Friday, May 11, 2018

1116: Sneaks the mausoleum chamber

#1116: Sneaks the mausoleum chamber
Comments 100
Bang rum­ble......
The ground layer upon layer cracks, but seal pro­found array through­out is ac­tu­ally en­tirely still. How­ever, is at­tack­ing to pro­found array that the seal pro­found array pow­er­houses can feel surely the weak­ened feed­back, oth­er­wise the meet­ing strength did not spell such for a long time had not given up.
The at­ten­tion of all peo­ple above seal pro­found array, in ad­di­tion the Yun Che greatly strength­ened con­ceal­ment abil­ity, and no­body dis­cover his near­ness.
Yun Che is mo­tion­less, the vi­sion has swept the sur­round­ing crowd and en­vi­ron­ment re­peat­edly, how in the heart racks one's brains should then move. At this time, his vi­sion stopped sud­denly, notes a per­son.
This is one seems from the back should with the age close young peo­ple, rea­son that Yun Che will note him , be­cause his pro­found strength cul­ti­vates for rel­a­tive low, Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm In­ter­me­di­ate Stage, has not en­tered Di­vine Dao. Can be qual­i­fied for this Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary, is three Star Realm var­i­ous top pow­er­houses of ranks, but this per­son is only one has not en­tered Di­vine Dao, com­pared with it other peo­ple weak is not a least bit, thus is es­pe­cially con­spic­u­ous.
In ad­di­tion, his wear is also dif­fer­ent from other peo­ple, a dif­fer­ent mark pur­ple clothes, per­forms ob­vi­ously re­mark­ably and noble gas. Be­cause pro­found strength is mean, he nat­u­rally is un­able to de­pend is too near, at the most sur­round­ing of crowd, be­fore the body, the also sev­eral pow­er­houses haunch to iso­late for­ma­tion to pro­tect him with joint forces, but also often turns the head to look after his con­di­tion, lest pro­tects in­con­sid­er­ately.
Very ob­vi­ously, this per­son, al­though cul­ti­vates to very be rel­a­tively low, but the sta­tus is ab­solutely un­usual. Three con­trol the in­flu­ence out­side sect to have the op­por­tu­nity to bring di­rect dis­ci­ple rarely to ex­plore Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary, will lead into, is the in­tel­li­gence is surely top, wants train­ing dis­ci­ple, Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm ar­rived here fully, let alone the ex­plo­ration seeks for the chance, achieves in­clud­ing most basic self-preser­va­tion im­pos­si­ble.
Then the biggest pos­si­bil­ity, is this per­son comes to see lively! After ob­tain­ing news, ar­rival wit­nesses open­ing of mau­soleum cham­ber spe­cially.
Can be en­ti­tled, has the courage such to do, at least should also be three big Star Realm con­trols the sect im­por­tant per­son­age, is which elder, even which Great Realm King di­rect line de­scen­dants.
If the sky de­his­cence, a huge break sound gets up, the fill­ing the heav­ens pro­found light changes im­me­di­ately. Sky over pro­found array, on the faces of all peo­ple re­veals the happy ex­pres­sion, but ac­tu­ally no­body makes noise, a body pro­found en­ergy more vi­o­lent erup­tion, curls up more vi­o­lent vor­tex storm.
The fis­sure in the event, then the fast ex­pan­sion dis­sem­i­nates, after the short stop, the sound of crack­ing re­sounds once more, and is get­ting more and more crowded, the ro­ta­tion of seal pro­found array com­pletely stops, fast shat­tered, again shat­tered.
The strength of set three big Star Realm all top pow­er­houses, achieved wishes the seal fi­nally de­stroy grad­u­ally, the peo­ple open the eye, pre­pares to wit­ness that mo­ment. The Yun Che's brow also grad­u­ally tight­ens, be­cause he has still not thought that ac­tu­ally then should how do...... Three big Star Realm Realm King kiss, other peo­ple , is three big Star Realm top char­ac­ters, this is three Star Realm do­mains, Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass is three Great Realm King must the thing......
One can seizes the food with any meth­ods and these great shark...... Even if some pos­si­bil­i­ties!
Along with seal pro­found array shat­tered, trem­bling of earth be­comes in­tense, the sur­round­ing of crowd, that Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm pur­ple clothes man also ob­vi­ous ex­cited, the di­rect div­ing pos­ture, want­ing the high place to wit­ness, but he just set out, then by the per­son hastily hin­drance be­fore body under.
„Lit­tle young mas­ter! Do not act rashly, was too dan­ger­ous.” Be­fore his body, pro­tects his per­son blocks him, while anx­ious sound track: „Seal must break im­me­di­ately, Is­land Mas­ter has said that when the seal breaks, will pos­si­bly ini­ti­ate the pro­found en­ergy tur­bu­lent flow, for your safety, we again leaves is far­ther.”
Is­land Mas­ter? These two char­ac­ters make the Yun Che brow move...... Blue Hazy Realm Muyang Is­land Is­land Mas­ter Mu Baimei?
could it be that is he Mu Baimei son?
That pur­ple clothes youth is ac­tu­ally one laughs: „Ha Ha, the joke, Royal Fa­ther here, how this also will lit­tle have any dan­ger. If with­draws, that does make per­son laugh at this few timid as a rab­bit?”
That per­son knows that could not ad­vise against him, can only say loudly: „Gives me to con­cen­trate mind, pro­tects the lit­tle young mas­ter's safety!”
Three Realm King, all peo­ple are sweats all over the body, dozens breaths, fi­nally, in bang one, such as in the land­slide Tsunami bang, seal pro­found array had col­lapsed com­pletely, but the pro­found array frag­ment in­stan­ta­neously has not ac­tu­ally ex­tin­guished after the col­lapse, but is hav­ing the ample force, ex­plodes the pow­der in the pro­found en­ergy storm vi­o­lently.
„Every­body was care­ful!!”
Works as from pro­found array re­cent pow­er­house, the com­plete ear­li­est pos­si­ble time takes back power, re­laxed re­sis­tance. Ex­plodes loose pro­found array frag­ment also ex­tremely fast to fly to the crowd that sur­rounds from afar, is one piece is fallen by the rain­storm every­where bang that Kuangfeng sweeps across likely.
„Fully de­fense!”
In the crowd re­sounds dozens to bel­low, these pow­er­houses soar di­rectly, a palm rum­bles, the pro­found array frag­ment that will fly shakes the pow­der com­pletely, young dis­ci­ple with great speed opens the pro­found strength de­fense.
After is only the col­lapse pro­found array frag­ment, re­main­ing power has been not much left, big threat to these Di­vine Dao pro­found prac­ti­tioner and in­fi­nite, by di­rect at­tack, also causes not a heavy dam­age at most.
But, in these peo­ple, has an ex­cep­tion.
„Young mas­ter was care­ful! Waah!”
The sky of pur­ple clothes man, dozens pro­found array frag­ments si­mul­ta­ne­ously pound to fall, keep off these peo­ple re­sist be­fore him fully, ac­tu­ally in an ex­plo­sive, de­fends the for­ma­tion di­rect dis­in­te­gra­tion, the per­son com­pletely by far is also shaken, but a not re­sisted pro­found array frag­ment such as the me­teor crashes, pounds the pur­ple clothes man.
Death aura dropped from the clouds, al­though the rem­nant strength of pro­found array frag­ment was very weak, but, only then Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm cul­ti­vated for him, the strength of being drowned ab­solutely is ac­tu­ally not able to re­sist, merely was the pres­sure of strength of that Di­vine Dao, then let his whole body blood co­ag­u­la­tion, such as by ten thou­sand Yue Yashen, could not be moved, only had to exude the des­per­ate piti­ful yell sound.
„Lit­tle young mas­ter!!”
Blue Hazy Realm con­trols sect Muyang Is­land pro­found prac­ti­tioner to lose one's voice com­pletely panic-strick­enly, ac­tu­ally rad­i­cally gets rid, Mu Baimei is in be­yond dozens li (0.5km), ver­ti­cal is the di­rect ac­cess to the high­est au­thor­i­ties can un­able to rush in­stan­ta­neously.
The Yun Che's pupil is glit­ter­ing, in an in­stant, his brain dodges sev­eral to read con­tin­u­ally thinks that then sud­denly moves side­ways, Phoenix Arrow flies to shoot to­gether in­stan­ta­neously.
Phoenix Arrow and pro­found array frag­ment bumps into the sky, in the sky blast­ing open. Al­though the pur­ple clothes man had not been pounded by frontage, com­ple­men­tary waves still he but who blasts open can­not with­stand, was flown ma­li­ciously by the bang, he falls down, ex­udes shrieks and howls wildly the piti­ful yell sound.
„Lit­tle young mas­ter!”
The Muyang Is­land per­son after is short stunned, all with great speed clashes, has pro­tected the pur­ple clothes man, sev­eral peo­ple for­ward, in­spec­tion of being thrown into con­fu­sion his in­jury.
Kuangfeng wells , a black cloth­ing mid­dle-aged man soared to the heav­ens to fall, falls on the body side of pur­ple clothes man, im­pres­sively was Blue Hazy Realm Great Realm King, Muyang Is­land Is­land Mas­ter Mu Baimei! His putting out a hand like light­ning ac­cord­ing to the chest of pur­ple clothes man, af­ter­ward a fa­cial ex­pres­sion slightly loosen.
„Royal Fa­ther......” sees Mu Baimei, the pur­ple clothes man di­rect pain that the fear has not dis­ap­peared makes noise: „Wuah! it hurts...... My leg...... Has aban­doned......”
„Is­land Mas­ter felt re­lieved that the lit­tle young mas­ter is only the left arm and left leg is in­jured, the in­ter­nal in­jury is not heavy, does not have the dan­ger of life cer­tainly, most half a month then to re­cover com­pletely.” Was say­ing for the Muyang Is­land dea­con of pur­ple clothes man steady in­jury that his vi­sion shot a look at Yun Che one: „Luck­ily this per­son of get­ting rid, oth­er­wise...... In­con­ceiv­able.”
„Where is in­jured not heav­ily, I have been dying.” Pur­ple clothes man wail­ing said.
Slant­ing pur­ple clothes male, Yun Che in se­cret nose: It seems like has res­cued a straw bag. No won­der is the child of Great Realm King, has the most su­pe­rior en­vi­ron­ment and re­sources, cul­ti­vates to so be or­di­nary.
„Relax, said that you are all right are all right.” Mu Baimei as if quite fa­vors to drown to this son, gen­tle com­forts one, then stands up, has not ac­tu­ally gone to the re­spon­si­bil­ity to pun­ish that sev­eral pro­tec­tions in­con­sid­er­ately, dis­ci­ple that trem­bled, but changes Yun Che, looks to feel grate­ful the smile: „This lit­tle brother, thank you to lend a hand to as­sist, oth­er­wise my son poor life feared that must con­fess here.”
Then, he is both hands haunches up un­ex­pect­edly, slightly Qu body, to the Yun Che se­ri­ous rit­ual.
This ac­tion makes the Yun Che eye­brow jump re­ally greatly: Pre­sent per­son, not only in the age is his elder, the sta­tus is Great Realm King that one Ven­er­a­ble, al­though in­deed have saved his son's life, but his strength, sta­tus and al­ti­tude, so the ac­tion, suf­fi­ciently makes any­body have a scare.
He re­turns a cour­tesy hastily, feel­ing ex­tremely flat­tered of face: „Is­land Mas­ter Mu where words, ju­nior al­ready the greet­ing on first meet­ing Is­land Mas­ter Mu great rep­u­ta­tion, can res­cue the good for­tune of child of ac­tu­ally ju­nior Is­land Mas­ter Mu, re­ceives ab­solutely does not have the Is­land Mas­ter Mu so big rit­ual.”
„Ha­haha, life-sav­ing oblig­a­tion.” Mu Baimei has smiled, on the face only has gen­tle, the ice that one does not re­vere how­ever with the pres­sure, he has turned the head: „Chun'er, has not hur­ried thanks your sav­ior.”
„......” Pur­ple clothes man still in Ai Hou, looks to Yun Che, he ac­tu­ally ma­li­ciously stared one, hiss­ing sound track: „Why must thank him, he al­most killed me a mo­ment ago! Words that he, Royal Fa­ther gets rid, I can­not...... Waah is good to hurt......”
Yun Che: „......”
„Oh.” Mu Baimei shook the head, said to Yun Che: „Lit­tle brother should not be of­fended, my son since child­hood by his mother be­com­ing hard­ened in bad habits, some do not have good man­ners the num­ber. this Mu then first for my son Mu Tangchun thanks. When the mat­ter of today fin­ished, de­cides some gen­er­ous gifts to re­port.”
„Doesn't dare.” Yun Che as be­fore is feel­ing ex­tremely flat­tered of whole face.
Mu Tangchun? This name in­ex­plic­a­ble pleas­ing to the ear.
„Hey,” at this time, a mys­ti­fy­ing sound had made a sound sud­denly: „Old Man Mu, since your son, you also stayed here to make any­thing barely alive, has not hur­ried to de­liver your son to go home ther­apy, if this has de­layed, killed, but is not beau­ti­ful. After all small Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, that can com­pared with your pre­cious son, you say not, Han Sect Mas­ter.”
Dur­ing the speeches, a per­son's shadow falls from the sky slowly, dodges blind dog eye gold cloth to un­der­stand his sta­tus suf­fi­ciently in­stan­ta­neously: Nan­huai Lim­it­less Realm Great Realm King Great Em­peror Nan Lie!
The sturdy man of his side, looks at sea Great Realm King Han Kuan coldly snorted one, not salty not pale [say / way]: „Is­land Mas­ter Mu goes back to look after the son.”
„He he he,” Mu Baimei is not angry, but is the [say / way] of smil­ing: „Feared that was dis­ap­points two, my son re­ceived a mod­er­ately small wound, with killing to be pos­si­ble also to fall far short, how also to delay the Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass im­por­tant mat­ter.”
„Ha­ha­haha!” Great Em­peror Nan Lie laughs: „Old Man Mu re­ally wants to re­sult in un­der­stands that after all this son died has been able to re­gen­er­ate his ten eight, Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, if did not have, feared that was this whole life do not want to touch again.”
„......” Great Em­peror Nan Lie looked at this time sud­denly to Yun Che: „Life aura of this boy also on about 20 years old, can ac­tu­ally have cul­ti­vat­ing of Di­vine Soul Realm at most is, this grade of in­tel­li­gence, three is ex­tremely ab­solutely fa­mous in us, but this King prob­a­bly never has ac­tu­ally seen him . More­over, our three prac­tice fire at­tribute Pro­found Arts, feared that is rarely seen.”
sea­side three, the water el­e­ment is quite ac­tive, thus quite suits cul­ti­vates water at­tribute Pro­found Arts, is not suit­able for cul­ti­vat­ing fire at­tribute Pro­found Arts. In three big Star Realm, upper in­flu­ence one has not been to major in fire at­tribute Pro­found Arts, the in­ter­me­di­ate level is few.
But Yun Che about 20 years old, is ac­tu­ally Di­vine Soul Realm pro­found strength, even if this in three big con­trols Sect Mas­ter is the topest in­tel­li­gence.
Great Em­peror Nan Lie res­cued the Mu Baimei son's mat­ter to Yun Che is very dis­con­tented, the in­to­na­tion na­ture was also bad, his words have im­me­di­ately caused look­ing askance of all peo­ple, the Han Kuan brow big wrin­kle, the sink­ing sound track: „Boy, which Star Realm you are, which sect.”
At­ten­tion of peo­ple, mak­ing Yun Che look in a ter­ri­fied way, ex­tremely in short sup­ply under palm slightly trem­bles, the speech also some­what stut­ters: „Re­turns...... Fel­low se­niors, ju­nior Ling Yun, yes...... Comes Heiya Realm, yes­ter­day was in sight sea to travel, oc­ca­sion­ally heard here to have the im­por­tant mat­ter, cu­ri­ous, there­fore...... There­fore......”
„What?” The Yun Che's words make all peo­ple be star­tled.
„Heiya Realm per­son? Scoundrels!” The Han Kuan com­plex­ion is cloudier: „Do you mix? Has what at­tempt to here?”
„This is not sim­ple.” Great Em­peror Nan Lie said with a smile: „This time we in­vited three Star Realm major sect broadly, and opened this Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary, the mat­ter leaves un­able to arrange hastily to guard, wants to mix not to be sim­ple, but has not thought that un­ex­pect­edly also re­ally some peo­ple had such courage.”
„Con­sid­ers as fin­ished, im­ma­te­r­ial minor mat­ter.” Mu Baimei ac­tu­ally beck­ons with the hand, then said to Yun Che: „Al­though your in­tel­li­gence cul­ti­vate to un­com­monly, but after is not our three Star Realm peo­ple, in­trudes this Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary to be re­ally im­proper. But read in you are far from the evil in­ten­tion or any de­sign, but also has saved my son life, then did not in­ves­ti­gate this mat­ter, you then with other sect same places, here ex­plored, if dis­cov­ered any chance, com­pletely may take.”
The Yun Che fright­ened color dis­ap­pears, pleas­antly sur­prised ten thou­sand skip roads: „thanks Is­land Mas­ter Mu, the Is­land Mas­ter Mu oblig­a­tion, ju­nior does not have the tooth to be un­for­get­table.”
„You go.” Mu Baimei ge­nial smil­ing, then slant­ing Great Em­peror Nan Lie and Han Kuan: „Nan Lie, Han Sect Mas­ter, should the of­fice proper busi­ness.”
Seal pro­found array shat­tered, pre­sented a three zhang (3.33 m) wide en­trance, a row of azure black stone lad­der from en­trance down­ward, the vi­sion in­sti­tute , the jet black piece, does not know to the deep un­der­ground.
„This mau­soleum cham­ber re­ally deep, no won­der that also the in­duc­tion of Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass is so weak.”
Three Great Realm King stand be­fore the en­trance, the rear area, is three Sect Mas­ter's elder level char­ac­ters, but these par­tic­i­pate in im­pact seal pro­found array, other sect peo­ple the dis­tant sta­tion left, does not have ap­proaches.
Han Kuan lifts the step to for­ward, Spirit Sense ex­tends to the mau­soleum cham­ber en­trance, sud­denly the com­plex­ion changes: „Good heavy foul air!”
„The heav­i­ness of this foul air, will sup­press pro­found strength and Spirit Sense greatly.” Mu Baimei also brow big wrin­kle.
„This mau­soleum cham­ber had never been dis­cov­ered that then at least by the seal over 1 mil­lion years, did not have the foul air is strange.” Great Em­peror Nan Lie said: „Ex­cept for the foul air, feared that will have also other dan­ger­ous things, per­son who Old Man Mu, Han Sect Mas­ter, has the fe­male to have the fam­ily prop­erty, is not worth­while, for small Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass loses one's life, makes this King search ad­vanced.”
„Nan Lie, your this makes Bai Meng the prob­lem to fear that to dying un­able to change.” Mu Baimei snorts con­temp­tu­ously.
„Do not for­get the agree­ment.” Han Kuan said with deep ven­er­a­tion: „Our strength is the same, must spell, ex­cept for three de­feats en­tirely Shang, with­out any ad­van­tage, this truth, you not.”
„Han Sect Mas­ter felt re­lieved.” Mu Baimei said: „After en­ter­ing the mau­soleum cham­ber, who at­tains Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass first, Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass is any­one, can­not rob force­fully. Since under this mau­soleum cham­ber can give birth to Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, will have other for­eign mat­ters surely, ob­tains Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, can­not bribe other trea­sures in mau­soleum cham­ber again, this agree­ment, our three el­ders all are the tes­ti­monies, feared that is we do not have the face vil­lain, when breaks a promise.”
„Ha Ha, good.” Great Em­peror Nan Lie laughs, when takes a step first, walks into the mau­soleum cham­ber chan­nel.
„You de­fend the feeder open­ing, any­body can not ap­proach!” Mu Baimei con­fesses one, en­ters in the chan­nel with Han Kuan.
In the chan­nel the foul air is ex­tremely heavy, more­over is thor­ough nat­u­rally is heav­ier. Short counts breaths, their sounds of foot­steps, and even aura then com­pletely van­ishes in Spirit Sense of all peo­ple.
Yun Che has not walked away, lis­ten­ing that their words, he all does not omit a sin­gle word in ear. When three Great Realm King enter the mau­soleum cham­ber chan­nel, he also very op­tional get­ting out of the way, after avoid­ing all lines of sight, he en­ters the Stealth con­di­tion, turns back qui­etly, vi­sion straight star­ing to mau­soleum cham­ber en­trance.
Looks from afar that the mau­soleum cham­ber en­trance is hood­wink­ing sin­cere smog likely.
Then must do, nat­u­rally en­ters the mau­soleum cham­ber.
But, to guar­an­tee ab­solutely safe, de­fends in the mau­soleum cham­ber en­trance, is three big Star Realm elder level char­ac­ters, is Di­vine Spirit Realm pow­er­house ex­tremely. Four di­rec­tions two sta­tions de­fend re­spec­tively, al­to­gether eight Di­vine Spirit Realm!
More­over the po­si­tion that they stand is very near from the mau­soleum cham­ber en­trance, one­self want to enter the mau­soleum cham­ber se­cretly, even if chooses the best po­si­tion, must pass through their body side less than two zhang (3.33 m) dis­tance.
That is the Di­vine Spirit Realm pow­er­house, so near dis­tance, even if he dis­plays peak Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow and light­ning light Thun­der Yin, there are very in a big way may be de­tected by them.
Once were de­tected, again does not have the sec­ond time op­por­tu­nity. Let alone sneaks the mau­soleum cham­ber, es­capes is dif­fi­cult such as to as­cend to heaven.
Yun Che ap­proaches slowly, in ap­proach­ing hun­dred zhang (333 m) stops away, sev­eral times after hes­i­tat­ing, again has not con­tin­ued to for­ward.
It is not good! Al­though they seem not at the vig­i­lant con­di­tion, but ap­proaches force­fully...... Such dis­tance, is too dan­ger­ous.
Must think the means to lead away them first tem­porar­ily...... Di­rects their at­ten­tion.
Must as­sas­si­nate their hanger-on sev­eral peo­ple...... If so, in­stead will make them in­crease the vig­i­lance.
When the Yun Che con­geal­ing eye­brow racks one's brains, the south hears a heavy long roar­ing sound sud­denly, this roared, al­though re­mote, ac­tu­ally as be­fore earth­shak­ing, was hav­ing the un­sur­passed dig­nity.
But roar­ing of this dis­tant place, mak­ing all pow­er­houses be sur­prised, de­fends also com­pletely changes the south in the mau­soleum cham­ber en­trance elder: „Is Dragon Roar!”
„could it be that is 50 years ago that only scal­ing flood dragon that flees?” Looks at sea the elder sink­ing sound track.
„Xi Yuan! Here I then, the speed belt per­son en­cir­cles kills! Can­not make it run away again!”
This Dragon Roar in a big way stim­u­lated three to con­trol the sect nerve ma­li­ciously, all Di­vine Spirit Realm pow­er­houses soared com­pletely, the di­rec­tion that di­rect im­pact Dragon Roar trans­mit­ted, de­fended in the mau­soleum cham­ber en­trance eight peo­ple quickly has also flown from five, only three peo­ple, but south this re­main­ing three peo­ple, the vi­sion and sense of hear­ing also nat­u­rally stub­bornly locked.
This to Yun Che, with­out doubt is the be­stowed by heaven good op­por­tu­nity.
Under Stealth con­di­tion, his fast for­ward­ing with­out hes­i­ta­tion, when ap­proach­ing three hun­dred feet slow, then turns very quiet, ap­proaches slowly, ap­proaches again...... Ap­proaches again......
De­fends fixes the eyes on the south in the mau­soleum cham­ber en­trance three Di­vine Spirit Realm elder vi­sion, was de­ter­min­ing the ori­gin of Dragon Roar, does not know quite the same as, can­not see, al­most did not have any aura per­son's shadow to pass over gen­tly and swiftly from their side like the ghost peace­fully, sub­merged in the foul air of mau­soleum cham­ber slowly.
A fla­vor of ir­ri­tat­ing the nose comes, and with ex­tremely heavy con­stric­tion, but im­me­di­ately, this con­stric­tion then van­ishes with­out the trace, the Stealth con­di­tion does not have, there­fore re­lieves, only has Spirit Sense to be lim­ited ob­vi­ously.
Sneaks the mau­soleum cham­ber fi­nally smoothly, the Yun Che greatly Shu one breath, has not ac­tu­ally re­lieved the Stealth con­di­tion. the front dim, he is step­ping on the ice-cold stone steps down­ward, the foot­steps are slow, do not have the sound, nat­u­rally does not dare to light the flame, Spirit Sense is re­leases in a big way, sen­sa­tion sur­round­ing all.
He had not for­got­ten that en­ters mau­soleum cham­ber to­gether, is three big Di­vine King!
Ca­sual, can ex­tin­guish the resid­ual in graces him.
He can­not make these three big Di­vine King de­tect his ex­is­tence, al­though here foul air has lim­ited his Spirit Sense, but sim­i­larly will also limit three big Di­vine King Spirit Sense, thus be­came his pro­tec­tion.
He then must do, fully avoids three big Di­vine King, then de­pends upon the Sky Poi­son Pearl as­cer­tain­ment abil­ity, found Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass be­fore them.
But the premise, is this mau­soleum cham­ber is huge enough, the ter­rain is com­plex enough, if to Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass where­abouts, only then a cir­cuit, then avoided has be­come the im­pos­si­ble mat­ter.
After adapt­ing to here foul air and dark­ness, on the side of Yun Che the care­ful sen­sa­tion all around, the foot­steps grad­u­ally are also speed­ing up. But walked some lit­tle time, the front, as be­fore is the sole long and nar­row chan­nel, let alone the fur­ca­tion, does not have in­clud­ing the least bit open sign, in the Yun Che heart starts to be rest­less grad­u­ally.
At this time, the front broad­cast the weak sound sud­denly.
„Nan Lie, it seems like that the this King son great good for­tune has not died, makes your dis­ap­pointed.”
This is the Mu Baimei sound.
„That is nat­ural, thinks each time the this King that as pretty as a flower youngest daugh­ter must marry your waste son, this King sim­ply is in deep sor­row.” Great Em­peror Nan Lie mys­ti­fy­ing [say / way].
„As pretty as a flower? Snort, pig that re­ally raises, works as the trea­sure again fat again ugly.” The Mu Baimei taunt said.
Among them the name and words are in sharp op­po­si­tion, are full of the hos­til­ity, even is some­what vir­u­lent, but both sides do not have the anger, ob­vi­ously was used to it so.
The Yun Che's speed is not fast, ac­tu­ally over­took them, ob­vi­ously they under mau­soleum cham­ber foul air, is cau­tiously.
The Yun Che foot­steps stop, from sound and Spirit Sense judg­ment, this time dis­tance these three big Di­vine King, dis­tance of hun­dred zhang (333 m).
If usu­ally, this is away from him likely to be de­tected, but here strange Zhong foul air, lets he not ob­vi­ous dan­ger­ous feel­ing, but does not dare to ap­proach again, the foot­steps slow down, are hear­ing their voice, is main­tain­ing a fixed dis­tance, silent hang­ing be­hind them.
Also only has such hangs be­hind them, can­not enter, can­not draw back.


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