Friday, January 19, 2018

1832: Final-055 permanent DeBUFF!

HK :: VOLUME #19
#1832: Final-055 permanent DeBUFF!
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Shuangqing City, Jade Dis­trict.
'Dragon Rise' Plan First Di­vi­sion se­cret Un­der­ground Base, Tao Wenx­ian three peo­ple of hā hā are laugh­ing, mak­ing Shi Lei some­what un­able to find out the con­di­tion.
Al­though Shi Lei just ac­com­plish had saved the World mag­nif­i­cent feat, but Shi Lei is not the om­ni­scient and om­nipo­tent God big en­ergy, ac­tu­ally nat­u­rally not the clear Tao Wenx­ian three peo­ple are smil­ing any­thing.
„[Jazz], what are you smil­ing?” Since does not clar­ify, Shi Lei asked di­rectly.
Tao Wenx­ian shakes the head to say again and again: „Do not ask me, do not ask me, the mat­ter about Bio­genet­ics do­main, my half minute does not un­der­stand sim­ply!” Tao Wenx­ian points to Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled).
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) lis­tens to the words that Tao Wenx­ian was speak­ing in side, the com­plex­ion im­me­di­ately one black, be­fore Shi Lei asked that im­me­di­ately said: „I must go to bath­room!”
Shi Lei hēng hēng, „comes back! Wushuang (Un­par­al­leled), your brat, does not talk clearly today, then on urine in pants!”
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) looks bit­terly color looks to [Raphael], the vi­sion that with seek­ing help, [Hope] [Raphael] can break through for one­self, but [Raphael] does not want to be in­volved ob­vi­ously, dis­guises not to see seek­ing help of Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) in­ten­tion­ally.
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) help­less said in a low voice: „Two do not have loy­alty fel­low!”
Shi Lei looks to Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), is wait­ing for the reply of Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled).
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) is pon­der­ing, ac­tu­ally should how reply that is the best an­swer. But, thinks it over, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) can­not think of good means that fi­nally can only , but said: „[Izual], the pic­ture of MRI, demon­strates in the eye­glasses!”
Four are wear­ing LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor in av­er­age, each other ex­changes in­for­ma­tion time. The LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, has brought the enor­mous con­ve­nience for them.
MRI pic­ture, in the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen. Has demon­strated com­pletely.
Shi Lei looks at own whole body shoot­ing in­for­ma­tion, he is not skilled in the Med­ical knowl­edge, fac­ing the MRI pic­ture, has no idea com­pletely.
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) un­der­stands Shi Lei un­able to un­der­stand, he has coughed, af­ter­ward puts out a hand to click in void, then drew three red cir­cles.
Al­though the Shi Lei's Med­ical knowl­edge throws street. But Shi Lei has also un­der­stood, po­si­tion that Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) en­cir­cles. Should be two po­si­tions of kid­neys, one is the easy egg bro­ken po­si­tion.
Looks at three sen­si­tive po­si­tions, Shi Lei in the heart thump!
His can­not help but asked loudly: „[Izual], my crown?”
Tao Wenx­ian three peo­ple strange looks at Shi Lei. Does not un­der­stand that he seeks for crown to do sud­denly, but looks at the Shi Lei anx­ious look, three peo­ple had not in­quired.
[Izual] re­sponded: „Sir, Sil­ver-winged Crown tem­porar­ily by life-sup­port ser­vices Robot tak­ing care, whether now needs?”
Shi Lei shook the head, then on the face has re­vealed the forced smile, the in the heart some­what sad fla­vor, be­fore using Sil­ver-winged Crown, [Izual] has then warned him. Fourth Phase Ap­pli­ca­tion Plan -based [N235 Metal], be­cause of the na­ture change of en­ergy, may cause the un­pre­dictable dam­age to the body.
Now looks like. Is it pos­si­ble that is three sen­si­tive spots is dam­aged?
That three sen­si­tive spot, is 【True Man】 Sym­bol, if they were dam­aged, can make Shi Lei enter the palace to work as the live 9?
„Did Wushuang (Un­par­al­leled), my body, ac­tu­ally have what issue?” The Shi Lei ex­pres­sion was say­ing heav­ily. Then sup­ple­mented one, „said! I can­not with­stand!”
The Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) three peo­ple are lis­ten­ing to the Shi Lei sad ex­pres­sion. Im­me­di­ately hā hā has laughed.
Shi Lei sadly from in the heart, angry [say / way]: „Your three fel­lows, if I have be­come the court eu­nuch, your can­not run away!”
Heard Shi Lei say­ing that Tao Wenx­ian was Crazy laughs, „hā hā hā! Big Brother Stone, I could not bear, you want to laugh at me!”
[Raphael] also rare laugh­ing, „, the sit­u­a­tion is not such that you imag­ine!”
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) has sub­sided the happy ex­pres­sion dili­gently, a se­ri­ous lan­guage gas chan­nel: „Boss, ac­cord­ing to the ex­am­i­na­tion of nu­clear mag­netic res­o­nance imag­ing de­vice, in ad­di­tion my spe­cial­ized analy­sis, three re­gions that just I marked, ob­tained about five times to seven times of func­tion en­hance­ments!”
„Eh?” Shi Lei com­plex­ion is strange.
Tao Wenx­ian and [Raphael] could not bear and smile!
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) can also bear, he after is spe­cial­ized per­son­nel spe­cial­ized per­son­nel, bear­ing that he goes all out!
„Boss, my sim­ple anal­ogy, if the out­put of Or­di­nary per­son is 1. Then, Boss, your pre­sent sit­u­a­tion, is about 5 to 7 out­put.” Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) was de­scrib­ing with a strange anal­ogy, his ex­pres­sion was strange, does not know that was think­ing any­thing.
„What side ef­fect has?” Shi Lei was not happy im­me­di­ately, but was in­quir­ing key issue.
„Has!” Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) af­fir­ma­tive nod.
Shi Lei sighed, world not free lunch!
„What side ef­fect has? Said com­pletely!” Ex­pres­sion that Shi Lei will soon die a mar­tyr's death, lets the Tao Wenx­ian some­what tooth itchy feel­ing, ob­vi­ously was cheap good Right?
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) Or­ga­ni­za­tion a lan­guage, ex­plained that „the func­tion en­hance­ment as a re­sult of cor­re­spond­ing area, the chem­istry se­cre­tion ma­te­r­ial of cor­re­spon­dence, nat­u­rally can in­crease. Then, re­ceives the re­lated chem­istry se­cre­tion ma­te­r­ial con­trol the mood, sim­i­larly also cor­re­spond­ing pro­moted. ga that Boss, you un­der­stand?”
Shi Lei com­plex­ion one black! Can he? This Your Mother is the pit!
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) said vague ap­pear­ance in­com­pa­ra­bly, if straight­for­ward, that is the Shi Lei's man mood, re­sponded that will be more in­tense, and is eas­ier to pro­duce some.
, ex­actly as stated Shi Lei wants the tragedy straight­for­wardly!
Shi Lei can­not bear whin say­ing: „Oh! My waist!”
Tao Wenx­ian de­spises looks at Shi Lei, re­places the Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) sup­ple­ment say­ing: „Big Brother Stone, should not be wor­ried, your bean curd waist! You pay at­ten­tion to look, by MRI pic­ture, has an­no­tated some in­for­ma­tion?”
Shi Lei looked care­fully that re­ally some an­no­tates in­for­ma­tion!
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) ex­plained: „Boss, al­though does not know that is any spe­cial de­tails, but your body, was strength­ened prob­a­bly one time, phys­i­cal qual­ity com­pre­hen­sive pro­moted. The mus­cle in­ten­sity, the skele­ton de­gree of hard­ness, strength and phys­i­cal strength wait / etc., ob­tained the large scale strength­en­ing, even is the tenac­ity of skin, ob­tained cer­tain strength­en­ing.”
„Re­ally?” A Shi Lei look bright [say / way].
„Nat­u­rally! These an­swers, from the re­sult of gene level analy­sis, are com­pletely im­pos­si­ble to make the mis­take.” Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) is af­firm­ing the [say / way], in the pro­fes­sional field, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) lit­tle makes mis­takes.
Shi Lei hēi hēi has badly smiled.
Tao Wenx­ian is ag­i­tat­ing to say at the same time: „Big Brother Stone, this, you may niú bāi!”
Shi Lei uh-huh, on face was hav­ing the pleased look.
Re­ally has saved World, then ob­tained ben­e­fit(s)!
Is sim­i­lar the strength of this strength­ened body, re­gard­ing Shi Lei, sim­ply is the best re­ward!
After all, every­body un­der­stands, Shi Lei has sev­eral girl­friend! Even if the Shi Lei tal­ent dif­fer­ent re­ported that also meets the tragedy ab­solutely. But now, prob­a­bly Shi Lei niú bāi.
Al­though Shi Lei's girl­friend, only then a Ouyang Xiang per­son, is girl­friend of gen­uine goods at rea­son­able prices, but does not hin­der Shi Lei to ob­tain re­lated pow­er­ful at­tribute Right? ahead of time
Fourth Phase Ap­pli­ca­tion Plan -based [N235 Metal], the en­ergy of erupt­ing, gave Shi Lei to cre­ate this type un­ex­pect­edly ‚in­jury’, was Shi Lei has put on named 【Pā Pā Spree】 Per­ma­nent de­buff.
Shi Lei can­not en­dure sim­ply!
ke ke!
Can­not en­dure re­ally!
Five girl­friend Shi Lei, can bear?
„, Mat­ter, but also needs to process!” [Raphael] was re­mind­ing Shi Lei at the same time.
Al­though Shi Lei has saved World, and has not re­ceived, en­ergy in­jury that [N235 Metal] Fourth Phase Ap­pli­ca­tion Plan, erupts, but in­deed the mat­ter, needs Shi Lei earnest pro­cess­ing now.
Shi Lei looked to [Raphael], in eye has re­vealed the in­quiry the look.
[Raphael] has not kept guess­ing, re­sponded di­rectly: „Our Head­quar­ters!”
Shi Lei is star­tled slightly, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Ten-thou­sand Mu Head­quar­ters, was just com­pleted and put into use in early July, but then the less than half month, Ten-thou­sand Mu Head­quar­ters un­ex­pect­edly had it all by [Chaos Ser­pent].
Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Ten-thou­sand Mu Head­quar­ters, did not change to the ruins, was not razed, but van­ishes base­less, only in orig­i­nal ad­dress, left be­hind an area to achieve ten thou­sand mu big hole!
News that Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group new Head­quar­ters van­ishes base­less, will cause the laugh­ing to be big in en­tire World ab­solutely. wave!
Shi Lei frowns the pon­der, the news that Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Ten-thou­sand Mu Head­quar­ters van­ishes base­less, can­not pass on ab­solutely, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group must cover the cover.
But ac­tu­ally how to cover the cover, ex­actly as stated big issue!
After all, pays at­ten­tion to the eye of Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, is re­ally too much too much, wants very good con­ceal­ment news, seems some­what im­pos­si­ble.
„Phin­ney, what do you have to sug­gest?” Shi Lei in­quired.
Since this issue is [Raphael] raises, [Raphael] should have so­lu­tion Right?
[Raphael] had con­sid­ered, frowned sim­i­larly, „this issue is very dif­fi­cult to solve, after all, our Head­quar­ters, van­ished for no rea­son, will arouse the in­ter­ests of many per­son ab­solutely. When the time comes, if stared by the Coun­try Grade in­flu­ence, as it con­cerns us, is not the good mat­ter.”
Shi Lei has not spo­ken, but looks at [Raphael].
[Raphael] con­tin­ues say­ing: „But, our Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, dis­played the for­mi­da­ble en­ergy luck­ily. Xia Na­tion, is over­seas na­tions, our Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, is main­tain­ing the for­mi­da­ble de­ter­rent force. Mean­while, our de­vel­op­ment bases, not by De­stroy.”
Yel­low Tri­an­gle Re­gion Re­search and De­vel­op­ment Man­u­fac­tur­ing Cen­ter, al­though has en­coun­tered at­tack, but by De­stroy, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group has not main­tained mo­men­tar­ily can make the pow­er­ful weapon in­side story as be­fore.
Rail­gun of Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion con­trol, under the in­struc­tion of [Chaos Ser­pent], by the stance of threat, has launched merely one time, had been re­sisted by Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider].
If [Chaos Ser­pent] ini­tially De­stroy Yel­low Tri­an­gle Re­gion Re­search and De­vel­op­ment Man­u­fac­tur­ing Cen­ter, has been pos­si­ble to bring the un­ex­pected trou­ble to Shi Lei!
„, My sug­ges­tion is, we bury head in the sand!” [Raphael] said own con­sid­er­a­tion.
Shi Lei asked back: „Buries head in the sand? How a bury­ing head in the sand law?”


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