HK :: VOLUME #19
#1809: Final-032 does not do not dead!
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Mirror Science and Technology Group. Devil Organization battle, at present. Devil Organization had the absolute superiority.
[Chaos Serpent] actually has Supernatural Force, and is the powerful incomparable Gravity Control strength. According to truth, normally, [Chaos Serpent] , if not do not dead.
But [Chaos Serpent], opened obviously has made the dead pattern!
If [Chaos Serpent] enters the outer space with [Splitting Skies Mark], regarding [Chaos Serpent], is not the good matter. Because the outer space does not have the air, even if [Chaos Serpent] through Gravity Control Supernatural Force, fetters the numerous air to enter the outer space , will not be convenient.
However, was [Chaos Serpent] too as if self-confident a point?
[Splitting Skies Mark] No. 2 in front fast flight, [Chaos Serpent] is pursuing in behind, [Splitting Skies Mark] Number One is away from the right rear in [Chaos Serpent] distant place, flies with [Chaos Serpent] to the outer space.
Although [Chaos Serpent] was surrounded by two [Splitting Skies Mark] faintly, but [Chaos Serpent] was too proud with being proud, even if two [Splitting Skies Mark], has not placed in the [Chaos Serpent] eye.
[Chaos Serpent] does not care about surrounded situation!
[Splitting Skies Mark], is [Chaos Serpent], both's flying speed is quick, has been 10 Mach degree, is one hour 12240 kilometers, one minute 204 kilometers.
Atmosphere High Degree, is about 3000 kilometers, but in fact, has surpassed 100 kilometers High Degree, air then very thin.
LEO satellite lowest High Degree. Also chooses 100 kilometers is the boundary, was higher than 100 kilometers, then can make satellite work. Although thin air. Will create LEO satellite life not long issue, but satellite has been able to move around Earth normally.
One minute, two [Splitting Skies Mark] and [Chaos Serpent], arrived at close 210 kilometers upper air, this High Degree, should be an ionized layer.
Again outside, exactly as stated mesosphere. The mesosphere air, was unable by the gravity control of Earth. Dissipation to universe.
Shi Lei looks at [Chaos Serpent], really pursues with two [Splitting Skies Mark] outer space outward, on the face has revealed the light happy expression.
Tao Wenxian says with a smile: „Big Brother Stone, [Chaos Serpent] is quite arrogant!”
„Is good from the great ability!” Shi Lei hēng hēng said.
[Chaos Serpent] and [Splitting Skies Mark] battle. As if finally starts not to be again indefinite. So long as entered the mesosphere, whether [Chaos Serpent] can resist [Splitting Skies Mark], but also is really an unknown number.
However, is [Chaos Serpent] doing really?
[Chaos Serpent] has not certainly done!
In surpasses 200 kilometers High Degree from the ground, [Chaos Serpent] speed once more suddenly to increase, as if started moved instantaneously is the same, originally from the [Splitting Skies Mark] No. 2 machine, about 30 kilometers straight line space.
But after merely is one second, [Chaos Serpent] and [Splitting Skies Mark] distance. Reduced ten kilometers.
One second, [Chaos Serpent] surmounted ten kilometers distance!
Such speed is original speed over three times!
„danger!” The Jian Wushuang (Sword Unparalleled) loud reminder said.
Jian Wushuang (Sword Unparalleled) has been observing [Chaos Serpent] vigilantly, he does not believe [Chaos Serpent]. Is willing to enter the space warfare.
Sure enough, [Chaos Serpent] is using the trick!
After Jian Wushuang (Sword Unparalleled) bellows, [Chaos Serpent] carried on two times ‚to move once more instantaneously’, entered the nearby position of [Splitting Skies Mark] No. 2 machine easily.
LIP Lens-type Information Processor Virtual transparence screen, Virtual animation of [Izual] simulation, red luminous spot red translucent region. Has covered the [Splitting Skies Mark] No. 2 machine thoroughly.
[Splitting Skies Mark] No. 2 machine, lost contact!
The Shi Lei brow wrinkled in one. Cannot bear in the satellite telephone communication channel, the start to talk of taunt said: „[Chaos Serpent], you just did not comply, outside the outer space and do we fight to the death?”
[Chaos Serpent] ironic [say / way]: „Shi Lei, was you were actually silly, was I am silly? The outer space environment, will be comprehensive to me is disadvantageous, you think that I possibly stupid to own initiative did enter the outer space to battle really?”
Here, [Chaos Serpent] used a teasing language gas channel: „What kind, Shi Lei, are you specially disappointed?” [Chaos Serpent] clarified has been playing tricks on Shi Lei!
Shi Lei cold snort|hum, has no longer paid attention to [Chaos Serpent].
[Chaos Serpent] obviously is actually not willing to let off ridicules the Shi Lei's opportunity, „Shi Lei, you favored!”
The Octahedron [Splitting Skies Mark] No. 2 machine, lost with the [Izual]'s link, the flight installation stopped the activity, but the [Splitting Skies Mark] No. 2 machine has not actually crashed. Because, the [Chaos Serpent] use right hand, is lifting [Splitting Skies Mark], and uses formidable Gravity Control Supernatural Force, is compressing the [Splitting Skies Mark] No. 2 machine.
Feeds back through optical detection System of [Splitting Skies Mark] Number One machine, Shi Lei four people through the LIP Lens-type Information Processor Virtual transparence screen, clear looks at the [Splitting Skies Mark] No. 2 machine, fast and fierce distortion.
In less than ten seconds, [Splitting Skies Mark] of Octahedron contour, already turned into a silver-white metal ball!
Supernatural Force that [Chaos Serpent] has, actually to have how formidable prestige energy?
„hēi hēi, Shi Lei, when I extinguished your Mirror Science and Technology Group another Aircraft, I fuse in them together, then from over 200 kilometers upper air, aims at your Mirror Science and Technology Group Headquarters to throw, you go ahead and guess, your Mirror Science and Technology Group Headquarters, actually what happened?” [Chaos Serpent] has filled wicked interest playing tricks on Shi Lei.
Playing tricks on Shi Lei heartily, is the life significance that [Chaos Serpent] has!
[Izual] reminded Shi Lei in the First time, if lets the metal ball that two [Splitting Skies Mark] compose, throws from over 200 kilometers upper air, even if Mirror Science and Technology Group has formidable Defense System, is unable 100% impediments!
When the time comes, the result of creating, can think that the meteorite hits the Earth effect!
„Shi Lei, quickly escapes! Only takes several minutes, I will throw them!” [Chaos Serpent] was reminding Shi Lei again, was similar to Cheetah held the game. Before hunting and killing, heartily plays with be the same.
In the Shi Lei eye flashes through wipes severe light, since [Splitting Skies Mark] is not the [Chaos Serpent] match. Had Mirror Science and Technology Group by [Chaos Serpent] been compelled the dead end, what Shi Lei also to need to estimate?
Shi Lei only then starts the last move!
Why hadn't Shi Lei chosen self-explosion?
From Second Generation [Raider], Shi Lei has not chosen, meets issue on Power Source Core of self-explosion [N235 Metal] Third Phase Application Plan manufacture -based.
Chooses self-explosion, is only the plan of one after next!
Not only will arouse the High Degree interest of Li Jian Nation, will also cause hostility of Li Jian Nation. Meanwhile, [N235 Metal] Third Phase Application Plan manufacture -based Power Source Core exploded. The energy of release reveals. Then, entire World Developed Nation. Knows that Mirror Science and Technology Group mastered some special Power Source technology.
These Nation(s), will also let off Mirror Science and Technology Group?
Shi Lei does not want to stare by agent personnel of Country Grade influence daily, frequently needs to consider that came from the assassination of Nation(s) level.
Considered according to Shi Lei's. If can not use the self-explosion situation, then solution all issue, even if pays the deeply grieved price, Shi Lei can also accept.
Spends to let go at that does not have what mistake.
But the present situation, was [Chaos Serpent] opened the invincible condition obviously, any strength will unable to kill [Chaos Serpent], Shi Lei and Mirror Science and Technology Group has faced life and death Phase, Shi Lei at risk of life will certainly have wrestled!
„[Izual]. Prepares, [Splitting Skies Mark] self-explosion! The Highest Authority authorization, does not need to confirm conventional!” Shi Lei issues the order.
[Izual] activated [Splitting Skies Mark] self-explosion System immediately. And adopted the Shi Lei's highest authorization, [Splitting Skies Mark] momentarily is at the self-explosion condition.
The Second Generation [Raider] [N235 Metal] storage warehouse, merely is 2 l, exploded the Destroy radius to be about 10 kilometers, if in the spacious region, this radius range will also increase.
[Splitting Skies Mark] energy cabin capacity. Has achieved 2000 l, is 2 cubic meters. According to the [N235 Metal] 5.7 kg / l computation, [N235 Metal] of 2000 l volume, 11.4 tons in weight.
11.4 tons in weight [N235 Metal] explosion, Nuclear Bomb of equivalent to what degree?
The Nuclear Bomb explosion energy level, usually at ‚equivalent’ weight, means might that equivalent to many t.n.t explosions have.
Takes Li Jian Nation well-known ‚Titan missile’ intercontinental trajectory Guided Missile for the example, bullet that this toy carries is divided into two types, separately is w-53 and mk-6, two bullet qualities separately approximately are 3.4 tons and 3.7 tons, might aspect is 10 million tons t.n.t TNT equivalent.
Although w-53 and mk-6 bullet weight, has been 3.4 tons and 3.7 tons, but this does not mean, the nuclear matter weight that their interior includes, has then been that many.
In fact, the Nuclear Warhead outside, the metallic coating, the guidance equipment, advances the equipment wait / etc., synthesized, the proportion of Nuclear Warhead internal effective nuclear matter, probably is only about 50%.
In other words, about 0.7 ton to 1.0 tons nuclear matter, then can release the effect that 10 million tons t.n.t explodes. However, the Titan missile was in 1970 about Product, the nuclear material efficiency was quite awful.
Third Phase Application Plan [N235 Metal], manufacture Power Source Core, once explodes, the blast effect , the equal to Nuclear Fission effect, in might aspect, at least can surpass Titan missile era Nuclear Weapon completely, over two times.
The energy that in other words, the [Splitting Skies Mark] explosion has, has at least achieved the t.n.t explosion of 220 million tons equivalent.
Perhaps to the Nuclear Bomb explosion of 220 million tons equivalent, simply does not have what direct-viewing concept, contrasts data through one group, then can understand easily that this everybody, can actually cause any consequence.
1961 time, Soviet Russia has made Nuclear Weapon of 50 million equivalent, lost has conducted the blast test in the Arctic Regions.
When everybody of this 50 million equivalent explodes, even if humanity 100 kms away, has encountered the third degree burn. Mushroom cloud High Degree that forms has been 64 kilometers, the width has been 40 kilometers.
If these data have not been able to explain issue, is unable to feel 220 million tons equivalent Nuclear Weapon might, said again data compares.
If initially Nuclear Bomb of Soviet Russia explosion test, continued the promoted explosion power, making the might be 100 million equivalents, is a promoted time of might.
Then, the Nuclear Weapon explosion of 100 Million equivalent, will create the Worldwide 25% regions, covers in the environment of nuclear pollution!
Now, the explosion of [Splitting Skies Mark], will have at least 220 million tons equivalent the blast effect, Shi Lei does not believe that [Chaos Serpent] will not die!
If, in such situation, [Chaos Serpent] does not die, issue that Shi Lei will perhaps consider to surrender!
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Thursday, January 18, 2018
1809: Final-032 does not do not dead!

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