Tuesday, January 16, 2018

1781: Final-004 [Raider] Vs [Slaughterer]!

HK :: VOLUME #19
#1781: Final-004 [Raider] Vs [Slaughterer]!
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[Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] in Li Jian Na­tion Drone Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Net­work, screen­ing 17 Drone, is Li Jian Na­tion top-se­cret pro­ject [Slaugh­terer]!
[Slaugh­terer] Drone is the Drone pro­ject of Li Jian Na­tion Ex­treme se­cret, is dif­fer­ent from open to the pub­lic Preda­tor and Ma­rauder, or is half open to the pub­lic x se­ries Drone.
[Slaugh­terer] from the birth, has then been at ab­solutely the se­cret con­di­tion!
even though Li Jian Na­tion in­te­rior high level, knows [Slaugh­terer] Drone per­son­nel, does not have too much!
[Slaugh­terer] Drone is at­tack Drone, the bat­tle ef­fi­ciency very for­mi­da­ble, and has pro­vided the minia­tur­ized vec­tor en­gine. If ac­cord­ing to the op­er­a­tional strength com­pu­ta­tion, ten Preda­tor puts to­gether, is not a [Slaugh­terer] match.
In the Africa area, those have seen [Slaugh­terer], has got­ten down Hell en­tirely, or was on Heaven. The out­side re­gard­ing [Slaugh­terer], does not know the cir­cum­stances of the mat­ter.
[Slaugh­terer] Drone can achieve ab­solute se­cret, mainly be­cause of [Slaugh­terer] Drone de­sign pro­posal issue. The [Slaugh­terer] Drone de­sign pro­posal, has used the spe­cial radar stealth plan.
Once [Slaugh­terer] opened ‚stealth’ pat­tern, even though Li Jian Na­tion tube pros­e­cu­tion, im­pos­si­ble con­tact to ar­rive at [Slaugh­terer], or dis­cov­ers [Slaugh­terer].
To dis­cover that ‚stealth’ con­di­tion [Slaugh­terer], has two ways!
First, dis­patches nu­mer­ous air­plane, from the sky goes on pa­trol, then through the op­ti­cal way, searches [Slaugh­terer] in the po­si­tion. If seeks for [Slaugh­terer] in the op­ti­cal way, that ef­fi­ciency is re­ally too low!
Sec­ond plan, then be­fore is [Slaugh­terer] ac­com­plish ‚stealth’ con­di­tion opened, pre­in­stall tar­get Task, ini­tia­tive can­celled ‚stealth’ con­di­tion. Re­sumes con­nec­tion with tube pros­e­cu­tion, can be dis­cov­ered.
[Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] takes over 17 [Slaugh­terer], im­me­di­ately the pre­in­stall flies to fi­nally a war des­ti­na­tion's order, af­ter­ward opened ‚stealth’ con­di­tion.
The Li Jian Na­tion Drone Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Net­work man­age­ment, has not cared about the Africa area from the be­gin­ning. 17 [Slaugh­terer] Drone from Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Net­work ‚stealth’.
Be­cause of [Slaugh­terer] Drone ‚stealth’ func­tion, as the Drone Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Net­work man­age­ment, is very nat­u­rally clear. They be­lieve that [Slaugh­terer] Drone in im­ple­ment any­thing top-se­cret Task.
How­ever, when per­son-in-charge of Drone Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Net­work man­age­ment, Drone man­age­ment staff of con­tact Africa area. When in­quiry about 17 [Slaugh­terer] sit­u­a­tions, im­me­di­ately re­al­ized the sit­u­a­tion is not right.
Be­cause, Africa area Drone man­age­ment staff, ex­pressed that dis­patch­ing or­ders of 17 [Slaugh­terer], came from the Drone Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Net­work man­age­ment of Li Jian Na­tion na­tive place.
But the Drone Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Net­work man­age­ment of Li Jian Na­tion na­tive place. in­for­ma­tion that ob­tains is ac­tu­ally Africa area Drone man­age­ment staff, sent out trans­ferred the order of [Slaugh­terer].
This ob­vi­ously is im­pos­si­ble!
The Li Jian Na­tion Drone Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Net­work man­age­ment, Africa area Drone man­age­ment staff, com­pletely is sim­i­lar to the ant on hot pot, starts to be anx­ious.
Ex­is­tence of [Slaugh­terer], orig­i­nally top-se­cret, tem­porar­ily did not say [Slaugh­terer] ‚out-of-con­trol’, can cause the de­struc­tion that any­thing is un­able to make up. Is the ex­po­sure of [Slaugh­terer], will then bring very huge cen­sure to Li Jian Na­tion.
Since the Drone mil­i­tary use plan, has re­ceived the re­sis­tance of human rights Or­ga­ni­za­tion. If blows out the ad­van­tage firmly * the side. Has the High De­gree au­toma­tion, even does not need hu­man­ity to carry on last con­firmed to work, then can kill other human Drone to exist, human rights Or­ga­ni­za­tion will raise a rum­pus in Li Jian Na­tion ab­solutely.
17 [Slaugh­terer] Drone ‚miss­ing’, mak­ing the Drone Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Net­work man­age­ment of Li Jian Na­tion na­tive place un­able to wrap up, re­ports to high level of mil­i­tary.
Li Jian Na­tion mil­i­tary High De­gree at­taches great im­por­tance. Is pay­ing close at­ten­tion to the sit­u­a­tion in Africa area. The Li Jian Na­tion mil­i­tary was wor­ried, 17 [Slaugh­terer] Drone by the Hacker con­trol of Ter­ror­ist Or­ga­ni­za­tion. Thus man­u­fac­ture crazed at­tack.
How­ever, if the ad­van­tage firm * the side high level knows. Con­trols their Drone Hacker, to at­tack Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group merely, per­haps will be happy that smiles to make noise!
17 [Slaugh­terer] open ‚stealth’ pat­tern, plunges by Kruger Na­tional Park fi­nally a Bat­tle­field point. Shi Lei does not know that [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] has con­trolled Li Jian Na­tion se­cret Drone [Slaugh­terer], but is cur­rently ex­am­ines in­for­ma­tion of 50 Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] feed­backs.
[Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] choice a Bat­tle­field point, sit­u­ated in the Kruger Na­tional Park west about 120 kilo­me­ters, here ter­rain is very fi­nally com­plex, some­what is sim­i­lar Great Rift Val­ley, but does not have Great Rift Val­ley that type of ex­quis­ite eco­log­i­cal en­vi­ron­ment, in­stead is the grotesquely-shaped jagged rocks, a stretch of death­trap ap­pear­ance.
So bad ter­rain, nor­mally, re­gard­ing Or­di­nary Robot, let alone is the com­bat, the ex­actly as stated con­ven­tional mo­tion is also big issue.
After all, ter­rain en­vi­ron­ment is too awful, the data quan­tity that Robot needs to cal­cu­late rapidly in­creases, the re­sources for op­er­a­tional cal­cu­la­tion nat­u­rally drops.
But Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] is not Or­di­nary Robot!
First, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] had the in­di­vid­ual flight func­tion, ad­vances Sys­tem with the aid of in­te­grated hy­dro­gen fuel, com­plex ter­rain en­vi­ron­ment, is un­able to pre­vent Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider].
Next, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] has used the Neu­trino Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Tech­nol­ogy plan, al­though or­gan­ism own com­pu­ta­tion speed is not in­deed fast, but data ba­si­cally is the long-dis­tance trans­mis­sion, the clouds com­pu­ta­tion, feeds back the re­sult again.
In other words, the com­plex bad ter­rain, re­gard­ing Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], ab­solutely does not have any bar­rier!
„Sir, after the Sys­tem scan­ning, in nearby 125.66 square kilo­me­ters scopes, has not dis­cov­ered any kind of per­son in­frared in­frared source image.” [Izual] is re­port­ing to Shi Lei, the sit­u­a­tion within nearby twenty kilo­me­ter cir­cu­lar range.
This sit­u­a­tion, Shi Lei through GPS Global Po­si­tion­ing Sys­tem satel­lite, the scan­ning got the sim­i­lar an­swer.
Just, through the In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor dis­cov­ery class per­son in­frared source, has not rep­re­sented does not have the enemy. Be­cause, the Anti-in­frared Ther­mal In­duc­tion sen­sor, is not the high-end goods.
Ap­prox­i­mately after twenty six min­utes, the Kruger Na­tional Park local time, 1.3 11, 17 [Slaugh­terer] enter fi­nally a war nearby air zone be­fore dawn.
As a re­sult of the [Slaugh­terer] spe­cial mod­el­ing, the re­bound area of radar wave are few, ob­serves [Slaugh­terer] from the radar screen, its radar wave re­bound area, will not com­pare con­tin­u­ously house spar­row big many, was ne­glected by the RO eas­ily.
How­ever, [Izual] is not hu­man­ity, [Izual] will only carry on Log­i­cal Analy­sis ac­cord­ing to data, al­though the [Slaugh­terer] radar re­bound area is small, but 17 [Slaugh­terer] fly­ing speeds, but also the or­derly and neat flight at­ti­tude, was dis­cov­ered the un­usual cir­cum­stance by [Izual] im­me­di­ately.
[Izual] In­ter­nal Sys­tem after the com­pu­ta­tion and sim­u­la­tion house spar­row re­lated birds flight tra­jec­tory, then com­pares with the radar image of dis­cov­ery, re­minds Shi Lei im­me­di­ately.
„Sir, Sys­tem dis­cov­ers un­usual flier, after Sys­tem Log­i­cal Judge­ment, the un­usual flier may be an in­vis­i­ble air­plane kind of low radar re­bound area flier.” [Izual] in the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, is demon­strat­ing the sit­u­a­tion of radar feed­back.
17 slight lu­mi­nous spots, al­though is not a neat array, in­stead looks like some­what scat­tered in dis­or­der. But in fact, dis­tances be­tween 17 lu­mi­nous spots, are main­tain­ing the as­ton­ish­ing uni­for­mity, even if in high-speed flight con­di­tion, has not ap­peared scat­tered in dis­or­der.
„[Izual], ac­cu­rate lock­ing, trans­mits the com­mu­ni­ca­tion tele­graph code, the re­quest op­po­site party in­di­cates iden­tity!” The Shi Lei order said.
[Izual] asked back, „sir, we with what iden­tity trans­mis­sion com­mu­ni­ca­tion tele­graph code?”
„We are the Li Jian Na­tion spe­cially ap­pointed armies!” Shi Lei hēng hēng has com­piled a Li Jian Na­tion team.
[Izual] or­ders ac­cord­ing to Shi Lei's, in the way of def­i­nite or­ders com­mu­ni­ca­tion tele­graph code, trans­mit­ted to probe in­for­ma­tion. How­ever, 30 sec­onds, has not re­ceived any re­sponse.
Other as­pect, fused [Ab­diel] , to pro­mote Log­i­cal Think­ing Mod­ule fur­ther pro­moted [But­ler], re­ports to say to Shi Wen: „Sir [Chaos Ser­pent], [Slaugh­terer] Drone re­ceived the def­i­nite or­ders com­mu­ni­ca­tion tele­graph code, a Li Jian Na­tion spe­cially ap­pointed army, re­quest­ing us to in­di­cate iden­tity.”
„How do they dis­cover our?” [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] frowns, [Slaugh­terer] has the func­tion of High De­gree radar stealth, to be dis­cov­ered how pos­si­bly?
[But­ler] also when an­a­lyzes issue, [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] un­der­stood that the op­po­site party def­i­nitely is not the Li Jian Na­tion spe­cially ap­pointed army, 100% are the Shi Lei's strengths!
„[But­ler], starts at­tack! Fully at­tack! Col­lec­tion fire ten hos­tile tar­get!” [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] is­sues the order.
Shi Lei can con­trol GPS Global Po­si­tion­ing Sys­tem satel­lite, [Chaos Ser­pent] nat­u­rally can grasp other op­ti­cal de­tec­tion satel­lite, they in fi­nally Bat­tle­field in­tel­li­gence in­for­ma­tion ori­gin, not any not co­or­di­nated place.
17 [Slaugh­terer], have opened Mis­sile Launcher, each [Slaugh­terer] has car­ried four small-sized Great De­struc­tive Force Guided Mis­sile, si­mul­ta­ne­ous fir­ing.
Guided Mis­sile that al­though 17 [Slaugh­terer] carry, the total quan­tity has achieved Sixty eight, but [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] had fore­knowl­edge, has only cho­sen ten achieve­ment at­tack tar­get.
Then, each Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], needs to face 10-11 Guided Mis­sile at­tack!
In the night­time sky of star light every­where, shone the densely cov­ered flame sud­denly, the [Izual] First time has re­ported to Shi Lei, af­ter­ward did not wait for Shi Lei to issue the order, 50 Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], started Laser Weapon.
Daz­zling red ra­di­ance in the night­time sky con­spic­u­ous, dense and nu­mer­ous red ra­di­ance, dodges to pass. Af­ter­ward, in the night­time sky, has sent out the in­ten­sive ex­plo­sion and squan­der­ing.
Sixty eight Guided Mis­sile, to Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], have not caused any losses! Even, Sixty eight Guided Mis­sile, sim­ply do not have the close Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] sur­round­ing two kilo­me­ters scopes!
Shi Lei through the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, is ex­am­in­ing west of Kruger Na­tional Park the bat­tle­field of 120 kilo­me­ters final war, re­vealed has wiped smiles pale.
If the [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] method, is only re­stricted in so, that is re­ally too dis­ap­point­ing!
But is the [Chaos Ser­pent Shi Wen] method, merely only this?


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