Friday, January 19, 2018

1842: Final-065 Brave update Plan!

HK :: VOLUME #19
#1842: Final-065 Brave update Plan!
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Shi Lei was con­sid­er­ing var­i­ous sorts and va­ri­eties seeks for the [But­ler] real IP ad­dress way, but does not have any ap­propi­rate­ness. Fi­nally, Shi Lei has thought a way, that is Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea plan!
Wants in In­ter­net World, seeks for [But­ler] Par­ent Server real IP ad­dress, ex­cept for Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea plan, sim­ply does not have other plans.
Fac­ing the in­quiry of [Raphael], Shi Lei has stopped slightly, the nod that then makes an ef­fort, „Yes! I in­deed pre­pare to gather that many com­put­ing re­sources, then scans en­tire In­ter­net! I must fish the nee­dle in the sea, I must find [But­ler] real IP ad­dress, I was ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble to make them die!”
The [Raphael] silent nod, „I un­der­stood, you are the prepa­ra­tion fur­ther ex­tract IWN [Mi­wang] com­put­ing re­sources Right?”
com­put­ing re­sources that Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group grasps, put at com­pletely on out­wardly, had not for the pre­sent the in­vest­ment order of bat­tle, had Su­per­com­puter [Ori­gin].
Just, Su­per­com­puter [Ori­gin] com­put­ing re­sources, has 10 tflops Con­cen­trated Dis­tri­b­u­tion Com­put­ing Re­sources merely. So piti­ful com­put­ing re­sources, re­gard­ing Shi Lei, sim­ply does not have what use.
There­fore, Su­per­com­puter [Ori­gin], first was re­moved!
com­put­ing re­sources that Shi Lei needs, is not 10 tflops, or is 100 tflops, but counts by com­put­ing re­sources of Hun­dred-thou­sand idea, this mag­ni­tude com­put­ing re­sources, pos­si­bly is only pro­vided by IWN [Mi­wang].
Be­sides IWN [Mi­wang], Su­per­com­puter, is other any toy, is im­pos­si­ble to pro­vide so huge com­put­ing re­sources.
„Right!” Ac­knowl­edg­ment that Shi Lei spoke with­out reser­va­tion.
[Raphael] some­what wor­ries say­ing: „Stone. com­put­ing re­sources that IWN [Mi­wang] pro­vides now, started the Over­Seed pro­ce­dure gain. If fur­ther pro­moted Over­Seed picks up the com­put­ing re­sources pro­por­tion, has in­stalled Brave's World's user, might dis­cover ex­is­tence of IWN [Mi­wang]. Thus, causes nu­mer­ous Brave's World user, re­sists and with­draws from Brave's World. If there is cre­ated the IWN [Mi­wang] big col­lapse, can the gain does not equal the loss?”
Shi Lei has smiled, „with­draws? Re­sist­ing? Told them di­rectly, our Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group. Needs to trans­fer their com­puter, wasn't OK?”
[Raphael] shows the puz­zled look once more, „told Gamer? How to tell Gamer?”
Tao Wenx­ian does not un­der­stand the Shi Lei's view, „Big Brother Stone, if, we told Gamer. Can Gamer un­der­stand? If in any case I am Gamer, I def­i­nitely am not will­ing to hand over the com­puter right of use!”
Tao Wenx­ian just said that [Raphael] then stared Tao Wenx­ian, mean­ing that some­what blamed.
Shi Lei says with a smile: „If told Gamer di­rectly. We need to ob­tain their com­puter re­sources. Then, nat­u­rally is a large num­ber of Gamer. Will dis­like ab­solutely. But if, do we change a way? We told Gamer, our Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, needed Gamer com­puter, par­tic­i­pated in our Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, forth­com­ing tech­ni­cal up­date, that will Gamer also re­ject?”
Tao Wenx­ian and [Raphael] si­mul­ta­ne­ously looked to Shi Lei. „What tech­ni­cal up­date?” Tao Wenx­ian asked.
Al­though [Raphael] had not in­quired, but has been ob­vi­ously also full of the doubts.
Shi Lei smil­ingly vis­its them. „Brave's World's on­line up­date, needs the par­tic­i­pa­tion of Gamer, Gamer of each par­tic­i­pa­tion, will ob­tain Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, gives a Brave's World's gift! Such rea­son, you think that Gamer will re­ject?”
Tao Wenx­ian sur­prised looks at Shi Lei, „Big Brother Stone, if uses this way. Then, Brave's World's up­date con­tent?”
Some [Raphael] ob­vi­ously also sim­i­lar wor­ries, „, if uses the Brave's World on­line up­date way to use as an ex­cuse, can in­deed ob­tain the un­der­stand­ing of Gamer. May be sim­i­lar to [Jazz] said that if, after up­date con­clu­sion, Brave's World's does change?”
Shi Lei has smiled, „the Brave's World's change, is not big issue! Be­cause, I al­ready think that the coun­ter­mea­sure, Brave's World, Non-player Con­trolled Char­ac­ters human emo­tion, fur­ther sub­li­mated. Mean­while, will have human emo­tion Non-player Con­trolled Char­ac­ters, de­vel­ops the range once more. Orig­i­nally only then some im­por­tant Non-player Con­trolled Char­ac­ters, as well as have Task Non-player Con­trolled Char­ac­ters, has the human emo­tion pro­ce­dure. With the aid of the rea­son of this up­date, Brave's World in­ter­nal Non-player Con­trolled Char­ac­ters, com­plete up­date one time, let­ting all Non-player Con­trolled Char­ac­ters, ob­tains the human emo­tion pro­ce­dure. In­clud­ing with Gamer hos­tile Non-player Con­trolled Char­ac­ters, for ex­am­ple Brig­and, Rob­ber and ban­dit wait / etc., ob­tains the human emo­tion pro­ce­dure com­pletely.”
Ask­ing that Tao Wenx­ian frowns: „Big Brother Stone, Brave's World in­ter­nal has Non-player Con­trolled Char­ac­ters, ex­ceeded the 2 Mil­lion quan­tity at pre­sent, [Izual] has been able to sim­u­late that many quan­ti­ties human emo­tion?”
This worry is very nor­mal!
Al­though [Izual] truly is very for­mi­da­ble, but to sur­pass 2 Mil­lion Non-player Con­trolled Char­ac­ters, pro­vides the sim­u­la­tion ser­vice of human emo­tion, ex­tremely in ex­ag­ger­at­ing a point?
Shi Lei says with a smile: „With the aid of IWN [Mi­wang], is not ir­re­al­iz­able! More­over, D-Wave Com­pany Quan­tum Com­puter, had some fea­tures. So long as in the fu­ture, Quan­tum Com­puter re­searches and de­vel­ops suc­cess­fully. I be­lieve that let alone is 2 Mil­lion, even though 20 Mil­lion Non-player Con­trolled Char­ac­ters, is not im­pos­si­ble tar­get.”
Stood still slightly, Shi Lei con­tin­ued say­ing: „Our Com­pany Brave's World, tar­get pro­vides the jour­ney of an­other life for Gamer. What is called the jour­ney of life? Nat­u­rally is ex­is­tence of sim­i­lar real world. If in an­other World in­side char­ac­ter char­ac­ter, most basic human emo­tion does not exist, how also pos­si­bly is Gamer to build the third di­men­sion?”
Tao Wenx­ian and [Raphael] are pon­der­ing, fi­nally agrees with the Shi Lei's view, if IWN [Mi­wang] can pro­vide to sur­pass 500,000 tflops com­put­ing re­sources, even if Loose Dis­tri­b­u­tion Com­put­ing Re­sources, can start Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea plan re­luc­tantly.
Shi Lei smiled, starts to tell [Izual], in Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany Of­fi­cial Web­site, is­sues re­lated an­nounce­ment(s).
The Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany Of­fi­cial Web­site home page, pre­sented an­nounce­ment(s) rapidly.
«about Brave's World up­date an­nounce­ment(s)!»
Es­teemed Gamer, hello!
After think­ing, our de­part­ment has come to a de­ci­sion, Brave's World in Xia Na­tion Time at noon on July 13 the 12 point, for­mally will start up­date.
This up­date is on­line up­date, will not af­fect the Gamer nor­mal game.
And, be­cause this up­date in­volves the big data com­pu­ta­tion, any on­line Gamer, will feed back re­lated game data au­to­mat­i­cally, to be ad­van­ta­geous Brave's World's Main Sys­tem, col­lects big data, thus makes the Brave's World's up­date con­tent.
Sup­port that in order to thank Gamer gives, my de­part­ment de­cided that any Gamer that par­tic­i­pates in up­date, will ob­tain Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, pro­vides Brave's World's gift one.
Friend­ship prompt, when Xia Na­tion Time on July 13 the 12 point, be­fore Brave's World started up­date, then main­tained the Signed In con­di­tion, will have the prob­a­bil­ity, ob­tains lucky gift that Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany pro­vided.
Spe­cial note: data that this up­date needs, does not con­tain Gamer ** in­for­ma­tion, does not con­tain Gamer Iden­tity In­for­ma­tion, Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany will pro­tect strictly the Gamer in­di­vid­ual **.
If not will­ing to par­tic­i­pate in Brave's World's up­date, please in the up­date time, with­draw from Brave's World then, waited for up­date to fin­ish, en­tered Brave's World once more.
Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany Of­fi­cial Web­site, after hav­ing is­sued an­nounce­ment(s), had the sup­port of nu­mer­ous Gamer rapidly. Al­though part of user, were dis­cussing in Of­fi­cial Gamer Forum, why Brave's World's up­date, needed the par­tic­i­pa­tion of Gamer un­ex­pect­edly.
Most Gamer, has be­lieved the Shi Lei's ex­cuse, but Gamer of part of con­spir­acy the­o­ries, then thinks Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial, has any star­tled huge plot.
Shi Lei had dis­cov­ered view­points of these con­spir­acy the­ory Gamer, vac­il­lated the part of nor­mal player thought that he opens im­me­di­ately 【Mys­te­ri­ous Game In­sider 【Real One】 】 The ac­count num­ber, in Of­fi­cial Gamer Forum, has is­sued a post.
The play passes! up­date se­cret!
For a long time has not seen!
Please for­give, I had not ap­peared, be­cause of Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany Se­cu­rity per­son­nel, once nearly held me, the tragedy re­sult to evade by Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany being held, I am al­ways be­com­ing a fugi­tive.
When Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany is­sues an­nounce­ment(s), I again dis­close a news!
Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany an­nounced that Brave's World's up­date, the main up­date con­tent, has as­pect!
That is, after this up­date, Brave's World will look like real World, any Non-player Con­trolled Char­ac­ters, will have human emo­tion.
Orig­i­nally stereo­typ­i­cal Brig­and, ban­dit and Rob­ber, after this up­date, will ob­tain with wis­dom that nor­mal hu­man­ity is al­most al­most the same.
Al­though such up­date, pro­moted Brave's World's game dif­fi­culty, but sim­i­lar truth, such up­date, im­proved Brave's World's play­ing and in­ter­est­ing.
Es­pe­cially some Male Player, you in Brave's World, seek for the girl­friend range, in­creases sig­nif­i­cantly. Be­cause, any Non-player Con­trolled Char­ac­ters, has with nor­mal hu­man­ity al­most does not have the real feel­ing of dif­fer­ence.
Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, fi­nally is low-key has achieved a great ac­com­plish­ment, ben­e­fits each Gamer!
【Mys­te­ri­ous Game In­sider 【Real One】 】 The pop­u­lar­ity of ac­count num­ber is very high, es­pe­cially nu­mer­ous Gamer sus­pected that real iden­tity of this ac­count num­ber, is the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany Of­fi­cial ac­count num­ber.
There­fore, when 【Mys­te­ri­ous Game In­sider 【Real One】 】 After Of­fi­cial Gamer Forum issue hearsay, nu­mer­ous Gamer has strength­ened the de­ter­mi­na­tion once more, must par­tic­i­pate in the Brave's World's up­date ad­vance­ment.
Not to men­tion other rea­sons, after merely are Brave's World up­date, all Non-player Con­trolled Char­ac­ters, will have human emo­tion this, is worth Gamer par­tic­i­pat­ing.
Say noth­ing, Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, but also pro­vides to par­tic­i­pate in the up­date gift!
In 'Dragon Rise' Plan First Di­vi­sion se­cret Un­der­ground Base, bit by bit ap­proaches at noon 12 o'clock along with the time, Tao Wenx­ian some­what anx­ious ask­ing: „Big Brother Stone, you said that how many peo­ple, par­tic­i­pates in our up­date plan?”


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