Friday, December 29, 2017

1008: Request of Mu Xuanyin

#1008: Request of Mu Xuanyin
Comments 85
The Golden Crow flame sinks slowly, in ice crys­tal for­ma­tion that the au­di­ences Ice Phoenix elder ties, the ice layer sank a about thou­sand zhang (3.33 m) depth... But the ice layer that these van­ish is not gen­eral cold ice, but with­stood did not know many year of cold qi, tena­ciously to the ex­treme thick ice.
How­ever, as if no­body the thick ice that notes these to van­ish, all per­son lines of sight, fram­ing firmly on Yun Che's.
Has not known how long, Golden Crow Fire has ex­tin­guished fi­nally com­pletely, the both arms that Yun Che opens dan­gle, the body sur­round­ing ice crys­tal bar­rier also along with it dis­ap­pear­ance, his right hand wields, the blue light flashes through, the ice layer con­geals the cav­ity that was melted to­gether im­me­di­ately above, his both feet, silent step­ping on above ice layer.
The Huo Poyun body rick­ets, whole body from the face to the four limbs is red one piece, at first sight like was burnt ripe, the beads of sweat pour water from all spots of his body, he pre­sents a pos­ture of dis­tor­tion is stand­ing there re­luc­tantly, whole body aura is weak, an eye stared in a big way, out­side eye­ball raised, stub­bornly stared is stand­ing there Yun Che per­fectly, was re­leas­ing the con­fu­sion to the in­de­scrib­able color.
Under a light sound, the Huo Poyun body sways, kneel­ing down of heav­ily on the ground, but a pair trem­bles the eye­ball that swings still to stare at Yun Che fiercely, in any event, can­not be­lieve the seen pic­ture.
Stands in his Huo Rulie has not gone to help up him, the en­tire pho­to­graph has de­cided the body spell, stood is mo­tion­less there, a pair of eye pupil trem­bled com­pared with Huo Poyun that fiercely swung also... To al­most mo­men­tar­ily pos­si­bly blasts open fiercely.
„This... This... Un­ex­pect­edly... I...”
The Yan Wan­cang mouth Zhang He, spoke in­co­her­ently sev­eral times un­ex­pect­edly, under the ex­treme shock, he does not know one want to say any­thing.
In­ces­santly is they, that side Ice Phoenix God Sect, does not have in­clud­ing cheers. Every­one likely screened out Soul, ob­vi­ously Yun Che on per­fect stand­ing there... Ac­tu­ally in any event can­not be­lieve own eye.
„...” Mu Huanzhi looks at Yun Che, looks to Mu Xu­anyin, the mouth opened sev­eral times, ac­tu­ally ob­sti­nately can­not put out half char­ac­ter.
This re­sult, no one is pos­si­ble to think, no one is able to be­lieve. Mu Xu­anyin, passes mes­sage the con­fir­ma­tion to him be­fore then spe­cially. Only re­gard­ing Yun Che, this is the in­evitable re­sult. Do not say Huo Poyun, this „Nine Suns Heav­enly Fury”, even if dis­played by Huo Rulie, can­not in­jure his hair ab­solutely.
His at a mod­er­ate pace [say / way]: „Three moves crossed. Now, at­tacked to me.”
For­merly, he was still think­ing, al­though pure Golden Crow Fire was im­pos­si­ble to in­jure it­self, but by own strength, ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble wound Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm Huo Poyun. But, Huo Poyun re­leases „Nine Suns Heav­enly Fury” force­fully , the whole body pro­found strength con­sump­tion com­pletely, un­likely con­tin­u­ally the strength of lit­tle self-de­fense are hard to haunch now, must strike down pre­sent him... It is not too dif­fi­cult mat­ter.
„...” The Yun Che's spo­ken lan­guage, mak­ing Huo Poyun con­tract the pupil to re­store some focal dis­tances fi­nally, his paral­y­sis knelt in the place, has not stood up... Also as if was un­able to stand up, dan­gling head slowly, heav­ily breathed heav­ily sev­eral tones, crabbed [say / way]: „Does not use... I admit de­feat...”
„...” Huo Rulie has not spo­ken, he be­gins supinely, clos­ing eye slowly, then long in­spi­ra­tion, for a long time, dif­fi­cult putting out.
„Yun Che... won!” The Mu Huanzhi low hǒu makes noise fi­nally.
This yells is bring­ing slightly out of con­trol pro­found strength, will pre­sent all such as falls il­lu­sion Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple to shake the eardrum buzz the sound. Looks Yun Che that stands proudly and knees down Huo Poyun, they as if awak­en­ing from a dream, erupt the in­ter­mit­tent ex­cited ex­cited howl­ing.
„Won! Se­nior Brother Yun Che won... Sect Mas­ter won!”
„Orig­i­nally Se­nior Brother Yun Che so is un­ex­pect­edly fierce... No won­der Sect Mas­ter will choose Se­nior Brother Yun Che is di­rect dis­ci­ple.”
„Non­sense, that is Sect Mas­ter, the Sect Mas­ter's vi­sion may be how wrong. Se­nior Brother Yun Che is not only fiercer than Se­nior Brother Hanyi... Fierce ten times con­tinue sim­ply.”
„Se­nior Brother Yun Che re­ally Di­vine Essence Realm? Sigh... Good fear­ful Ah! Di­vine Essence Realm to have de­feated Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm un­ex­pect­edly!”
„It is not de­feated, must hit, Se­nior Brother Yun Che def­i­nitely is not a match, what Se­nior Brother Yun Che vic­tory is el­e­ment prin­ci­ple... Se­nior Brother Yun Che sneaks a Heav­enly Lake 1000 zhang (3.33 m) hearsay re­ally real! Di­vine Essence Realm so is fear­ful, later, does not dare to imag­ine sim­ply, per­haps, might and Sect Mas­ter in the fu­ture is equally fierce.”
„... Can that very much be­comes our Snow Song Realm next Great Realm King?”
„Had the pos­si­bil­ity!”
The cheers blot out the sky, pro­longed. When this sect con­gress starts, Yun Che with­stands, is var­i­ous types the line of sight that en­vies the envy, to refuse to ac­cept puz­zled, only awe. But now, vi­sion earnest as if must burn.
This is not only a vic­tory of Yun Che per­son, in the con­fronta­tion and gam­bling stake of Mu Xu­anyin and under Huo Rulie, this al­ready be­came com­petion that re­lates to two dig­nity.
The Huo Poyun nat­ural tal­ent high ex­treme is fear­ful, when the Mu Hanyi dis­as­trous de­feat in his hand, Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple panic-stricken is bring­ing all des­per­ately... But in an in­stant, he folded un­ex­pect­edly in Yun Che's under the hand/sub­or­di­nate.
More­over the di­rect paral­y­sis ad­mits de­feat.
In the ear-spit­ting cheers, Yun Che was ac­tu­ally lifts the step to move to­ward Huo Poyun.
Huo Poyun deeply low­ers the head, the body has been trem­bling lightly, the whole body is sur­round­ing thick low and deep and low-spir­ited.
With­out a doubt, this is true Heaven's Cho­sen Child, high of his nat­ural tal­ent, do not say that in the Flame God Realm pre­sent age, in the en­tire Flame God Realm his­tory can say no­body may and --- three big Sect Mas­ter per­son­ally ac­knowl­edged this point.
He is ar­ro­gant, but is not wildly ar­ro­gant. But he has the ar­ro­gant cap­i­tal com­pared with any­body.
But is this kind of per­son, ex­hausts one­self most peak strength... Un­ex­pect­edly lost to one to cul­ti­vate to be well below own per­son.
This is the se­ri­ous in­com­pa­ra­ble at­tack... Even may in light of this be­comes his shadow, be­comes the night­mare on road of his Pro­found Dao, will thus cre­ate the bar­rier to his fu­ture break­through... Also may be enor­mous bar­rier.
Yun Che does not want be­cause, mak­ing a ray of true tal­ent in light of this gloomy.
„Brother Poyun, be­fore” Yun Che ar­rives at the Huo Poyun body, reached out him: „On prin­ci­ple, was I won, but by pro­found strength, I was well below you. This com­pe­ti­tion, was un­fair to you, I win it to have the shame.”
„I and your age is the same, but your Pro­found Dao cul­ti­vates to ac­tu­ally ex­ceed my these many, in my heart in­com­pa­ra­bly en­vies and ad­mires, from now on, will aim at you surely, you may prob­a­bly add dili­gently, do not let me sur­mount on Pro­found Dao. But I, will cer­tainly not make you ex­ceed me on el­e­ment prin­ci­ple!”
Huo Poyun raised the head, de­cides looks at Yun Che, his vi­sion is mo­ment gen­tle grad­u­ally, then put out a hand, grasps on the Yun Che's palm, stand­ing up slowly.
„My Huo Poyun, never has sub­mis­sion to lose.” Dispir­ited and low-spir­ited like pride of the morn­ing dis­si­pa­tion, his lip angle splits open, in the self-con­fi­dent happy ex­pres­sion is hav­ing the grat­i­tude: „Today I, al­though de­feated... But one day, I will win. Brother Yun Che, you may prob­a­bly be care­ful.”
From the Yun Che's words, he hears is not win­ner's pity­ing to de­feated, but does not have the sin­cer­ity of slight im­pu­rity.
„You are also same.” Yun Che also smiles.
Palm get­ting hold of two peo­ple as if by prior agree­ment, pity clear­head­edly.
Yan Wan­cang and Yan Jue­hai look at each other one, Yan Jue­hai deeply sighed: „Snow Song Realm this gen­er­a­tion, had an ex­tremely se­ri­ous char­ac­ter.”
„The el­e­ment prin­ci­ple strong and weak, was de­cid­ing upper limit that can be. This was called the Yun Che's young peo­ple... Feared that is the fu­ture may sur­mount Mu Xu­anyin, re­ally makes the per­son be afraid, an­tic­i­pates.”
These words that Yan Wan­cang said that is this has given for a life­time high­est ap­praisal, Yan Jue­hai ac­tu­ally has not been then as­ton­ished how­ever, but did not have the scru­ple nod slowly.
„Not ar­ro­gant is not ar­ro­gant, good every­body style!” The Yun Che's ac­tion, mak­ing Mu Huanzhi two shine, ap­pre­ci­ates greatly.
The el­ders and Palace Mas­ter are also the deep nods, looks to com­mend... In front of Flame God Realm three big Sect Mas­ter's, Gente is giv­ing us Ice Phoenix God Sect long face Ah!
For­merly, is not only dis­ci­ple, these elder Palace Mas­ter have also given up Mu Hanyi to Mu Xu­anyin, but choice Yun Che cher­ished dif­fer­ent reads, but at this mo­ment, they knew the choice of Mu Xu­anyin how cor­rectly wise, for­merly ques­tioned to one­self ashamed.
„Che'er, comes back.” The Mu Xu­anyin order said.
Yun Che re­turned to the Mu Xu­anyin body side ac­cord­ing to the word, but the Mu Xu­anyin ice-cold vi­sion, fell on the body of Huo Rulie: „Huo Rulie, the vic­tory and de­feat minute, you had not for­got­ten that now you for­merly had said any­thing.”
Huo Rulie fierce raise one's head, he clenches teeth slightly, puffs say­ing: „De­feated has de­feated! Mu Xu­anyin, you put 10,000 hearts, words that my Huo Rulie said that will be the earth-shat­ter­ing will not re­nege on a promise! Now you want my life, I also neat death be­fore you... Also will pledge that does not make Golden Crow Sect in­ves­ti­gate! You may sat­isfy!?”
„Hon­ored Mas­ter!” Huo Poyun is star­tled to shout one.
„Your life?” Mu Xu­anyin coldly snorted: „Frozen Cloud (Bingyun) by these years that flame poi­son suf­fered, this king in­deed has a dream deeply wanted your life! But nowa­days Frozen Cloud (Bingyun) has re­cov­ered, this king did not have to lets two loss of life self­ishly be­cause of in­di­vid­ual re­sent­ment. Your life, to this king any value, has not been you de­liv­ers the life, this king is dis­in­clined to take.”
Huo Rulie stares slightly, then sink­ing sound track: „You want me to make any­thing!”
„this king wants your thing!” Dur­ing the Mu Xu­anyin speeches, wind and snow ar­rive sud­denly, in the flash, the burn­ing air/Qi that „Nine Suns Heav­enly Fury” will then bring em­bez­zles com­pletely, mak­ing the world re­turn to ice-cold:
„this king wants your Golden Crow Sect com­plete Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World!”
„...” The Yun Che look moves.
„What did you say?” Huo Rulie one star­tled, com­pletely has not ex­pected Mu Xu­anyin to be such re­quest.
„This... Snow Song Realm King, and ac­com­mo­dates a this Yan word.” Yan Wan­cang said res­olutely: „Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World is Golden Crow Sect core Pro­found Arts, not to di­vulge to an out­sider. And... Only has to have Golden Crow Blood­line or Golden Crow Di­vine Soul, may prac­tice Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World, the per­son out­side Golden Crow Sect, even if ob­tains, is un­able to prac­tice, is con­tra­dicts in the at­tribute with your ho­n­ourable sect cold ice pro­found strength re­pulses. this Yan re­ally does not know why Snow Song Realm King will want to refer to Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World?”
„this king has what goal, does not have the duty to state clearly to you.” [Say / Way] that Mu Xu­anyin is re­lent­less: „Huo Rulie, you re­turn do not give!”
Do not say that Yan Wan­cang and the oth­ers, Ice Phoenix God Sect is also the deep sur­prise, no­body un­der­stood that Sect Mas­ter fac­ing „does not go back on word” and „can pro­pose any re­quest” Huo Rulie, why will pro­pose de­manded Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World.
As Pri­mor­dial Di­vine Art, nat­u­rally can want to refer to one as pro­found prac­ti­tioner... But is also only the ref­er­ence. With­out Golden Crow Blood­line or Di­vine Soul, is im­pos­si­ble to prac­tice. But Ice Phoenix God Sect prac­tice is ice at­tribute Pro­found Arts, does not have the pos­si­bil­ity of prac­tice.
Yan Jue­hai sinks the brow, si­mul­ta­ne­ously passes on the tone chan­nel to Yan Wan­cang and Huo Rulie: „If Mu Xu­anyin so ar­rived at Di­vine Lord Realm, wants to enter a half step quite to be dif­fi­cult again. She wants to ob­tain Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World, should be wants to per­ceive through med­i­ta­tion any­thing. Al­though she is un­able to prac­tice, but that after is Pri­mor­dial Di­vine Art, con­tains prin­ci­ple of True God prin­ci­ple and True God.”
Yan Wan­cang thinks silently, the slight bow, this in­deed only ex­plained.
The Huo Rulie fore­head blue vein shiv­ers, after breathes heav­ily thickly, low and deep [say / way]: „My Huo Rulie... words of enour­mous weight!”
The sound falls, in his hand flees sud­denly flame, in his palm turns over, flew to Mu Xu­anyin.
Mu Xu­anyin has grasped, flame is put out im­me­di­ately, in the hand were many one vol­ume to be flash­ing pure gold ray jade slip. She has not opened the ex­am­i­na­tion, but re­ceives, light [say / way]: „Sect Mas­ter Huo re­ally keeps words, this king for the time being high looks at your one eyes.”
„Snort!” Huo Rulie heav­ily coldly snorted, each pore of whole body al­most must flee to get angry.


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