Sunday, January 21, 2018

1855: Final-078 Destroy the World is rampant!

HK :: VOLUME #19
#1855: Final-078 Destroy the World is rampant!
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Shi Lei uses aon net­work re­main­ing com­put­ing re­sources, in well-known Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion web­site of World­wide range, had is­sued posts a re­ward to in­form.
Nat­u­rally, Shi Lei not stu­pid or ex­tremely ar­ro­gant posts a re­ward by the real iden­tity issue, but by h Or­ga­ni­za­tion, to World­wide Hacker, sent out has posted a re­ward to in­form.
Shi Lei to World­wide Hacker, the post­ing a re­ward no­tice that is­sues is very sim­ple, only then a re­quest, that found. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem Par­ent Server, real ip ad­dress, is Re­al­ity ad­dress.
So long as dis­cov­ered. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem Par­ent Server, then can re­ceive the 100 Mil­lion US Dol­lar post­ing a re­ward bonus.
The 100 Mil­lion US Dol­lar post­ing a re­ward bonus, can through any chan­nel pay­ment!
Cash old paper money, is the neu­tral Na­tion(s) Bank not record­ing a name ac­count, or is the pre­cious metal, as well as other and other art­wares, lux­ury goods of value wait / etc., can choose as the pay­ment means.
In order to prove h Or­ga­ni­za­tion, in­deed has the pay­ing ca­pac­ity, Shi Lei has demon­strated in many Switzer­land Bank not record­ing a name bal­ance of ac­count, and has pro­vided the re­lated Bank sup­port­ing doc­u­ment.
Mean­while, Shi Lei also in­di­cated that in net world, made the earth-shak­ing noise, ex­actly as stated h Or­ga­ni­za­tion cre­ates, fully has shown the h Or­ga­ni­za­tion strength.
Post­ing a re­ward in­for­ma­tion when Shi Lei sends out, when World­wide Hacker World spreads. World­wide Hacker World has caused a stir. Seeks for Server real ip ad­dress merely, or is Re­al­ity ad­dress, then can re­ceive the 100 Mil­lion US Dol­lar post­ing a re­ward bonus. Hacker World never so happy post­ing a re­ward!
Tem­po­rary Or­ga­ni­za­tion that orig­i­nally, Asian Area, most Top Level First Gen­er­a­tion Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion, forms, is split up im­me­di­ately!
Be­cause of even though First Gen­er­a­tion Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion, is jeal­ous of the post­ing a re­ward bonus that Shi Lei awards. First Gen­er­a­tion Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion, does not sus­pect the Shi Lei's sin­cer­ity. Also was not wor­ried whether Shi Lei is will­ing to pay the mon­e­tary re­ward.
Han­dles mat­ters in Hacker World, then must ob­serve the Hacker World cus­tom. Per­haps. Shi Lei does not pay the mon­e­tary re­ward, ac­com­plish Task Hacker, does not have the means to make any­thing Shi Lei, but next time. Shi Lei is­sued again posts a re­ward?
Can trade Sock­pup­pet?
In Hacker World, trades Sock­pup­pet is not the easy mat­ter, was rec­og­nized eas­ily by other Ex­pert. If Shi Lei broke the Hacker World rule, per­haps Shi Lei is very dif­fi­cult to con­tinue to mix.
There­fore, Shi Lei will not pay to post a re­ward the bonus, so long as some peo­ple of ac­com­plish Shi Lei's has posted a re­ward, Shi Lei 100% will pay the mon­e­tary re­ward.
Shi Lei in in­for­ma­tion that Hacker World sends out, is by ul­tra-high amount posts a re­ward temp­ta­tion World­wide Hacker. But in en­tire World var­i­ous coun­tries Gov­ern­ment Of­fi­cial Web­site, then does not se­lect the method of post­ing a re­ward. But in way of threat!
Shi Lei in the World­wide var­i­ous coun­tries Gov­ern­ment Of­fi­cial Web­site home page, has is­sued a post.
«please for­give my will­ful!»
Very re­gret­table told every­body, had from Global De­struc­tion less than 100 hours. Ac­cu­rate is more than 99 hours time.
Please for­give my will­ful, has made a self­ish de­ci­sion, re­places all peo­ple, has cho­sen fu­ture road. Be­cause of some­thing, mak­ing me have to make the so vi­o­lent choice.
If in 100 hours, cer­tain mat­ters were re­versed. This post, every­body re­gards is the joke. Smiles also on for­get about it, after can be­come the food, chat­ted.
But if, cer­tain mat­ters, are un­able to be re­versed, I can very re­spon­si­ble told all peo­ple, re­main­ing less than 100 hours, is the World Dooms­day count­down.
[Hope] every­one must trea­sure the sur­plus time well, if there is any­thing not the wish, should bet­ter re­al­ize as soon as pos­si­ble. After all, I do not know that cer­tain mat­ters, whether to be re­versed.
If can­not re­verse, I can only the ex­pres­sion of apol­ogy, sorry, every­body! World, ter­mi­nates!
I know that most peo­ple think, this is a Wu­liang (Un­scrupu­lous) joke, but I will tell every­body through the fact, this ab­solutely is not the joke.
Be­fore the proof, I must first tell every­body, I need any­thing!
I need is very sim­ple, is only Server real ip ad­dress, or is Re­al­ity ad­dress. Re­gard­less of any­body, if has heard. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion, I first con­grat­u­late, you have into the Sav­ior po­ten­tial.
I need, ex­actly as stated. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem Par­ent Server real ip ad­dress, or is Re­al­ity ad­dress.
Right. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, the code num­ber is ‚[But­ler] / [But­ler]’, please re­mem­ber!
Per­haps some peo­ple know that a news, that has pro­vided the rel­e­vant in­for­ma­tion, can ob­tain post­ing a re­ward of 100 Mil­lion US Dol­lar, I pledged that this 100 Mil­lion US Dol­lar, 100% can cash, any per­son, so long as has pro­vided the clue, I will cash to pledge, and pledged pro­tects him, even gave his brand-new Iden­tity In­for­ma­tion, re­gard­less of he needed any Na­tion(s) Iden­tity In­for­ma­tion, I can help him ob­tain.
The spe­cial prompt, Time Axis refers to the Li Jian Na­tion New York time.
On July 13, the twenty point, you will ob­tain First cer­tifi­cate in­for­ma­tion in the evening, in­di­cated that I have the De­stroy en­tire World strength.
On July 14, 6 : 00 am, Sec­ond cer­tifi­cate in­for­ma­tion will ap­proach, con­crete ad­dress is Yin­jia Na­tion Taj Mahal. Why chooses Taj Mahal, be­cause I do not like!
On July 14, 16 : 00 pm, Third cer­tifi­cate in­for­ma­tion, will bring the splen­did per­for­mance for you, mak­ing you have a look, any­thing is called the World First great na­tion!
Orig­i­nally also some Fourth in­fe­rior cer­tifi­cates, but I do not want to prove again, is quite tired, re­ally quite tired, gives me a good news, I need. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem Par­ent Server real ip ad­dress, or is Re­al­ity ad­dress!
My de­mand, is very sim­ple!
Asked every­body, saved the heavy re­spon­si­bil­ity of World, gave every­body, I was that at­tempt to de­stroy De­stroy the World bas­tard!
Shi Lei in ex­pres­sion of self- nar­ra­tion, voiced his pre­sent feel­ings com­pletely, ex­pressed him to de­stroy the mo­tion of De­stroy the World, if has not ob­tained. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem Par­ent Server real ip ad­dress, or is Re­al­ity ad­dress, Shi Lei will not give up ab­solutely.
Sim­i­lar to the Shi Lei guess, Shi Lei is­sued that in the post of World­wide var­i­ous coun­tries Gov­ern­ment Of­fi­cial Web­site home page, had been treated as the joke by most peo­ple.
But the Hacker World high level of World­wide range, knows that Shi Lei does not crack a joke, be­cause Shi Lei grasped that huge com­put­ing re­sources, has the in­com­pa­ra­bly for­mi­da­ble in­flu­ence ab­solutely, De­stroy en­tire World, seems not the im­pos­si­ble mat­ter.
To ob­tain Hacker World Ex­pert of mon­e­tary re­ward, sud­denly thought that the shoul­der pole on shoul­der changed heavy, more­over be­came [Holy].
After all, they are un­der­tak­ing, saves World Task!
As one crowd of Grey Do­main per­son­nel of life in Dark, saves World is how the feel­ing of [Holy]?
In the World­wide range, ma­jor­ity of State Ap­pa­ra­tus un­der­stands that Shi Lei does not crack a joke!
The rea­son and Hacker World of var­i­ous coun­tries' Gov­ern­ment are the same, and sup­ple­mented one, they know h Or­ga­ni­za­tion, is grasp­ing the for­mi­da­ble strength, even if spec­u­lated that but does not have the real ev­i­dence.
Es­pe­cially Li Jian Na­tion!
Ini­tially, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], ex­ploded in Li Jian Na­tion State of Nevada, lets the Li Jian Na­tion many nu­clear test bases, was mis­taken that had Nu­clear Ex­plo­sion.
Li Jian Na­tion also knows the re­la­tions of h Or­ga­ni­za­tion and Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, but Li Jian Na­tion does not se­lect, Li Jian Na­tion is very in­tel­li­gent, they do not want a falling out with Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, so as to avoid Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group turned into an­other, Or­ga­ni­za­tion that spe­cially and Li Jian Na­tion op­poses.
Thinks Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, if spe­cially and Li Jian Na­tion op­poses, the Li Jian Na­tion high level thinks the headache!
There­fore, Li Jian Na­tion sim­ply has not dis­closed any in­for­ma­tion, Li Jian Na­tion re­lates h Or­ga­ni­za­tion and Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group se­cret, thor­ough rot­ten in belly.
Some­times, Li Jian Na­tion , dur­ing has not imag­ined the strength. Match who fac­ing is very dif­fi­cult to de­feat, or very hard to deal with match, Li Jian Na­tion will also choose sim­i­lar De­cree of Peace method, each other lives in peace to­gether.
Be­sides the World­wide Hacker World high level and World­wide ma­jor­ity of Gov­ern­ment, a kind of per­son knows that Shi Lei plans to de­stroy De­stroy the World, that is. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion mem­ber!
In the Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion un­der­ly­ing bed, a large num­ber of mem­ber for­tu­nately sur­vived, their more or less aware­ness, their Or­ga­ni­za­tion and h Or­ga­ni­za­tion war, in­ces­santly is the Cyber War strug­gle, Re­al­ity war!
Now. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion de­feats, in un­der­ly­ing bed mem­ber in con­stant anx­i­ety, for fear that was held by h Or­ga­ni­za­tion com­pletely, thus lost the life.
Al­though Shi Lei in the post, pledged will pro­tect to pro­vide in­for­ma­tion per­son­nel ab­solutely, even can pro­vide in­for­ma­tion per­son­nel, changes Iden­tity In­for­ma­tion.
But. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion un­der­ly­ing bed per­son­nel does not be­lieve that or they do not know [But­ler] Par­ent Server Re­al­ity ad­dress.
If, rashly con­tact h Or­ga­ni­za­tion, and is un­able to pro­vide [But­ler] Par­ent Server Re­al­ity ad­dress, if by h Or­ga­ni­za­tion di­rect pit-a-pat, that isn't the spe­cial tragedy?
Al­though Shi Lei ex­tremely ar­ro­gant ex­pres­sion, en­tire World soon De­stroy, but lives for day is a day, some peo­ple were al­ways wor­ried that this mat­ter, waited for other peo­ple solve this mat­ter, isn't good?
Also. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion un­der­ly­ing bed mem­ber, truly does not know that [But­ler] Par­ent Server real ip ad­dress, or is Re­al­ity ad­dress, wants sur­ren­der h Or­ga­ni­za­tion, does not have the op­por­tu­nity!
How­ever. In Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion, per­son, not only knows [But­ler] Par­ent Server Re­al­ity ad­dress, but also be­trayed. Devil Or­ga­ni­za­tion...


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