HK :: VOLUME #19
#1840: Final-063 is at wit's end!
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With [Butler] to the war, Shi Lei has chosen the conservative plan from the beginning, attempts in the silent situation, finally takes [Butler].
But that obviously is only Shi Lei's Fantasy!
[Butler] has Supercomputer amon13 and amon14, amounts to 1700 tflops Concentrated Distribution Computing Resources, [Butler] has been in an impregnable position!
In the situation of thinking, Shi Lei has to choose to give it all, assembles all [Interweave Net Miwang] computing resources, carries on the fight that meets the tough head-on with toughness with [Butler].
Decision that the Shi Lei choice gives it all, perhaps is correct!
Magnanimous computing resources that because, the Shi Lei three people provide by [Interweave Net Miwang], succeeds breaks Supercomputer amon13 Defensive Power!
Supercomputer amon13 was broken through defense by [Interweave Net Miwang] magnanimous computing resources, then the self-protection mechanism starts, restarts automatically.
According to computing resources that Supercomputer amon13 has, reversion inference analysis, it at least requires over 20 minutes starts and self-checking time.
Also in other words, within the twenty minute, Supercomputer amon13 is impossible to join the order of battle once more, computing resources that [Butler] can use, reduced 500 tflops, only remaining 1200 tflops.
Although looks like the [Butler] strength, weakens limitedly, and has strength of the war. However, do not forget, magnanimous computing resources that [Interweave Net Miwang] provides, simply does not have any reduction.
When strength reduction of one side. Although another one side strength has not increased, but also equivalent to increase in disguised form!
„Phinney, [Jazz]. In one vigorous effort kills another Supercomputer! The [Butler] thorough isolation!” The Shi Lei order said.
Through giving it all attack, Shi Lei had determined Supercomputer amon13 and amon14, is not [Butler] Parent Server.
[Butler] Parent Server, hides in other positions, but [Butler] Parent Server, definitely with Supercomputer amon14 links.
Only then Parent Server and Supercomputer amon14 links in together, [Butler] can control Supercomputer amon14. As well as other Server.
Supercomputer amon14, equivalent to [Butler] final fortress!
If Supercomputer amon14 also falls to the enemy. The [Butler] card in a hand, will be lifted thoroughly, Parent Server real ip address, will reappear.
So long as held Parent Server real ip address. Shi Lei wanted to find the corresponding Reality address, at all was not the difficult problem.
Once Shi Lei in real world, arrives at [Butler] Parent Server, wants to obtain [Butler] internal data information, absolutely is not the difficult matter.
The Pseudo Artificial Intelligence System defense intensity, is very indeed strict, but that aims in from the situation of exterior invasion. If, Shi Lei has the opportunity, Parent Server that the direct contact [Butler] is. Also was the direct contact carry and bear [Butler] Hardware System.
According to the Shi Lei's technology, wants to break [Butler] defense, actually. Not too high difficulty!
„Good!” The response that Tao Wenxian has plenty of fight in one said.
[Raphael] also holds saying of happy expression: „Does not have issue! computing resources few that had been killed by us relatively, remaining also interdependence of two neighboring states!” [Raphael] said a Xia Nation idiom, described very appropriately.
Supercomputer amon13 and amon14 mutually depend on each other, now Supercomputer amon13 has dropped down, Supercomputer amon14. Really difficult to resist the Shi Lei three people with magnanimous computing resources that [Interweave Net Miwang] provides.
51,000 tflops Loose Distribution Computing Resources that [Interweave Net Miwang] picks up, under the Shi Lei three people of controls. Plunged Supercomputer amon14 once more.
Supercomputer amon14 Defense System, resists the Shi Lei three people of invasions difficultly, is broken through, Shi Lei that Defense System keeps estimated that most three minutes during, Supercomputer amon14 will then fall into to restart.
On the Shi Lei's face, cannot help but has shown the smiling face!
Tao Wenxian and [Raphael] have naturally shown the happy look!
However, the smiling face on Shi Lei face, has not maintained for one minute, then immediately stiffens!
Because, on the computer screen, demonstrated that [Interweave Net Miwang] computing resources, was unable to connect Supercomputer amon14 information.
Has such situation, has a possibility!
Supercomputer amon14, off-line!
Supercomputer amon14, by [Butler] in the crudest way, had been separated directly with the link of Internet, thus causes [Interweave Net Miwang] attack, lost target.
Since the Supercomputer amon14 off-line, Shi Lei is naturally impossible to invade to enter Supercomputer amon14, is impossible to obtain [Butler] real ip address, is more impossible to obtain [Butler] Parent Server, Reality address that is.
In brief, Shi Lei attempts through [Butler], obtains [Chaos Serpent] in Biogenetics domain data, thorough failure!
[Butler] is similar to Shi Lei is expected unexpectedly , the most awful situation is the same, the direct determination breaks retreating of wrist, does not have anything to contact with Mirror Science and Technology Group.
In such situation, Shi Lei wanted to find [Butler], was similar to Fish A Needle From The Sea is equally difficult.
[Butler] Parent Server real ip address is indefinite, does Shi Lei in Internet World, directly invade [Butler]?
Do not think that Shi Lei in net world, probably is summon wind and rain Kami, how wants to be able how, to like how being able how.
Although the fact is also so, Shi Lei's is really Net World's God!
But this does not mean that Shi Lei can invade with wishes fulfilled. Before had also expressed that wanted to invade target in net world, first needed that target to exist, and knew accurate target address.
For example, Shi Lei wants to invade CIA Central Intelligence Agency Internal System. First, Shi Lei has determined, invades target is CIA Central Intelligence Agency Internal System \; Next, Shi Lei knows that CIA Central Intelligence Agency Internal System, actually exists in any address.
Because knows these contents, Shi Lei can invade smoothly!
If Shi Lei what does not know that or CIA Central Intelligence Agency Internal System, truly exists in Internet, but has not announced that also has not linked in CIA Central Intelligence Agency Official Website together, then Shi Lei does invade?
Under normal conditions, Hacker when invades target, except for special fixed target, is actually random target. Because, a large number of Hacker, scurry about in Internet randomly, is searching in Internet, hides in dark surface network and Computer System.
When had discovered being interested network and Computer System, will then attempt to invade.
If Shi Lei wants to invade [Butler] Parent Server, must mostly in this manner. Just, Shi Lei is specific target, but is not random target.
Actually must how process, can in Internet World, search existence of [Butler]?
Can separate and link of Internet as for [Butler] independently, Shi Lei was not worried. Because, Pseudo Artificial Intelligence System, wants to separate and connection of Internet, or in separating Internet condition situation, resumes the connection with Internet, needs Super Admin, carries on the real-time authorization.
[Butler] Super Admin is [Chaos Serpent], [Chaos Serpent] had been finished, [Butler] is unable to obtain the real-time authorization of [Chaos Serpent], naturally is unable to separate and link of Internet.
Otherwise, just the [Butler] processing mode, then did not get rid of Supercomputer amon14, but is the connection of initiative separation and Internet.
However, although [Butler] will not separate and connection of Internet on own initiative, but Shi Lei wants to discover that [Butler] real ip address, is Fish A Needle From The Sea... is not indeed right!
Should be, in the sea, seeks for drop of specific seawater!
Because of [Butler] real ip address and ordinary user real ip address, simply does not have any difference, places in Internet World, complete is the same.
Only if Shi Lei scanned [Butler] real ip address, and after having probed, can discover that was [Butler] real ip address.
Otherwise, Shi Lei is impossible to discover!
This degree of difficult problem, already was the bureau of non-solution bureau of non-solution!
If no limiting time, Shi Lei can also slowly the random scanning in Internet, is trying trying one's luck, seeks for [Butler] real ip address.
Regardless of not being able to find, could not find, is only luck issue, does not have time restriction(s) in any case.
But the present situation is different!
The present situation is, unknown Gene Toxin of Ling Yumo within the body, probably erupts five days later, if no related antidote, Ling Yumo must die without doubt.
Also in other words, Shi Lei must in five days of time, discover [Butler] real ip address, and explains [Butler] System, obtains [Chaos Serpent] in Biogenetics domain related Technical Information, then gives the Jian Wushuang (Sword Unparalleled) development antidote.
Does the short five days of time, must make these many matters, have the possibility?
Probably is impossible!
Even if the possibility is very low, the successful probability is uncertain, but Shi Lei must do utmost strives for success. The Shi Lei fear loses Ling Yumo they, if they really become the recollections, will twine Shi Lei for a lifetime!
Shi Lei not [Hope] such result!
Then formidable [Chaos Serpent] was defeated, hasn't been able to defeat [Butler]?
Yes, the present situation, probably really has only been at wit's end, probably could not hold [Butler] real ip address really!
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Friday, January 19, 2018
1840: Final-063 is at wit's end!

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