Friday, January 19, 2018

1841: Final-064 Fish A Needle From The Sea also fearless!

HK :: VOLUME #19
#1841: Final-064 Fish A Needle From The Sea also fearless!
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[But­ler] with­drawal from com­bat!
When the Shi Lei three peo­ple trans­ferred [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] com­put­ing re­sources, broke Su­per­com­puter amon13, and in­vades amon14 time, [But­ler] in the most vi­o­lent way, has sep­a­rated amon14 in­ter­net con­nec­tion di­rectly.
So in sit­u­a­tion, Shi Lei thor­ough lost, in­quires about the [But­ler] Par­ent Server real ip ad­dress pos­si­bil­ity. In other words, Shi Lei is im­pos­si­ble to dis­cover again, [Chaos Ser­pent] in Bio­genet­ics do­main re­search data and in­for­ma­tion.
Also in other words, close five days later, Ling Yumo will be fin­ished ab­solutely!
Shi Lei pos­si­bly help­lessly looks at the Ling Yumo death?
[Raphael] and Tao Wenx­ian looked at each other one, the com­plex­ion were not at­trac­tive, be­fore, two peo­ple ad­vo­cated and [But­ler] fight to the death, but now, [But­ler] evades not to fight, in their sur­face did not have up.
„Does [Izual], what have to pro­pose?” Shi Lei was in­quir­ing [Izual], [Hope] [Izual] gave the lit­tle prompt.
But Shi Lei was ex­pect­ing ob­vi­ously, even if [Izual] dis­plays all sorts of strange places, but [Izual] as be­fore is only Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, but is not True Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, does not have true human emo­tion, does not have cre­ativ­ity, is im­pos­si­ble to pon­der that writ­ing up has the so­lu­tion of sig­nif­i­cance.
[Izual]'s re­sponded, was re­ally sim­i­lar to Shi Lei's ex­pects to be the same, Sys­tem not any sug­ges­tion.
Shi Lei sighed, looks to Tao Wenx­ian and [Raphael], does not have half minute blame opin­ion, in­quired: „Phin­ney, [Jazz], what do you have to sug­gest?”
Tao Wenx­ian re­mains silent.
[Raphael] also re­mains silent. They do not know how ob­vi­ously should reply Shi Lei.
Didn't Shi Lei help­less shak­ing the head, „have the means?”
The Tao Wenx­ian re­gret said: „Big Brother Stone, pre­sent sit­u­a­tion. You also un­der­stand.”
[Raphael] sec­onds the mo­tion say­ing: „Wants the time within five days, han­dles all mat­ters, you should know that is ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble.”
Shi Lei silent.
Sim­i­lar to [Raphael] said that does Shi Lei un­der­stand? Wants within five days, solves all mat­ters. Al­most is the im­pos­si­ble mat­ter.
How­ever, even if a wee bit [Hope] do not have. Shi Lei is as be­fore im­pos­si­ble to give up.
Shi Lei silent, Shi Lei was pon­der­ing how should seek for [But­ler]. Through the way of trac­ing, de­ter­mines [But­ler] real ip ad­dress. Was re­moved by Shi Lei.
Just the Shi Lei three peo­ple through the way of trac­ing, tried to seek for [But­ler] real ip ad­dress, but [But­ler] has dis­cov­ered the Shi Lei three peo­ple of in­ten­tions, thus has sep­a­rated the con­nec­tion of Su­per­com­puter amon14 and In­ter­net.
If once more through trac­ing the ip way, not to men­tion both sides has not es­tab­lished the con­nec­tion, even if were both sides has es­tab­lished the con­nec­tion, the Shi Lei three peo­ple did break through Su­per­com­puter amon13 and amon14 de­fense?
Su­per­com­puter amon13, in­deed de­feated by the Shi Lei three peo­ple, but Su­per­com­puter amon13 be­longs. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion pri­vate Su­per­com­puter.
Once Su­per­com­puter amon13 restarts. It will com­pose Clus­ter with Su­per­com­puter amon14 again, jointly re­sists the Shi Lei three peo­ple of in­va­sions.
Shi Lei three peo­ple of first time break Su­per­com­puter amon13 de­fense, is the un­ex­pected sit­u­a­tion. If the Shi Lei three peo­ple want to break Clus­ter that Su­per­com­puter amon13 and amon14 com­pose once more. Ab­solutely is not that easy mat­ter!
And, once broke Su­per­com­puter amon13, who can guar­an­tee that [But­ler] won't sep­a­rate amon14 in­ter­net con­nec­tion once more?
There­fore, the Shi Lei three peo­ple at­tempt through the way of trac­ing, at­tempt again, dis­cov­ers [But­ler] real ip ad­dress. That is al­most im­pos­si­ble mat­ter.
Re­moved through the trac­ing way, dis­cov­ers [But­ler] real ip ad­dress. What way also has?
Only then through the way of ran­dom scan­ning, at­tempts to dis­cover [But­ler] real ip ad­dress. This way is less rea­son­able, com­pletely is the meet­ing one's fate with res­ig­na­tion rhythm.
Wants in this way, dis­cov­ered that [But­ler] real ip ad­dress, might as well through the way of trac­ing, at­tempts to break Su­per­com­puter amon13 and amon14!
Shi Lei re­moved meth­ods, fi­nally dis­cov­ered that wants to dis­cover [But­ler] real ip ad­dress, in­deed un­usual dif­fi­culty.
Es­pe­cially under the re­stric­tion(s) con­di­tions of five days of time, is ba­si­cally im­pos­si­ble to dis­cover [But­ler] real ip ad­dress. Also in other words, Ling Yumo has as if been doomed, can only within lim­ited time, wait­ing for death of hav­ing no al­ter­na­tive.
Be­sides wait­ing for death, other choices?
Prob­a­bly does not have!
Shi Lei made an ef­fort to pound key­board awful, the mood to the pin­na­cle. In do­main that Shi Lei most ex­cels, he was ac­tu­ally failed, this is in­sults to Shi Lei's sim­ply!
„Fuck!” Shi Lei cursed an­grily one.
Tao Wenx­ian and [Raphael] re­main silent, does not know how should ad­vise Shi Lei. After all, such mat­ter, urged not to be right.
Shi Lei thought aloud after scolded one , dur­ing fell into was silent.
Time one minute one sec­ond of out­flow, in an in­stant is on the morn­ing of July 13 ten o'clock, al­though stayed up a all night, but Shi Lei is ac­tu­ally un­ex­pected the so­bri­ety.
Weary, was un­able to de­feat Shi Lei.
The Shi Lei's thoughts, how in­vested com­pletely have de­feated dur­ing the pon­der of [But­ler], even if can­not think that con­crete an­swer, Shi Lei was im­pos­si­ble to sleep.
In the Shi Lei's mind, means that birth, keeps was over­ruled, with­out any means that has to be pos­si­ble the im­ple­ment con­di­tion.
Close 10 : 30 time, Shi Lei has thought of means fi­nally, sim­plest means.
„Phin­ney, [Jazz], if we in In­ter­net, are sim­i­lar to Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea are the same, seeks for [But­ler] Par­ent Server real ip ad­dress, you es­ti­mate, ac­tu­ally to need the how big pos­si­bil­ity, can dis­cover [But­ler] Par­ent Server real ip ad­dress?” Shi Lei opens the mouth to say sud­denly.
Tao Wenx­ian de­nied di­rectly: „Big Brother Stone, that pos­si­bil­ity, you said that com­pletely is Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea, is al­most the im­pos­si­ble sit­u­a­tion!”
[Raphael] also opens the mouth say­ing: „, In­ter­net is ac­tu­ally huge, aren't you clear?”
Shi Lei says with a smile: „I know cer­tainly that In­ter­net has greatly how. Be­cause I know, there­fore I use the Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea anal­ogy, de­scribed my idea. I plan in method of ex­haus­tion, di­rectly tra­ver­sal en­tire In­ter­net, in en­tire In­ter­net World, seeks for [But­ler] Par­ent Server real ip ad­dress!”
Tao Wenx­ian strange looks at Shi Lei, „Big Brother Stone, is not I must pour cold water to you, but is en­tire In­ter­net World, ac­tu­ally to have how huge, I be­lieve that you are very clear. Since you un­der­stand why makes such de­ci­sion?”
[Raphael] also re­gret­table say­ing, „, al­though in our hands, has the mag­nan­i­mous re­sources that [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] pro­vides. com­put­ing re­sources that al­though in most sit­u­a­tions, [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] pro­vides, can be called ab­solutely huge in­com­pa­ra­ble. But if wants through com­put­ing re­sources that [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] pro­vides, scans en­tire net­work, that is ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble.”
Loose Dis­tri­b­u­tion Com­put­ing Re­sources, al­though in im­ple­ment scans in the Task sit­u­a­tion, with the Con­cen­trated Dis­tri­b­u­tion Com­put­ing Re­sources dis­par­ity, is not ob­vi­ous.
But this mag­ni­tude com­put­ing re­sources, when used to scan the en­tire In­ter­net space , was too un­cer­tain a point!
Shi Lei as World Sum­mit Grade Hacker, has sur­passed Tao Wenx­ian in tech­ni­cal as­pect, has sur­passed [Raphael], he pos­si­bly is not also clear, 51,000 tflops com­put­ing re­sources that [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] pro­vides, is im­pos­si­ble to scan en­tire In­ter­net World?
Shi Lei is cer­tainly clear!
Just, Shi Lei has own idea!
„Phin­ney, [Jazz], you be­lieve that ac­tu­ally to need how many com­put­ing re­sources, can scan en­tire In­ter­net World?” Shi Lei in­quired.
Tao Wenx­ian silent, Tao Wenx­ian be­comes the World Sum­mit Grade Hacker time and shortly, is sim­i­lar the topic of this open an­swer, Tao Wenx­ian does not know the an­swer of item body.
[Raphael] has con­sid­ered care­fully, ul­ti­mately ob­tained one is not the af­fir­ma­tive an­swer, „I be­lieve that 51,000 tflops com­put­ing re­sources that merely [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] pro­vided, was ab­solutely in­suf­fi­cient. Ac­cord­ing to my guess, wants to scan en­tire In­ter­net World, even if screens the re­stric­tion(s) con­di­tion to stip­u­late strictly all kinds, at least also needs over ten times, com­put­ing re­sources that [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] pro­vides!”
com­put­ing re­sources that [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] pro­vides, is Loose Dis­tri­b­u­tion Com­put­ing Re­sources. Per­haps, in the im­ple­ment in­va­sion and de­fense as­pect Task, Loose Dis­tri­b­u­tion Com­put­ing Re­sources and Con­cen­trated Dis­tri­b­u­tion Com­put­ing Re­sources, has big per­for­mance dis­par­ity.
But in other im­ple­ment ef­fec­tive­ness and pri­or­ity slightly low Task, the dis­par­ity be­tween both, is ac­tu­ally not that big. For ex­am­ple ran­dom scan­ning In­ter­net ip ad­dress Task, both's dis­par­ity, al­most equal to does not have.
Ten times in com­put­ing re­sources that [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] pro­vides, that is 510,000 tflops com­put­ing re­sources, this com­put­ing re­sources, was un­able to de­scribe with ‚ex­ag­ger­a­tion’, but can ex­press with ‚shock­ing every­body’.
Fac­ing [Raphael] pro­posed, shocks every­body same com­put­ing re­sources, Shi Lei ac­tu­ally in­dif­fer­ent smiles, com­put­ing re­sources that as if not have shocked every­body places in the eye.
„Phin­ney, if, we can have over 500,000 tflops com­put­ing re­sources? Then, can we scan en­tire In­ter­net, thus in the Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea way, seeks for [But­ler] Par­ent Server real ip ad­dress?” Shi Lei in­quired.
[Raphael] shock­ing looks at Shi Lei.
Tao Wenx­ian also sur­prised looks at Shi Lei, some­what was say­ing in­con­ceiv­able, „Big Brother Stone, you de­ter­mined that is 500,000 tflops com­put­ing re­sources, but is not 50,000 tflops! How do we ob­tain that many com­put­ing re­sources?” Tao Wenx­ian def­i­nitely is un­able to un­der­stand to say.
[Raphael] silent, af­ter­ward asked: „What idea, do you have?” [Raphael] in­dis­tinct un­der­stands Shi Lei's opin­ion...


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