HK :: VOLUME #19
#1828: Final-051 Fourth Phase!
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Crazy [Chaos Serpent], actually wants Destroy entire World!
Has saying that [Chaos Serpent] already thorough Crazy, but [Chaos Serpent] also has the Crazy capital. Similar to World Destruction Plan control in Nuclear Weapon Exceed Grade great nation is the same, they have Crazy Destroy all qualifications!
Just, World Destruction Plan control received too much too much restriction(s), but [Chaos Serpent] by any restriction(s), was only not needed to pay with the life is the price, then can start destroys Destroy the World plan.
Shi Lei deeply inspired, does not evade [Chaos Serpent], direct examination: „[Izual], World soon Destroy, I need to prevent [Chaos Serpent], I need to help!”
If in usually, [Izual] in the First time, will then give the Shi Lei answer, the affirmative answer, is the negative answer.
But now, at this moment, [Izual] does not have the First time to reply Shi Lei, but in Internal System, is carrying on the complex operation.
‚Real-time scene data collects accomplish, the gravity lens analyzes accomplish, determines target [Chaos Serpent], has to destroy the Destroy the World strength...’
‚In real-time scene analysis, currently carries on the analog computation, attempts to save [Inheritance]...’
‚Analog computation is conducted, currently further screens the analysis condition...’
‚Screening condition First Item: The target [Chaos Serpent] Destroy range, Worldwide range non- difference Destroy, the specific scope is unable to calculate...’
‚Screening condition Second Item: [Inheritance] is unable to leave the Earth range to survive independently.’
‚Screening condition Third Item: Strength that [Inheritance] has. It is not able to be a worthy opponent with target [Chaos Serpent]...’
‚Comprehensive analysis result: [Inheritance] is unable through way of avoidance, to avoid dying, [Inheritance] mortality rate 100%!’
‚In view of the fact that [Inheritance] is unable to reverse the death result. Opening System, liberates High Step authority specially temporarily, starts to transmit Origin Energy Crystallized Fourth Phase Energy Application Plan...’
‚After the System analog computation, [Inheritance] control Origin Energy Crystallized Fourth Phase Energy Application Plan, the achievement rate over 99%, accomplish saves [Inheritance] Task.’
‚plan Task: [Inheritance] obtains to save, High Step authority blockade!’
Shi Lei is waiting for the answer anxiously. Shi Lei when obtained the Space Control strength, through the memory in the memory ‚’ having. Knew some bitter and secret matters.
Shi Lei is clear, the [Izual]'s origin is not very simple! [Izual] absolutely is not pure Pseudo Artificial Intelligence System! If to the present situation, Shi Lei has also treated as simple Pseudo Artificial Intelligence System [Izual], Shi Lei absolutely is the silly ratio!
„Sir. System infers accomplish [N235 Metal] Fourth Phase Application Plan data information, examines related data?” [Izual] was inquiring Shi Lei.
In the Shi Lei eye flashes through wipes surprisedly, „examination!”
Although Shi Lei is not clear, [Izual] at this time, proposed data suddenly about [N235 Metal] Fourth Phase Application Plan, is actually any opinion.
But Shi Lei guessed that wants to solve the threat of [Chaos Serpent], perhaps has the connection with [N235 Metal] Fourth Phase Application Plan data.
About [N235 Metal] Fourth Phase Application Plan related data, demonstrated in the LIP Lens-type Information Processor Virtual transparence screen.
Shi Lei is examining related data fast. Similar to the Shi Lei guess, [N235 Metal] in Fourth Phase Application Plan, provides to be able the more powerful energy!
And. Related to Mass-Energy Conversion!
What is most essential is!
In Fourth Phase Application Plan [N235 Metal], changed the nature unexpectedly!
Originally, First Phase, is Second Phase, or is Third Phase, [N235 Metal] passes Ultra-high Speed Multi-frequency Electric Current Stimulator. After activating, the energy of releasing. Is the electrical energies!
The electrical energy is known as cleanest Power Source, is most Safety Power Source, is applied range most widespread Power Source, but the electrical energy does not have the use regarding Shi Lei.
Shi Lei is not the electric eel, cannot pointing in the insertion plug, is similar to the electric light person is the same, directly absorbs electrical energy Right?
Although [Chaos Serpent] has directly absorbed the [N235 Metal] energy, but [Chaos Serpent] at the Third Phase Application Plan coefficient, transformed the [N235 Metal] energy merely.
Third Phase Application Plan [N235 Metal], energy of release, how many?
Perhaps discussed by the Ordinary category that equally in the electrical energy of same quality u235 nuclear raw material completely Nuclear Fission release, that is how the matter of exaggeration?
But if takes the macroscopic significance as the contrast?
The energy of macroscopic significance, those do not involve Mass-Energy Conversion, is not any huge energy. Only then involved Mass-Energy Conversion, can be the huge energy.
For example ‚backless stool explodes Earth’ the stem, then fully explained that related to the Mass-Energy Conversion energy, to be actually huge.
[N235 Metal] Fourth Phase Application Plan, has transcended the Ordinary energy conversion way, entered the brand-new Mass-Energy Conversion plan.
Fourth Phase Application Plan provides 7% Mass-Energy Conversion rates!
Although has 7% merely, but such Mass-Energy Conversion, has exaggerated. After all, according to the Mass-Energy Conversion equation, energy e equal to quality m is multiplied by the speed of light c square.
Thinks that the speed of light is each second of 300,000 kilometer, the square one calculates again, is that the how huge energy?
Meanwhile, Fourth Phase Application Plan [N235 Metal], the energy of release is not only only the electrical energy, but can also transform is Supernatural Force.
Has included the Shi Lei need, Space Control Supernatural Force the energy of demand!
Vivid analogy, Fourth Phase Application Plan [N235 Metal], is similar to online game ‚Blue Bottle Potion’, Shi Lei is similar to ‚Magician’.
When Shi Lei not ‚Mana’, then can use ‚Blue Bottle Potion’ to increase the energy!
In fact, so described that is not enough to express [N235 Metal] when Fourth Phase Application Plan, special place that displays.
[N235 Metal] in the Fourth Phase Application Plan situation. Not can only energy that restores Supernatural Force to need, but can also increase the strength directly.
Similar to [Chaos Serpent] absorbs the [N235 Metal] energy to be the same fast, Fourth Phase Application Plan [N235 Metal]. Also can by the Shi Lei fast absorption, even is Shi Lei expands Supernatural Force to need the energy on own initiative the volume.
Put simply, after having Fourth Phase Application Plan [N235 Metal], Shi Lei is absolutely impossible to be defeated!
[Chaos Serpent] gravity distortion is getting more and more serious, and gravity distortion range is also getting bigger and bigger, originally [Chaos Serpent] surrounding gravity distortion range, merely only then less than one meter range. But now increased to three meters, Shi Lei has also had to retreat several steps.
„Shi Lei. At this moment, you regretted Right?” [Chaos Serpent] also has to hold to read!
[Chaos Serpent] as if must hear the meaning of Shi Lei's regret, is willing to give up to be the same.
But Shi Lei had [N235 Metal] Fourth Phase Application Plan data, possibly regretted?
Especially. [Izual] reminded Shi Lei, [Izual] controls Yellow Triangle Region Research and Development Manufacturing Center automated assembly line, currently is making the Fourth Phase Application Plan match Ultra-high Speed Multi-frequency Electric Current Stimulator.
Shi Lei will not regret!
„I did not regret!” Shi Lei says with a smile coldly.
The [Chaos Serpent] expression is startled slightly, on the morbid state ruddy face, has shown the inconceivable look, „entire World, already because of your reason, soon Destroy. Don't you have any remorse? Even if your instinct is indifferent. Does not care about the birth and death of other people, but your female friend? They must be buried along with the dead for you completely!”
Shi Lei hā hā sneers, the manner despises looks at [Chaos Serpent]. „Depends on you?”
[Chaos Serpent] actually slightly surprised, „Shi Lei, is it possible that did you also grasp what special strength? However, you believe that your special strength, can resist the Black Hole strength?”
Shi Lei nods. „Naturally Possible!”
„Right?” [Chaos Serpent] does not believe looks at Shi Lei, „, since can resist the Black Hole strength. Also can 100% restraints I, you be able to tell me, is actually what strength?”
Shi Lei nods, strength that „naturally Possible! I grasp, is the space strength! However, energy that this time, I have, is above your imagination!”
„dupe!” [Chaos Serpent] does not believe.
Shi Lei said indifferently: „Regardless of you do believe that the fact is the fact.”
[Chaos Serpent] as to understand, „forget about it, dupe is also good, fact, what relations also has with me? Shi Lei, thanked very much has your such match, thanked you to make me understand very much, I was loving Ning Yu Fan. Although, among us the relations are not good, but I must thank you as before.”
Here, [Chaos Serpent] apology looked at Shi Lei, „I must go to meet with Ning Yu Fan, what need had I to pass on to your mother?”
„I am very good, don't worry!” Shi Lei slightly hesitant, opens the mouth to say.
„Certainly brings!” [Chaos Serpent] has smiled, sees only [Chaos Serpent] to start from the both feet, changed to the white powder slowly.
In changing to the process of white powder, [Chaos Serpent] sighed: „This is my final unique skill, Shi Lei, [Hope] you can block, because, I have been incapable of reversing!”
„At Long Last The Far Shore: Universe Ends!”
[Chaos Serpent] takes the life as the price, the combustion gene, erupted the ultimate strength, [Chaos Serpent] has controlled is controlling gravity Supernatural Force, start slowly composed Black Hole fledgling stage.
Once the accretion disk formation of Black Hole, Black Hole is almost unable to be reversed!
In the legend, the universe produces at large explosion, and universe is still inflating, no one knows that actually beside the universe is anything.
After all, the universe has been inflating, when the universe has not inflated to is so big, beside universe what is? Space? Other what?
Universe own inflation, Black Hole restriction(s) the inflation of universe, and unceasing swallows the universe the material, when one day, the universe stops inflating, even reduces under the function of Black Hole.
Then, the universe under the function of Black Hole, will converge a singular point finally, perhaps the exactly as stated large explosion, Create leaves the brand-new universe again.
The Black Hole strength, impressively is finally strength...
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Friday, January 19, 2018
1828: Final-051 Fourth Phase!

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