HK :: VOLUME #19
#1786: Final-009 mysterious strength!
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Large-scale Laser Weapon of Li Cai design, might is very tyrannical!
According to initial design target, the Large-scale Laser Weapon defensive, takes target by the ground to the outer space directly. And, because the Large-scale Laser Weapon power exaggerates, the even though awful weather, the will influence not be big, so long as is not the specially violent situation, Large-scale Laser Weapon can overcome.
Second Generation [Raider] through the back connection suite, is carrying Large-scale Laser Weapon, penetrated the cloud layer, hovering above cloud layer.
Above cloud layer, sun shines brightly.
[Izual] in the LIP Lens-type Information Processor Virtual transparence screen, was demonstrating three dimensional Virtual Map, included Earth model, to carry Large-scale Laser Weapon Second Generation [Raider], as well as target satellite.
Second Generation [Raider] and target satellite, separately the use green luminous spot and red luminous spot demonstrated that between two luminous spots, pale-blue dashed line, representative Laser Weapon attack path.
Latitude and longitude span that Xia Nation and Kruger National Park form, is not too big, after Second Generation [Raider] penetrated the cloud layer, has been able from Xia Nation Shuangqing City, to aim directly hovering in satellite of Africa area outer space synchronous orbit.
„Sir, the aiming locks target, whether attack?” [Izual] was inquiring Shi Lei.
Shi Lei nodded slightly, hints attack.
Above the cloud layer, carried Large-scale Laser Weapon Second Generation [Raider], satellite of aiming locking outer space synchronous orbit, determines the attack order in Shi Lei, the sturdy laser beam produces together suddenly, breaks through the horizon, the direction of fire outer space!
Laser Weapon ‚bullet speed’, is completely consistent with the speed of light. Also means that Large-scale Laser Weapon just opened fire, satellite of outer space synchronous orbit, has then encountered attack.
The huge energy that the laser carries, has hit Li Jian Nation survey satellite. The huge quantity of heat, makes satellite explode directly, some fragments were even melted.
Tao Wenxian through GPS Global Positioning System satellite, is observing the situation, „Big Brother Stone, that Li Jian Nation satellite was killed!”
Shi Lei satisfactory nod. „Lost two Supersonic Fighter, adds on one to survey satellite again, I must have a look but actually, Li Jian Nation will dispatch also the strength , to continue to attempt to investigate here situation!”
After Li Jian Nation survey satellite was killed. As if any matter has not happened has been same, has not dispatched any survey strength again, has not sent out the probe to Mirror Science and Technology Group.
[Raphael] is quite surprised, does not understand why Li Jian Nation must cease all activities.
Shi Lei explained that although Li Jian Nation is entire World most formidable Nation(s), but Li Jian Nation scruples. Even if Li Jian Nation had suspected that is Mirror Science and Technology Group is playing tricks, but Mirror Science and Technology Group has displayed enough strength, enough lets the strength that Li Jian Nation respects.
Li Jian Nation understands. If no clear evidence, then looks for the trouble of Mirror Science and Technology Group, if aggravated Mirror Science and Technology Group. Compelled the dead end, what to do chose fight in which both sides perish?
The strength that Mirror Science and Technology Group displays, can cause the huge damage to Li Jian Nation absolutely!
The Li Jian Nation choice ceases all activities, reason in the final analysis, is Mirror Science and Technology Group is formidable enough, has been able to make Li Jian Nation make the compromise of certain extent.
If. The Mirror Science and Technology Group formidable military force support, a Li Jian Nation minute of minute has not played dead Mirror Science and Technology Group!
[Raphael] sighed. After joining h, although [Raphael] grew large section. But cannot follow the Mirror Science and Technology Group development speed obviously, [Raphael] has not squared identity, how should with Li Jian Nation this Country Grade influence dialog.
Li Jian Nation, some mysterious Underground Base.
The [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] complexion is not attractive, because. Devil Organization Pseudo Artificial Intelligence System [Butler], had just reported Mirror Science and Technology Group, destroys completely Li Jian Nation two Supersonic Fighter and satellite information. But Li Jian Nation has chosen pretending ignorance, has not started any sanction and condemnation in view of Mirror Science and Technology Group.
The [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] choice steals 17 [Slaughterer] Drone, as probing the Mirror Science and Technology Group strength, has not had source of trouble Tungyin, shoulders Mirror Science and Technology Group and Li Jian Nation contradictory opinion.
However, [Chaos Serpent] plan, failed obviously!
Mirror Science and Technology Group has not been ruthless, although has killed two Supersonic Fighter, but has left behind the lives of two pilots, sent out to Li Jian Nation has shown good will information.
Even if Mirror Science and Technology Group has killed Li Jian Nation satellite, but that is also only the property damage, but does not have the personnel casualties.
Li Jian Nation Official can cover the property damage, so long as operates appropriately, will not cause the disaffection of any people.
„Shi Lei, this is you compels my!” [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] deeply inspired, he thinks with the Mirror Science and Technology Group battle, because of joining of [Demon Fog Warrior] and [Nihilist Warrior], but turned into the lopsided pure victory.
But [Nihilist Warrior] project Experimental Body had the contingency, [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] can only start spare plan!
„[Butler], prepares to go to the airplane ticket of South Africa for me! Uses identity of Victor auspicious!” [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] told, he prepared to enter the war personally!
„Yes!” [Butler] responds immediately.
Flies to South Africa in [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen], prepares to enter the war personally these days that appears the somewhat strange tranquility.
Similar one day later, in July 12 date, 10 : 00 am.
Shi Lei also in sleep, because has defeated [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] the ambush of First wave Genetic Warrior, Shi Lei guessed that [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] should be dormant some time.
After all, their battlefields in Africa, [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] hide in Li Jian Nation. Even if [Chaos Serpent Shi Wen] has dispatched many strength participation, requires certain time, can arrive in the Africa battlefield.
Shi Lei whistling falls asleep, suddenly, [Izual] sent out warned information!
Shi Lei was awakened by noise by [Izual], is rubbing the eye, inquired: „What Emergency Situation?”
„Sir, two Second Generation [Raider] lose contact suddenly!” [Izual] was responding to Shi Lei.
Also some blurry Shi Lei, immediately sobered, „lost contact? Second Generation [Raider]? How is that possible?” Shi Lei was startled to call out.
Second Generation [Raider], has used Neutrino Communications Technology, how possibly to lose contact?
The Neutrino Communications Technology transmission mode, basically impossible to be shielded. After all, Neutrino Communications can penetrate Earth Core directly, but will not lose any information, possibly was shielded?
„Sir, two Second Generation [Raider], lost contact in the following position, System has dispatched other [Raider] investigation, had discovered two lost contact [Raider].” [Izual] reports to say once more.
Shi Lei puts on LIP Lens-type Information Processor, [Izual] related information, transmits in the LIP Lens-type Information Processor Virtual transparence screen.
Through the LIP Lens-type Information Processor Virtual transparence screen, Shi Lei discovered that two [Raider] indeed fell down. And, two [Raider] Internal System, simply do not have any sign of operation.
What is stranger, two [Raider] actually do not have the flesh wound!
Two did [Raider] halt?
Second Generation [Raider] On-board Computer, although is not formidable, but also is insufficient the situation that has to halt. Draws back the Ten Thousand step, even if On-board Computer had halting, but will also restart!
„[Izual], inspects, has a look at two [Raider], has any flesh wound!” Shi Lei told.
[Izual] is controlling four Second Generation [Raider], is inspecting two [Raider] situations. However, after the [Izual]'s examination, in the meantime, Shi Lei through the LIP Lens-type Information Processor Virtual transparence screen, is also examining two Second Generation [Raider] situations, had not discovered that any flesh wound exists!
Shi Lei frowns, strange does so situation, how likely occur?
Even if were Second Generation [Raider] met strong electromagnetism [Storm], impossible to be destroyed, possibly did not have the trace was killed?
„[Izual], attempts manual to restart two [Raider]!” The Shi Lei order said.
[Izual] has sent out the inquiry, „sir, whether manual restarts [Raider]? The warning, manual restarts [Raider], will cause the certain extent damage to [Raider] armor, and is unable through self- repair, only to carry on the artificial repair.”
The Second Generation [Raider] manpower restarts button, hides under [Snow Silver Metal] armor, to restart artificially, can only tear the protection to restart the installment forcefully [Snow Silver Metal] armor.
Shi Lei nodded, hints [Izual] a bit faster restarts artificially.
[Izual] is controlling four Second Generation [Raider], broke carefully restarted the armor protection of installment, then started to restart artificially.
But, the manpower restarts simply does not have any function!
Second Generation [Raider] is unable to be restarted artificially!
Causes such situation, many reasons. For example, [Raider] on-board computer equipment was burnt down, or is the [Raider] internal Power Source Core damage, internal electrical power supply System large surface area paralysis wait / etc. factors, may cause Second Generation [Raider] unable to restart artificially.
But these factors very much pull!
Why pulls very much?
Because Second Generation [Raider] has the formidable operational strength, tenacious defense strength, as well as advanced electronic information System, likely breaks down above?
If only then [Raider] is unable to restart artificially, but can also be burnt down with on-board computer equipment uses as an excuse. But again how coincidence, impossible two Second Generation [Raider] simultaneously to burn down on-board computer equipment Right?
Was damaged as for Power Source Core, that type of probability cannot surpass the probability that the lottery ticket draws a prize-winning ticket!
In brief, Second Generation [Raider] will basically not occur because of own hardware reason, but causes situation that the machine is unable to restart artificially.
Second Generation [Raider] has the situation that was unable to restart artificially, can only explain that Second Generation [Raider] internal hardware, presented a large area of damage absolutely.
But, the Second Generation [Raider] outside does not have any mechanical damage, what strength can destroy [Raider] internal hardware silently?
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Tuesday, January 16, 2018
1786: Final-009 mysterious strength!

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