HK :: VOLUME #18
#1777: bounced check and analysis!
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Shuanghu District, Mirror Science and Technology Group Ten-thousand Mu Headquarters, ribbon cutting ceremony. - Happy - article - is small - said -- lwxs520-
Li Jian Nation Reporter, after the public information officer press information officer hits the mark, suddenly proposed cunning issue, „Mr. Shi, hello, I am New York Times Joseph! The outside hearsay, Mr. Shi, you and Ms. Mu are the lover relate, right?”
Shi Lei flexure scratching the head, looked at Mu Shuang, looked at Ling Yumo.
When Shi Lei has not replied, another Reporter, direct said loudly: „Mr. Shi, we obtained news, you and by Ms. Mu that Ms. Ling, are the lover relate Right?”
Li Zifeng brings Ruling Security Company Security personnel, the preparation not well-mannered Reporter to enter the stage immediately clear outside, but Shi Lei has prevented Li Zifeng.
Shi Lei looked at two Reporter, is preparing to reply time, Mu Shuang has broken Shi Lei.
„Today is the Mirror Science and Technology Group moving on to better things ribbon cutting ceremony, any with information that this has nothing to do with, we will not reply.” Mu Shuang is Shi Lei breaks through on own initiative.
Shi Lei in the heart sighed that Mu Shuang like this knows the book to reach the principle, always so is with good intention. Awkward crisis, by Mu Shuang easy melting!
Underwent the obstruction of Mu Shuang, media Reporter issue, returned the stock rail.
Mirror Science and Technology Group ribbon cutting ceremony, but also invited part of Gamer representatives, after the media inquiry ended, was one's turn Gamer to represent the inquiry.
Gamer representative altogether can propose that three issue, this point in Dream Entertainment Official Website, early has carried on showing.
Li Jian Nation Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche [Storm], has naturally listed as Gamer representative, Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche [Storm] is also Gamer representative of First inquiry.
„Chief Shi, hello!” [Storm] is taking the microphone, giving regards of politeness.
Shi Lei nods. „[Storm], you are also good!”
„Thank Chief Shi still to remember me!” [Storm] played a small joke, afterward asked that „Chief Shi, as Gamer representative, I needs to inquire Gamer very attention issue!”
Shi Lei says with a smile: „Said that what is also feels embarrassed my issue?”
„LIP Lens-type Information Processor and do VR Game Set, when sell once more?” Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche [Storm] asked with a smile, „this issue, should not be awkward issue Right?”
Shi Lei has smiled. „Although you asked two issue, but, I can reply you. Temporarily does not determine Release Date! Our Company capacity, part of insider clear. About LIP Lens-type Information Processor, related to ** perhaps issue of power, Gamer also need to wait for some time.”
Asking that [Storm] supplements: „If sells LIP Lens-type Information Processor and VR Game Set once more, will also adopt to rush to purchase the pattern? Chief Shi, you do not know. Rushing to purchase pattern that your Company uses. Had been studied by Branch Company. Now, a large number of Gamer. Regarding rushing to purchase pattern, very repugnantly.”
Shi Lei says with a smile: „Adopts the pattern that rushes to purchase. Actually does not have the means! After all the capacity is limited, we cannot define the area, or is the definition purchases personnel Right?”
If there is defined the purchase region and personnel. Perhaps when the time comes, Regional Discrimination and news of expense discrimination, meets run all over the place.
„Thanks the reply of Chief Shi!” Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche [Storm] and relations of Dream Entertainment Company are good, has not proposed anything extremely in puzzled issue.
Shi Lei says with a smile: „Just only calculates that issue, you can also raise two issue!”
Second Gamer representative stands up, „Chief Shi, hello, I come from Shanghai, Brave's World's id is [Alley Hermit].”
The LIP Lens-type Information Processor Virtual transparence screen, was demonstrating [Alley Hermit] related information, his real name is Tang Mingshi, Brave's World character Profession is the archer, the Brave's World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition Sixty-four name.
„Hello, Gamer Tang Mingshi, what issue has?” The Shi Lei polite inquiry said.
Tang Mingshi not curious Shi Lei knows that his Identity Information, „Chief Shi, your company formerly announced that intends to distribute one to take Doomsday as the background, Science and Technology and machinery for game «Doomsday War» of subject, my [Hope] knows, concrete release time of this game.”
Shi Lei has shown look of forced smile once more, „fears Gamer also to wait for some time! Because of some technical aspect issue, especially balance and issue of map capacity, we have not solved temporarily. Distributes the time specifically, currently speaking is also an unknown number.”
Tang Mingshi relaxed saying: „I also think that the project was chopped! Since waits for some time, that does not have no issue.” After saying, Tang Mingshi sat, indicated that does not have the question.
Shi Lei takes the microphone to say with a smile: „Last issue!”
Third Gamer representative has stood, „Chief Shi, hello, I called [Tabayu], Brave's World inside to call the cold glow, I want to know that your Company, will also conduct Martial World Struggle for Power Competition this year?”
Brave's World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, was honored as last year network magnificent ceremony, was not only the participating Gamer scale broke the record, but also the quota of achievement bonus, was unprecedented!
Shi Lei smiles saying: „Naturally will conduct! Our Company currently ferments this matter, but has not set the final time!”
„That...” [Tabayu] complexion one red, the sound lowered, „this year's bonus, that many?” [Tabayu] is the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition Thirteenth name, received the Ten Thousand US Dollar bonus, converts Xia Nation Yuan, has 80,000 Yuan.
[Tabayu] cultivates in Brave's World with concentration, had not had the death accident, if this year's Martial World Struggle for Power Competition opens again, [Tabayu] has [Hope] to enter first ten.
If according to last year Brave's World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition bonus quota, Fifth name to Tenth Place, can receive the Hundred-thousand US Dollar bonus.
Regarding the Ordinary person, that is a great sum of money!
Shi Lei has smiled once more, „felt relieved! This year's bonus, is perhaps higher!”
„Really?” [Tabayu] excited rhetorical question, but said afterward immediately that „Chief Shi, I do not suspect you, I am...”
„Has not related, I understood. Please feel relieved that this year's Brave's World Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, in bonus aspect, will exceed last year absolutely.” Shi Lei definitely was saying.
Afterward, the Shi Lei's sound is loud and clear, „taking this opportunity, I also told all Brave's World's Gamer, this year's Brave's World Martial World Struggle for Power Competition prize, unprecedented rich. Have you, been ready?”
Gamer representatives, cheer in abundance.
Dream Entertainment Official Website live report Mirror Science and Technology Group ribbon cutting ceremony, after Shi Lei announced that Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum lived it up immediately.
Has [Hope] to enter Bai Qiang (Hundred Strong) Grade Gamer, in Official Gamer Forum, has sent out own brave words.
Also some sinister Gamer, open to the public in Official Forum, expressed willingness to accept to buy the deal of murder person, assassinates these to have [Hope] to capture the Bai Qiang (Hundred Strong) Level player.
Although Brave's World interior law is strict, but did not mean that Brave's World is Safety Heaven. Brave's World was known as that the journey of Second section life, at the Brave's World interior entertainment, should better treat as Second World to process it.
Buys the deal of murder person similarly, if plan is perfect, can indeed escape the Brave's World's law sanction. Naturally, wanted to achieve perfect, in fact is very difficult.
Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, along with the liveliness of Gamer, the Brave's World Second Martial World Struggle for Power Competition heat degree was hyped.
Shuanghu District, Mirror Science and Technology Group Ten-thousand Mu Headquarters, ribbon cutting ceremony scene.
Shi Lei replied continuously the media inquiry and Gamer inquired, the ribbon cutting ceremony was close to the end finally, was the Freedom activity time.
[Raphael] and Tao Wenxian have not participated in the ribbon cutting ceremony, Shi Lei's identity have exposed, if [Raphael] and Tao Wenxian, appear side Shi Lei's, and is unable to look up their accurate Identity Information, that is Idiot, guessed that obtains real identity of two.
They in Supercomputer [Hope] Machine Room, are inspecting the Supercomputer [Hope] situation and ensure Supercomputer [Hope] hardware, does not have the passive any hands and feet.
[Izual] is also self-checking, retrieve entire Supercomputer Hardware System, has the part that anything is unable to distinguish, or is ‚stealth’ part.
World another end.
[Chaos Serpent Shi Wen], is similar to ordinary user is the same, through Dream Entertainment Official Website, is examining the Mirror Science and Technology Group moving on to better things ribbon cutting ceremony.
Regarding the Ordinary person, Mirror Science and Technology Group moved Headquarters address, in their eyes, merely is Mirror Science and Technology Group, has replaced a better environment of office. Even is some Mirror Science and Technology Group personnel, such considering.
But [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] is very clear, fierce of Mirror Science and Technology Group brand-new Headquarters!
Although [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen], has not participated in the design and construction of Mirror Science and Technology Group Ten-thousand Mu Headquarters, but he has guessed correctly Mirror Science and Technology Group Ten-thousand Mu Headquarters arrangement.
Recent one month, [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] almost nothing needs to process. Therefore, he on computer, returned to original state Mirror Science and Technology Group Ten-thousand Mu Headquarters three dimensional model.
The [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] right hand is grasping the mouse, controls Mirror Science and Technology Group Ten-thousand Mu Headquarters three dimensional model, in the mouth is muttering: „Automated Laser Weapon Defense System and Electromagnetic Weapons System, in addition automated Robot security System, as well as initiative attack system of Unmanned Control Remote Control Helicopter. My nephew, your somewhat skill, can make Xia Nation make the compromise actually unexpectedly!”
„Unexpectedly also has Anti-infrared Thermal Induction survey establishment?” [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] has laughed at one, this actually his speculation, but was he transfers satellite of outer space to scan, situation of discovery.
Mirror Science and Technology Group Ten-thousand Mu Headquarters, does not look like any defense, but in fact, early armed the tooth, can erupt the astonishing strength anytime and anywhere.
„Independent Power Supply route, is actually very misleading!” [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] taunted one again, he knows that Mirror Science and Technology Group is grasping new Power Source, since has new Power Source, uses Power Supply route that exterior connects again, perhaps is a fraud!
„Does adorable nephew, you think usef
Hanya sebuah blog kecil yang bertujuan saling membantu sesama. Semoga dapat berjalan dengan lancar.
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
1777: bounced check and analysis!

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