Tuesday, January 16, 2018

1793: Final-016 twenty year ago diary!

HK :: VOLUME #19
#1793: Final-016 twenty year ago diary!
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Out­side bed closet that Un­der­ground space Bio­genet­ics Lab­o­ra­tory, ex­cept for dis­cov­ered that had not dis­cov­ered band space that any hides.
Shi Lei frowns, looks to Tao Wenx­ian and [Raphael], the loud start to talk said: „What do you have to dis­cover?”
Tao Wenx­ian is also loud re­sponse that frowns, „is a lit­tle trou­ble­some!”
„Oh? What sit­u­a­tion?” Shi Lei in­quired.
„Big Brother Stone, you have a look!” Tao Wenx­ian ob­vi­ously some­what de­pressed fla­vor.
Shi Lei has ar­rived at two man rad­i­cals, is ex­am­in­ing the main proces­sor in­ter­nal sit­u­a­tion, had then dis­cov­ered issue is. Orig­i­nally is the elec­tric ca­pac­ity of moth­er­board ex­plodes thick liq­uid, nat­u­rally is un­able to start nor­mally.
„Had found Hard Disk?” Shi Lei took a fast look around one, in main proces­sor, has not dis­cov­ered Hard Disk. Al­though in 1985 about Hard Disk, in ca­pac­ity as­pect very sad re­minder, so long as had found Hard Disk, some­what can gain some in­for­ma­tion.
Ma­chin­ery Hard Disk stores up the in­for­ma­tion time to be very long, about the triv­ial twenty year, will not cre­ate the dam­age of ma­chin­ery Hard Disk. After all, ac­cord­ing to this Bio­genet­ics Lab­o­ra­tory sit­u­a­tion de­ter­mine, it is in a closed state a long time, in other words, ma­chin­ery Hard Disk will not work.
[Raphael] shook the head, „has not dis­cov­ered Hard Disk, should be cleaned up!”
Shi Lei's right fist in air­borne, has bran­dished ma­li­ciously, this mys­te­ri­ous and an­cient Un­der­ground Bio­genet­ics doesn't Lab­o­ra­tory, sim­ply have any clue?
Shi Lei can­not help but once more re­turns the be­fore­hand hide­away bed­room the vi­sion. Shi Lei has rec­og­nized, that bed­room has cer­tainly any clue, but has not dis­cov­ered tem­porar­ily.
„Goes back to have a look!” Shi Lei told.
The Tao Wenx­ian three peo­ple with the Shi Lei same place, en­tered about ten squares bed closet. Ap­pears some­what crowded. Four peo­ple are ob­serv­ing the bed closet to­gether, tried to find the sus­pi­cious place.
Shi Lei told: „Thor­ough in­spec­tion quilt and do small bed, have a look at the head and tail block have the band!”
Three peo­ple have in­spected ac­cord­ing to the Shi Lei's in­struc­tion, Shi Lei in­spects the small table per­son­ally, al­though this small table. Looks like is only a Or­di­nary table of poly­mer­iza­tion wooden sup­pres­sion, the table board thick­ness over two cen­time­ters, as if can­not hide any thing.
Shi Lei is rap­ping on the poly­mer­iza­tion plank, but the poly­mer­iza­tion plank was too thin, sim­ply does not have any sense of re­al­ity to say, nat­u­rally also Un­able to Judge comes out. Whether the poly­mer­iza­tion plank has the band.
LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor that luck­ily, Shi Lei wears, is spe­cially cus­tom-made, has In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor, even if minia­tur­iza­tion In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor. But can also the de­ter­mine poly­mer­iza­tion plank whether has the hol­low band.
In order to con­firm the small wooden table of poly­mer­iza­tion plank, has the hol­low band, Shi Lei reached under of poly­mer­iza­tion plank the left hand, then through LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor, is car­ry­ing on the data scan­ning.
Al­though has been sep­a­rated the poly­mer­iza­tion plank, but In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor, can dis­cover the quan­tity of heat of Shi Lei left hand send­ing out sim­i­larly, and suc­cess­ful plan heat ra­di­a­tion image.
Along with the mi­gra­tion of Shi Lei left hand. More and more in­frared heat ra­di­a­tion de­fect dis­play, through con­trast­ing the dif­fer­ence of in­frared heat ra­di­a­tion image, de­ter­mine poly­mer­iza­tion plank whether is the isotropic level.
If the poly­mer­iza­tion plank does not have the hol­low band. The quan­tity of heat that the Shi Lei left hand sends out, the pen­e­tra­tion poly­mer­iza­tion plank was dis­cov­ered by In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor, the image that forms should be al­most con­sis­tent.
But if poly­mer­iza­tion plank has the hol­low band, then, when the Shi Lei left hand moved the hol­low band, the quan­tity of heat was eas­ier to pen­e­trate the poly­mer­iza­tion plank. The heat ra­di­a­tion image of In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor scan­ning, will then have the change.
hol­low band that even if the poly­mer­iza­tion plank hides. Used other ma­te­ri­als to re­place poly­mer­iza­tion lum­ber, will have the heat in­su­la­tion dis­par­ity.
When Shi Lei's left hand. Moved the upper right cor­ner time, the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, demon­strated the heat ra­di­a­tion image that was par­tial to the red end im­me­di­ately, means that sur­veyed more quan­tity of heat.
The quan­tity of heat of Shi Lei left hand, is nat­u­rally im­pos­si­ble to rise in a short time, the tem­per­a­ture of human body is ba­si­cally con­stant, this also means that in the poly­mer­iza­tion plank of upper right cor­ner, has the hol­low band.
„hēng hēng Hēng!” Shi Lei snort|hum three, mix with the fla­vor that is de­spis­ing and re­joices con­tin­u­ally, is try­ing to find out in the poly­mer­iza­tion plank edge di­rectly, seeks to open the small in­sti­tu­tion of hol­low band.
„kā dá ~”
As Shi Lei's tried to find out that poly­mer­iza­tion plank edge sent out the slight re­sound­ing, Shi Lei was pro­mot­ing the poly­mer­iza­tion plank edge slowly, shoved open the edge ac­tiv­ity block, has re­vealed the hol­low band.
The Tao Wenx­ian three peo­ple stopped search­ing, looked com­pletely to Shi Lei.
„Has Big Brother Stone, what dis­cov­ered?” The Tao Wenx­ian most anx­ious in­quiry said.
Shi Lei had not replied, but will hide in the small drawer of hol­low band, has drawn slowly, is sim­i­lar to the Hard Disk box same de­sign of note­book, un­usual user-friendly, fa­cil­i­tates to load and take out.
Hides in the small drawer of hol­low band, is plac­ing a title page yel­low­ing diary, the un­usual Or­di­nary diary, in­clud­ing the title page is also the Or­di­nary white card­board, but the non- any kraft paper or the der­mis, have felt the age feel­ing.
The Shi Lei look some­what hes­i­tates with hes­i­tant, but is firm takes the yel­low­ing note­book. The note­book title page, leaves the yel­low­ing trace be­sides the years, with­out any other in­for­ma­tion, the name of note­book holder, or is the ini­tial record date, has not recorded.
Shi Lei looked at one three peo­ple, has opened af­ter­ward alone the note­book, he does not have the First time to share the note­book record with three peo­ple in­for­ma­tion.
Shi Lei in the heart has a fear­ful spec­u­la­tion, per­haps [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] and his re­la­tions, are not the uncle nephew so are merely sim­ple.
But this an­swer, Shi Lei is im­pos­si­ble to ac­cept!
Shi Lei is un­able to be­lieve that if he and Shi Wen re­la­tions, are re­ally he guessed, why Shi Wen will kill him? On Life Jour­ney, is the jour­ney of pre­sent life.
The note­book First page, writes two char­ac­ters ‚ultra bud­dhist’
Looks at these two char­ac­ters, the Shi Lei brow wrin­kled slightly, what opin­ion ‚bud­dhist’ is char­ac­ter? Is ‚’ opin­ion? Al­though can­not guess cor­rectly opin­ion, but Shi Lei has not in­ter­twined, but con­tin­ues to open the next page.
On Feb­ru­ary 14, 1982, sunny.
This is an im­por­tant day, Valen­tine's Day of West­ern cul­ture, al­though our Na­tion(s) has not been pop­u­lar this hol­i­day tem­porar­ily, but I be­lieve that this hol­i­day, will cer­tainly be pop­u­lar in our Na­tion(s).
Tak­ing ad­van­tage of this day, I must to bud­dhist con­fes­sion!
Sec­ond page one Lit­tle Duan record, the stan­dard diary record­ing mode, the date and weather, have lacked the lit­er­ary Fan's mood de­scrip­tion.
Through the diary of Sec­ond page, home page made ‚bud­dhist who’ Shi Lei had doubts char­ac­ter ob­tain the ex­pla­na­tion, that should be a name of per­son, more­over was very likely a woman.
After all, the mas­ter who records the diary, said that will ap­proach ‚bud­dhist’ con­fes­sion. Gen­er­ally speak­ing, con­fes­sion should be the male is more ini­tia­tive, but non- fe­male.
Opens the Third page, a big sec­tion diary maps the Shi Lei's view.
On April 1, 1982, sunny.
Today is a West­ern hol­i­day, April Fool's Day, but I be­lieve that April Fool's Day in fact very suit­able con­fes­sion, with the aid of the April Fool's Day day, usu­ally not to dare say­ing that says today.
I de­cided that once more to bud­dhist con­fes­sion!
Hope God Blesses!
Waits for my good news...
Re­ally is very re­gret­table, the bud­dhist has re­jected me once again, but the man­ner of bud­dhist is very good, per­haps do I have the op­por­tu­nity?
Should have the op­por­tu­nity, the time that after all, I and bud­dhist know, merely less than a half year, per­haps the bud­dhist wants to test me!
Today, above men­tioned that mat­ter again, that is be­longs to the God strength, hu­man­ity at­tempts to step, per­haps will not have any good re­sult.
How­ever the above order is im­pos­si­ble to vi­o­late, I must find the way to han­dle this mat­ter, should bet­ter de­ter­mine that the bud­dhist for an­other can­di­date, then, we can log­i­cal be­comes a pair.
How­ever, I must think well how should make the bud­dhist an­other can­di­date. After all, had can­di­date qual­i­fi­ca­tions that woman not to be sim­ple.
But is that also what kind of?
So long as dares to ob­struct me and bud­dhist in the same place, that is my enemy!
The con­tent of Third page, records some­what vaguely, Shi Lei can only spec­u­late that records the Log fel­low, should have not low iden­tity. Mean­while, they still carry on any plan in se­cret.
Shi Lei has opened the Fourth page.
On Au­gust 1, 1982, cloudy.
Was re­ally awful thor­oughly!
That damn woman, is not will­ing to give up qual­i­fi­ca­tions un­ex­pect­edly, dares to re­ject me un­ex­pect­edly!
High-level sup­port?
I will make you know that this Lab­o­ra­tory is my, this pro­ject is also I raises, I am Core, I am a leader!
Isn't will­ing to give up qual­i­fi­ca­tions? That makes you ob­tain qual­i­fi­ca­tions!
Looked at the Fourth page diary, Shi Lei had de­ter­mined the mas­ter who a mat­ter, recorded the diary, was re­ally the high-rank­ing, was this crea­ture Lab­o­ra­tory high­est per­son-in-charge, and was Pro­ject Cre­ator, should be tech­ni­cal as­pect Chief Spe­cial­ist.
Shi Lei con­tin­ues to ex­am­ine the Fifth page the diary con­tent.
On Oc­to­ber 1, 1982, sunny.
Today's weather is very good, and is the Na­tion(s) cel­e­bra­tion hol­i­day, my is also very happy!
That stu­pid woman, fi­nally be­cause of test­ing dead, this is the fate that and I op­pose!
Al­though the cause of death of high-level sus­pi­cion that woman, but does not have the mat­ter of ev­i­dence, the high level can­not move me ca­su­ally, that Idiot woman died also died.
I must to the high level propo­si­tion, sug­gest to let the bud­dhist as an­other can­di­date im­me­di­ately , to con­tinue im­ple­ment plan.
The dear bud­dhists, we are in­born one pair. After all, you have 180 IQ, more­over is very splen­did in the Bio­genet­ics do­main, has to ad­mire you in­clud­ing me!
Shi Lei has not stayed , to con­tinue to read the Fifth page diary.
Al­though these diary in­de­pen­dent seem like some­what frag­men­tary and scat­tered in dis­or­der, as if no what use­ful in­for­ma­tion, even links a spe­cific per­sonal name not to have.
How­ever, these as if in­signif­i­cant con­tent, ac­tu­ally grad­u­ally in­ter­wove a truth...


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