Tuesday, January 16, 2018

1774: The slightest of difference, pays private plane

HK :: VOLUME #18
#1774: The slightest of difference, pays private plane
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[Demon Fog War­rior] and [Ni­hilist War­rior], in [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] hand most for­mi­da­ble card in a hand!
Heard [Ni­hilist War­rior] to have issue, how could wasn't [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] anx­ious?
Be re­spon­si­ble for the [Demon Fog War­rior] white coat man, had con­sid­ered slightly, said that „should be Cul­ture Mod­u­la­tion pre­sented issue, the part of [Ni­hilist War­rior] physique is un­qual­i­fied, is un­able to achieve the ex­per­i­ment ef­fect.”
The Shi Wen face darken, turns around to leave di­rectly, hur­ries to to­ward [Ni­hilist War­rior] Bio­genet­ics Cul­ti­va­tion Room.
Dark grey alloy chan­nel, Shi Wen in the heart, al­though there are de­pressed and angry, but Shi Wen was also pon­der­ing, if the [Ni­hilist War­rior] Cul­ture Mod­u­la­tion process, had issue, caus­ing [Ni­hilist War­rior] is un­able to achieve the ex­per­i­ment ef­fect. Then, how should solve this issue?
Walked close three min­utes, Shi Wen ar­rived at [Ni­hilist War­rior] Bio­genet­ics Cul­ti­va­tion Room. An­other wore the man of white coat to wel­come, the ex­pres­sion said re­spect­fully: „Sir!”
„Lyle, I heard that the [Ni­hilist War­rior] pro­ject had issue, right?” The [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] straight­for­ward in­quiry said.
Lyle, is per­son-in-charge of [Ni­hilist War­rior] pro­ject, he also very di­rect re­sponse: „Is Right? that Nate said” Nate in Lyle mouth, per­son-in-charge of ex­actly as stated [Demon Fog War­rior] pro­ject, they al­ready be­long to the co­op­er­a­tion, be­longs to the com­peti­tor re­la­tion­ship.
[Chaos Ser­pent] has not de­nied the view of Lyle, but re­mains silent looks at Lyle, [Hope] Lyle replied that [Ni­hilist War­rior] pro­ject, whether pre­sented issue.
„Sir, Nate slan­ders me!” Lyle straight moon's orbit, „[Ni­hilist War­rior] pro­ject not any issue!”
„Doesn't Cul­ture Mod­u­la­tion have issue?” Shi Wen in­quired, look stub­bornly looks at the Lyle ex­pres­sion, once Lyle showed the ex­pres­sion that any did not suit. Shi Wen then can de­ter­mine come out.
Lyle does not have the ashamed look, straight moon's orbit: „Sir, here!” Lyle guides in front, invit­ing Shi Wen to ex­am­ine the [Ni­hilist War­rior] Cul­ture Tank sit­u­a­tion.
[Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] fol­lowed, re­lated to the [Ni­hilist War­rior] Cul­ture Mod­u­la­tion sit­u­a­tion. Shi Wen does not want to be care­less.
„Sir, al­to­gether 100 [Ni­hilist War­rior] Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, we choose sev­eral [Ni­hilist War­rior] Ex­per­i­men­tal Body ran­domly, the gene Cul­ture Mod­u­la­tion sit­u­a­tion of in­spect­ing the cor­re­spon­dence!” Lyle pro­posed proves own means.
Lis­tens to the Lyle means that [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] in the heart to relax ac­tu­ally, speaks thought­lessly say­ing: „Good. We in­spect No. 2, No. 13, No. 25, No. 38, No. 43. No. 51, No. 64, No. 75, No. 89, No. 94, al­to­gether ten [Ni­hilist War­rior] Ex­per­i­men­tal Body sit­u­a­tions!”
[Chaos Ser­pent] looked like has ex­tracted ten Ex­per­i­men­tal Body ca­su­ally, but in fact trace­able, end digit that for ex­am­ple the front two Ex­per­i­men­tal Body tail num­bers added. equal to fol­low­ing Ex­per­i­men­tal Body tail num­ber digit.
And 2 + 3 equal to 5, are 3 + 5 equal to 8, is 5 + 8 equal to 13. Then ex­tracted 3 to take the Fourth ex­trac­tion num­ber the tail num­ber.
So reg­u­lar ex­trac­tion test sam­ple, ef­fec­tively has avoided the co­in­ci­dence sit­u­a­tion, max­i­mum de­gree by the real sit­u­a­tion, ex­am­ines [Ni­hilist War­rior] Ex­per­i­men­tal Body data.
Ob­serves the work of ten Ex­per­i­men­tal Body not to be com­plex, [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] in the Bi­o­log­i­cal Gene Tech­nol­ogy do­main, ab­solutely is not the weak chicken. In­stead Ex­ceed Grade greatly takes!
[Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] is ex­am­in­ing ten tar­get ob­jects fast, about after ten min­utes. Shi Wen had de­ter­mined ten [Ni­hilist War­rior] Ex­per­i­men­tal Body sit­u­a­tions, 100% do not have issue.
Hung in in the heart big Stone falls!
Lyle in some­what com­plained at the same time: „Sir. Nate that fel­low, rad­i­cally only fab­ri­cated frames me!”
[Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] in the heart some­what is also angry, in sit­u­a­tion that Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group presses on step by step, Nate also has the thoughts to crack a joke un­ex­pect­edly.
„Lyle, I will teach Nate!” The Shi Wen ex­pres­sion def­i­nitely was say­ing, ex­pressed his opin­ion.
Lyle has smiled fi­nally, „thanks the Sir!”
„Well Cul­ture Mod­u­la­tion [Ni­hilist War­rior], my [Hope] each [Ni­hilist War­rior], 100% sure­footed!” [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] em­pha­sized the [Ni­hilist War­rior] im­por­tance again.
After say­ing, Shi Wen left [Ni­hilist War­rior] Gene Cul­ti­va­tion Room, he pre­pares to re­turn to [Demon Fog War­rior] Bio­genet­ics Cul­ti­va­tion Room.
Also after is three min­utes, Shi Wen re­turned to [Demon Fog War­rior] Gene Cul­ti­va­tion Room, has not crit­i­cized Nate di­rectly, but with a quite des­o­late sound, opens the mouth say­ing: „That side Lyle does not have issue! Nate, my [Hope] [Demon Fog War­rior], do not pre­sent any issue!”
Nate frowned, the ex­pres­sion shows the puz­zled look, „, but, Sir, that side Lyle in­deed ap­peared asked...”
„Good!” Shi Wen has bro­ken Nate, just in [Ni­hilist War­rior] Gene Cul­ti­va­tion Room, Shi Wen per­son­ally in the ran­dom way, had ex­tracted ten sam­ple in­ves­ti­gate, sim­ply does not have any issue!
Nate could feel that Shi Wen got angry, he can only re­spond: „Relax, Sir, the [Demon Fog War­rior] pro­ject, will not pre­sent any issue ab­solutely!”
„That is good!” Shi Wen coldly re­sponded to one, then left [Demon Fog War­rior] crea­ture Cul­ti­va­tion Room.
The time passes in a hurry.
In an in­stant Time Axis moved close one month, on July 1, 9.30, Shi Lei re­ceived one in the morn­ing from the Li Jian Na­tion tele­phone.
Blurry Shi Lei, has put on LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor, con­nects the call.
„Hello, Mr. Shi, here is Boe­ing Com­pany. Boe­ing 757 pri­vate plane trans­for­ma­tion plan that you en­trusted al­ready ac­com­plish. We have con­ducted 8000 kilo­me­ters flight range test, guar­an­tees nor­mally all. Now, be­longs to your Boe­ing 757 pri­vate plane, can pay any­time and any­where.” Boe­ing Com­pany and Shi Lei con­tact cus­tom ser­vice per­son­nel, is pro­fi­cient in the Xia Na­tion lan­guage im­pres­sively.
Shi Lei has had a yawn, re­sponded: „Can non-stop fly Xia Na­tion?”
„Ok! We can help you apply for the route, but after air­plane gives you, fol­low­ing flight course issue, will be processed by you. Nat­u­rally, we pro­vide the com­pen­sated ser­vice of cor­re­spon­dence.” Boe­ing Com­pany cus­tom ser­vice per­son­nel replied.
Shi Lei did not plan that the one per­son alone goes to Li Jian Na­tion, [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] hides in Li Jian Na­tion ob­vi­ously, if Shi Lei in­de­pen­dent in the past, who knew to be able the tragedy?
Al­though this close one month, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion lives in peace with each other. But who can guar­an­tee, if Shi Wen has the op­por­tu­nity, he won't look for Shi Lei's to be trou­ble­some?
„Does not have issue! You de­liver to Xia Na­tion Shuangqing City In­ter­na­tional Air­port it! I can with their com­mu­ni­ca­tion(s), they pro­vide the air­craft park­ing area.” The Shi Lei re­sponse said.
Park­ing and main­te­nance of pri­vate plane are big issue!
Shi Lei im­pos­si­ble to process these issue, can only stop pri­vate plane in Beiyu Dis­trict In­ter­na­tional Air­port. And with Air­port as­pect com­mu­ni­ca­tion(s), lets Beiyu Dis­trict In­ter­na­tional Air­port staff per­son­nel , help­ing to man­age his pri­vate plane.
As for every high quota man­age­ment costs that one year will pro­duce, then com­pletely not dur­ing Shi Lei's con­sid­ers.
Boe­ing Com­pany cus­tom ser­vice per­son­nel replied, „good, Mr. Shi. We arrange the cor­re­spond­ing im­me­di­ately flight crew staff, will be­long to your Boe­ing 757 pri­vate plane, flies to Shuangqing City Beiyu Dis­trict In­ter­na­tional Air­port. I will ar­rive, meet­ing of an­tic­i­pa­tion and Mr. Shi.”
„Good!” Shi Lei has hung up the tele­phone, af­ter­ward starts to give Bai Qiang to tele­phone.
Waited for a meet­ing. Bai Qiang con­nects the call, a Bai Qiang first foot­path: „Buddy Shi, if you must feign death, please do not tell me!”
Shi Lei pre­vi­ous time feigns death, has had the enor­mous in­flu­ence in Shuangqing City, Bai Qiang, be­cause holds back what one knows about an in­ci­dent, by the Shuangqing City high-level lead­er­ship, vague has struck.
Shi Lei says with a smile: „Old Brother Bai. I am a nor­mal per­son, is all right to feign death to do?”
„Said! What trou­ble­some mat­ter also there is?” Bai Qiang has been used to Shi Lei to have mat­ter con­tact he, Bai Qiang knows. If no mat­ter, Shi Lei al­most im­pos­si­ble con­tact he.
Shi Lei is not awk­ward, said the Boe­ing 757 pri­vate plane mat­ter in de­tail, said af­ter­ward: „I and Beiyu Dis­trict In­ter­na­tional Air­port man­age­ment staff is not fa­mil­iar, there­fore, Old Brother Bai. You un­der­stand Right?”
Bai Qiang had con­sid­ered, replied: „Beiyu Dis­trict In­ter­na­tional Air­port that side sit­u­a­tion is a lit­tle com­plex. How­ever. Your mat­ter, is not any big mat­ter. How­ever. You must have the prepa­ra­tion, per­haps they need you to pay many man­age­ment costs and main­te­nance costs.”
Shi Lei hēng hēng said in­ten­tion­ally: „These fel­lows link my money, is black?”
The Bai Qiang forced smile said: „Avi­a­tion sys­tem is quite com­plex, your money, is nat­u­rally black. After all, re­gard­less of you stop in Beiyu Dis­trict In­ter­na­tional Air­port, keeps, re­gard­ing Air­port man­age­ment staff, not too big dif­fer­ence. Even, but also be­cause Air­port has parked your pri­vate plane, thus re­duced the Air­port flight ex­pi­ra­tion and in­spi­ra­tion quan­tity. You said to look that they can be black your money?”
The Shi Lei forced smile said: „Good! These damn [Vam­pire]!”
„Hey, their this was looks, any per­son who could af­ford pri­vate plane, will also worry about man­age­ment costs and main­te­nance costs?” Bai Qiang teased is say­ing.
Shi Lei hēng hēng, „was good, Old Brother Bai, you help my con­tact, man­age­ment costs and main­te­nance costs any­thing, is not issue!”
Bai Qiang com­plies, „good, does not have issue!”
Solves issue that pri­vate plane has parked, Shi Lei re­laxed, if no place to park pri­vate plane, that sim­ply is the big tragedy!
Shi Lei sched­uled Boe­ing 757 pri­vate plane, the re­fined model is Boe­ing 757 -300, but is not ear­li­est 757-200. Com­pares in the old model, the brand-new Boe­ing 757 -300 mod­els, the ini­tial test flight time were in 1998, in the air­plane struc­ture, the de­liv­ery strength and inner space as­pect, had more su­pe­ri­or­ity.
After re-equip­ping pri­vate plane of Boe­ing 757 -300 mod­els, be­sides six flight crew staff, but can also carry the twenty four pas­sen­gers.
air­plane in­ter­nal re-equipped the con­fer­ence room, the lounge, Bar and restau­rant, even also has the ur­gent med­ical room, has guar­an­teed the rest and recre­ation and Safety of pas­sen­ger.
Goods ware­house as­pect, has 110 cubic me­ters de­liv­ery spaces, as well as close 30 tons trans­port ca­pac­i­ties. This means that Shi Lei can carry 50 Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] ac­com­pa­ny­ing any­time and any­where, and can also carry two Third Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn].
equiv­a­lent to Shi Lei can bring an au­to­mated Un­manned Con­trol army, from Shuangqing City, de­scends in World­wide any has the Air­port city.
For­eign fight ca­pa­bil­ity that then, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group has, pro­moted more than planned!


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