HK :: VOLUME #19
#1839: Final-062 gives it all!
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IWN [Miwang] computing resources is ready!
Amounts to 51,000 Tflops Loose Distribution Computing Resources, in addition 300 Tflops Concentrated Distribution Computing Resources, the integration in together stands by.
[Izual]'s Parent Server, Supercomputer [Origin], has not joined the order of battle. Because, Supercomputer [Origin] takes [Izual]'s Parent Server, is controlling the entire IWN [Miwang] balance mechanism, as well as coordinates the IWN [Miwang] resources to pick up the plan.
Once Supercomputer [Origin], withstood any data to attack, was very likely to cause IWN [Miwang] to shake, even was the possibility of collapse.
Therefore, Supercomputer [Origin], has not joined the order of battle, but as rear Control Center, processes overall situation Task.
The Shi Lei three people computing resources that controls IWN [Miwang] to provide, reverse to tracing [Butler] real IP address. However, computing resources of [Butler] control are quite many, has 1700 tflops Concentrated Distribution Computing Resources.
computing resources that even if IWN [Miwang] provides, the integration, has surpassed Supercomputer Amon13 and Amon14 together.
If the Shi Lei three people attempt with Loose Distribution Computing Resources that IWN [Miwang] provides, attacks Supercomputer Amon13 and Amon14 time, meets the tragedy absolutely!
Loose Distribution Computing Resources that although according to the computing resources proportion of both sides, the Shi Lei three people provides with IWN [Miwang], can win finally. But that is also only final victory. Because the Shi Lei three people can choose to kill the enemy 1000 to damage 2000 styles, finally wins at the computing resources quantity.
If the Shi Lei three people attempt by computing resources and [Butler] that IWN [Miwang] provides meet the tough head-on with toughness, in Phase, Shi Lei they certainly will suffer at first a more disastrous defeat.
If [Butler] and Shi Lei they die to fight do not draw back, resists the final moment, in the situation of would rather die than surrender, the Shi Lei three people with the aid of the IWN [Miwang] computing resources superiority, can indeed win.
But if [Butler] did not plan that meets the tough head-on with toughness with the Shi Lei three people?
[Butler] is Pseudo Artificial Intelligence System, regardless of [Butler] makes anything to decide. Has the probability, Shi Lei cannot guess correctly the motion of [Butler]. Therefore, the Shi Lei three people cannot meet the tough head-on with toughness with [Butler], can only the attempt of sneakily, in [Butler] reversion tracing data flow, once more reverse to tracing.
„Discovers Honeypot Trap!” Tao Wenxian loud [say / way]. „In Zombie Server foundation interface. Has two Honeypot Trap, I have completed the mark!”
Shi Lei and [Raphael] they um one, is the response. They are rapping the keyboard fast, simply does not have the time to discuss exchanges.
Shi Lei has explained First relay Server fast, the complexion is somewhat unattractive, „discovered that [Butler] uses Zombie to skip! currently determines the Zombie Server nature!”
[Butler] is only Pseudo Artificial Intelligence System. Although in the logical thinking aspect ability, almost no other two sends with true humanity. But if Zombie Server Security Level is high, [Butler] impossible in independent condition, choice difficulty too high Zombie Server.
After all, Safety degree very high Zombie Server, has twenty four hours of Safety On-duty Personnel generally. Once [Butler] has brought to the attention of Safety On-duty Personnel, even if Safety On-duty Personnel is not the [Butler] match, will not make [Butler] invade absolutely successfully. And establishes the Zombie Server strategy successfully.
The Shi Lei fast examination Zombie Server nature, makes Shi Lei relax finally. Zombie Server of [Butler] control, merely is only the computing resources comparison, but is not the Safety strategy is very advanced.
„[Butler] may be at the unattended condition, we continue reverse to tracing!” The Shi Lei loud instruction said.
[Raphael] is probing the [Butler] reversion to trace data flow authentication information, tries through authenticating information, locates the [Butler] Parent Server exact location.
However, authenticates information to be protected very strictly by [Butler], if [Raphael] tries to examine forcefully that will be discovered by [Butler] absolutely.
[Butler] is tracing Shi Lei that [Izual] disguises as, the Shi Lei three people are tracing [Butler], both sides are tracing mutually, everyone not lax, or Pseudo Artificial Intelligence System does not understand laxly.
Close a half hour, the Shi Lei three people of progress are few, probed [Butler] several Zombie Server merely, simply has not held valuable target.
„Big Brother Stone, Supercomputer of [Butler] control was too formidable a point, we want to go round [Butler] defense, is almost impossible!” Tao Wenxian somewhat was saying depressed.
In fact, indeed is this truth!
If the IWN [Miwang] analogy is seawater, then Supercomputer Amon13 and Supercomputer Amon14, is near the seacoast two reefs!
Even if seawater has surrounded the reef, even submerged the reef, cannot the direct Destroy reef!
The Shi Lei three people want sneakily tracing [Butler] real IP address, is impossible to go round the trap of Supercomputer Amon13 and Amon14.
In brief, the Shi Lei three people of successful probabilities are very uncertain!
[Raphael] has also stopped slightly, frowns saying: „Stone, the current situation looks like, we only then give it all, is attempting by IWN [Miwang] magnanimous computing resources, breaks through [Butler] defense thoroughly. Otherwise, we are impossible to obtain [Butler] real IP address.”
Does Shi Lei understand?
Shi Lei in Fantasy, had been expecting that [Hope] [Butler] System presents flaw, thus was discovered real IP address by them smoothly.
But now looks like, that indeed is Shi Lei's Fantasy!
„Can Big Brother Stone, spell? Now [Butler] still traces our real IP address in the reversion, among us has established the information channel. If [Butler] has drawn back, before we responded, eliminated the related link trace, perhaps we wanted to discover [Butler], was a big difficult problem, do not say that discovered [Butler] real IP address, determined its Parent Server in the position.” Tao Wenxian frowns to say.
Shi Lei is somewhat hesitant.
If now sneakily carries on reverse to tracing, although there is a very big probability to be prevented, but at least will not be discovered that can delay more time.
If, giving it all with the [Butler] attack, [Butler] discovers the Shi Lei three people the First time with IWN [Miwang] computing resources information.
At the appointed time, can [Butler] give it all with the Shi Lei three people, is an unknown number. If [Butler] does travel directly?
This possibility, is not does not exist!
When [Butler] had discovered IWN [Miwang] magnanimous computing resources, no one knows that takes Pseudo Artificial Intelligence System [Butler], actually to retreat directly.
[Raphael] and Tao Wenxian look at silent Shi Lei, had not urged. They also understand that Shi Lei must make the decision the difficulty. After all, Shi Lei's decided that relates to Mu Shuang five people of birth and death.
Probably waited for one minute of appearance, Shi Lei deeply inspired, then makes an effort to nod saying: „Prepares to give it all!”
Failure probability of giving it all, although is very high, but also has bigger success probability!
The present situation, is not the aspect that did not seek to cherish only the hope of avoiding mistakes active, but must win. Therefore, the Shi Lei choice gives it all.
The [Raphael] expression serious start to talk, „Stone, please feel relieved, I certainly whole-heartedly!”
The Tao Wenxian also expression earnestly said: „Big Brother Stone, you felt relieved that we will certainly succeed!”
Shi Lei is only the light nod, „[Hope] so! Otherwise...... Oh, listens to the destiny completely human affairs!” Shi Lei has had not a wonderful feeling faintly.
After Shi Lei has made decision of giving it all, three people start to assemble IWN [Miwang] computing resources immediately, when 51,000 tflops computing resources, reorganizes after completely, the Shi Lei three people started anti- attack to [Butler].
Originally, [Butler] and [Izual], two Pseudo Artificial Intelligence System, currently encounters mutually. But the Shi Lei three people are controlling 51,000 tflops computing resources, after entering the battlefield of both sides, the aspect had the change immediately.
Magnanimous computing resources that IWN [Miwang] provides, is similar to the genuine sea mighty waves is the same, defense line that Crazy rushing [Butler], Supercomputer Amon13 and Amon14 compose, although succeeds has resisted the invasion of IWN [Miwang] magnanimous computing resources, but also had the revolution slow situation.
Shi Lei through the LIP Lens-type Information Processor Virtual transparence screen, has discovered Supercomputer Amon13 and Amon14 slow situation.
This is because, facing sudden attack, two Supercomputer has one to deal with the time.
„Good opportunity! Attacks computing resources few that Supercomputer directly!” Shi Lei has issued the order, request pottery inscription evil and [Raphael], attacks Supercomputer Amon13 together.
Even if Supercomputer Amon13 and Amon14, have composed Cluster, but eventually is not the same whole, gave Shi Lei three people of one is not the opportunity opportunity.
The Shi Lei three people have gathered IWN [Miwang] all 51,000 tflops Loose Distribution Computing Resources, attempts in one vigorous effort breaks through Supercomputer Amon13 defense.
So long as has broken through Supercomputer Amon13 defense, all difficult problems will be easily solved. Because, after Supercomputer Amon13 defense was disintegrated, the situation that Supercomputer Amon14 will also present one person alone cannot save the situation, defeated with the aid of IWN [Miwang] magnanimous computing resources by the Shi Lei three people finally.
Naturally, this is only ideal condition, is the best situation.
However, in Reality, the Shi Lei three people have gathered IWN [Miwang] magnanimous computing resources, indeed broke Supercomputer Amon13 defense...
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Friday, January 19, 2018
1839: Final-062 gives it all!

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