Sunday, January 21, 2018

1853: Final-076 is impossible!!!

HK :: VOLUME #19
#1853: Final-076 is impossible!!!
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net­work foun­da­tion, ori­gin in in­fect­ing [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus com­puter equip­ment, but has not in­stalled Brave's World client side com­puter equip­ment.
net­work ex­tracts the com­put­ing re­sources way, ba­si­cally ex­tracts the com­put­ing re­sources way with [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang], does not have what dif­fer­ence.
So far, aon net­work picks up the com­put­ing re­sources quota, ex­treme re­straint, in does not af­fect in the com­puter user nor­mal ser­vice con­di­tion, picks up Com­puter Sys­tem sur­plus re­sources 80%, leaves be­hind per­cent twenty com­put­ing re­sources, deals with the com­puter user sud­den de­mand.
Mean­while, if com­puter user, needs to trans­fer many com­put­ing re­sources, aon net­work on own ini­tia­tive will also re­lease part of com­put­ing re­sources, meets the com­puter user need.
How­ever, the aon net­work con­sti­tu­tion basic point, even­tu­ally is [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus!
By Com­puter Virus as con­sti­tu­tion basic point, when has the need, but can also be com­puter user con­sid­ers?
An­swer nat­u­rally neg­a­tive!
net­work ex­plodes force­fully plants, the ex­actly as stated di­rect 100% ex­trac­tions, in­fected [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus com­puter equip­ment com­put­ing re­sources.
Al­though 100% ex­trac­tion Com­puter Sys­tem com­put­ing re­sources, def­i­nitely will be dis­cov­ered by com­puter user, more­over most com­puter user, has very high prob­a­bil­ity to choose to restart com­puter, but such sit­u­a­tion, al­ready dur­ing Shi Lei's planned!
Once aon net­work, opened has ex­ploded force­fully plants, then met 100% forces to be in­fected [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus com­puter equip­ment. For aon net­work 100% pro­vi­sion com­put­ing re­sources.
even though com­puter user, se­lected the restart­ing but­ton of hot ini­tial­iza­tion, will not have any change!
Be­cause. [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus has im­planted Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem source code, when under user restarts the but­ton, Com­puter Sys­tem will sim­u­late the pic­ture that restarts, in­clud­ing start­ing process, but in fact, Com­puter Sys­tem sim­ply has not restarted, as in the rev­o­lu­tion of full power. Pro­vides biggest com­put­ing re­sources for aon net­work.
After restart­ing ac­com­plish, al­though com­puter user is un­able to pass the Task su­per­vi­sor. Dis­cov­ers Com­puter Sys­tem com­put­ing re­sources, the cur­rently 100% trans­fers. But com­puter user, can feel as be­fore, the op­er­a­tion of Com­puter Sys­tem is slug­gish. Re­ac­tion rate slow and un­re­spon­sive.
At this time, if com­puter user, restarted once more. Then, Com­puter Sys­tem as be­fore is sim­i­lar to the be­fore­hand op­er­a­tion, car­ries on cir­cu­la­tion that one time restarts falsely.
But if, com­puter user, has cho­sen close com­puter. Through the close com­puter op­tion that Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem pro­vides, is di­rectly through long ac­cord­ing to the power sup­ply but­ton, car­ries on close com­puter. Im­pos­si­ble close com­puter!
The rea­son was Shi Lei ex­pects such sit­u­a­tion as be­fore!
In com­puter user, after hav­ing cho­sen the close com­puter op­tion, Com­puter Sys­tem will sim­u­late the com­puter close sit­u­a­tion. In­clud­ing shut­ting off the power sup­ply of CPU ra­di­a­tor, Lord the power sup­ply of Hard Disk lamp, forces to shut off the in­de­pen­dent Graph­ics Card ra­di­a­tor power sup­ply, even changes the ro­ta­tional speed set­ting of Hard Disk, re­duces the Hard Disk ro­ta­tional speed force­fully, thus re­duces Hard Disk, when reads in or reads data. Noise that has.
Syn­the­sis, once user has cho­sen the close com­puter op­tion. Com­puter Sys­tem meets im­ple­ment to sim­u­late the com­puter close sit­u­a­tion, but com­puter as be­fore is the cir­cu­lar telegram con­di­tion, and still is aon net­work pro­vides com­put­ing re­sources.
If after the com­puter user choice forces turn off the ma­chine, starts com­puter equip­ment once more, will enter a cir­cu­la­tion as be­fore, Com­puter Sys­tem will not have any im­prove­ment, will be aon net­work will only pro­vide com­put­ing re­sources.
Even in com­puter user, has shut off the com­puter power source, if com­puter user in­serts the power source once more, then, Com­puter Sys­tem will restart as be­fore au­to­mat­i­cally.
This is be­cause, [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus was com­puter read in fixed time the pro­ce­dure of start, more­over broke has es­tab­lished re­stric­tion(s), ac­cord­ing to every minute was a node, read in com­pletely restarted the pro­ce­dure.
Al­though said that forces com­puter equip­ment, sim­u­lates the turn off the ma­chine con­di­tion, the ven­ti­la­tors of var­i­ous close kind of ra­di­a­tors, will cre­ate com­puter equip­ment hard­ware tem­per­a­ture ul­tra-high, the aged speed speeds up, even di­rectly cre­ates the com­puter equip­ment dam­age.
What re­la­tions but does that have with Shi Lei?
Oth­ers' com­puter equip­ment, dam­ages with does not dam­age, ab­solutely does not have the nickel re­la­tions with Shi Lei, can­not make Shi Lei carry on the pay­ment to com­pen­sate Right? in the World­wide range
It is not issue of amount of in­dem­ni­fi­ca­tion, but was Shi Lei has made [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus, has made issue of net­work dis­as­ter, Shi Lei not [Hope] and en­tire World for the enemy.
That ab­solutely is Idiot, pro­ce­dure that can choose!
„Sir, Sys­tem cur­rently dis­poses aon net­work to ex­plode force­fully plants the pro­ce­dure! It is ex­pected that takes 30 sec­onds to dis­pose ac­com­plish, the cur­rently count­down, 30,29,28...” [Izual] is re­port­ing the sit­u­a­tion.
30 sec­onds steadily is not short, along with time one. one sec­onds sec­ond of re­duc­tion, Shi Lei has pinched tightly the fist.
Vic­tory or de­feat in this at one fell swoop!
Shi Lei is ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble the re­sult that ac­cepts to fall short!
The LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, was demon­strat­ing aon net­work ex­plodes the count­down that plants force­fully, when the last sec­ond from the bot­tom fin­ished, aon net­work ex­plodes force­fully plants open­ing!
com­put­ing re­sources that net­work pro­vides, from the 18 Mil­lion tflops de­gree, has sur­passed 30 Mil­lion di­rectly, ar­rived at 34 mil­lion tflops de­grees, nearly turns time!
Shi Lei un­der­stands that so huge com­put­ing re­sources, es­tab­lishes in 100% cap­tur­ing, in­fected [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus com­puter equip­ment.
These com­puter equip­ment, in sim­u­lat­ing the turn off the ma­chine sit­u­a­tion, can ac­tu­ally sup­port how long, Shi Lei does not know, time that with a sense of ur­gency Shi Lei can only race against time!
The be­hav­ior that any wastes the time, at this time point, is the huge lux­ury!
net­work com­put­ing re­sources, in ad­di­tion [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] com­put­ing re­sources, in [Izual]'s co­or­di­nated, was being trans­ferred by the Shi Lei three peo­ple, im­pact last un­known level ip ad­dress, is DARPA In­ter­nal Net­work ad­dress.
Un­prece­dented huge com­put­ing re­sources, broke through DARPA In­ter­nal Net­work de­fense di­rectly, Shi Lei also con­firmed that last un­known level ip ad­dress, im­pres­sively with the con­sis­tency that he guessed at first, in­deed was DARPA Ad­vanced Bu­reau In­ter­nal Net­work. Just, is not open to the pub­lic In­ter­nal Net­work, but an­other se­cu­rity In­ter­nal Net­work.
DARPA Ad­vanced Bu­reau.
When Shi Lei is con­trol­ling 35 Mil­lion tflops com­put­ing re­sources, broke through DARPA in­te­rior Net­work De­fense that mo­ment, Daw­son has called out in alarm.
„Damn, we were fin­ished! We were fin­ished!” Daw­son ex­pres­sion pain looks at the com­puter screen.
Man­drey calls out in alarm one, „ac­com­plish, my ac­com­plish! The mys­te­ri­ous Virus Killer pro­ce­dure, I de­vel­oped ac­com­plish!”
Cyber Se­cu­rity per­son-in-charge Ryan calm in­struc­tion of d AP ra: „Man­drey, im­ple­ment Killer plan! Daw­son, shuts off us and In­ter­net con­nec­tion!”
At­taches in DARPA In­ter­nal Net­work im­por­tant sub­net Sys­tem, has sep­a­rated the con­nec­tion with DARPA In­ter­nal Net­work com­pletely, d AP ra In­ter­nal Net­work, does not need again main­tains the con­nec­tion with In­ter­net!
even though has now sep­a­rated with the link of In­ter­net, does not have any se­ri­ous con­se­quence, in­stead will save DARPA In­ter­nal Net­work, was scanned by Shi Lei in any case.
„Yes!” Daw­son re­laxed, has shut off DARPA In­ter­nal Net­work and In­ter­net World con­tact on own ini­tia­tive, DARPA In­ter­nal Net­work and In­ter­net World sep­a­rates di­rectly.
When the Shi Lei three peo­ple en­tered DARPA In­ter­nal Net­work, with the aid of huge in­com­pa­ra­ble com­put­ing re­sources, scanned par­tial con­tent, as be­fore has not ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered the [But­ler] trail.
How­ever, Shi Lei be­lieves that [But­ler] hides cer­tainly in DARPA In­ter­nal Net­work. How­ever, con­fi­dent Shi Lei, with­stands the blow to the head that DARPA has given!
DARPA In­ter­nal Net­work has sep­a­rated with the link of In­ter­net World!
If the net­work link of [But­ler] Par­ent Server, hides in DARPA In­ter­nal Net­work, when link of DARPA In­ter­nal Net­work sep­a­ra­tion and In­ter­net, [But­ler] will ex­pose di­rectly.
But, DARPA In­ter­nal Net­work, sep­a­rated with the con­nec­tion of In­ter­net, the net­work link of [But­ler] Par­ent Server had not ap­peared!
This can only ex­plain a mat­ter!
[But­ler] Par­ent Server real ip ad­dress, has not hid­den in DARPA In­ter­nal Net­work, Shi Lei im­ple­ment Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea plan, out­right fail­ure!
Even if Shi Lei looked every­where World­wide In­ter­net World, has not dis­cov­ered [But­ler] as be­fore!
Such re­sult, re­ally has been above be­yond the Shi Lei's imag­i­na­tion, Shi Lei does not think clearly, why in the Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea way, searches [But­ler] in World­wide In­ter­net, un­ex­pect­edly had not found [But­ler]!
Is it pos­si­ble that. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion, but also for­tu­nately sur­vived Core Mem­ber? And ob­tained [But­ler] Super Ad­min­is­tra­tor Au­thor­ity? If is re­ally this, then, then can ex­plain must pass, why in In­ter­net World, could not find [But­ler] Par­ent Server real ip ad­dress.
Be­cause, [But­ler] Par­ent Server, al­ready goes of­fline!
Does not exist in In­ter­net World, nat­u­rally is un­able to find in In­ter­net World!
Tao Wenx­ian and [Raphael] worry looks at Shi Lei, does not know how should com­fort Shi Lei, how should elu­ci­date Shi Lei.
Fi­nally, Tao Wenx­ian opens the mouth say­ing: „Big Brother Stone, re­strains grief!”
[But­ler] is to save Ling Yumo they ‚key’, if could not find [But­ler], what dis­cussed that saves Ling Yumo they? The pre­sent sit­u­a­tion, ex­actly as stated could not find [But­ler], does not know how to find [But­ler].
equiv­a­lent to, Ling Yumo they 100% deaths!
Shi Lei cold snort|hum, stared Tao Wenx­ian, deeply in­spires say­ing: „Re­strains grief! Had not fin­ished!”
[Raphael] clenches teeth say­ing: „, We truly could not find. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem! Also does not know how should seek! Fac­ing Re­al­ity!”
„We could not find, but some peo­ple can find! If no­body can find, I can only very re­gret­table ex­pres­sion, ini­tially [Chaos Ser­pent] not have the ac­com­plish mat­ter, I will help him com­ple­ment!” Shi Lei was say­ing in­dif­fer­ently!
Shi Lei's opin­ion, al­ready very ob­vi­ous...


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