Saturday, January 20, 2018

1847: The Final-070 accident exposes!

HK :: VOLUME #19
#1847: The Final-070 accident exposes!
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The LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, was demon­strat­ing in­fected the [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus com­puter equip­ment total quan­tity.
At pre­sent, in the World­wide range, has sur­passed 8 Mil­lion stage com­puter equip­ment, in­fected [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus. Such many com­puter equip­ment, in­fected [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus, was the dis­sem­i­na­tion of [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus has pro­vided a more wide­spread chan­nel.
Shi Lei has ex­pected, the fol­low­ing some time, in­fects [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus com­puter equip­ment, will pre­sent a trend of blowout.
Now, Shi Lei only needs the wait­ing of silent, waited for that [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus cleans up in World­wide In­ter­net, most ir­rel­e­vant tar­get, then col­lects is in­fected com­puter equip­ment com­put­ing re­sources, again large-scale ex­am­i­na­tion in­def­i­nite un­known tar­get.
Time pas­sage point by point, Shi Lei pays at­ten­tion to [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus to in­fect the com­puter equip­ment data sit­u­a­tion. Tao Wenx­ian and [Raphael], con­tinue im­ple­ment Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea plan.
Al­though Fish A Nee­dle From The Sea plan, im­ple­ment close ten hours, but now, scans the Li Jian Na­tion In­ter­net World progress, merely over 50% de­grees.
So the progress, is re­ally too slow!
Even if Li Jian Na­tion In­ter­net user, is the World­wide Ranked Sec­ond re­gion, but takes a broad view at World­wide, the In­ter­net user scale has sur­passed 1.5 bil­lion, Li Jian Na­tion In­ter­net user, has World­wide about 10% merely.
In Li Jian Na­tion In­ter­net World scan­ning, spec­u­lated com­pre­hen­sive IWN [Mi­wang] com­put­ing re­sources, in the speed in the World­wide range scan­ning, def­i­nitely is un­able to be ac­cepted by Shi Lei.
Be­cause. Scans Li Jian Na­tion In­ter­net World, then takes about 20 hours. even though ne­glects the dif­fer­ent local net­work en­vi­ron­ment to be dif­fer­ent, net­work delay is also dif­fer­ent, as well as other un­fa­vor­able fac­tors, solely de­pend upon IWN [Mi­wang] com­put­ing re­sources, scans the World­wide range In­ter­net World, at least takes 200 hours.
Even if picks up the speed, rush­ing a job how re­gard­less to travel day and night makes up time, is im­pos­si­ble to re­duce how much time. Even if re­duced 10% time, takes 180 hours!
After 180 hours, scans World­wide In­ter­net, what does this mean?
The Ling Yumo life count­down, has 120 hours \; Mu Shuang life count­down, were many for 48 hours.
180 hours of trace times. Means that Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang, will leave for­ever Shi Lei. Even if Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) and [Raphael], even­tu­ally has re­al­ized ‚restora­tion’ plan, can again ‚restora­tion’ comes out Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang, but is that they?
In order to avoid such sit­u­a­tion, Shi Lei de­ci­sive im­ple­ment [Venge­ful God­dess] plan!
In­fects [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus com­puter equip­ment. From the 8 Mil­lion quan­tity, rises to 20 Mil­lion!
Merely a half hour. The quan­tity of in­creas­ing the be­fore­hand sev­eral hours are more than!
Shi Lei had not felt slightly has any strange, the [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus prop­a­ga­tion mode, will be doomed to have the blowout -type erup­tion in­fec­tion time.
Now 20 Mil­lion, then, will also have more vi­o­lent Erup­tion Pe­riod. In in­fect­ing the [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus com­puter equip­ment quan­tity, be­fore being the cer­tain ex­tent, in­fected com­puter equip­ment are more. The speed of [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus dis­sem­i­na­tion is faster.
At ex­actly 10 : 00!
Sec­ond a half hour, in­fects [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus com­puter equip­ment. Rose 60 Mil­lion!
[Venge­ful God­dess] Virus, Com­puter Virus of tra­di­tional sense, it will not de­stroy the sta­bil­ity of Com­puter Sys­tem by no means that also will not de­stroy Com­puter Sys­tem in­ter­nal doc­u­ment data, but am­bushes, wait­ing of silent order.
This char­ac­ter­is­tics, in ad­di­tion the High De­gree covert na­ture, lets [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus, after in­fect­ing 60 Mil­lion com­puter equip­ment, had not been dis­cov­ered as be­fore.
If changes into is other Com­puter Virus, al­ready should be dis­cov­ered!
How­ever, the ac­ci­dent al­ways hap­pens in the non­cha­lance!
Nanyue Na­tion.
Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency, wears the bald mid­dle-aged per­son of eye­glasses, cur­rently ex­am­ines Nanyue Na­tion local life web­site, this bald mid­dle-aged per­son, is Nanyue Na­tion Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency Chief Tech­ni­cal Staff, named Chen Guang, nick­name Chief Man­ager Chen.
For the re­search Hacker tech­nol­ogy whole­heart­edly, even if Forty-seven year, has not mar­ried. Nat­u­rally, pay­out that Chen Guang so goes all out, has the re­pay­ment, the Chen Guang tech­nol­ogy, has achieved World Grade.
Ac­cu­rate, should be Half-step Sum­mit!
Nanyue Na­tion local life Forum of Chen Guang brows­ing, the na­ture was in­fected by [Venge­ful God­dess]. When Chen Guang brows­ing, [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus at­tempts to in­fect Chen Guang.
If gen­eral com­puter user, is im­pos­si­ble to dis­cover [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus. But Chen Guang is dif­fer­ent, Chen Guang is World Grade Hacker, even from World Sum­mit Grade, only misses Half-step.
In ad­di­tion, net­work en­vi­ron­ment of Chen Guang use, sit­u­ated in Nanyue Na­tion Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency in­te­rior Safety Sys­tem, when [Venge­ful God­dess] tries to in­fect Chen Guang Com­puter Sys­tem, Chen Guang has dis­cov­ered [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus!
Chen Guang is stop­ping the in­va­sion of [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus, but the [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus in­flu­en­tial method is too cun­ning, even if Chen Guang man­ual seals off Com­puter Sys­tem in­ter­face, [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus broke through Fire­wall re­stric­tion(s) as be­fore, en­ters Chen Guang Com­puter Sys­tem.
Re­gard­ing this re­sult, Chen Guang is very shock­ing!
Be­cause of Chen Guang com­puter, Fire­wall of use, is Chen Guang de­vel­ops, al­though did not say how pow­er­ful, the ca­su­al­ness can block the in­va­sion with Level Hacker.
How­ever, wants to re­sist the in­va­sion Virus, that ab­solutely does not have issue!
Just, the pre­sent sit­u­a­tion, is ac­tu­ally just the op­po­site!
Fire­wall of Chen Guang de­vel­op­ment, can­not block the in­va­sion of [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus. More­over, after en­ter­ing Chen Guang Com­puter Sys­tem, [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus starts to seep the local area net­work im­me­di­ately.
„Awful!” Chen Guang bel­lows, „Jin Rui, a bit faster Phys­i­cal Con­nec­tion of sep­a­ra­tion local area net­work!”
Jin Rui is the Chen Guang ap­pren­tice, this year Twenty-eight year, World Ex­ceed Class stan­dard, in Nanyue Na­tion Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency , has bound­less prospects.
After Chen Guang told, Jin Rui quick-mov­ing cap­tured Chen Guang com­puter cable.
Was only a pity, al­ready late!
[Venge­ful God­dess] Virus is Shi Lei care­ful com­pi­la­tion Ex­ceed Grade Virus, the goal is to seep Com­puter Sys­tem, de­ter­mine Com­puter Sys­tem in­for­ma­tion, seeks for [But­ler] Par­ent Server real IP ad­dress.
Shi Lei at the be­gin­ning of de­sign, ex­actly as stated to re­sist ultra com­puter and High Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem. So pow­er­ful Ex­ceed Grade Virus, pos­si­bly eas­ily was stopped?
Cap­tures cable this method, if, when in­fects at first, then cap­tures cable, but can also avoid in­fect­ing to other local area net­work in­ter­nal com­puter.
But now, the Jin Rui move­ment was too slow, [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus has trans­mit­ted!
Chen Guang does not know that [Venge­ful God­dess] has in­fected other com­puter of local area net­work, his cur­rently an­other com­puter, is ex­am­in­ing the spe­cific sit­u­a­tion.
Merely one minute just crossed, the Chen Guang com­plex­ion be­comes very ugly! Be­cause, Chen Guang has dis­cov­ered [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus, in an­other Com­puter Sys­tem.
Not will­ingly Chen Guang, has in­spected three com­puter once more, but [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus has!
„!” Chen Guang could not bear layer on layer has pat­ted the com­puter table.
Jin Rui ask­ing cau­tiously: „Mas­ter, what hap­pened?”
Chen Guang does not con­ceal, said di­rectly: „Strange Com­puter Virus, en­tered our Sys­tem. And, through the local area net­work, in­fected en­tire Sys­tem!”
Jin Rui said with amaze­ment: „Im­pos­si­ble Right? what Com­puter Virus, to be so fierce?”
The Chen Guang face darken, „I do not know that we an­a­lyze to­gether, this Com­puter Virus sit­u­a­tion!”
They try to an­a­lyze [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus, but the sit­u­a­tion oc­cur­rence of ac­ci­dent, [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus, al­though ex­ists in Com­puter Sys­tem, but as if not exist to be the same.
Even if Chen Guang is World Grade Hacker, only misses Half-step that from Sum­mit Grade, has not dis­cov­ered [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus as be­fore, ac­tu­ally to hide in Com­puter Sys­tem where.
Chen Guang frowns say­ing: „Tem­porar­ily gives up an­a­lyz­ing! We look in In­ter­net, have a look at this Virus, where ex­ists in!”
They started to take ac­tion to­gether, along with their searches, fi­nally more and more let them heart star­tled!
web­site that be­cause, any their Signed In, ac­tu­ally com­pletely has [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus! News web­site, is the Search En­gine home page, or is com­mer­cial web­site, is spe­cial­ized Forum, even Cyber Se­cu­rity soft­ware home page, has [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus!
Such re­sult, mak­ing Chen Guang feel ter­ri­fy­ing!
The re­sult that Chen Guang will dis­cover im­me­di­ately, has car­ried on the re­port to Nanyue Na­tion Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency, re­quests the Nanyue Na­tion Na­tion(s) Safety unit, im­me­di­ately aims at this Com­puter Virus, car­ries on the ef­fec­tive analy­sis and pre­ven­tion.
Mean­while, Chen Guang posts in In­ter­net World, has pointed out ex­is­tence of [Venge­ful God­dess], and pro­vided in­quired the [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus method.
Al­though is un­able to kill [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus tem­porar­ily, can ac­tu­ally ex­am­ine whether Com­puter Sys­tem has [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus!
Chen Guang in Nanyue Na­tion In­ter­net, has the pres­tige. When post of Chen Guang issue, when Nanyue Na­tion In­ter­net spreads, has cre­ated the enor­mous stir of Nanyue Na­tion In­ter­net users.
Al­most every Nanyue Na­tion user that sees Chen Guang to post, down­loads Tool that Chen Guang has pro­vided com­pletely, ex­am­ines own com­puter, has [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus.
How­ever, the re­sult of satire ap­pears!
Anony­mous net­work Hacker, blew out Chen Guang up­load ex­am­i­na­tion Tool, was in­fected by [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus un­ex­pect­edly, any down­loads ex­am­i­na­tion Tool user that Chen Guang has pro­vided, was all in­fected [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus!
Chen Guang re­ceives the mes­sage time, com­plex­ion is pale, he has not thought that [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus in­fects ex­am­i­na­tion Tool that he has man­u­fac­tured un­ex­pect­edly.
Just, re­gard­ing [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus, Chen Guang sud­denly does not have any means. Only can feel suf­fo­cated, stud­ies silently, how to solve [Venge­ful God­dess] Virus.
[Venge­ful God­dess] Virus, in a short time, then be­came the Nanyue Na­tion In­ter­net World dis­cus­sion topic. Mean­while, this topic, starts to spread...


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