Sunday, January 21, 2018

1852: Final-075 explodes forcefully plants!

HK :: VOLUME #19
#1852: Final-075 explodes forcefully plants!
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Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea plan ac­com­plish, fi­nally only re­main­ing un­known level ip ad­dress. And, Shi Lei in­vested 5 Mil­lion tflops com­put­ing re­sources, was re­sisted un­ex­pect­edly!
Al­though aon net­work and [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang], gath­er­ing com­put­ing re­sources, com­pletely is Loose Dis­tri­b­u­tion Com­put­ing Re­sources, but the mag­ni­tude has achieved 5 Mil­lion, to be re­sisted how pos­si­bly?
even though uses Con­cen­trated Dis­tri­b­u­tion Com­put­ing Re­sources, needs to ap­proach the mil­lion level com­put­ing re­sources, may re­sist.
But, pri­vate mil­lion level com­put­ing re­sources Su­per­com­puter Clus­ter, rad­i­cally is fan­tasy story!
Shi Lei's can­not think firmly that is ac­tu­ally any in­flu­ence, can re­sist so huge com­put­ing re­sources, syn­the­sizes in to­gether at­tack.
Waits for Wait!
Shi Lei has thought of a pos­si­bil­ity!
In­ter­net Land of Ori­gin, has con­structed the mod­ern In­ter­net be­gin­ning, was known as the Li Jian Na­tion most mys­ti­cal or­ga­ni­za­tion, is called ‚Ad­vanced Bu­reau’ DARPA ad­vanced re­search pro­ject bu­reau!
In the hearsay, DARPA is hav­ing very many re­sources, very high au­thor­ity, even though NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency, when nec­es­sary, needs to obey the in­struc­tion of DARPA Ad­vanced Bu­reau.
In brief, DARPA is NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency Boss, is FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion and CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency Boss Boss.
Last un­known level ip ad­dress , is DARPA, may re­sist the Shi Lei's in­va­sion.
Just, DARPA net­work ip ad­dress. It is not ip ad­dress of hide­away, but was an­nounces, more­over wel­come in­va­sion any­time and any­where.
Con­sid­er­ing such sit­u­a­tion. Shi Lei is not quite def­i­nite, last un­known level ip is ad­dress, ac­tu­ally DARPA has.
Al­though does not know the an­swer, but, knows the an­swer, re­gard­ing Shi Lei, is ac­tu­ally same.
Be­cause. Re­gard­less of last un­known level ip ad­dress, is not DARPA Ad­vanced Bu­reau. Shi Lei will break com­pletely its de­fense, com­plete in­ves­ti­gate is clear.
Only if, last un­known level ip ad­dress, is sim­i­lar to front seven un­known level ip ad­dress is the same. Has sep­a­rated con­nec­tion with In­ter­net di­rectly.
But Shi Lei knows that such sit­u­a­tion, ab­solute is im­pos­si­ble!
In World­wide In­ter­net World, Shi Lei scanned all ip ad­dress in­for­ma­tion, re­main­ing last un­known level ip ad­dress, other ip ad­dress, were only re­moved by Shi Lei.
„pro­moted com­put­ing re­sources!” The Shi Lei order said that „turns time!”
Now, the Shi Lei three peo­ple have used 5 Mil­lion tflops com­put­ing re­sources. But is un­able to break last un­known level ip ad­dress de­fense, that dou­bles in­vests com­put­ing re­sources, has a look at last un­known level ip ad­dress. Can block the at­tack.
Re­mote Li Jian Na­tion, in some mys­te­ri­ous hall.
One group of mid­dle-aged peo­ple, are sim­i­lar to young­ster are the same, shout­ing and wran­gling is shout­ing, the gro­cer that as if clam­ored was the same.
„Man­drey, the op­po­site party in­creased the in­va­sion re­sources. We must un­able to block, haven't you re­searched and de­vel­oped the Killer pro­ce­dure?” Is keep­ing the mid­dle-aged per­son of ziff. Is bel­low­ing the [say / way].
The named Man­drey mid­dle-aged per­son, re­sponded sim­i­larly loudly: „Daw­son, your this damn bas­tard! Do not urge! My cur­rently an­a­lyzes that damn mys­te­ri­ous Virus! In view of that damn mys­te­ri­ous Virus Killer pro­ce­dure, is not good to de­velop! If so easy, but also needs me to go into ac­tion?”
Through the di­a­log of Man­drey and Daw­son, can de­ter­mine come out, their ex­actly as stated last un­known level ip ad­dress Safety On-duty Per­son­nel.
„bull­shit Man­drey! Gives you one minute! com­put­ing re­sources that the op­po­site party in­vades, in­creased to the 10 Mil­lion de­gree!” The Daw­son man­ner was not say­ing well.
Man­drey does not eat this set ob­vi­ously!
„I know that you can block! lttw plan Server, has handed over in your hands com­pletely, couldn't have blocked triv­ial 10 mil­lion tflops Loose Dis­tri­b­u­tion Com­put­ing Re­sources? Daw­son, when have you, be­come that rookie?” The Man­drey taunt said.
So-called lttw plan, is top-se­cret plan that DARPA pro­motes.
DARPA sug­gested Li Jian Na­tion, in the en­tire World range, es­tab­lished Out­stand­ing Server, then mon­i­tored en­tire World In­ter­net in­for­ma­tion, even was tele­phone net­work in­for­ma­tion.
This plan full title, named ‚.​the.​world’, opin­ion of Xia Na­tion lan­guage is ‚Lis­ten To The World’. Changes a view, ex­actly as stated Li Jian Na­tion is mon­i­tor­ing en­tire World com­mu­ni­ca­tion in­for­ma­tion.
To mon­i­tor en­tire World com­mu­ni­ca­tion in­for­ma­tion, com­put­ing re­sources that needs is very huge, to smoothly pro­mote lttw plan, Li Jian Na­tion in the World­wide range, has es­tab­lished huge pri­vate com­puter net­work.
With the aid of this pri­vate com­puter net­work, Li Jian Na­tion NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency, can im­ple­ment lttw plan, the mon­i­tor of ac­com­plish to en­tire World in­for­ma­tion.
Shi Lei guessed that must not have the mis­take, has re­sisted the 5 Mil­lion tflops com­put­ing re­sources in­va­sion, only then huge in­com­pa­ra­ble pri­vate Su­per­com­puter net­work Clus­ter.
The Or­di­nary per­son is in­deed im­pos­si­ble to es­tab­lish that de­gree pri­vate com­puter net­work, but Li Jian Na­tion, Li Jian Na­tion to main­tain own in­ter­ests, si­mul­ta­ne­ously cracks down on the hos­tile forces, they es­tab­lished have pro­lif­er­ated World­wide lttw net­work!
Now, DARPA has taken over con­trol of lttw net­work tem­porar­ily, for re­sist­ing the Shi Lei's in­va­sion. After all, DARPA In­ter­nal Net­work, has many se­cret data, once were cap­tured DARPA In­ter­nal Net­work by Shi Lei, its con­se­quence is dread­ful!
As for sim­ple, lets DARPA Ad­vanced Bu­reau In­ter­nal Net­work, di­rect goes of­fline sep­a­rates In­ter­net, is ba­si­cally im­pos­si­ble.
DARPA Ad­vanced Bu­reau In­ter­nal Net­work, is not only only their In­ter­nal Net­work. In fact, Li Jian Na­tion many Con­fi­den­tial Net­work, take DARPA Ad­vanced Bu­reau In­ter­nal Net­work as the in­ter­me­di­ate tran­sit point com­pletely.
Once DARPA Ad­vanced Bu­reau In­ter­nal Net­work stops, then, takes it as other net­work of in­ter­me­di­ate tran­sit point, will sep­a­rate com­pletely.
And some net­work, re­lated to Li Jian Na­tion most Core Safety!
In­clud­ing Au­to­matic Weapons-con­trol Net­work, has cov­ered un­at­tended Guided Mis­sile, Pi­lot-less Air­craft wait / etc..
sim­pli­fies, DARPA Ad­vanced Bu­reau In­ter­nal Net­work, can­not leave In­ter­net tem­porar­ily, at least must wait for that other im­por­tant net­work be­fore it sep­a­rates, it can­not leave In­ter­net En­vi­ron­ment.
„Man­drey, how long do you also want? the lttw net­work pres­sure is very big, our Net­work In­ter­face data were too huge, can­not sup­port to be too long!” Daw­son in­quired again.
Man­drey frowns say­ing: „Gives me again three min­utes! I must suc­ceed im­me­di­ately, I take three min­utes! Damn! This pros­ti­tute.. In­ex­pen­sive of rais­ing. Goods! Un­ex­pect­edly with so mean move! I have an­a­lyzed, the op­po­site party hides Virus in Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem source code, but has used the spe­cific cod­ing pat­tern, I also need a tem­po­ral be­hav­ior!”
„Your this idiot! Most five min­utes! We most can only give you to delay for five min­utes! com­put­ing re­sources that the op­po­site party grasps, you know that has many! They com­put­ing re­sources, in­creased to the 15 Mil­lion tflops de­gree, lttw net­work cur­rently started to col­lapse!” The Daw­son re­sponse said.
In ad­di­tion the sound in­serted to­gether, „told afn net­work goes of­fline! bpn net­work goes of­fline! bwsn net­work goes of­fline...” The sound that tem­porar­ily in­ter­poses, said a long string goes of­fline order con­tin­u­ously.
These net­work, ex­actly as stated car­ries in DARPA In­ter­nal Net­work im­por­tant net­work, usu­ally ac­cepts the pro­tec­tion of DARPA, pre­vents to be in­vaded by Hacker.
afn net­work, ex­actly as stated Au­to­matic Weapons-con­trol Net­work, but bpn is Basic Power Net­work, bwsn is Basic Water Sup­ply Net­work.
If had been con­trolled these foun­da­tion net­work by Shi Lei, en­tire Li Jian Na­tion will mess up!
In order to pre­vent DARPA In­ter­nal Net­work was cap­tured, DARPA Cyber Se­cu­rity per­son-in-charge Ryan, told ahead of time all im­por­tant net­work, fully with the DARPA In­ter­nal Net­work peel­ing, en­ters the short seal self- run­ning sta­tus.
Other as­pect, Shi Lei three peo­ple of cur­rently priv­i­lege in­vade DARPA In­ter­nal Net­work, they in­vested 15 Mil­lion tflops com­put­ing re­sources, but was being stopped as be­fore.
„[Izual], in­vests all com­put­ing re­sources!” Shi Lei clenches teeth to say.
[Raphael] re­minded: „, The op­po­site party in the self-de­struc­tion Server way, is re­sist­ing our at­tacks, we are very dif­fi­cult to im­prove the in­va­sion speed!”
„I know! But no mat­ter I, we must open last un­known level ip ad­dress!” The Shi Lei ex­pres­sion was say­ing in­dif­fer­ently.
The so-called self-de­struc­tion Server way, is DARPA Ad­vanced Bu­reau Cyber Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist, sac­ri­ficed lttw net­work Server on own ini­tia­tive, in the In­for­ma­tion Bomb way, de­stroys lttw net­work Server, thus short stop Shi Lei three peo­ple of in­va­sions.
This stop time is very short, In­for­ma­tion Bomb that after all, cre­ates, in front of huge data flow, can only stop merely for sev­eral sec­onds.
But, sev­eral sec­onds, is DARPA won a slim chance of sur­vival!
So long as Man­drey ac­com­plish the [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus Killer pro­ce­dure, has then been able through the Killer pro­ce­dure, in en­tire In­ter­net World, to clean up in view of [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus.
Once [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus were cleaned up, aon net­work nat­u­rally does not at­tack bro­ken, Shi Lei lost huge com­put­ing re­sources, is im­pos­si­ble to re­sist DARPA!
Is grasp­ing so huge com­put­ing re­sources as for DARPA, why in other time, does not ex­ter­mi­nate Shi Lei, or ex­ter­mi­nates other World Sum­mit Grade Hacker?
com­put­ing re­sources that first, DARPA grasps, is not used to elim­i­nate Hacker spe­cially, but is used in lttw plan. Mean­while, World Sum­mit Grade Hacker, is not can­not leave net­work.
Once left net­work, DARPA has com­put­ing re­sources spa­tially, is im­pos­si­ble to sur­mount net­work, holds World Sum­mit Grade Hacker in real world, isn't that right?
„Big Brother Stone, we can­not break op­po­site party de­fense! Ac­cord­ing to the cur­rent progress, the tough­ness that as well as the op­po­site party dis­plays, at least also takes over a half hour!” Tao Wenx­ian was re­mind­ing Shi Lei.
Shi Lei sneers, „[Izual], pre­pares im­ple­ment aon net­work to ex­plode force­fully plants!”


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