Friday, May 11, 2018

1115: Illusory Sea Ancient Boundary

#1115: Illusory Sea Ancient Boundary
Comments 225
Yun Che has stood all of a sud­den: „Where? Which Star Realm?”
„From Heiya Realm to north, three as­sumes three full shape dis­trib­uted Star Realm, three Star Realm to the re­gion, is a broad sea area, the sea area cen­ter, named ‚Il­lu­sory Is­land’ the is­land, the in­duc­tion of Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, then came from Pri­mor­dial Se­cret Realm on Il­lu­sory Is­land!”
„The Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass non- pre­sent pri­mor­dial chaos en­vi­ron­ment can breed, only ex­tremely oc­ca­sional ap­pear­ance in Pri­mor­dial Se­cret Realm, more­over is al­ways High-Rank and Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm Se­cret Realm. But this time ap­pears in Low-Rank Star Realm, is re­ally rare.”
„Low-Rank Star Realm?” Yun Che stares.
„Good, this should be a good news, but, Il­lu­sory Is­land that place , is quite thorny. Be­cause it is not the is­land of with­out owner, does not be­long to some Star Realm, but is neigh­bor­ing three Star Realm con­trol sect al­to­gether has, when Se­cret Realm on is­land ‚Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary’, must be each time three Star Realm con­trol sect pre­sents may open.”
Knows that Yun Che knows noth­ing about major Star Realm, she de­scribed rel­a­tively was also de­tailed: „Al­to­gether is three Star Realm ‚Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary’ is quite fa­mous Se­cret Realm. Low-Rank Star Realm most Se­cret Realm sup­port power day by day dry up, grad­u­ally ap­proaches the col­lapse. But ‚Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary’, al­though is small, but power and prin­ci­ple of em­bod­i­ment as if are quite for­mi­da­ble, the aura non- de­te­ri­o­ra­tion trace, in­stead each time opens, can seek many chances. There­fore three Star Realm ‚Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary’ will re­gard, if trea­sure, but never ex­ces­sively will also ex­plore, every other 50 years open one time, mostly are used to give the hanger-on high level dis­ci­ple in­formed and ex­pe­ri­enced and seek for the chance, have not thought that this open­ing, found out by se­cret in­quiry ex­tremely high level aura un­ex­pect­edly.”
„Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass this grade of di­vine item may with not be pos­si­ble to ask in High-Rank Star Realm, let alone ap­pears in Low-Rank Star Realm. In the dis­tinc­tion is Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass aura, after three big Star Realm Realm King ob­tain the news, will rush to Il­lu­sory Is­land surely im­me­di­ately by one­self, per­haps now has got­ten to­gether in ‚Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary’.”
Ji Ruyan sound, said pru­dently: „The biggest prob­lem is this, the hand of which Realm King re­gard­less of Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass falls in fi­nally, the fa­ther feared that will be how many pro­found stone is hard to buy to take a con­trol to care about pro­found stone after all. But must put out with di­vine item re­ceiv­ing in ex­change of Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass same level level, is the basic im­pos­si­ble mat­ter. There­fore, fi­nally pos­si­bly is in favor of pes­simistic, in­vites the young mas­ter......”
„Il­lu­sory Is­land where?” Yun Che sud­denly heav­ily [say / way]: „Has to that nearby di­men­sion pro­found array?”
Ji Ruyan un­der­stood his in­ten­tion in­stan­ta­neously, anx­ious sound track: „Young Mas­ter, do not have such read­ing to think that Il­lu­sory Is­land is that three big Star Realm al­to­gether has, usu­ally in never al­lows the by­stander to visit, now had such mat­ter, will not allow any­body to ap­proach, the news also surely com­pre­hen­sively blocks.”
„Has?” Yun Che with em­pha­sis.
„In­deed has...... Heiya Realm is ac­tu­ally not re­mote from Il­lu­sory Is­land, oth­er­wise we are also in­suf­fi­cient such quickly to ob­tain the news.”
„I re­turn to Heiya City im­me­di­ately!”
After three dou­ble-hour, Yun Che re­turns to Heiya City, Ji Ruyan was wait­ing for him.
„Just ob­tained the in­for­ma­tion, with hav­ing Il­lu­sory Is­land three big Star Realm Great Realm King ar­rived at ‚Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary’, fol­low­ing the ori­gin of Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass aura, they in the pro­found un­der­ground, be­fore hav­ing found one, had never dis­cov­ered seal pro­found array, under seal pro­found array, seems a huge mau­soleum cham­ber.”
„In other words, that should Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, in that mau­soleum cham­ber?” The Yun Che sink­ing eye­brow said.
„Should so. How­ever, that seal pro­found array, al­though ex­ists al­ready ex­tremely re­mote, but resid­ual power is as be­fore greatly strength­ened, strength of set three Realm King and pow­er­house on the scene, is un­able to break in a short time. But once the time drags ex­ces­sively for a long time, the news dis­perses grad­u­ally, knows Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass to exist by Mid­dle-Rank or the High-Rank Star Realm per­son, even if that is their do­mains, do not want to ob­tain Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass again. There­fore, under three big con­trol sect to have no re­course, is with great speed the spread­ing news, in­vited three Star Realm major sect and pow­er­houses broadly al­to­gether breaks through the enemy lines, the con­di­tion was to make an ex­cep­tion to per­mit their hanger-on cer­tain amount of dis­ci­ple and three big con­trols sect to ex­plore ‚Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary’ to­gether nat­u­rally, the mau­soleum cham­ber of that dis­cov­ery was an ex­cep­tion.”
Im­por­tant in­tel­li­gence that the one breath will ob­tain just said that Ji Ruyan sighed the one breath darkly, the look was com­plex: „Young Mas­ter dis­po­si­tion is firm, the mat­ter of de­ci­sion, Ruyan knew that not ex­horted to re­turn. This time they for bro­ken mau­soleum cham­ber seal, but in­vited the pow­er­house broadly, was the young mas­ter sneaks the Se­cret Realm ex­tremely good op­por­tu­nity....... That three big con­trol the sect strength to want by far Soul Sect, after break­ing the mau­soleum cham­ber seal, Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass surely is the three thing of Great Realm King own tak­ing, if the mat­ter may not be, only asked the young mas­ter do not im­pulse to vi­o­late the dan­ger, per­haps after the young mas­ter safely re­turned, fa­ther there had the good news.”
The care of Ji Ruyan and wor­ries from the sin­cer­ity, but also is bring­ing help­less re­morse faintly. On the Yun Che face shows the smile: „Al­though hopes that un­cer­tain and dan­ger is enor­mous, but if does not go per­son­ally, I do not think will­ingly. How­ever you could rest as­sured that al­though I want to ob­tain Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass very much, but is also in­suf­fi­cient silly to the mat­ter that doing brings death in vain. If the least bit op­por­tu­nity could not find, I meet cer­tainly obe­di­ently to come back.”
The Ji Ruyan fa­cial ex­pres­sion re­laxed slightly: „Di­men­sion pro­found array has arranged, can the young mas­ter trans­mits to of look­ing sea that three Star Realm. From look­ing at sea to north, after sur­mount­ing 20,000 li (0.5km) sea area, then can ar­rive at Il­lu­sory Is­land. At young mas­ter’s speed, about one day should be able to ar­rive.”
„The Il­lu­sory Is­land po­si­tion, as well as the in­for­ma­tion about three Star Realm, I will pass to the young mas­ter in the way of mind mark, after Il­lu­sory Is­land, cer­tainly can only de­pend upon young mas­ter.”
One day later, Il­lu­sory Is­land.
Il­lu­sory Is­land ex­pec­ta­tion in must be smaller, able to move un­hin­dered the triv­ial hun­dred li (0.5km), sit­u­ated in the broad sea area, in the air are fill­ing the strong water vapor and salty fla­vor, mo­men­tar­ily may hear the ear-spit­ting great waves tum­bling sound.
En­ters Il­lu­sory Is­land, the Yun Che rapid hid­den under per­sonal ap­pear­ance.
The peo­ple on is­land are not many, more­over pro­found strength is not high, mostly in Di­vine Essence Realm. Yun Che looks at all around, while for­wards grad­u­ally, in close to the is­lands cen­ter, he an­chors the foot­steps at pre­sent, a huge space vor­tex is tum­bling un­ceas­ingly, huge mouth that such as a devil roared, once ap­proached, will then be in­volved in end­less abyss.
That is...... „Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary” en­trance!
Many had not con­sid­ered that the Yun Che step ap­proaches. The sur­round­ings of Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary en­trance, have the scat­tered sev­eral peo­ple to stand to de­fend. Looked from they quite sloppy move­ment fa­cial ex­pres­sion that their guards likely are sim­ply un­nec­es­sary...... Be­cause en­ters Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary today, is in sea­side three big Star Realm the in­nu­mer­able topest pow­er­houses, which need they guard. They re­mained in this's only sig­nif­i­cance, is pre­vents some mis­cel­la­neous per­son­nel to ap­proach prob­a­bly.
Be­fore leav­ing Heiya Realm, Ji Ruyan re­peat­edly has said with him, sea­side three big Star Realm Great Realm King fully en­tered Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary, to break the mau­soleum cham­ber seal as soon as pos­si­ble, took half in­vi­ta­tion, partly to force to draw on the re­spec­tive Star Realm mas­sive Di­vine Spirit Realm pow­er­houses.
This time Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary, it may be said that is the group shark chaotic dance.
Is hav­ing three big Di­vine King, Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary of mas­sive Di­vine Spirit pow­er­house, his in­tru­sion, is no dif­fer­ent than a small fish, wants to seize the food with the group shark.
„Came, then does not have the rea­son to re­treat.” Is main­tain­ing the Stealth con­di­tion, the Yun Che half step ap­proached spa­tial whirlpool, the vi­sion also stares to own left hand...... Snatches with three big Star Realm hardly nat­u­rally is ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble, he comes this force­fully, is not only a cav­ity im­pul­sive warm-blooded, but has tak­ing ad­van­tage of Sky Poi­son Pearl.
Sky Poi­son Pearl!
The di­rec­tion of Sky Poi­son Pearl, can make him lock Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass fast is. How­ever fac­ing three big Star Realm in­nu­mer­able pow­er­houses, his takes ad­van­tage is ac­tu­ally in­com­pa­ra­bly weak.
Was in­volved in spa­tial whirlpool, the Stealth con­di­tion van­ishes surely, in order to the in­sur­ance, Yun Che when near­ness, silent has re­leased Red But­ter­fly Do­main of small range, will guard in an­cient bound­ary en­trance dis­ci­ple all falls into the con­scious­ness the blank, after they are in­stant ab­sent-minded gets back one's com­po­sure, Yun Che for the first time the pre­sent form dis­ap­peared in spa­tial whirlpool.
The space cuts into, Yun Che en­tered in Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary, the air fla­vor and prin­ci­ple aura had the quite ob­vi­ous change, but Yun Che has not ob­served the sur­round­ing pic­ture with enough time, the sense of hear­ing then al­ready the sound of con­tin­ued storm thun­der sub­merges.
the front less than hun­dred li (0.5km) re­mote, in­tense in­com­pa­ra­ble pro­found light un­ceas­ingly is glit­ter­ing, with in­ter­mit­tent bang. Air cur­rent also in­com­pa­ra­ble berserk that clashes from that di­rec­tion.
The Yun Che brow moves, wants not to think that ap­proaches to that di­rec­tion fast, the ori­gin and per­son's shadow of quick, pro­found light more and more ap­pear in the line of sight.
The ground fis­sure are in­nu­mer­able, but the fis­sure cen­ter, is span­ning about hun­dred feet seal pro­found array, is re­leas­ing weakly, but plain sin­cere, just like the pro­found light of rock. The pro­found array sky is drift­ing more than 100 forms, their pro­found strength re­leases, blend a fear­ful peer­less pro­found strength mighty cur­rent, is at­tack­ing below seal pro­found array.
Which Lower Realm Star Realm pro­found prac­ti­tioner if there is to come this, re­gard­less of the what kind fam­ily back­ground, will be star­tled stares dumb­founded...... Be­cause these are con­cen­trat­ing power to at­tack pro­found array more than 100 pro­found prac­ti­tioner, cul­ti­vates for un­ex­pect­edly all not under Di­vine Spirit Realm!
In Low-Rank Star Realm, Di­vine King is god gen­eral ex­is­tence, more than half Low-Rank Star Realm, are only then Di­vine King, major part , then does not have Di­vine King, most is Di­vine Spirit Realm. Has two or many Di­vine King Low-Rank Star Realm only ac­counts for few.
There­fore, in Low-Rank Star Realm, Di­vine Spirit Realm then ba­si­cally is under Di­vine King, in­vin­ci­ble to ex­ists high.
But here, pre­sented more than 100 un­ex­pect­edly!!
The Yun Che's line of sight across the pro­found light light screen, looked to the cen­ter...... More than 100 the cen­ters of Di­vine Spirit pow­er­houses, abreast in row three forms, but from their pro­found strength, al­most under fold­ing of sur­round­ing hun­dred Di­vine Spirit pow­er­houses does not melt un­ex­pect­edly, their body fear­ful im­pos­ing man­ner, has pressed all Di­vine Spirit pow­er­houses, such as three did not see the moun­tain in the sky heavy pres­sure that went against high, mak­ing the per­son hold the breath to live to fear.
With­out a doubt, these three peo­ple, are three al­to­gether have this Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary Star Realm Realm King.
Gave his in­for­ma­tion ac­cord­ing to Ji Ruyan, in the Yun Che quick cor­re­spon­dence their sta­tus.
Left that ma­jes­tic like moun­tain, im­pos­ing man­ner such as thun­der mid­dle-aged per­son, should looks at sea Great Realm King, looks at sea con­trol sect Over­turn­ing Sea Di­vine Sect Sect Mas­ter Han Kuan!
Per­son of mag­nif­i­cent and ex­pen­sive gold cloth right, the ap­pear­ance is mag­nif­i­cent and ex­pen­sive, has the dan­ger­ous mon­ster to feel South­ern River Lim­it­less Realm Great Realm King evilly, is South­ern River Lim­it­less Realm over­lord coun­try Monarch, the world calls „Great Em­peror Nan Lie”.
The mid­dle man is ac­tu­ally el­e­gant, even if re­leas­ing pro­found strength fully, im­pos­ing man­ner as be­fore light like water, does not have the fear­ful con­stric­tion. This per­son, is Blue Hazy Realm Great Realm King, Blue Hazy Realm con­trols sect Muyang Is­land Is­land Mas­ter Mu Baimei!
Also is in these three peo­ple the pro­found strength strongest per­son.
Three big Di­vine King, more than 100 Di­vine Spirit si­mul­ta­ne­ously stim­u­late to move­ment power, pro­found light cov­ers the sky, the pres­tige is earth­shak­ing.
Sur­round­ings, gath­ers round sev­eral thou­sands to come from three big Star Realm, the dif­fer­ent sect peo­ple, they are away from dozens li (0.5km), bring­ing the whole face to wait and see with amaze­ment. Even so, cul­ti­vates for slightly weak young dis­ci­ple still by the pro­found en­ergy storm im­pact is hard to come to a stop.
Grit every­where, mixed air is sim­i­lar to the ocean waves of tum­bling. Three Great Realm King ver­bal com­mands, these Di­vine Spirit pow­er­houses nat­u­rally can­not dare per­son­ally, let alone also brings di­rect dis­ci­ple to enter the en­tice­ment of Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary. The strength of this col­lec­tion three big Star Realm, the mo­men­tum star­tled day power im­pact does not know how long has con­tin­ued, on the fore­head of many Di­vine Spirit pow­er­house is the sweat drip­pings, but with­stands huge power pro­found array as be­fore to be ac­tu­ally en­tirely still.
Yun Che has not de­pended is too near, hid­den in a rear area of giant stone, is ob­serv­ing the change and every­one of pro­found array silently, the brow has tight­ened, does not know that is think­ing any­thing.


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