HK :: VOLUME #19
#1789: Final-012 this lives, was insignificant!
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Shuangqing City, Mirror Science and Technology Group Ten-thousand Mu Headquarters.
Shi Lei receives unknown calls, but Shi Lei knows that definitely is [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] calls, therefore he first inquired the [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] goal.
„Dear nephew, your Mirror Science and Technology Group Robot, is really too small and weak, has fiercer weapon?” The [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] sound passes on, half half Fake probe said.
Similar to Shi Lei does not believe that [Demon Fog Warrior] and [Nihilist Warrior], the exactly as stated [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] final card in a hand is the same, [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] does not believe Second Generation [Raider], the exactly as stated Shi Lei's final card in a hand.
Therefore, the [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] half half Fake probe, [Hope] analyzes some answers really!
„Hēng!” Shi Lei cold snort|hum, did not reply [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] issue.
How Shi Lei does not know that this is the probe of [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen]? How regardless of he replied that Shi Wen can analyze some information. Therefore, the best reply, exactly as stated did not reply.
„Dear nephew, didn't you have the card in a hand? Besides these useless Robot, what ability do you have? forget about it forget about it, how regardless in any case I inquired that you will not reply. isn't that right?” [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] said with a smile.
Shi Lei had already not affirmed, has not denied, remained silent the manner.
„Sometimes, silence is gold. But more often, silent can only cause the misunderstanding! My nephew, but also remembers that my formerly does teach your words?” [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] smiles indifferently, afterward continues saying that „I give you two choices, my nephew, my [Hope] you seriously considered.”
„Said!” Shi Lei pities the character like the [gold/metal], has not said anything.
Shi Lei is not clear. Actually [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] has any goal, why he must oppose with, oneself have any qualifications, lets oppose with him who [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] not abandoned does not abandon!
„First, our games continue. I in finally a battlefield of war you! Your Mirror Science and Technology Group Robot, perhaps incessantly that little Right? trivial 50? I believe that!” [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] said with a smile.
Shi Lei just prepared to deny, but directly was prevented by [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen].
„Dear nephew, don't worry denied! Your Mirror Science and Technology Group trend, I almost understand some. From June to July. You purchased the numerous fundamental raw material, according to my computation, you should make 80 to put up Robot to 120, isn't that right?” [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] said several appoximates answer.
„Was right, my also investigate your formerly purchase record. The synthesis calculates, your Mirror Science and Technology Group, altogether has probably made 150260 this Robot, now trivial 50, by far to not on number!” [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] unexpectedly continuously in secret investigate Mirror Science and Technology Group.
The Shi Lei complexion is pale!
[Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] has not waited for Shi Lei to speak, as if thought aloud same said that „your Mirror Science and Technology Group Robot, dispatched completely. Joins us finally a game of war. Naturally, you have been able to choose rejection. However, my nephew. I must remind you, rejects an elder, will receive punishment!”
Shi Lei remains silent.
„If you reject, that chooses a Second option. I can straightforward told you, we. Devil Organization, the outer space has arranged ten Weapon Satellite outside. Each satellite carried Electromagnetic Weapon, the might has gone far beyond your Mirror Science and Technology Group development Electromagnetic Weapon. I think. You should know Right? your Mirror Science and Technology Group, in the Yellow Triangle Region strength. Although not by Destroy, but you have paid not the small price, right?” [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] said with a smile, the threat in expression meant, very intense.
Shi Lei has held breath cold air, ten Weapon Satellite!
If ten Weapon Satellite, all carried Railgun, and simultaneously opens fire attack, to Mirror Science and Technology Group, will create almost the attack of Destroy nature.
Is blowing niú bāi as for [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen], Shi Lei cannot guarantee, does not dare to probe. If [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] does not blow niú bāi?
„My nephew, I suggested that you choose First Item! Because, if you choose a Second option, that ten Weapon Satellite Electromagnetic Weapon, will then aim at Headquarters of your Mirror Science and Technology group, making you taste fiercely! This time attack, like Yellow Triangle Region, will not give you absolutely the opportunity not to be missed. After all, is that the gift on first meeting, isn't that right?” [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] threatens to say once more.
Shi Lei sighed, „actually do you want to make what?”
„Plays a game!” [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] said with a sigh, „I wanted to play a game, so was why difficult, then wasn't easy?”
Shi Lei has closed tightly the tooth, double fist grips tightly, cannot bear curse angrily: „Game? Have you all these, treated as the game unexpectedly?”
„Otherwise?” [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] said with a smile lightly, „you think that was what?”
„Your. Devil Organization, several nearly all destroy, plays?” Shi Lei asked.
„hā hā hā!” The [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] taunt has smiled, „, let alone. Devil Organization had not been destroyed all, even if all destroyed were also what kind of? My nephew, you do not understand, I do not blame you!”
[Chaos Serpent] was sighing shaking the head, thought aloud in a low voice: „This lives, was insignificant!”
Shi Lei heard these words keenly, stunned of his full brain, what is called this to live was insignificant?
Meanwhile, Shi Lei in the heart raised a chill, if is really similar to [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] said that this lives was insignificant. Then, [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] possibly makes anything.
What person is most fearful?
In the Xia Nation marketplaces, is spreading such view: Fears horizontal, horizontal fears not awfully.
Probably opinion is, crude fear is vulgar, vulgar fear not awfully. Synthesizes, is expression person not awfully, very fearful opinion.
In fact is also so!
When a person not wants without asking, but also has something to direct. Tempts him?
When a person what does not love, what but also there is he cares?
When some plan matter no longer considers the success or failure, so-called plan. Also needs reasonably with having scruples the consequence?
When lived has not been distinguishing with the death, but also had something to dread?
Shi Lei on fear [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] is such condition, this lives was insignificant!
While the Shi Lei fast ponder, how should make a veiled attack, [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] opens the mouth saying: „My dear nephew. I tacitly approved for you have chosen a First option, I gave you twenty four hours, your Mirror Science and Technology Group Robot, delivered completely, participated in this game! I know that they have flight function. Moreover the power is very strong, flying speed quick Right? do not try to deceive your dear uncle. This, see you again later!”
[Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] has hung up the telephone, left behind being full of suspicions Shi Lei to be secretly worried.
After [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] has hung up the telephone, [Raphael] First start to talk. „, We had troublesome!”
Tao Wenxian violates once more silly, „[Raphael], your opinion is, does [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] request us to dispatch Second Generation [Raider] to bring death?”
Shi Lei is smiling bitterly shaking the head, replaces [Raphael] to reply that „is not!”
[Raphael] has not hit the riddle, explained to Tao Wenxian. „[Jazz], just [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] spoke a few words, he said that ‚this lives. Was insignificant.’ Did you hear?”
These words, [Raphael] used the Xia Nation language to narrate, he has understood what is heard opinion of these words.
Tao Wenxian after indicating, complexion drastic change, although Tao Wenxian is muddled after the habitual criminal, but is not Tao Wenxian is stupid. Can become existence of World Summit Grade Hacker, impossible IQ to have the flaw. Even if emotional quotient responds slowly, but is also extremely intelligent. Once were indicated understands.
„Damn! [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] this fellow, already will not have remembers Right? this bastard deadly, he wants dead, do not look for us!” Tao Wenxian was cursing the [say / way].
[Raphael] looks to Shi Lei, had considered, opens the mouth saying: „, Your formerly and [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] were together were so long, did you know some situations?”
Shi Lei is regretting shaking the head, „does not know! So far, I do not know why [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] must aim at me! After all, you also know me and Shi Wen relations, if he wants to drive me to commit suicide, actually has the too much too much opportunity, does not need to delay today.”
„That why...” [Raphael] asked half, then stopped, because Shi Lei said that anything does not know.
Tao Wenxian was proposing at the same time a view, „Big Brother Stone, you said can be Shi Wen in dupe we? That fellow said such words intentionally, disrupted our plan, misled our mentalities, thus made us from being at a loss?”
Shi Lei and [Raphael] have looked at each other one, almost also shakes the head.
„Is impossible!”
They said the same answer.
„Why?” Tao Wenxian is not clear, „[Chaos Serpent] that fellow, including establishes personally. Devil Organization does not care, cold blood is so heartless, to win, trivial say a lie, cannot be regarded any Right?”
Shi Lei says with a smile painstakingly: „[Jazz], you said right!”
„Um?” Tao Wenxian puzzled looks at Shi Lei, does not understand his anything opinion.
„Including establishes personally. Devil Organization did not care that cold blood is so heartless, can only explain that perhaps a matter, [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] anything does not love, anything does not want!” Shi Lei clenched teeth to say.
[Raphael] adds: „Normal humanity, is impossible not to want not to strive . A talented person can not want not to strive, then died on the innermost feelings, the fellow of fearless life and death, can not want not to strive, puts down all!”
This condition, [Raphael] formerly is close. After the big enmity must report, suddenly thought that has put down all. Luckily, among the friendship with Shi Lei, supports [Raphael] to continue to go forward.
Tao Wenxian said the whole body goose flesh to get up by Shi Lei and [Raphael], thinks the [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] Hacker technology. Devil Organization control strength already enough depressed, mysterious strength that in addition just [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] one side displayed, formidable with letting person Despair.
If must be counted the supposition of [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] fearless life and death, they can also win?
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Tuesday, January 16, 2018
1789: Final-012 this lives, was insignificant!

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