Tuesday, January 16, 2018

1784: Final-007 defers to each other and gives vent to indignation!

HK :: VOLUME #19
#1784: Final-007 defers to each other and gives vent to indignation!
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The bat­tle­field of final war, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group 50 Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], by the man-made strength­ened spi­der web fet­ter, [Izual] were con­trolled Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], the cur­rently at­tempt is break­ing the man-made strength­ened spi­der web.
Sub­or­di­nates [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] [Demon Fog War­rior] and [Ni­hilist War­rior], com­bi­na­tion of re­sis­tance Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] forms, be­cause is re­spon­si­ble for Lyle of [Ni­hilist War­rior] pro­ject, has con­cealed [Ni­hilist War­rior] in issue of Cul­ture Mod­u­la­tion process, but is un­able to achieve the sched­uled ef­fect, can­not re­sist Fifth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery at­tack.
There­fore, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] and [Ni­hilist War­rior] and [Demon Fog War­rior], pre­sent strange bal­ance.
„[But­ler], how long can the man-made strength­ened spi­der web also sur­round Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Robot?” [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] in­quired.
[But­ler] after the com­plex com­pu­ta­tion, ob­tained basic in­for­ma­tion fi­nally, „70 from about sec­onds to 240 sec­onds, is un­able to ob­tain a more ac­cu­rate time.”
[Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] sighed, „70 sec­onds? Are these Robot pow­ers, ac­tu­ally huge?”
„After the Sys­tem sketchy com­pu­ta­tion, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Robot, has prob­a­bly 2000-3000 horse­power pow­ers.” [But­ler] on pro­jec­tor, is demon­strat­ing unit con­ver­sion data of cor­re­spon­dence.
Looks at the power es­ti­mates of 2000-3000 horse­power, [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] ex­cept for the forced smile, can only smile bit­terly. Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy strength that Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group grasps, but also re­ally has gone be­yond the Shi Wen un­der­stand­ing cat­e­gory.
Sim­i­lar to Biotech­nol­ogy strength that Shi Wen grasps, has sur­passed be­yond the Shi Lei's un­der­stand­ing cat­e­gory...
„Told that [Demon Fog War­rior] and [Ni­hilist War­rior] re­treat tem­porar­ily, hide in d : 00 po­si­tions!” [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] help­less has made the de­ci­sion.
[Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] in the heart has de­spised Su­per­vi­sor Lyle of [Ni­hilist War­rior] pro­ject once more, he even sus­pected that Lyle is the un­der­cover who Shi Lei places.
But ac­tu­ally. Lyle is not un­der­cover of Shi Lei arrange­ment, Shi Lei does not know Lyle. Rea­son that Lyle choice pit [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] , be­cause the Shi Wen power and in­flu­enced ac­quired over a long pe­riod is too abun­dant, Lyle in the [Ni­hilist War­rior] pro­ject, has vi­o­lated some the mis­take that is dif­fi­cult to re­verse. Lyle was wor­ried, once pro­posed issue, will be ex­e­cuted by Shi Wen di­rectly.
There­fore, Lyle does not raise [Ni­hilist War­rior] issue, pre­tends all nor­mal ap­pear­ances, fi­nally chose be­trayed [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen], but to ob­tain a way out.
Under con­trol­ling of [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] method. What are more has se­lected the method of threat, Shi Lei bosses around by the sen­ti­ment and charisma.
Under both's con­trol­ling [say / way], ob­vi­ous Shi Lei even bet­ter!
[Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] told [But­ler], arranged [Ni­hilist War­rior] and [Demon Fog War­rior] re­treats, the Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] First time sur­veyed the form.
[Izual] re­ports to say to Shi Lei: „Sir. The enemy side is re­treat­ing , to con­tinue at­tack?”
Shi Lei had con­sid­ered then shakes the head the de­nial, al­though there is a view of being ruth­less, but the pre­sent sit­u­a­tion, is ob­vi­ously in­ap­pro­pri­ate is ruth­less.
Fifth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery of Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] car­ry­ing, is not sim­i­lar to Laser Weapon is the same, has nearly in­fi­nite am­mu­ni­tion. Be­cause of Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], has based on [N235 Metal] Third Phase Ap­pli­ca­tion Plan. Man­u­fac­ture Power Source Core. There­fore, Laser Weapon of Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] car­ry­ing, ba­si­cally does not have too much open­ing fire re­stric­tion(s).
But Fifth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery is dif­fer­ent!
Fifth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery pro­jec­tile. It is not the Vir­tual en­ergy, but is the en­tity pro­jec­tile of gen­uine goods at rea­son­able prices, the weight has been 50 grams, the di­am­e­ter has been 2.6 cen­time­ters, the den­sity has al­most 9.2 grams one cubic cen­time­ter de­gree.
Fifth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery pro­jec­tile that each Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], car­ries. Ac­tu­ally has 200!
Al­though Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] inner space, but can also hold many Fifth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery pro­jec­tile. But con­sid­ers the or­gan­ism over­all bal­ance na­ture wait / etc. fac­tors. There­fore, only car­ried 200 pro­jec­tiles!
Shi Lei does not know that [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] also has any schemes and tricks. For con­ser­va­tion of am­mu­ni­tion, be­cause of op­po­site party [Ni­hilist War­rior], can very big de­gree re­sist Fifth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, Shi Lei the de­ci­sion does not pur­sue.
one side does not pur­sue, one side wants to es­cape, the pri­mary probe of final war, re­ally merely is only the probe, sim­ply does not have the too much sig­nif­i­cance.
Be­longed to the [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] strength just to leave fi­nally a bat­tle­field of war, [Izual] then through Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], has dis­cov­ered the un­ex­pected vis­i­tor.
In the jet black night­time sky, two Su­per­sonic Fighter speed away!
The Li Jian Na­tion top-se­cret Drone pro­ject, 17 [Slaugh­terer] Drone, were kid­napped by [Chaos Ser­pent], al­though [Slaugh­terer] opened the in­vis­i­ble pat­tern, but launches Guided Mis­sile fi­nally time, in­vis­i­ble pat­tern na­ture can­celled.
The Drone Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Net­work man­age­ment of Li Jian Na­tion na­tive place, had dis­cov­ered rapidly 17 [Slaugh­terer] po­si­tions, then the cir­cu­lar gives the ad­min­is­tra­tive unit of Africa area.
The ad­min­is­tra­tive unit of Africa area, re­ceived the order, re­quest­ing them to bring back to [Slaugh­terer]!
Re­gard­less of the [Slaugh­terer] sit­u­a­tion!
Even if [Slaugh­terer] were wrecked, must bring back to the [Slaugh­terer] frag­ment, does not allow the [Slaugh­terer] news to re­veal ab­solutely out­side!
Be­cause of such rea­son, the ad­min­is­tra­tive unit of Africa area, dis­patch­ing two Su­per­sonic Fighter trans­ferred to an­other as­sign­ment ahead of time, ac­tu­ally has a look at 17 [Slaugh­terer] sit­u­a­tions how.
Two Su­per­sonic Fighter, the dis­tance a bat­tle­field of war, prob­a­bly also has a twenty kilo­me­ter time fi­nally, then by the radar dis­cov­ery of Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider].
[Izual] First time re­port has given Shi Lei, waited for that Shi Lei makes de­ter­mine, then is­sues the order.
The Shi Lei's mood is not very beau­ti­ful!
Shi Lei thinks that 50 Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], that sim­ply is the in­vin­ci­ble strength, Meet a God, Kill a God, Meet a Bud­dha, Kill a Bud­dha, but in fact, 50 Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], di­rect quilt. The Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion crea­ture weapon stops.
Shi Lei does not know rea­son that the op­po­site party re­treats, but Shi Lei re­joiced very much, if op­po­site party after the use man-made strength­en­ing spi­der web has fet­tered Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], uses highly ex­plo­sive Bomb to cope with Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] again, then the Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] re­sult, is the tragedy is ab­solutely in­com­pa­ra­ble.
Tao Wenx­ian through the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, looks at the three-di­men­sional sim­u­la­tion de­fect dis­play two Su­per­sonic Fighter lu­mi­nous spots, cold snort|hum a sound track: „Big Brother Stone, do we kill them?”
„Op­po­site party is Li Jian Na­tion mil­i­tary Fighter!” [Raphael] said bright way.
Shi Lei ac­tu­ally hēi hēi sneers, „. The Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion crea­ture weapon, we are un­able to de­feat com­pletely, triv­ial Li Jian Na­tion two Fighter, but can also we be what kind of?”
Tao Wenx­ian im­me­di­ately pleased has smiled, „[Izual], kills them!”
„Sir, whether im­ple­ment order?” [Izual] was in­quir­ing Shi Lei.
Shi Lei nod­ded slightly, had de­ter­mined the order of Tao Wenx­ian, then ex­plained: „Phin­ney, this we . The fight of Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion, Li Jian Na­tion should not par­tic­i­pate!”
What [Raphael] has not said that but frowns, [Raphael] does not ap­prove to kill Li Jian Na­tion Fighter, looks like in [Raphael], has killed Li Jian Na­tion Fighter, won't Li Jian Na­tion dis­patch many strengths?
How­ever, some­thing, [Raphael] thinks too sim­ply!
In Dark, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] has bro­ken the man-made strength­ened spi­der web of white cot­ton wool shape fi­nally, af­ter­ward helps other [Raider] break the fet­ter of man-made strength­ened spi­der web.
Merely less than two min­utes, 50 Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] have shaken off the fet­ter of man-made strength­ened spi­der web com­pletely, leaves the black fog area fast.
The black fog of [Demon Fog War­rior] man­u­fac­ture, ob­vi­ously test­ing data is more pow­er­ful, not only the du­ra­tion is longer, but also con­denses the de­gree to be bet­ter.
50 Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] left the black fog re­gion, [Izual] has been con­trol­ling two Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], started Laser Weapon, has aimed at two Su­per­sonic Fighter in sky.
Al­though the Su­per­sonic Fighter speed is quick, is known as is Su­per­sonic, this means that each sec­ond of trav­el­ing speed, has ex­ceeded the 340 meter.
Let alone any Or­di­nary firearm(s), ex­actly as stated spe­cial anti-air­craft fire ma­chine gun and anti-air­craft gun, even is Or­di­nary Air De­fense Guided Mis­sile, is not big re­gard­ing the threat of Su­per­sonic air­plane!
Two Su­per­sonic Fighter, cir­cle sky over fi­nally a bat­tle­field of war, should in the sit­u­a­tion in in­ves­ti­ga­tion ground, they not re­al­ize that slightly ar­rival of dan­ger, or they do not think has dan­ger.
Two red ra­di­ance, dodge to pass in the night­time sky!
Two Su­per­sonic air­plane of cur­rently flight, thun­der­ing En­gine had ex­uded the strange sound, then from air­borne has planted!
Two Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], were al­most point-to-point at­tack op­po­site party En­gine, let two Su­per­sonic Fighter di­rect rest­ing dishes. Shi Lei has not been ruth­less ac­tu­ally, has let off two Su­per­sonic Fighter pi­lots, so as to avoid has en­raged Li Jian Na­tion.
The one breath killed two Li Jian Na­tion Su­per­sonic Fighter, ap­plause of Tao Wenx­ian pleased, the ex­pres­sion lightly snort|hum said: „[Raphael], are you afraid the strength re­tal­i­a­tion of Li Jian Na­tion? I told you, so long as the Li Jian Na­tion strength dared, com­ing one to kill one, com­ing on two road to Hades not to be lonely!”
Shi Lei has pat­ted the shoul­der of Tao Wenx­ian, „low key, low key!”
[Raphael] help­less shak­ing the head, asked af­ter­ward: „, Our nearby haven't Kruger Na­tional Park, dis­cov­ered our sit­u­a­tion? I re­mem­ber that they do have our Com­pany de­vel­op­ment [The Steel and Iron] prob­a­bly, isn't that right?”
„Yes!” Shi Lei says with a smile, „do not de­spise Kruger Na­tional Park staff per­son­nel, their this is the wise choice, no mat­ter they us what hap­pened, so long as will not threaten them, they are will­ing to turn a blind eye!”
The Kruger Na­tional Park man­age­ment, in­deed is so the idea!
The bat­tle­field of final war, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group . The mil­i­tary force con­fronta­tion of Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion, has gone far be­yond the cat­e­gory of con­ven­tional war.
Es­pe­cially Laser Weapon that daz­zling red ra­di­ance, even if fi­nally a bat­tle­field and Kruger Na­tional Park of war, have been dis­tanced the 120 kilo­me­ter, but that side Kruger Na­tional Park as be­fore clear saw the red laser.
Com­ing that they pos­si­bly are not tact­ful?
Only then Li Jian Na­tion will have the cu­rios­ity, but re­gard­less of they dis­patch any strength to come, only then dead end!


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