud­denly had thou­sands of stars also to sparkle likely: „Orig­i­nally is this. Well... Jas­mine is the Big Brother wife, then Lit­tle Jas­mine is Big Brother...”
Yun Che:( ⊙ o ⊙)!?!?
„That such words, Big Brother was my brother-in-law...! The brother-in-law is good!” Lit­tle Jas­mine vis­its him, re­veals the an­gelic smil­ing face, one „brother-in-law” is shouts un­ex­pect­edly freely spo­ken in­com­pa­ra­ble.
Yun Che breathes im­peded: „I... What's wrong... Can be your brother-in-law!!”
„How can not?” Lit­tle Jas­mine ex­tends the white and ten­der ten­der small hand, breaks off the fin­ger to cal­cu­late earnestly: „Brother-in-law you looks, Elder Sis­ter Jas­mine is your wife, but I am Lit­tle Jas­mine, that nat­u­rally is Elder Sis­ter Jas­mine Lit­tle Sis­ter, since is the Elder Sis­ter Jas­mine younger sis­ter, nat­u­rally is your sis­ter-in-law, but you are my brother-in-law, ab­solutely cor­rect.”
Cor­rect... Cor­rect your younger sis­ter Ah!!
This lit­tle girl is the per­son or the spirit... This brain cir­cuit com­pletely does not be­long to human!
In he grasps is crazy, Lit­tle Jas­mine the start of right­eous­ness words has ex­er­cised her is sis­ter-in-law's priv­i­lege: „Brother-in-law pro­tects the sis­ter-in-law to be per­fectly jus­ti­fied. Since you now were my brother-in-law, must pro­tect my safety, but also wanted obe­di­ently lis­tened to me, es­pe­cially can­not a per­son run away sud­denly, where goes to prob­a­bly take me! also... also... I think again.”
Yun Che: o (( ⊙ ﹏ ⊙ )) o......
Sigh... In­spi­ra­tion... In­spires again... Calm! Is good-look­ing but the head ob­vi­ously not nor­mal lit­tle girl flat and thin piece... Puts in order „Jas­mine” by chance this name... Do not lower one­self to the same level with her... Hur­ries to de­liver to be­side Black Soul Moun­tain then to aban­don her to travel!


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