HK :: VOLUME #19
#1847: The Final-070 accident exposes!
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The LIP Lens-type Information Processor Virtual transparence screen, was demonstrating infected the [Vengeful Goddess] Virus computer equipment total quantity.
At present, in the Worldwide range, has surpassed 8 Million stage computer equipment, infected [Vengeful Goddess] Virus. Such many computer equipment, infected [Vengeful Goddess] Virus, was the dissemination of [Vengeful Goddess] Virus has provided a more widespread channel.
Shi Lei has expected, the following some time, infects [Vengeful Goddess] Virus computer equipment, will present a trend of blowout.
Now, Shi Lei only needs the waiting of silent, waited for that [Vengeful Goddess] Virus cleans up in Worldwide Internet, most irrelevant target, then collects is infected computer equipment computing resources, again large-scale examination indefinite unknown target.
Time passage point by point, Shi Lei pays attention to [Vengeful Goddess] Virus to infect the computer equipment data situation. Tao Wenxian and [Raphael], continue implement Fish A Needle From The Sea plan.
Although Fish A Needle From The Sea plan, implement close ten hours, but now, scans the Li Jian Nation Internet World progress, merely over 50% degrees.
So the progress, is really too slow!
Even if Li Jian Nation Internet user, is the Worldwide Ranked Second region, but takes a broad view at Worldwide, the Internet user scale has surpassed 1.5 billion, Li Jian Nation Internet user, has Worldwide about 10% merely.
In Li Jian Nation Internet World scanning, speculated comprehensive IWN [Miwang] computing resources, in the speed in the Worldwide range scanning, definitely is unable to be accepted by Shi Lei.
Because. Scans Li Jian Nation Internet World, then takes about 20 hours. even though neglects the different local network environment to be different, network delay is also different, as well as other unfavorable factors, solely depend upon IWN [Miwang] computing resources, scans the Worldwide range Internet World, at least takes 200 hours.
Even if picks up the speed, rushing a job how regardless to travel day and night makes up time, is impossible to reduce how much time. Even if reduced 10% time, takes 180 hours!
After 180 hours, scans Worldwide Internet, what does this mean?
The Ling Yumo life countdown, has 120 hours \; Mu Shuang life countdown, were many for 48 hours.
180 hours of trace times. Means that Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang, will leave forever Shi Lei. Even if Jian Wushuang (Sword Unparalleled) and [Raphael], eventually has realized ‚restoration’ plan, can again ‚restoration’ comes out Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang, but is that they?
In order to avoid such situation, Shi Lei decisive implement [Vengeful Goddess] plan!
Infects [Vengeful Goddess] Virus computer equipment. From the 8 Million quantity, rises to 20 Million!
Merely a half hour. The quantity of increasing the beforehand several hours are more than!
Shi Lei had not felt slightly has any strange, the [Vengeful Goddess] Virus propagation mode, will be doomed to have the blowout -type eruption infection time.
Now 20 Million, then, will also have more violent Eruption Period. In infecting the [Vengeful Goddess] Virus computer equipment quantity, before being the certain extent, infected computer equipment are more. The speed of [Vengeful Goddess] Virus dissemination is faster.
At exactly 10 : 00!
Second a half hour, infects [Vengeful Goddess] Virus computer equipment. Rose 60 Million!
[Vengeful Goddess] Virus, Computer Virus of traditional sense, it will not destroy the stability of Computer System by no means that also will not destroy Computer System internal document data, but ambushes, waiting of silent order.
This characteristics, in addition the High Degree covert nature, lets [Vengeful Goddess] Virus, after infecting 60 Million computer equipment, had not been discovered as before.
If changes into is other Computer Virus, already should be discovered!
However, the accident always happens in the nonchalance!
Nanyue Nation.
National Security Agency, wears the bald middle-aged person of eyeglasses, currently examines Nanyue Nation local life website, this bald middle-aged person, is Nanyue Nation National Security Agency Chief Technical Staff, named Chen Guang, nickname Chief Manager Chen.
For the research Hacker technology wholeheartedly, even if Forty-seven year, has not married. Naturally, payout that Chen Guang so goes all out, has the repayment, the Chen Guang technology, has achieved World Grade.
Accurate, should be Half-step Summit!
Nanyue Nation local life Forum of Chen Guang browsing, the nature was infected by [Vengeful Goddess]. When Chen Guang browsing, [Vengeful Goddess] Virus attempts to infect Chen Guang.
If general computer user, is impossible to discover [Vengeful Goddess] Virus. But Chen Guang is different, Chen Guang is World Grade Hacker, even from World Summit Grade, only misses Half-step.
In addition, network environment of Chen Guang use, situated in Nanyue Nation National Security Agency interior Safety System, when [Vengeful Goddess] tries to infect Chen Guang Computer System, Chen Guang has discovered [Vengeful Goddess] Virus!
Chen Guang is stopping the invasion of [Vengeful Goddess] Virus, but the [Vengeful Goddess] Virus influential method is too cunning, even if Chen Guang manual seals off Computer System interface, [Vengeful Goddess] Virus broke through Firewall restriction(s) as before, enters Chen Guang Computer System.
Regarding this result, Chen Guang is very shocking!
Because of Chen Guang computer, Firewall of use, is Chen Guang develops, although did not say how powerful, the casualness can block the invasion with Level Hacker.
However, wants to resist the invasion Virus, that absolutely does not have issue!
Just, the present situation, is actually just the opposite!
Firewall of Chen Guang development, cannot block the invasion of [Vengeful Goddess] Virus. Moreover, after entering Chen Guang Computer System, [Vengeful Goddess] Virus starts to seep the local area network immediately.
„Awful!” Chen Guang bellows, „Jin Rui, a bit faster Physical Connection of separation local area network!”
Jin Rui is the Chen Guang apprentice, this year Twenty-eight year, World Exceed Class standard, in Nanyue Nation National Security Agency , has boundless prospects.
After Chen Guang told, Jin Rui quick-moving captured Chen Guang computer cable.
Was only a pity, already late!
[Vengeful Goddess] Virus is Shi Lei careful compilation Exceed Grade Virus, the goal is to seep Computer System, determine Computer System information, seeks for [Butler] Parent Server real IP address.
Shi Lei at the beginning of design, exactly as stated to resist ultra computer and High Grade Pseudo Artificial Intelligence System. So powerful Exceed Grade Virus, possibly easily was stopped?
Captures cable this method, if, when infects at first, then captures cable, but can also avoid infecting to other local area network internal computer.
But now, the Jin Rui movement was too slow, [Vengeful Goddess] Virus has transmitted!
Chen Guang does not know that [Vengeful Goddess] has infected other computer of local area network, his currently another computer, is examining the specific situation.
Merely one minute just crossed, the Chen Guang complexion becomes very ugly! Because, Chen Guang has discovered [Vengeful Goddess] Virus, in another Computer System.
Not willingly Chen Guang, has inspected three computer once more, but [Vengeful Goddess] Virus has!
„!” Chen Guang could not bear layer on layer has patted the computer table.
Jin Rui asking cautiously: „Master, what happened?”
Chen Guang does not conceal, said directly: „Strange Computer Virus, entered our System. And, through the local area network, infected entire System!”
Jin Rui said with amazement: „Impossible Right? what Computer Virus, to be so fierce?”
The Chen Guang face darken, „I do not know that we analyze together, this Computer Virus situation!”
They try to analyze [Vengeful Goddess] Virus, but the situation occurrence of accident, [Vengeful Goddess] Virus, although exists in Computer System, but as if not exist to be the same.
Even if Chen Guang is World Grade Hacker, only misses Half-step that from Summit Grade, has not discovered [Vengeful Goddess] Virus as before, actually to hide in Computer System where.
Chen Guang frowns saying: „Temporarily gives up analyzing! We look in Internet, have a look at this Virus, where exists in!”
They started to take action together, along with their searches, finally more and more let them heart startled!
website that because, any their Signed In, actually completely has [Vengeful Goddess] Virus! News website, is the Search Engine home page, or is commercial website, is specialized Forum, even Cyber Security software home page, has [Vengeful Goddess] Virus!
Such result, making Chen Guang feel terrifying!
The result that Chen Guang will discover immediately, has carried on the report to Nanyue Nation National Security Agency, requests the Nanyue Nation Nation(s) Safety unit, immediately aims at this Computer Virus, carries on the effective analysis and prevention.
Meanwhile, Chen Guang posts in Internet World, has pointed out existence of [Vengeful Goddess], and provided inquired the [Vengeful Goddess] Virus method.
Although is unable to kill [Vengeful Goddess] Virus temporarily, can actually examine whether Computer System has [Vengeful Goddess] Virus!
Chen Guang in Nanyue Nation Internet, has the prestige. When post of Chen Guang issue, when Nanyue Nation Internet spreads, has created the enormous stir of Nanyue Nation Internet users.
Almost every Nanyue Nation user that sees Chen Guang to post, downloads Tool that Chen Guang has provided completely, examines own computer, has [Vengeful Goddess] Virus.
However, the result of satire appears!
Anonymous network Hacker, blew out Chen Guang upload examination Tool, was infected by [Vengeful Goddess] Virus unexpectedly, any downloads examination Tool user that Chen Guang has provided, was all infected [Vengeful Goddess] Virus!
Chen Guang receives the message time, complexion is pale, he has not thought that [Vengeful Goddess] Virus infects examination Tool that he has manufactured unexpectedly.
Just, regarding [Vengeful Goddess] Virus, Chen Guang suddenly does not have any means. Only can feel suffocated, studies silently, how to solve [Vengeful Goddess] Virus.
[Vengeful Goddess] Virus, in a short time, then became the Nanyue Nation Internet World discussion topic. Meanwhile, this topic, starts to spread...
Hanya sebuah blog kecil yang bertujuan saling membantu sesama. Semoga dapat berjalan dengan lancar.
Saturday, January 20, 2018
1847: The Final-070 accident exposes!

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