Thursday, January 18, 2018

1817: Final-040 that wisp of Purple Radiance

HK :: VOLUME #19
#1817: Final-040 that wisp of Purple Radiance!
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Shi Lei and [Chaos Ser­pent] con­tra­dic­tion, at all im­pos­si­ble well dis­trib­uted!
„Oh!” Shi Lei sighed, pitied looks at [Chaos Ser­pent], as if [Chaos Ser­pent], in that per­son of wait­ing for death, but was not Shi Lei.
„Shi Lei, if you are will­ing to hand over Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group and Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, I can promise you, I not only let off you, will also let off with your re­lated all per­son­nel. Even, you can con­tinue to take on Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group con­trol, Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany CEO.” [Chaos Ser­pent] promises to say.
Shi Lei shakes the head the re­jec­tion, „I do not be­lieve!”
„I can pledge that I can guar­an­tee, even we can sign the writ­ten agree­ment!” The [Chaos Ser­pent] ex­pres­sion, is hav­ing a faint trace plea fla­vor.
Shi Lei shakes the head as be­fore, strove for say­ing on own ini­tia­tive: „We see things in oth­ers'shoes, you have to sur­mount the human the ab­solute strength, what qual­i­fi­ca­tions do I have to dis­cuss the con­di­tion with you? So-called com­mit­ment and guar­an­tee, but is an empty talk, if you want to re­nege on a promise, I am at wit's end rad­i­cally. As for the writ­ten agree­ment, as if no any bind­ing force, Su­per­nat­ural Force that you have, re­ally has the too much way, can achieve the mur­der in in­vis­i­ble!”
„Don't you fear death?” [Chaos Ser­pent] fi­nally a lit­tle angry say­ing.
Shi Lei hā hā laughs, „since old times called a king if suc­cess­ful, called a ban­dit if de­feated! Has de­feated, I had the con­scious­ness of death! What fear did the death have?”
„Doesn't Hēng! fear death re­ally?” [Chaos Ser­pent] cold snort|hum, the right hand five fin­gers has grasped slightly, sat Shi Lei on sofa, sud­denly had been raised by the in­vis­i­ble strength. Is hang­ing in void.
The in­vis­i­ble strength, as if seized the Shi Lei's neck, raises Shi Lei in the midair.
Shi Lei is only con­di­tioned re­flex has strug­gled slightly. Is then tran­quil im­me­di­ately, both hands nat­u­rally sag, eyes closed waits for death.
[Chaos Ser­pent] looks at the Shi Lei's per­for­mance, he dis­cov­ers the Shi Lei's cor­ners of the mouth, even one wipes the light happy ex­pres­sion, he has to Shi Lei ‚re­turn­ing’ sofa.
„Shi Lei, you are very good! I ac­knowl­edged. You en­raged me, you en­raged me re­ally! You do not fear death. I do not kill you!” [Chaos Ser­pent] sneers was say­ing.
Being saved from death Shi Lei, not only does not have half minute to be joy­ful, in­stead the com­plex­ion dig­ni­fied [say / way], „what do you want to make?”
„Can't you guess cor­rectly?” [Chaos Ser­pent] hā hā laughs.
„I warned you. If you...” Shi Lei has not said that was bro­ken by [Chaos Ser­pent].
[Chaos Ser­pent] ram­pant [say / way]: „Did you warn me? What qual­i­fi­ca­tions do you have to warn me? You just did not say, I grasp am sur­mount­ing the human the strength, why did you warn me?”
Shi Lei com­plex­ion one stiff, closely clenches teeth.
„Shi Lei, you do not fear death, but some­times, the death in­stead ex­tri­cated. I must have a look but ac­tu­ally, when I held your fe­male friend. Are you so are un­yield­ing!” [Chaos Ser­pent] says with a smile coldly.
Shi Lei clenches teeth say­ing: „You dare!”
„What do I have not to dare? Is it pos­si­ble that is be­cause the Ling Yumo fa­ther is Cyber Se­cu­rity West­ern Head­quar­ters Bu­reau Chief? Is the Mu Shuang fa­ther Shengjing City Mayor? Also or is the He Wan­qiu fa­ther Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict in fact con­trol? I dare cer­tainly! I have sur­mounted ex­is­tence of com­mon cus­tom, the strength of com­mon cus­tom, you think that can re­strain me?” [Chaos Ser­pent] in­com­pa­ra­bly was say­ing ex­tremely ar­ro­gantly.
But [Chaos Ser­pent] said. Is the fact!
Grav­ity Con­trol Su­per­nat­ural Force, was re­ally too for­mi­da­ble a point, even be­longed to the non-so­lu­tion strength, ac­cord­ing to human cur­rent Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy, [Chaos Ser­pent] in­deed has qual­i­fi­ca­tions to be ex­tremely ar­ro­gant, even some qual­i­fi­ca­tions an­nounced that ruled World­wide.
Nat­u­rally. Rules the World­wide mat­ter, only if [Chaos Ser­pent] is will­ing to ob­tain De­stroy Earth. Oth­er­wise. Earth major Na­tion(s) Gov­ern­ment, will def­i­nitely not agree that [Chaos Ser­pent] rules the World­wide am­bi­tion.
The [Chaos Ser­pent] sin­gle body strength is in­deed in­vin­ci­ble, but Earth is so big, De­stroy Earth strength that many, does [Chaos Ser­pent] pos­si­bly con­trol World­wide?
Shi Lei sud­denly hes­i­tates, he does not know how should choose. Shi Lei's does not fear death firmly, is sim­i­lar to [Chaos Ser­pent] said that some­times, the death also was re­ally not the fright­en­ing mat­ter.
Oth­er­wise, why that many peo­ple, are will­ing for the be­lief of in the heart, but pays with own life?
Shi Lei was afraid [Chaos Ser­pent] to hold Mu Shuang they, then they threat­ened Shi Lei by Mu Shuang. If [Chaos Ser­pent] threat­ens Shi Lei by Mu Shuang their safety, even if Shi Lei un­der­stands that [Chaos Ser­pent] wants to ob­tain Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group and [Izual], will put to­gether a that prob­a­bil­ity ex­tremely, Shi Lei will also be com­ply­ing with [Chaos Ser­pent].
The sor­row of this ex­actly as stated weak one!
„Shi Lei, if you are will­ing give me Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group and Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem. Then, con­di­tion un­changed, just I com­plied as be­fore your, can com­ply to give you as be­fore.” [Chaos Ser­pent] looks at the Shi Lei's ex­pres­sion, then knows that Shi Lei vac­il­lated in­sis­tence of in the heart.
Has the hu­man­ity of weak­ness, is al­ways so vul­ner­a­ble!
[Chaos Ser­pent] showed the light happy ex­pres­sion, the weak­ness that Shi Lei had was too ob­vi­ous, more­over was too easy in view of the Shi Lei's weak­ness, did Shi Lei pos­si­bly fight [Chaos Ser­pent]?
Only if Shi Lei has to sur­pass the [Chaos Ser­pent] in­di­vid­ual ef­fort, sup­presses [Chaos Ser­pent] by the in­di­vid­ual ef­fort, caused the [Chaos Ser­pent] death, or was re­stric­tion(s) [Chaos Ser­pent] per­son Free­dom, might ex­plain [Chaos Ser­pent] the bu­reau of Cer­tain Vic­tory.
How­ever, what is the bu­reau of Cer­tain Vic­tory?
The bu­reau of Cer­tain Vic­tory, surely wins cer­tainly!
Strength that [Chaos Ser­pent] grasps, if places in Brave's World, that is bro­ken trades bal­ance Pro­fes­sion and strength, what strength Shi Lei also has and [Chaos Ser­pent] con­tends?
„I can promise you, gives you Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, but can­not give you Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem!” Shi Lei said bright way di­rectly, af­ter­ward sup­ple­mented in­di­cates, „was not I am not will­ing to give you [Izual], but was [Izual]'s Super Ad­min­is­tra­tor Au­thor­ity, is un­able to shift.”
„[Izual]?” The [Chaos Ser­pent] doubts said that „why can't shift Super Ad­min­is­tra­tor Au­thor­ity?”
„Don't you be­lieve?” Say­ing that Shi Lei sneers, „, if you do not be­lieve that we can at­tempt on the spot!”
„Does not have issue! You at­tempt, [Izual]'s Super Ad­min­is­tra­tor Au­thor­ity, shifts to me?” [Chaos Ser­pent] did not refuse say­ing that truly speak­ing, [Chaos Ser­pent] in­deed does not be­lieve.
[Chaos Ser­pent] is con­sis­tent with the idea of Shi Lei for­merly, [Izual] is only Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, is the com­puter pro­ce­dure, why can't shift Super Ad­min­is­tra­tor Au­thor­ity?
Shi Lei hit a sound to refer, told: „[Izual], pre­pares to con­firm Super Ad­min­is­tra­tor Au­thor­ity! Right, by open voice prompt!”
After telling, Shi Lei said to [Chaos Ser­pent]: „Sec­ond Room left sec­ond floor, in­side has LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor, you put on with one, can ex­am­ine [Izual]'s to prompt in­for­ma­tion at any time.”
[Chaos Ser­pent] nods, through Grav­ity Con­trol Su­per­nat­ural Force, Sec­ond Room from sec­ond floor, by the in­vis­i­ble strength, hold­ing LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor to get down.
After hav­ing put on LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor, [Izual] told ac­cord­ing to Shi Lei's that trans­mits re­lated in­for­ma­tion to LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor that in [Chaos Ser­pent] wears.
„Sir, after the Sys­tem con­fir­ma­tion, Super Ad­min­is­tra­tor Au­thor­ity is un­able to shift!” [Izual] gives the prompt.
Shi Lei ex­plained: „Just I pre­pared Super Ad­min­is­tra­tor Au­thor­ity, shifts to them, but [Izual] re­fuses to shift.”
[Chaos Ser­pent] has not spo­ken, but looks at Shi Lei, hints Shi Lei to con­tinue.
„[Izual] , to con­tinue the im­ple­ment Super Ad­min­is­tra­tor Au­thor­ity con­fir­ma­tion work!” Shi Lei looks the color of dis­dain­ing, af­ter­ward passed the con­fir­ma­tion of Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture and Human Fa­cial Fea­ture works, then per­son­ally in­puts has been 256 pass­words, un­tied Ex­ceed Grade Man­age­ment Au­thor­ity.
„Super Ad­min­is­tra­tor Au­thor­ity con­firms cor­rectly!” The [Izual] prompt said.
„Shifts Super Ad­min­is­tra­tor Au­thor­ity, the tar­get ob­ject, [Chaos Ser­pent]!” Shi Lei points at [Chaos Ser­pent] to say.
The [Izual] di­rect re­jec­tion said: „Sir, Sys­tem is un­able the ac­com­plish op­er­a­tion, Sys­tem Core un­able to shift Super Ad­min­is­tra­tor Au­thor­ity, the spe­cific rea­son is un­known.”
Shi Lei looks at [Chaos Ser­pent] say­ing: „Now be­lieved?”
[Chaos Ser­pent] frowns, does not be­lieve the Shi Lei's view ob­vi­ously, his looks at [Izual]'s Core Source Code per­son­ally, but Core Source Code data mea­sures too much too much, if wants one after an­other looks at [Izual]'s Core Source Code, and un­der­stood that Core Source Code in­for­ma­tion, has not known how long time re­quires!
If there is wasted that many time, [Chaos Ser­pent] can­not guar­an­tee that he can also hold the Shi Lei's fe­male friend. There­fore, [Chaos Ser­pent] does not dare to waste that many time, he looked at [Izual]'s Core Source Code then to give up at will.
„Shi Lei, my [Hope] you do not re­sort to the small method! I need [Izual]'s Super Ad­min­is­tra­tor Au­thor­ity! My pa­tience had been ground by you, if you want to delay the time, strives to es­cape the time that for your fe­male friend, I have say­ing that your very un­rea­son­ing pas­sion, but I am im­pos­si­ble to help you!” [Chaos Ser­pent] in­dif­fer­ent say­ing.
The Shi Lei ex­pres­sion is star­tled, af­ter­ward hā hā laughs, „ar­ro­gant [Chaos Ser­pent]!”
[Chaos Ser­pent] ac­tu­ally rad­i­cally pays no at­ten­tion to Shi Lei, man­ner said des­o­lately: „Shi Lei, gives you last op­por­tu­nity, shifts [Izual]'s Super Ad­min­is­tra­tor Au­thor­ity to me!”
„I can­not achieve!” The Shi Lei angry [say / way], „I said slightly, [Izual]'s Super Ad­min­is­tra­tor Au­thor­ity, is un­able to shift!”
„Right?” [Chaos Ser­pent] snort|hum, „, since this is your choice, then, do not blame me being heart­less! Al­though I do not hate to mas­sacre you, but some­times, the per­son, must make some choices of being con­trary to what ex­pects.”
[Chaos Ser­pent] re­gret­table looks at Shi Lei, „was a pity! My for­merly has flash that real [Hope], you is a my son!”
After sigh­ing, [Chaos Ser­pent] con­tin­ues say­ing: „Relax! I promised you that your fe­male friend, can­not es­cape ab­solutely! You do not know that I now, am ac­tu­ally for­mi­da­ble!”
The Shi Lei dou­ble fist grips tightly, in his mind, was pon­der­ing after [Chaos Ser­pent] held Mu Shuang them, re­sult that pos­si­bly can have.
That in­con­ceiv­able pic­ture, re­ver­ber­ates in the Shi Lei's mind, feel­ing of the deep De­spair, raises from Shi Lei in the heart. Shi Lei only thinks com­pletely dis­cour­aged, even if he chose the death time, did not have such De­spair and no use!
When this De­spair and no use mood pro­duce, the Shi Lei's fore­head, sud­denly pre­sented wisp of light Pur­ple Ra­di­ance...


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