Tuesday, May 22, 2018

1122: ancient boundary collapse

#1122: ancient boundary collapse
Comments 109
Filled the hori­zon ice-cold and Mu Xu­anyin pro­found en­ergy such as in­sane gen­eral ris­ing sud­denly, when ter­ri­fy­ing cold qi pow­er­ful to some crit­i­cal point, changed un­ex­pect­edly seemed to be aura, the heav­ily im­pact was twist­ing pro­found en­ergy Do­main be­fore Lit­tle Jas­mine body.
Grad­u­ally, she starts to feel ice-cold that ap­proached fast.
In Lit­tle Jas­mine screams, con­tin­u­ously laugh­ter free her fi­nally face aus­tere, the pro­found en­ergy Do­main sev­eral fold in­flates, all dis­pels sur­round­ing cold qi, im­mi­nent ice-cold feel­ing also along with it ex­tin­guish­ing.
The blue light dodges lightly, such as the day­break ago North Pole multi-col­ored sun­light. The Mu Xu­anyin snow clothes hikes up, the white del­i­cate arms light dance, Snow Princess Sword de­lim­its sev­eral hun­dred sword shades in count­ing breaths, in­ter­nal qi of en­tire world seemed towed, but, changes to the cold prison storms from nine quiet under.
Cli­mate big change of Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary, even if be­yond thou­sand li(500 km), life of sur­viv­ing des­per­ate wail in cold wind. But the cen­ter of ice-cold and storm, what con­den­sa­tion is the av­er­age man, even if ten live the ter­ri­fy­ing ice prison that tenth ab­solutely is un­able to un­der­stand.
Lit­tle Jas­mine form fast re­treat, her pro­found en­ergy Do­main was layer upon layer twisted and sup­pressed, but will im­me­di­ately re­store com­pletely, re­gard­less of cold de­struc­tion, from be­gin­ning to end has not moved her seems like the del­i­cate in­com­pa­ra­ble body. But her face is ac­tu­ally float­ing off deeper and deeper sur­prised and un­be­liev­able, to fi­nally, turned grad­u­ally was in­com­pre­hen­si­ble.
Al­though is only Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm Realm King, but the name of Mu Xu­anyin, knows in High-Rank Star Realm and King Realm per­son widely. Be­cause she after is for­mi­da­ble Di­vine Lord.
Has Di­vine Lord Star Realm, any other Star Realm eas­ily will not pro­voke.
But, the strength that Mu Xu­anyin shows, has been sep­a­rated from her ex­pec­ta­tion com­pletely, is in­com­pat­i­ble about all her ma­te­ri­als and rumor by far.
Under thou­sand ice shades, has not bro­ken Lit­tle Jas­mine pro­found en­ergy Do­main as be­fore. This to Lit­tle Jas­mine, is the nat­ural mat­ter. The al­ti­tude of be­cause by her sta­tus and being, even if strength far ultra ex­pec­ta­tion of Mu Xu­anyin, im­pos­si­ble poses the threat to her de­cid­edly, even if she has only used less than 30% power.
ice-cold as be­fore, but the storm and cold light rest slightly, as if after is the lim­it­ing con­di­tion next, strength is dif­fi­cult. Lit­tle Jas­mine face lifts, just about to speaks, sud­denly, Ice Phoenix called spa­tially, along with flut­ter­ing of wing of Ice Phoenix, the deep blue ice link dropped from the clouds to­gether, cov­ered Lit­tle Jas­mine. In a twin­kling, the en­tire world be­comes the deep blue piece.
This thinks that has achieved peak ice-cold un­ex­pect­edly in flash sev­eral fold sud­denly to in­crease.
„Yeah Ai!?” Lit­tle Jas­mine pro­found en­ergy was sup­pressed all of a sud­den, along with it by to seal|con­fer Jie, was lost the con­trol un­ex­pect­edly slowly. Never has bit­ter cold sud­denly such as myr­iad in­vis­i­ble ice edges, pierces her pro­found en­ergy Do­main di­rectly, the du­pli­cate vine whole body, pricks the soul again, caused that her calls out in alarm.
The deep blue ice link con­tracts in the where­abouts, top Lit­tle Jas­mine pro­found en­ergy to con­tinue to de­press, grad­u­ally nearly to dis­tance of in­suf­fi­cient hun­dred feet, on the Lit­tle Jas­mine tight face pre­sented some painful looks, fi­nally, her look slightly changes, in the pupil pupil, flashes through wipes ex­cep­tion­ally Can goal blue light.
Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary fierce trem­bling, rum­bled, has ex­ceeded this an­cient times Se­cret Realm in his­tory all star­tling thun­der­clap, in all Gu Jing lives lost the sense of hear­ing in the flash com­pletely.
Deep blue ice link blast­ing open, the en­tire hun­dred li (0.5km) re­gion, all cold qi were evac­u­ated by the flash, was can­celled from the world by an in­vis­i­ble hand likely di­rectly.
Dis­places, is the in­nu­mer­able [say / way] neighs to flash, such as light­ning com­mon dark green blue pro­found light.
Mu Xu­anyin such as by the ham­mer of Tian­qing, the form was shot hun­dred li (0.5km) but ac­tu­ally, when an­chors, on snow Yan Zhi ac­tu­ally does not change.
Ice blue and dark green blue, orig­i­nally is two close col­ors, ac­tu­ally dis­tin­guishes right from wrong, di­vides into two en­tire an­cient bound­ary world.
Lit­tle Jas­mine as be­fore was at for­merly po­si­tion, but be­fore she ab­solutely did not have , the op­tional ap­pear­ance of leisurely strolling idle court­yard, can only call in ex­quis­ite both hands, grasped one to be big­ger much the dark green blue great sword.
The sword body is more spa­cious than girl's body, the sword long is two times in the height of young girl, even if the thick sword hilt girl is both hands is un­able about grasp­ing.
So big sword, even if nine chi (0.33 m) great Han being hard phase con­trast, do not say an ex­quis­ite young girl. But, was held by the girl in hand, pre­sents un­ex­pect­edly is a not dif­fer­ent sense of har­mony, as if the ir­re­sistible and un­ques­tion­able sounds flut­ter in Soul: It should con­trol for her, only has her, matches it con­trols.
Sword blade steel and iron, col­ored glaze, on flick­ers the dark green blue flash eye, next one will flicker darkly will sink with­out the light. Sword hilt one foot, the sword blade does not have blade edge to be not sharp, be­fore the dark green blue sword blade, is ac­tu­ally flash­ing all over the body two scar­let blood light, such as wolf of berserk bleed­ing the eye of blood­thirsty.
The great sword comes, Lit­tle Jas­mine aura thor­ough changed. For­merly she, looked like care­free, naive was lead­ing the cun­ning elf young girl, even if she dis­played is crush­ing Mu Xu­anyin power suf­fi­ciently, was still very dif­fi­cult to give the fear feel­ing.
But at this time, her face faint­ness, aura did not have the least bit again light and lively tem­per­ate, but is com­plete an­other peak
Un­equalled evil spirit and cru­elty!
If Pri­mor­dial Devil God, takes her pe­tite body to re­gain con­scious­ness as the car­rier sud­denly.
The sky fracto cloud tum­bles, the earth trem­bles, the sea anger heavy breath­ing, ten thou­sand bow the head spirit, at this mo­ment, as if world's con­trol is born, all life dead souls sub­mit to the fear trem­ble.
„Heav­enly Wolf Saint sword!” In the ice pupil of Mu Xu­anyin, re­leases the ra­di­ant dif­fer­ent light.
Lit­tle Jas­mine has not said a word, the slen­der both arms lift slowly, the dark green blue great sword holds up spa­tial and ver­ti­cal...... Her body does not have the spunk, with­out killing in­tent, but ac­tu­ally seethes angry sea rag­ing waves to fight in­tent, as if her sword, her power then to fight to live, the non- ori­gin, must shake the day to star­tle the world.
When the great sword raises, that in­nu­mer­able [say / way] flashes dark green blue bril­liance also slowly to waver, the sword blade refers to spa­tial that mo­ment, con­gealed shade of the height hun­dred li (0.5km) great dark green wolf.
„That...... That...... That...... That is any­thing!!”
In Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary, sur­viv­ing pro­found prac­ti­tioner did not have one per­son to stand, their com­plete paral­y­sis looks spa­tially, in panic-stricken looks above ex­tremely sky that was only huge the dark green wolf, the pupil of en­large­ment al­most sup­ports com­pletely the en­tire eye socket.
Ices the eye­brow to sink slightly, pitches up to wipe in the snow face of Mu Xu­anyin dig­ni­fiedly. The el­e­ment han­dles gen­tly the pen­du­lum, Snow Princess Sword is pad­dling the strange path, in an in­stant, sev­eral small pro­found array have con­gealed be­fore the body.
The cen­ter of hun­dred li (0.5km) dark green wolf, Lit­tle Jas­mine moved fi­nally, under dark green blue great sword su­per­fi­cial cut­ting, among fresh-faced flow­ery lips, the sound is as be­fore elu­sive, is bring­ing the in­dif­fer­ence and dig­nity of trem­bling soul:
„Sky Wolf Slash!”
The dark green wolf roar spa­tially, dashes to Mu Xu­anyin, above shake sky, put a huge dark green blue path, for a very long time was not loose.
If Yun Che in the side, de­cides at this time how­ever will be sur­prised.
Be­cause of this sword, is he re­ceives from Jas­mine im­pres­sively, usu­ally quite takes ad­van­tage „Heav­enly Wolf's Di­vine Tome of Im­pris­on­ment” first sword Sky Wolf Slash!
But, al­though with is Sky Wolf Slash, its power and in­flu­ence and its charm, its ideal con­di­tion, must ex­ceed Yun Che far more than thou­sands of times.
If Sky Wolf Slash of Yun Che lim­it­ing con­di­tion is the strength of fire­fly can­dle, then Lit­tle Jas­mine this sword, then such as vast Milky Way.
The Mu Xu­anyin form ill­ness draws back, flash­ing be­fore of each Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow, will leave be­hind a clear ice lotus.
Hun­dred li (0.5km) Heav­enly Wolf rips spa­tially, but, under the cov­ers the sky wolf shade, the Mu Xu­anyin form is then small like the sand dust, but at this time, be­fore her body, em­bell­ished 99 ice lo­tuses, a Snow Princess Sword fin­ger, all ice lo­tuses also bloom, re­lease every­where ice mag­nif­i­cent.
„Nine cer­tainly lotus plumule!”
World in­stantly silent, only had ice blue bril­liance rich the sev­eral fold. 99 ice lo­tuses in the blue light like the stars vac­il­la­tion, spread one huge star, hun­dred li (0.5km) dark green wolf im­pris­on­ment, in an in­stant, the shade of dark green wolf then stopped roar­ing, stub­bornly frozen, frames in air­borne.
After being in­stant quiet, ices the lotus and wolf shade also blasts open, blue light every­where, the pres­tige of Heav­enly Wolf, al­though the power and in­flu­ence re­duces greatly, but the re­main­ing pres­tige is as be­fore scary, the Mu Xu­anyin form is mo­tion­less, Snow Princess Sword punc­tures gen­tly, the Heav­enly Wolf re­main­ing pres­tige was di­vided into two im­me­di­ately, howls from her body, after half breath, the rear world trans­mits the earth-shak­ing de­struc­tion sound tide.
„......?” On the Lit­tle Jas­mine in­dif­fer­ent face reap­peared once more sur­pris­edly. Mu Xu­anyin com­pels her to ap­pear Heav­enly Wolf Saint sword, is makes her quite shock­ing. But she ap­pears a sword after Heav­enly Wolf Saint sword, un­ex­pect­edly was also re­ceived by her, more­over seems does not take the trou­ble.
This to her, was nearly in­com­pre­hen­si­ble.
The Heav­enly Wolf Saint sword holds up once more, the sec­ond sword cuts hor­i­zon­tally.
„Wild tooth!!”
Rum­ble pros­per­ous rum­ble
Trem­bling of world is more in­tense, Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary each cor­ner, each life, see­ing help­lessly, big such as the sky dark green blue great wolf brings to de­stroy the heav­enly might po­ten­tial to throw to­ward one­self
Ka CHA!!
A huge space fis­sure broke out like light­ning, has spanned one-third Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary, con­tin­ued to count breaths slightly has not ac­tu­ally healed. Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary no longer is pure trem­bling, but com­pletely boil­ing.
sky and earth turn over di­rectly, all moun­tain avalanches, the sea over­turns, in­nu­mer­able lives whooshes des­per­ately is de­feated com­pletely, then buries to­gether with the life in grad­u­ally the world of col­lapse.
En­ters trans­forms Gu Jing pro­found prac­ti­tioner, sur­vived in in Gu­jing in­nu­mer­able pro­found beast. They until death, do not know why one are dies.
Dis­as­ter? In does the world, how pos­si­bly have such ter­ri­fy­ing dis­as­ter?
**? How that pos­si­bly be­longs to power of life!
Is away from al­most the space fis­sure that Gu Jing di­vides into two, two groups of blue light burn the eye as be­fore and dis­tin­guish right from wrong. Lit­tle Jas­mine di­vine sense crosses sev­eral hun­dred li (0.5km), is lock­ing ex­is­tence of Mu Xu­anyin clearly.
Com­pared with the it first sword more for­mi­da­ble „wild tooth”, as be­fore has not ac­tu­ally routed Mu Xu­anyin, com­pels to draw back 200 li (0.5km) it merely.
„......” In the pupil pupil of Lit­tle Jas­mine flashes through wipes look of sur­prise, along with it, her war in­tent along with the blood sex­ual ha­rasser pupil that the Saint sword em­peror's wrath opens, but berserk.
The space was torn crudely, sev­eral times shut­tled back and forth, sev­eral hun­dred li (0.5km) space pulls closer in a flash, two blue shades hit in the sky, then in­ter­locked in a flash dozens times, the shade and dark green wolf shade of Ice Phoenix also fi­nally col­lides, over­turned in the world, in world that prin­ci­ple col­lapsed, the re­gion that they were, cre­ated one to have sev­eral hun­dred li (0.5km) de­struc­tion vac­uum fast fully, any ex­isted to move, can van­ish in in­vis­i­ble in­stan­ta­neously.
【this pe­riod of time had been seized by a na­tive of Sin­ga­pore , Maya, but be­cause I grow Shuai Pa to be snatched the light by me the fe­male in their world, put me...... Yes, is this.】


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