Friday, January 19, 2018

1840: Final-063 is at wit's end!

HK :: VOLUME #19
#1840: Final-063 is at wit's end!
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With [But­ler] to the war, Shi Lei has cho­sen the con­ser­v­a­tive plan from the be­gin­ning, at­tempts in the silent sit­u­a­tion, fi­nally takes [But­ler].
But that ob­vi­ously is only Shi Lei's Fan­tasy!
[But­ler] has Su­per­com­puter amon13 and amon14, amounts to 1700 tflops Con­cen­trated Dis­tri­b­u­tion Com­put­ing Re­sources, [But­ler] has been in an im­preg­nable po­si­tion!
In the sit­u­a­tion of think­ing, Shi Lei has to choose to give it all, as­sem­bles all [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] com­put­ing re­sources, car­ries on the fight that meets the tough head-on with tough­ness with [But­ler].
De­ci­sion that the Shi Lei choice gives it all, per­haps is cor­rect!
Mag­nan­i­mous com­put­ing re­sources that be­cause, the Shi Lei three peo­ple pro­vide by [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang], suc­ceeds breaks Su­per­com­puter amon13 De­fen­sive Power!
Su­per­com­puter amon13 was bro­ken through de­fense by [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] mag­nan­i­mous com­put­ing re­sources, then the self-pro­tec­tion mech­a­nism starts, restarts au­to­mat­i­cally.
Ac­cord­ing to com­put­ing re­sources that Su­per­com­puter amon13 has, re­ver­sion in­fer­ence analy­sis, it at least re­quires over 20 min­utes starts and self-check­ing time.
Also in other words, within the twenty minute, Su­per­com­puter amon13 is im­pos­si­ble to join the order of bat­tle once more, com­put­ing re­sources that [But­ler] can use, re­duced 500 tflops, only re­main­ing 1200 tflops.
Al­though looks like the [But­ler] strength, weak­ens lim­it­edly, and has strength of the war. How­ever, do not for­get, mag­nan­i­mous com­put­ing re­sources that [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] pro­vides, sim­ply does not have any re­duc­tion.
When strength re­duc­tion of one side. Al­though an­other one side strength has not in­creased, but also equiv­a­lent to in­crease in dis­guised form!
„Phin­ney, [Jazz]. In one vig­or­ous ef­fort kills an­other Su­per­com­puter! The [But­ler] thor­ough iso­la­tion!” The Shi Lei order said.
Through giv­ing it all at­tack, Shi Lei had de­ter­mined Su­per­com­puter amon13 and amon14, is not [But­ler] Par­ent Server.
[But­ler] Par­ent Server, hides in other po­si­tions, but [But­ler] Par­ent Server, def­i­nitely with Su­per­com­puter amon14 links.
Only then Par­ent Server and Su­per­com­puter amon14 links in to­gether, [But­ler] can con­trol Su­per­com­puter amon14. As well as other Server.
Su­per­com­puter amon14, equiv­a­lent to [But­ler] final fortress!
If Su­per­com­puter amon14 also falls to the enemy. The [But­ler] card in a hand, will be lifted thor­oughly, Par­ent Server real ip ad­dress, will reap­pear.
So long as held Par­ent Server real ip ad­dress. Shi Lei wanted to find the cor­re­spond­ing Re­al­ity ad­dress, at all was not the dif­fi­cult prob­lem.
Once Shi Lei in real world, ar­rives at [But­ler] Par­ent Server, wants to ob­tain [But­ler] in­ter­nal data in­for­ma­tion, ab­solutely is not the dif­fi­cult mat­ter.
The Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem de­fense in­ten­sity, is very in­deed strict, but that aims in from the sit­u­a­tion of ex­te­rior in­va­sion. If, Shi Lei has the op­por­tu­nity, Par­ent Server that the di­rect con­tact [But­ler] is. Also was the di­rect con­tact carry and bear [But­ler] Hard­ware Sys­tem.
Ac­cord­ing to the Shi Lei's tech­nol­ogy, wants to break [But­ler] de­fense, ac­tu­ally. Not too high dif­fi­culty!
„Good!” The re­sponse that Tao Wenx­ian has plenty of fight in one said.
[Raphael] also holds say­ing of happy ex­pres­sion: „Does not have issue! com­put­ing re­sources few that had been killed by us rel­a­tively, re­main­ing also in­ter­de­pen­dence of two neigh­bor­ing states!” [Raphael] said a Xia Na­tion idiom, de­scribed very ap­pro­pri­ately.
Su­per­com­puter amon13 and amon14 mu­tu­ally de­pend on each other, now Su­per­com­puter amon13 has dropped down, Su­per­com­puter amon14. Re­ally dif­fi­cult to re­sist the Shi Lei three peo­ple with mag­nan­i­mous com­put­ing re­sources that [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] pro­vides.
51,000 tflops Loose Dis­tri­b­u­tion Com­put­ing Re­sources that [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] picks up, under the Shi Lei three peo­ple of con­trols. Plunged Su­per­com­puter amon14 once more.
Su­per­com­puter amon14 De­fense Sys­tem, re­sists the Shi Lei three peo­ple of in­va­sions dif­fi­cultly, is bro­ken through, Shi Lei that De­fense Sys­tem keeps es­ti­mated that most three min­utes dur­ing, Su­per­com­puter amon14 will then fall into to restart.
On the Shi Lei's face, can­not help but has shown the smil­ing face!
Tao Wenx­ian and [Raphael] have nat­u­rally shown the happy look!
How­ever, the smil­ing face on Shi Lei face, has not main­tained for one minute, then im­me­di­ately stiff­ens!
Be­cause, on the com­puter screen, demon­strated that [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] com­put­ing re­sources, was un­able to con­nect Su­per­com­puter amon14 in­for­ma­tion.
Has such sit­u­a­tion, has a pos­si­bil­ity!
Su­per­com­puter amon14, off-line!
Su­per­com­puter amon14, by [But­ler] in the crud­est way, had been sep­a­rated di­rectly with the link of In­ter­net, thus causes [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] at­tack, lost tar­get.
Since the Su­per­com­puter amon14 off-line, Shi Lei is nat­u­rally im­pos­si­ble to in­vade to enter Su­per­com­puter amon14, is im­pos­si­ble to ob­tain [But­ler] real ip ad­dress, is more im­pos­si­ble to ob­tain [But­ler] Par­ent Server, Re­al­ity ad­dress that is.
In brief, Shi Lei at­tempts through [But­ler], ob­tains [Chaos Ser­pent] in Bio­genet­ics do­main data, thor­ough fail­ure!
[But­ler] is sim­i­lar to Shi Lei is ex­pected un­ex­pect­edly , the most awful sit­u­a­tion is the same, the di­rect de­ter­mi­na­tion breaks re­treat­ing of wrist, does not have any­thing to con­tact with Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group.
In such sit­u­a­tion, Shi Lei wanted to find [But­ler], was sim­i­lar to Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea is equally dif­fi­cult.
[But­ler] Par­ent Server real ip ad­dress is in­def­i­nite, does Shi Lei in In­ter­net World, di­rectly in­vade [But­ler]?
Do not think that Shi Lei in net world, prob­a­bly is sum­mon wind and rain Kami, how wants to be able how, to like how being able how.
Al­though the fact is also so, Shi Lei's is re­ally Net World's God!
But this does not mean that Shi Lei can in­vade with wishes ful­filled. Be­fore had also ex­pressed that wanted to in­vade tar­get in net world, first needed that tar­get to exist, and knew ac­cu­rate tar­get ad­dress.
For ex­am­ple, Shi Lei wants to in­vade CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency In­ter­nal Sys­tem. First, Shi Lei has de­ter­mined, in­vades tar­get is CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency In­ter­nal Sys­tem \; Next, Shi Lei knows that CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency In­ter­nal Sys­tem, ac­tu­ally ex­ists in any ad­dress.
Be­cause knows these con­tents, Shi Lei can in­vade smoothly!
If Shi Lei what does not know that or CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency In­ter­nal Sys­tem, truly ex­ists in In­ter­net, but has not an­nounced that also has not linked in CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency Of­fi­cial Web­site to­gether, then Shi Lei does in­vade?
Under nor­mal con­di­tions, Hacker when in­vades tar­get, ex­cept for spe­cial fixed tar­get, is ac­tu­ally ran­dom tar­get. Be­cause, a large num­ber of Hacker, scurry about in In­ter­net ran­domly, is search­ing in In­ter­net, hides in dark sur­face net­work and Com­puter Sys­tem.
When had dis­cov­ered being in­ter­ested net­work and Com­puter Sys­tem, will then at­tempt to in­vade.
If Shi Lei wants to in­vade [But­ler] Par­ent Server, must mostly in this man­ner. Just, Shi Lei is spe­cific tar­get, but is not ran­dom tar­get.
Ac­tu­ally must how process, can in In­ter­net World, search ex­is­tence of [But­ler]?
Can sep­a­rate and link of In­ter­net as for [But­ler] in­de­pen­dently, Shi Lei was not wor­ried. Be­cause, Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, wants to sep­a­rate and con­nec­tion of In­ter­net, or in sep­a­rat­ing In­ter­net con­di­tion sit­u­a­tion, re­sumes the con­nec­tion with In­ter­net, needs Super Admin, car­ries on the real-time au­tho­riza­tion.
[But­ler] Super Admin is [Chaos Ser­pent], [Chaos Ser­pent] had been fin­ished, [But­ler] is un­able to ob­tain the real-time au­tho­riza­tion of [Chaos Ser­pent], nat­u­rally is un­able to sep­a­rate and link of In­ter­net.
Oth­er­wise, just the [But­ler] pro­cess­ing mode, then did not get rid of Su­per­com­puter amon14, but is the con­nec­tion of ini­tia­tive sep­a­ra­tion and In­ter­net.
How­ever, al­though [But­ler] will not sep­a­rate and con­nec­tion of In­ter­net on own ini­tia­tive, but Shi Lei wants to dis­cover that [But­ler] real ip ad­dress, is Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea... is not in­deed right!
Should be, in the sea, seeks for drop of spe­cific sea­wa­ter!
Be­cause of [But­ler] real ip ad­dress and or­di­nary user real ip ad­dress, sim­ply does not have any dif­fer­ence, places in In­ter­net World, com­plete is the same.
Only if Shi Lei scanned [But­ler] real ip ad­dress, and after hav­ing probed, can dis­cover that was [But­ler] real ip ad­dress.
Oth­er­wise, Shi Lei is im­pos­si­ble to dis­cover!
This de­gree of dif­fi­cult prob­lem, al­ready was the bu­reau of non-so­lu­tion bu­reau of non-so­lu­tion!
If no lim­it­ing time, Shi Lei can also slowly the ran­dom scan­ning in In­ter­net, is try­ing try­ing one's luck, seeks for [But­ler] real ip ad­dress.
Re­gard­less of not being able to find, could not find, is only luck issue, does not have time re­stric­tion(s) in any case.
But the pre­sent sit­u­a­tion is dif­fer­ent!
The pre­sent sit­u­a­tion is, un­known Gene Toxin of Ling Yumo within the body, prob­a­bly erupts five days later, if no re­lated an­ti­dote, Ling Yumo must die with­out doubt.
Also in other words, Shi Lei must in five days of time, dis­cover [But­ler] real ip ad­dress, and ex­plains [But­ler] Sys­tem, ob­tains [Chaos Ser­pent] in Bio­genet­ics do­main re­lated Tech­ni­cal In­for­ma­tion, then gives the Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) de­vel­op­ment an­ti­dote.
Does the short five days of time, must make these many mat­ters, have the pos­si­bil­ity?
Prob­a­bly is im­pos­si­ble!
Even if the pos­si­bil­ity is very low, the suc­cess­ful prob­a­bil­ity is un­cer­tain, but Shi Lei must do ut­most strives for suc­cess. The Shi Lei fear loses Ling Yumo they, if they re­ally be­come the rec­ol­lec­tions, will twine Shi Lei for a life­time!
Shi Lei not [Hope] such re­sult!
Then for­mi­da­ble [Chaos Ser­pent] was de­feated, hasn't been able to de­feat [But­ler]?
Yes, the pre­sent sit­u­a­tion, prob­a­bly re­ally has only been at wit's end, prob­a­bly could not hold [But­ler] real ip ad­dress re­ally!


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