Sunday, May 6, 2018

1077: Perfect Wood Spirit Bead

#1077: Perfect Wood Spirit Bead
Comments 95
„Oh!” A sigh bi­og­ra­phy, big mid­dle-aged Wood Spirit walked slowly, on the face is bring­ing the deep dis­con­so­late­ness and heav­i­ness.
„Uncle Qing Mu!” Fei Yan and Qing Zhu si­mul­ta­ne­ously to yell.
Qing Mu helps up He Lin for­ward, said: „Young Pa­tri­arch, do not feel em­bar­rassed the bene­fac­tor. The bene­fac­tors said not wrong, pre­sent you are only a child, most should do, is re­ly­ing on our safe grow­ing up. After grow­ing up, goes again be­comes makes us rely on dili­gently, as well as re­pays the life-sav­ing oblig­a­tion of bene­fac­tor. If you force­fully with bene­fac­tor, not only our com­plete clans­men will be wor­ried, but also be­comes to the bene­fac­tor will bring the great­est bur­den and dis­as­ter.”
He Lin has been star­tled amenable some lit­tle time, fi­nally has stood, erases the tears, to the Yun Che apol­ogy: „Big Brother Yun Che, sorry, is I... Too will­ful, was too self­ish. You have res­cued my life, I ac­tu­ally... I ac­tu­ally...”
Yun Che shook the head, in­ner­most feel­ings heav­ily sighed, said: „He Lin, your does Elder Sis­ter name?”
„Ah?” He Lin is star­tled slightly.
„Later, I should pass through God Realm many places, if the des­tiny cares, per­haps might meet your Elder Sis­ter, such, I can tell her your po­si­tion, or brings to come, mak­ing your sis­ter and brother to here her re­unite.”
Eye pupil of "Ah!" He Lin fierce one bright, along with the it ex­cited tremor: „Big Brother Yun Che, I... Elder Sis­ter she called He Ling... He Ling!”
On the face of Qing Mu also re­veals some ex­cite­ments.
„That... Does she look like? What has with other Wood Spirit dif­fer­ent char­ac­ter­is­tics?” Yun Che asked that si­mul­ta­ne­ously „He Ling” this name firmly re­mem­ber... He to not com­fort He Lin spoke thought­lessly asked. His plead­ing and tears, keep­ing him from dis­ap­point­ing.
„Elder Sis­ter is most at­trac­tive Wood Spirit, is in the world most at­trac­tive Elder Sis­ter, com­pared with all flow­ers, wants at­trac­tive com­pared with star moon of space!” He Lin not any hes­i­tant sigh to yell.
„...” Yun Che nod­ded, has given a He Lin promise look.
„Thank you bene­fac­tor, does not know how re­ally should thank you to be good.” The Qing Mu in­ner­most feel­ings touch, from the grate­ful [say / way] of bot­tom of one's heart.
Dur­ing speeches, his both hands care­ful holds, the palm, is a lon­gan size, is re­leas­ing emer­ald green ray beau­ti­ful Spirit Bead.
Wood Spirit Bead!!
„This is...” The Yun Che in­ner­most feel­ings sud­denly have the mighty waves.
„This is Wood Spirit Bead that the late wife kept in the past, al­though al­ready many years, but as be­fore is well per­fect in the spir­i­tual en­ergy.”
On Wood Spirit Bead putting Yun Che's hand cau­tiously, the Qing Mu vi­sion pre­sented the in­stan­ta­neous cav­ity, was Soul is sliced likely one sec­tion, im­me­di­ately showed the tem­per­ate smile: „Hopes that you can make good use of it.”
„Ex­tremely thanked.” Yun Che has com­plete spirit strength Wood Spirit Bead to re­ceive this, heav­ily [say / way].
Short hes­i­tant, Yun Che opens the mouth say­ing: „Qing Mu ju­nior, ju­nior has doubts, does not know that should ask.”
„Bene­fac­tor please say.” Qing Mu said with a smile.
Yun Che eye of halo is re­gard­ing this Small World, said: „Your Wood Spirit Clan sit­u­a­tion, let­ting the per­son is un­able not to sym­pa­thize. How­ever, knows ac­cord­ing to ju­nior, now in God Realm... At least is East­ern God Ter­ri­tory, hunts and kills Wood Spirit dis­obeys the ac­tion of hu­man­ity, was for­bid­den strictly, but this pro­hi­bi­tion rule, Eter­nal Sky God Realm unites under other three King Realm in­sti­tutes, once were known by King Realm, will cer­tainly re­ceive the ex­tremely se­vere pun­ish­ment. Such being the case, don't your years, why try to seek the asy­lum of King Realm? In­stead the sep­a­ra­tion is far away from King Realm, mak­ing their putting out a hand dif­fi­cult and Low-Rank Star Realm?”
Yun Che said when these words, he dis­cov­ered that the Qing Mu look had the fierce tur­bu­lence, along with it, his deep sigh.
„We have at­tempted.” Qing Mu said: „But, human greedy with hid­den wrong­do­ing, has noth­ing to do with their strongs and weaks and sta­tus, same fear­ful­ness.”
Yun Che fiercely raise one's head, star­tled sound track: „Your mean­ing, could it be that is...”
„You may know, how our Pa­tri­arch die?” Qing Mu has closed the eye, both hands that grips tightly in slight is shiv­er­ing.
„...” Yun Che had not guessed rashly.
„In the past, King Realm, al­though has is­sued the pro­hi­bi­tion rule, the calamity that but our Wood Spirit suf­fers ac­tu­ally never stops. There­fore, many years ago, my clan starts to think that seeks the asy­lum of King Realm, even if de­gen­er­ates into their slaves... At least can make the later gen­er­a­tion ob­tain peace­fully, does not need for­ever to live dur­ing scared and be­comes a fugi­tive.”
„Af­ter­ward, Pa­tri­arch and Madame Pa­tri­arch after the un­told hard­ships and count­less tribu­la­tions, left fi­nally King Realm was get­ting more and more near, Pa­tri­arch they think that ap­proached the hope, has not ac­tu­ally thought that a dis­as­ter ar­rived sud­denly... In that dis­as­ter, Pa­tri­arch and Madame Pa­tri­arch, the also sev­eral thou­sand clans­men died, their re­sis­tances at risk of life can also let Young Pa­tri­arch and Princess run away the birth day... Fi­nally heaven not thor­ough blind, we had found Young Pa­tri­arch, but pro­tects the clans­man who Young Pa­tri­arch es­capes from at risk of life, on the wane to only re­mains three... One of them, is my late wife.”
„How­ever Her High­ness the Princess and pro­tects her clans­man in be­com­ing a fugi­tive is sep­a­rated, now does not know to wan­der about des­ti­tute where, even the in­ter­cres­cence dies...”
„In the past that group of peo­ple... Is who?” Yun Che asked.
„...” Qing Mu deep in­spi­ra­tion of: „I... When re­ceived the Pa­tri­arch life cer­tainly the soul sound that trans­mits, has four char­ac­ters.”
„Bud­dhist... Em­peror... Gods....”
„What ---!?” Yun Che's was star­tled the hair in­stan­ta­neously to set up­right.
The heads of East­ern God Ter­ri­tory four King Realm, in rumor en­tire is drunk to con­fuse in Pro­found Dao, does not have the weak one, never in­ter­feres strug­gle of out­side Brahma Em­peror God Realm!?!?
Qing Mu bit­ter and as­trin­gent smiles: „As human, I knows that you are im­pos­si­ble be­lieve. But this truth, our en­tire clan knows, only then three peo­ple, Young Pa­tri­arch do not know that does not know wan­ders about des­ti­tute where Her High­ness the Princess not to know --- can only pray she do not at­tempt to seek King Realm again, or asy­lum of any Star Realm.”
„You... Why told me?” Yun Che in­ner­most feel­ings fluc­tu­at­ing con­tin­u­ous. He knows why this truth does not dare to tell other Wood Spirit, be­cause this will only make them fall into the end­less sor­row and de­spair.
Qing Mu deep looked at his one eyes: „Al­though my non- human, but I un­der­stand that at your age, can ac­tu­ally res­cue Young Pa­tri­arch in Heiya City that place, your Pro­found Dao cul­ti­vates is, de­cides in same age human how­ever is top ex­is­tence. Since you can reach this al­ti­tude, must have surely to Pro­found Dao strove for crazily. But re­gard­ing being in­fat­u­ated with the Pro­found Dao per­son, King Realm that and other Pro­found Dao to ex­ists high, cer­tain such as heav­enly palace is or­di­nary, by your achieve­ment, in the fu­ture, will per­haps have the qual­i­fi­ca­tions to con­tact King Realm.”
Yun Che: „...”
Qing Mu con­tin­ues say­ing: „I did not ex­pect that you be­lieve my words, but hopes that at least can leave be­hind a re­minder in you... Even if there is lit­tle vig­i­lance. I do not want to see, if you so good human, ac­tu­ally must look up at and trust au­di­ences dirty Soul.”
„...” Yun Che is speech­less for a very long time. Al­though, he has never thought one day must con­tact East­ern God Ter­ri­tory to ex­ists high, but Qing Mu words... He be­lieves that in­deed is ac­tu­ally hard to ac­cept.
How­ever, thinks that Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent by Four Great Sa­cred Grounds that the per­son re­spected for gen­er­a­tions, the mighty waves in his heart all of a sud­den were also more mod­er­ate.
„Their plane, can need Wood Spirit Bead?” Yun Che is thinks aloud dis­cussed lowly.
„No, they want, is Pa­tri­arch body Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit Bead.” Qing Mu said: „But Pa­tri­arch be­fore per­ish­ing, ex­tin­guishes Wood Spirit Bead by final power com­pletely bro­ken, has not made these evil peo­ple pre­vail.”
Qing Mu looked askance, looks to not far away He Lin: „Is good be­cause, they do not know ex­is­tence of Young Pa­tri­arch and Her High­ness the Princess, oth­er­wise...”
Yun Che's at heart im­me­di­ately one thump.
He Lin is Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit, this point has ex­posed that side Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce, all those pre­sent per­son­ally see.
How­ever, any­body knows, the news that Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit still has causes a stir in en­tire God Realm suf­fi­ciently, will bring the in­com­pa­ra­bly huge trou­ble and dis­as­ter, there­fore Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce ea­gerly the se­cret will get rid, but the per­son of these pres­ence , the idiot to re­veal­ing to in­vite trou­ble.
Wait / Etc.... High-Rank Star Realm that Ji Ruyan men­tioned...
Shout! Only can hope that this mat­ter should not be known by more peo­ple again, par­tic­u­larly Brahma Em­peror God Realm.
--- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Stays alone is in this Wood Spirit Small World had about -and-a-half dou­ble-hour, now Wood Spirit Bead suc­ceeds in ob­tain­ing, he was also the time leaves.
When ar­rives since the place, azure black vine cane of exit / to speak opens au­to­mat­i­cally, ap­pears a long and nar­row chan­nel.
be­hind, au­di­ences Wood Spirit sees off, es­pe­cially He Lin, is red the eye.
„Young peo­ple, Wood Spirit Bead, is not enough to repay your oblig­a­tion by far, if not shut out, takes this, in crit­i­cal, it could save your life.”
Grandma Qing Ye has handed over in three ex­quis­ite jade bot­tles the Yun Che hand.
„Is this?”
„This is our clan is in sole pos­ses­sion of 【Wood Spirit Di­vine Dew】, Place the ori­gin spring of from Wood Spirit Race first an­ces­tor, it is con­tain­ing mys­te­ri­ous Power of Na­ture, so long as under drink­ing, can in a short time cure to re­cover the wound and re­stores power, this is the final three drops that we have, hopes that can help your fu­ture life.”
Al­though does not know how re­stores the ef­fect, but came from the thing of spring of ori­gin, can it be that every thing. Yun Che has not de­clined, grate­ful ac­cept­ing, nods to­ward au­di­ences Wood Spirit heav­ily, then must turn around to leave.
„Big Brother Yun Che!”
The voice of young girl con­veys from afar, al­though is anx­ious, ac­tu­ally as be­fore elu­sive such as the wind strokes the still water.
Yun Che an­chors the foot­steps, in him, in the vi­sion that also all Wood Spirit are as­ton­ished, Wood Spirit young girl Qing He is bring­ing light dance Caiyi (coloured clothes), ar­rived in front of Yun Che's, her com­plex­ion flood red, the pupil light is grace­ful, the chest that sticks out slightly is fluc­tu­at­ing along with the rapid breath grace­fully.
„Qing He, I must walk.” Yun Che said with a smile.
„Big Brother Yun Che...” Qing He lifts both hands, in shin­ing white palm, is one string the bracelet that has by the sub­strings of var­i­ous dif­fer­ent flow­ers, end, is a emer­ald green col­ored ex­quis­ite gem: „This is... This is charm amulet that I make per­son­ally, it... It can bless Big Brother Yun Che...”
„...” If the soul deep place has the limpid stream to flow to­gether, Yun Che for­wards, re­ceived bracelet both hands, he smelled aura of flow­ers and plants, ob­vi­ously, this is the seed that just picked, bracelet that also just made. That crys­tal ex­quis­ite Ying green jade, brings to wipe the young girl fra­grant... This is it is past­ing the flesh of young girl for­tu­nately for a long time, can have se­cretes per­son aura.
„Thank you Qing He, I will trea­sure it well.” Looks at the eye pupil of young girl, Yun Che sin­cere say­ing.
„...” The Yun Che's words let Wood Spirit young girl low broad and hand­some fore­head, she bites the lip lightly, brave raised the head, [say / way] gen­tly: „Big Brother Yun Che, you later... Will come often to see us?”
„Meet­ing.” Nod of Yun Che heav­ily... Her pupil light and light lan­guage, also young girl fine busy mind, even if the per­son who in so­ci­ety most has a heart of stone, will not be cruel enough to re­ject and dis­ap­point.
--- --- --- --- ---
Left the Wood Spirit se­cret place, the be­hind chan­nel van­ished along with du­pli­cate of azure black vine cane under. Turns around to look that does not have the trace.
Ob­vi­ously, not only has cov­er­ing up of vine cane, here also spe­cial na­ture imag­i­nary, can dis­turb the vi­sion and Spirit Sense of life.
If passed by, basic im­pos­si­ble de­tec­tion. But Yun Che fully with rapt at­ten­tion, can the sen­sa­tion to some dif­fer­ences.
If Realm is enough, does not need the con­geal­ing heart as­cer­tain­ment, may re­al­ize... Why this should also be, Wood Spirit Race hides in Low-Rank Star Realm ba­si­cally.
„Even­tu­ally is not long-time place.” Yun Che thought aloud: „Hope, here will not be dis­cov­ered.”


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