Thursday, January 18, 2018

1820: Final-043 condition!

HK :: VOLUME #19
#1820: Final-043 condition!
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Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Ten-thou­sand Mu Head­quar­ters, on July 13, 1 : 00 am missed five points.
When [Chaos Ser­pent] will soon be leav­ing the Shi Lei hous­ing the villa, Shi Lei stopped by call­ing out [Chaos Ser­pent], mak­ing [Chaos Ser­pent] think that Shi Lei ‚chang­ing an at­ti­tude’, is will­ing to hand over Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group and Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem [Izual].
How­ever, Shi Lei grasped mys­te­ri­ous Su­per­nat­ural Force, was al­ready in an im­preg­nable po­si­tion, what also pos­si­bly makes ‚chang­ing an at­ti­tude’ choice?
Isn't that the com­edy?
Shi Lei shakes the head with a smile, „[Chaos Ser­pent], you ob­vi­ously are that in­tel­li­gent fel­low, why that naive? You be­lieve that I now, but also has the pos­si­bil­ity of sur­ren­der?”
[Chaos Ser­pent] silent looks at Shi Lei.
Shi Lei con­tin­ues say­ing: „You might as well lis­ten to my propo­si­tion!”
„I am lis­ten­ing!” [Chaos Ser­pent] cold [say / way].
„My propo­si­tion, ex­actly as stated [Hope] ob­tains. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion, all about study­ing Bio­genet­ics Field Tech­nol­ogy data.” Shi Lei was say­ing lightly.
„hā hā hā hā!” [Chaos Ser­pent] hā hā has laughed, „Shi Lei, this joke, is not re­ally funny!”
„It is not funny should be, be­cause this is not the joke!” Shi Lei smil­ingly was say­ing, „my [Hope] you se­ri­ously con­sider!”
[Chaos Ser­pent] re­sponded: „, You told me, why do I want to ac­cept your propo­si­tion? What ad­van­tage do I have?”
„Rea­son is very sim­ple, your life, grasps in my hands!” Shi Lei said with a smile.
„Right?” [Chaos Ser­pent] sneers. No longer pays at­ten­tion to Shi Lei, turns around to move to­ward the en­trance di­rectly.
[Chaos Ser­pent] only walked merely three steps, from front door less than one meter. [Chaos Ser­pent] had been pre­vented by in­vis­i­ble Force Field of not being able to see!
[Chaos Ser­pent] at­tempted to stroke in­vis­i­ble Force Field with the hand, but had been pre­vented by in­vis­i­ble Force Field, has not ac­tu­ally in­jured [Chaos Ser­pent].
[Chaos Ser­pent] has at­tempted, uses Grav­ity Con­trol Su­per­nat­ural Force, tries to break through the block­ade of in­vis­i­ble Force Field, but all at­tempts, like a stone dropped into the sea same do not have any re­sponse.
This in­vis­i­ble Force Field. In front of in­vis­i­ble Force Field with Shi Lei is im­pres­sively ex­actly the same!
Al­though the front door was stopped up, but [Chaos Ser­pent] has not given up. After all. Re­gard­ing [Chaos Ser­pent], where is the exits.
[Chaos Ser­pent] uses Grav­ity Con­trol Su­per­nat­ural Force, tries to break front door nearby wall, the prepa­ra­tion breaks the wall di­rectly. Thus leaves the villa.
But in the wall front, has in­vis­i­ble non- archery tar­get Force Field sim­i­larly, has pre­vented [Chaos Ser­pent] Grav­ity Con­trol Su­per­nat­ural Force.
[Chaos Ser­pent] is try­ing other po­si­tions fast, even ex­per­i­mented the floor and ceil­ing, ac­tu­ally sim­i­larly has the pro­tec­tion of in­vis­i­ble Force Field.
Ob­vi­ously, Shi Lei in en­tire build­ing hall, has arranged in­vis­i­ble Force Field com­pletely!
The strength of strongest shield, in this flash, changed to the shack­les!
[Chaos Ser­pent] turns back the Shi Lei op­po­site. Sits on the der­mis sofa, looks at smil­ing Shi Lei, cold -ly snorted and said: „Shi Lei. What goal do you have?”
„Didn't I just say?” Shi Lei is sur­prised the dif­fer­ent way.
[Chaos Ser­pent] sneers, „that is im­pos­si­ble!”
„Is im­pos­si­ble?” Shi Lei laughs at one, „why is im­pos­si­ble?”
„Be­cause, even if gave up life, I im­pos­si­ble to give you tech­nol­ogy.” The [Chaos Ser­pent] strong [say / way], has sup­ple­mented one af­ter­ward. „You should know, so-called death threat. To me does not have what use.”
Shi Lei nods, „I know cer­tainly! After all, your this lives, was in­signif­i­cant!”
„How do you pre­pare to threaten me?” Ask­ing of [Chaos Ser­pent] some­what sur­prise.
„Why can threaten?” Shi Lei was say­ing sin­cerely, „is sim­i­lar to you said that we to­gether lived that long time, even if knew, you are kill Ning Yu Fan and Shi Wen chief crim­i­nal. But, I and their re­la­tions, be­sides in­her­it­ing their gene, what con­tact but also there is? In the final analy­sis, I am only the test piece of gene sci­ence!”
The [Chaos Ser­pent] ex­pres­sion stares slightly.
Shi Lei con­tin­ues say­ing: „Can per­son non- veg­e­ta­tion who be heart­less? Even if among us, has the in­tense and deep-seated ha­tred, but you raise me to grow as be­fore, this is the fact!”
[Chaos Ser­pent] has shown the light smile.
„Al­though I am also angry, why you have killed Ning Yu Fan and Shi Wen, and also im­pli­cates the nine gen­er­a­tions. But after is not the mat­ter that I per­son­ally ex­pe­ri­ence, I do not have that many ha­treds.” Here, Shi Lei shakes the head say­ing that „per­haps, you will guess, I was play­ing the sen­ti­men­tal sign, thus swin­dled you. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion Tech­ni­cal In­for­ma­tion. But I only want to say that my are true.”
[Chaos Ser­pent] in the heart, in­deed has such scru­ples.
Even if sim­i­lar to Shi Lei said that re­la­tions of Shi Lei and Ning Yu Fan and Shi Wen, be­sides in­her­it­ing their gene, sim­ply does not have any re­la­tions. And, Shi Lei or out­side the body tube cul­ture.
But even­tu­ally is the birth par­ents!
„[Chaos Ser­pent], I can pledge to you, if you are will­ing. The Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion tech­ni­cal force, hands over com­pletely, I am will­ing fully to co­or­di­nate you, help­ing you re­con­struct Ning Yu Fan. How­ever, my [Hope], Ning Yu Fan is not my mother.” Shi Lei as if under de­cided greatly the de­ter­mi­na­tion to be very same, the ex­pres­sion was say­ing se­ri­ously.
[Chaos Ser­pent] has shown the heart move­ment look, earnest looks at Shi Lei, the probe said: „Shi Lei, what you said is real?”
„Your de­ter­mine! Re­gard­less of I said any­thing, you have the sus­pi­cion. There­fore, you only need one­self de­ter­mine, you an­a­lyze the cause and ef­fect, then de­ter­mine pos­si­bil­ity.” Shi Lei has not said any­thing ‚guar­an­tee re­ally’, that words only then the fool be­lieves.
[Chaos Ser­pent] has con­sid­ered, then said: „Shi Lei, I want to know that you need us. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion does the tech­nol­ogy of Bio­genet­ics do­main, ac­tu­ally have what goal? Tries to ob­tain the Grav­ity Con­trol strength?”
Shi Lei shook the head, „I have Su­per­nat­ural Force! Why do I also need the Grav­ity Con­trol strength? I need you in the Bio­genet­ics Field Tech­nol­ogy rea­son, in fact, you should know an­swer Right?”
[Chaos Ser­pent] pon­dered in the mind rapidly that af­ter­ward has thought Li Zhiyue re­lated in­for­ma­tion, „orig­i­nally is fe­male friend's re­la­tions! Li Zhiyue? Do you want through Bio­genet­ics do­main tech­nol­ogy, the change years in the trace that the human sem­blance leaves?”
„Yes! is Li Zhiyue! Li Zhiyue that I most love! There­fore, we mu­tu­ally help! As for you so-called, Grav­ity Con­trol does Su­per­nat­ural Force, what to me have to af­fect? Su­per­nat­ural Force that I have, has re­strained Grav­ity Con­trol Su­per­nat­ural Force ex­actly. You did not have the threat, why do I also want to covet the strength of sub­or­di­nate(s) de­feated gen­eral?” Say­ing of Shi Lei taunt.
But like this man­ner of taunt, makes [Chaos Ser­pent] faintly re­lieved!
[Chaos Ser­pent] re­ceives ac­tu­ally. Op­pres­sive. Crazy, but is the sit­u­a­tion that Shi Lei nar­rated is the fact, mys­te­ri­ous Su­per­nat­ural Force of Shi Lei con­trol, has in­deed re­strained Grav­ity Con­trol Su­per­nat­ural Force.
At least [Chaos Ser­pent] how Shi Lei, in­stead was sur­rounded by Shi Lei!
„Shi Lei, if you want to co­op­er­ate, you should show a sin­cer­ity!” [Chaos Ser­pent] was re­mind­ing Shi Lei, „were ac­tu­ally you grasp­ing what strength?”
Shi Lei no longer keeps guess­ing fi­nally!
„In fact, I do not know that I am grasp­ing any Su­per­nat­ural Force! I only know, I in sud­denly, was just Lev­i­ta­tion Slate is re­leased, you used Grav­ity Con­trol Su­per­nat­ural Force time, in that flash, I had one type strange strength that con­trolled Force Field!” Shi Lei said bright way sim­ply.
Af­ter­ward, Shi Lei sup­ple­mented is say­ing, „I do not know, func­tion of that Force Field. Only knows that Force Field can pre­vent the func­tion of grav­ity!”
[Chaos Ser­pent] frowns to pon­der that as if thought aloud same was say­ing, „so looks like, should be Grav­ity Con­trol Su­per­nat­ural Force just, ac­ti­vated the Lev­i­ta­tion Slate strength, thus has had one type spe­cial strength that re­strains Grav­ity Con­trol, and was ob­tained by you?”
Shi Lei se­ri­ous shak­ing the head, „does not know!”
„Shi Lei, your propo­si­tion, I am in­ter­ested. How­ever, is sim­i­lar to your for­merly says is the same, the strength of both sides is not co­or­di­nated, any­thing guar­an­tees and com­mit­ment, rad­i­cally is only Flow­ers In A Mir­ror And Moon Re­flected In A Lake. How I can guar­an­tee that you ob­tained. After Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion Bi­o­log­i­cal Gene Tech­nol­ogy, will ob­serve our agree­ments?” [Chaos Ser­pent] had a dif­fi­cult prob­lem to Shi Lei.
Shi Lei says with a smile pale: „This issue is very sim­ple!”
„Oh?” [Chaos Ser­pent] some­what anx­iously has bro­ken Shi Lei, ex­pressed the look of doubts.
Shi Lei smiles say­ing: „The tech­nol­ogy that you mas­ter, is di­vided into two parts. Mixes the data in­de­pen­dent preser­va­tion of Grav­ity Con­trol through Lev­i­ta­tion Slate is, other data is counted one. Grav­ity Con­trol re­lated data, does not need to hand over tem­porar­ily. After our plan suc­cesses, you have re­con­structed Ning Yu Fan suc­cess­fully, my [Hope] you give me the re­lated tech­nol­ogy.”
[Chaos Ser­pent] has con­sid­ered, the pro­posal that to be hon­est, Shi Lei put for­ward was very rea­son­able, had con­sid­ered com­pletely the both sides mu­tual scru­ples , also pro­posed the re­li­able so­lu­tion, and full in­di­ca­tion, Shi Lei did not covet Grav­ity Con­trol re­lated data.
After all, Grav­ity Con­trol re­lated data, so long as has grasped in the hand of [Chaos Ser­pent], Shi Lei can­not at­tain data, nat­u­rally is un­able to have Grav­ity Con­trol Su­per­nat­ural Force.
„Shi Lei, your propo­si­tion, I ba­si­cally agreed. How­ever, to en­sure my ben­e­fit, my some re­quests! After all, my [Hope] 100% safety, I be­lieve that you are also so the idea, isn't that right?” [Chaos Ser­pent] opens the mouth to say.
If the orig­i­nal sit­u­a­tion, [Chaos Ser­pent] im­pos­si­ble to dis­cuss the con­di­tion with Shi Lei de­cid­edly, even if Shi Lei had has re­strained Grav­ity Con­trol Su­per­nat­ural Force, [Chaos Ser­pent] was im­pos­si­ble to sub­mit or admit de­feat.
Be­cause of orig­i­nal [Chaos Ser­pent], does not have the weak­ness!
Pre­sent [Chaos Ser­pent], be­cause of Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, has brought new tar­get for him, lit ‚res­ur­rect­ing’ Ning Yu Fan [Hope].
There­fore, [Chaos Ser­pent] pre­sented the weak­ness!
Be­com­ing also be­cause of Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, the de­feat also be­cause of Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, the [Chaos Ser­pent] ex­actly as stated so sit­u­a­tion!
„What con­di­tion?” Shi Lei pa­tient ask­ing.


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