Sunday, January 21, 2018

1865: Final-088 Destroy the World: Collapse completely!

HK :: VOLUME #19
#1865: Final-088 Destroy the World: Collapse completely!
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Shi Lei tam­pered with [But­ler] Core Source Code in­for­ma­tion, thus ob­tains [But­ler] Super Ad­min­is­tra­tor Au­thor­ity, the Super Ad­min­is­tra­tor Au­thor­ity re­jec­tion of [Chaos Ser­pent].
Through [But­ler], Shi Lei ob­tained un­known Gene Toxin re­lated data, even also has an­ti­dote data, and passed Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) sketchy de­ter­mine, ob­tained con­firmed ini­tially.
Now, Shi Lei only needs to de­ter­mine that a mat­ter, then can order Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), puts into the man­u­fac­ture work of un­known Gene Toxin an­ti­dote. This mat­ter, ex­actly as stated [Izual] scans the [But­ler] disk array group, thus ob­tain­ing data that data and [But­ler] pro­vide car­ries on the over­lap­ping con­trast.
So long as data tal­lies, then can start to re­search and de­velop the un­known Gene Toxin an­ti­dote.
The [Izual]'s scan­ning soon ac­com­plish, now will scan over 90% progress. Less than one minute, [Izual] ac­com­plish scan­ning.
From the [But­ler] Par­ent Server disk array group, data of di­rect ex­trac­tion, unites data that [But­ler] pro­vides, car­ries on the syn­the­sis con­trast.
Two data good­ness of fit, have sur­passed 99.99%, the only dif­fer­ence is, [Izual] scan­ning gain data, were many in­for­ma­tion.
in­for­ma­tion that more than come out, im­pres­sively is [Chaos Ser­pent], re­serves in the [But­ler] Par­ent Server disk array group. [Izual] au­to­matic is Shi Lei opens.
Shi Lei, when you see this news, ex­plained that I died. Mean­while, con­grat­u­lates you, had found [But­ler], and ob­tains [But­ler] Super Ad­min­is­tra­tor Au­thor­ity.
I be­lieve that passes [But­ler]. You ob­tained Gene Toxin re­lated data, as well as an­ti­dote data, isn't that right? Told you while con­ve­nient one, that gene Virus name, was called 【De­spair】.
Shi Lei, have you now filled [Hope]? Had rec­og­nized your women won't die? If you have such idea, I can only tell you, pre­pares to with­stand the De­spair mood!
As for rea­son?
Very re­gret­table, I do not plan to tell you!
Be­cause. You will know an­swer quickly, quick un­der­stands, why you can De­spair.
Shi Lei looked at [Chaos Ser­pent] reser­va­tion in­for­ma­tion, the com­plex­ion was quite un­at­trac­tive. Not to men­tion, [Chaos Ser­pent] reser­va­tion in­for­ma­tion, ac­tu­ally real. Fake, merely only said that [Chaos Ser­pent] had ex­pected un­ex­pect­edly such re­mote mat­ter, enough has let the Shi Lei headache.
Is worth re­joic­ing that only, Gene Toxin data and an­ti­dote data that re­ally this per­haps only then ob­tains!
„Wushuang (Un­par­al­leled), data of Gene Toxin an­ti­dote has de­ter­mined the au­then­tic­ity. You start to man­u­fac­ture the an­ti­dote im­me­di­ately.” Shi Lei told.
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) links the con­nected points head, the pre­sent is 15 day 1 : 00 am. Com­pletely has the op­por­tu­nity to avoid all tragedy oc­cur­rences. Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) has read through De­spair Gene Toxin an­ti­dote data, and has car­ried on the record through [Izual], af­ter­ward starts to dis­pose the an­ti­dote.
When Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) mixed one less than half, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) stopped sud­denly, and brow deep wrin­kle.
„Per­haps Boss, we had trou­ble­some!” Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) through LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor, is in­form­ing Shi Lei.
Shi Lei re­sponds im­me­di­ately: „What trou­bles?”
„The man­u­fac­ture time of an­ti­dote. Per­haps needs to be very long, our time are not enough!” Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) is bring­ing say­ing of apol­ogy. „Be­fore ex­am­ined data ini­tially time, not issue of de­tailed con­sid­er­a­tion fab­ri­ca­tion time. Now dis­cov­ered that makes an an­ti­dote, the time of re­quir­ing, un­ex­pect­edly is 15 days!”
„Not other means?” Shi Lei vi­sion gloomy ask­ing, „I come Lab­o­ra­tory im­me­di­ately!”
After two min­utes, Shi Lei ar­rives at Lab­o­ra­tory that Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) was, looks at Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) to ask: „Spe­cial de­tails what's the mat­ter?”
„De­spair Gene Toxin an­ti­dote, a man-made chem­istry ma­te­r­ial, takes the wild fer­men­ta­tion 15 days, this process does not have the means to ac­cel­er­ate. Re­gard­less of through the cat­a­lyst, is other means that is im­pos­si­ble to shorten this process.” Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) with the Shi Lei un­der­stand­able lan­guage, is de­scrib­ing the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion.
„Ma­te­r­ial that has not re­placed?” Shi Lei put for­ward own view.
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) ac­tu­ally shakes the head, „did not de­ter­mine that has the ma­te­r­ial of dis­place­ment, even if there are, does not have the time 11 tests.”
„Can not test, is op­er­a­tional di­rectly?” Shi Lei put for­ward the pro­posal of risk.
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) shakes the head say­ing: „Can­not! If not test, then di­rectly is op­er­a­tional, no one knows that may have any issue.”
Shi Lei roared: „Awful can issue, have is now awful? They were dying! Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), I told you, no mat­ter I any­thing tested with do not test, dan­ger with dan­ger, I only does not want the final re­sult now. toy of that any ma­te­r­ial, you must find a ma­te­r­ial of dis­place­ment. I do not be­lieve that does not have any ma­te­r­ial, can re­place it?”
Sim­i­lar to the cold rem­edy is the same, the cold reme­dies of dif­fer­ent brand, al­though the in­gre­di­ent is dif­fer­ent, but can achieve the ef­fect of cure cold.
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) re­luc­tantly has ac­tu­ally smiled bit­terly, „Boss, you killed me to be good! You do not un­der­stand Bi­o­log­i­cal Gene Tech­nol­ogy, I sud­denly do not talk clearly to you. This time, the De­spair Gene Toxin de­fi­cient ma­te­r­ial, is not the Or­di­nary ma­te­r­ial, but is one spe­cially man-made chem­istry ma­te­r­ial. Wants in a short time, found to re­place the ma­te­r­ial, ba­si­cally is im­pos­si­ble.”
„This is im­pos­si­ble, that is im­pos­si­ble, you were telling me, can they die with­out doubt?” Shi Lei con­tin­ues to roar the [say / way].
Orig­i­nally, held [But­ler], and had dis­cov­ered De­spair Gene Toxin data and an­ti­dote data, Shi Lei also thinks solves De­spair Gene Toxin, is only issue of piece of cake, can solve any­time and any­where with ease.
But now, Shi Lei is clear, why [Chaos Ser­pent] has left be­hind in­for­ma­tion, in­di­cated that Shi Lei will cer­tainly taste the De­spair fla­vor. Be­cause, [Chaos Ser­pent] knows the man­u­fac­ture an­ti­dote, re­quires 15 days.
This is also [Chaos Ser­pent], mag­nan­i­mous rea­son that gives the He Wan­qiu 15 days of time. [Chaos Ser­pent] knows that Shi Lei is im­pos­si­ble to hold [But­ler] di­rectly, def­i­nitely will spend cer­tain time.
When Shi Lei held [But­ler], then has been doomed, holds [But­ler] to be also use­less. Even if [Chaos Ser­pent] died, but Shi Lei by [Chaos Ser­pent], played in ap­plauses com­pletely.
Shi Lei dis­as­trous de­feat!
Shi Lei not only lost, his fe­male friend , can only leave this World low-spir­ited!
Do not think that these women, said Highly Prin­ci­pled, has pre­pared death, but if there is going on liv­ing [Hope], they pos­si­bly do want dead?
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) does not know how should re­spond to Shi Lei, is only shak­ing the head of sigh.
„Re­ally not any means?” Shi Lei weak is strug­gling, [Hope] ob­tains the good news, but in fact, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) said very clearly.
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) is silent.
Shi Lei no longer in­quired that turns around to walk to­ward the Lab­o­ra­tory en­trance, when he ar­rives at the en­trance, opens the mouth say­ing: „Lis­tens to the des­tiny, per­forms the human af­fairs!”
„Boss, I will make best ef­fort, at­tempt to find the al­ter­na­tive scheme.” Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) has made not the com­mit­ment of any per­sua­sive power, but [Hope] Shi Lei feels bet­ter slightly.
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) also know that wants in the so short time, seeks or re­searches and de­vel­ops one man-made chem­i­cal sub­stance, with an­other man-made chem­i­cal sub­stance, has the al­most same na­ture, ac­tu­ally that is the how dif­fi­cult mat­ter!
How­ever, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) will not give up!
Al­though the prob­a­bil­ity is very small is very small, but at least is also [Hope], if had found the sub­sti­tute? So long as seeks, then has faint trace [Hope]. If gave up seek­ing, in­clud­ing that faint trace [Hope], thor­ough dis­ap­pear­ance.
Shi Lei nod­ded, has not spo­ken, left Lab­o­ra­tory di­rectly.
Left it­self Lab­o­ra­tory, Shi Lei, locked in the re­stroom, through LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor, the way that Shi Lei to med­i­tate, was car­ry­ing on the ex­change with [Izual].
„[Izual], World De­struc­tion Plan, has not changed Right?” orig­i­nally, pro­tects [N235 Metal] Bomb 12 to put up Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], was ad­justed Li Jian Na­tion by Shi Lei com­pletely. [N235 Metal] Bomb, alone de­posit­ing in pre-cal­cu­lated po­si­tion, even if had the ac­ci­dent, does not have the means so­lu­tion.
„The 12 [N235 Metal] Bomb po­si­tion has not changed, all nor­mal!” The [Izual] re­sponse said.
[N235 Metal] Bomb, was un­earthed one to bury deep by Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], if not idle the egg to hurt, or was seen ex­actly. Oth­er­wise, [N235 Metal] Bomb, does not have the con­tin­gency eas­ily.
Shi Lei in the heart is hes­i­tat­ing, wants im­ple­ment World De­struc­tion Plan.
Al­though be­fore , passed through dis­suad­ing of five women, Shi Lei gave up World De­struc­tion Plan silently. But that premise is, five fe­male friends, had not died, but has the sur­vivor.
From pre­sent sit­u­a­tion de­ter­mine, the Shi Lei's fe­male friend, may have it all!
There­fore, Shi Lei's in the heart, raised World De­struc­tion Plan.
„Does [Izual], have means so­lu­tion De­spair Gene Toxin?” Shi Lei in­quired [Izual], Shi Lei is know­ing that [Izual] not Or­di­nary, in­stead the ori­gin was mys­ti­cal. And dis­played, is not will­ing to let the man­ner that he died.
Shi Lei has to con­sider, in­fects the De­spair Gene Toxin sit­u­a­tion. Gene Toxin that the Ling Yumo five peo­ple in­fect, all adopted the gene de­f­i­n­i­tion, can only in­fect the cor­re­spond­ing tar­get.
Also in other words, De­spair Gene Toxin of Ling Yumo within the body, can only in­fect a Ling Yumo per­son, other peo­ple have the right of im­mu­nity.
Even if Shi Lei wants De­spair Gene Toxin that in­fects their five peo­ple to in­fect, is im­pos­si­ble!
Oth­er­wise, so sim­ple so­lu­tion, can't Shi Lei think?
[Chaos Ser­pent] from plan, has then planned all, the De­spair Gene Toxin in­fec­tion screen­ing way, is the De­spair Gene Toxin in­cu­ba­tion pe­riod, or will be Shi Lei will search the mo­tion of [But­ler], com­pletely dur­ing the con­trol of [Chaos Ser­pent].
From the be­gin­ning, Shi Lei failed!
Shi Lei was in­quir­ing the [Izual] so­lu­tion, but spoke thought­lessly the in­quiry, be­cause Shi Lei knows that [Izual] was im­pos­si­ble to know the so­lu­tion.
[Izual] is only Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, does not have human same cre­ativ­ity, pos­si­bly solves the De­spair Gene Toxin dif­fi­cult prob­lem?
How­ever, the ac­ci­dent al­ways hap­pens in the non­cha­lance!


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