Friday, December 29, 2017

967: Fights tooth and nail, the jade falls ice soul (First Part)

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#967: Fights tooth and nail, the jade falls ice soul (First Part)
Comments 170
The Mu Bingyun pupil light has trans­ferred. The Yun Che's ap­pear­ance likely is not hot­headed below the lan­guage of im­pul­sion. If so, in whose re­gard­less of mouth said that was ex­tremely ab­surd, but it has not stepped into Di­vine Dao from one, can­not cul­ti­vate in­clud­ing Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm to the peak pop­u­la­tion in... Is a huge joke.
„Yun Che, this is im­pos­si­ble.” Mu Bingyun said is very pale: „You at pre­sent are also at Mor­tal Body Nine Realms Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm In­ter­me­di­ate stage, the strength that al­though erupts can de­feat in­clud­ing Ji Han­feng this grade of Di­vine Essence Realm In­ter­me­di­ate stage re­luc­tantly, but has not moved Di­vine Dao even­tu­ally truly. You are in Snow Song Realm now, the speed of prac­tice de­cide how­ever will sur­pass when Blue Pole Star, but, wants achieve­ment Di­vine Essence Realm, then needs to be equal the prac­tice and sud­den en­light­en­ment.”
„How­ever the pro­mo­tion of Di­vine Pro­found Seven Realms, is far from Mor­tal Body Nine Realms may com­pare. After Di­vine Essence Realm, the pro­mo­tion of each small Realm many that Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm is more dif­fi­cult. Even if you nat­ural tal­ent is high, per­cep­tion is strong, in ad­di­tion huge des­tiny, short two -and-a-half years of time, is ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble to cul­ti­vate to Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm.”
„Snort, let alone Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm to Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm, in the Snow Song Realm sev­eral hun­dred thou­sand years his­tor­i­cally, has never had the per­son to be able with the short 30 months from Di­vine Essence Realm First Level to break through to Di­vine Soul Realm First Level.” Mu Xi­aolan small sound track: „Re­ally silly.”
Yun Che: „...”
Al­though Yun Che has fought with the strength of Di­vine Dao, but his pro­found strength plane/level even­tu­ally is also only Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm. The prac­tice of Di­vine Pro­found Realm, he knows noth­ing rad­i­cally, Mu Bingyun and Mu Xi­aolan words, with­out doubt are an­other big trough cold water after stag­ger­ing blow, mak­ing both hands that he grips tightly pinch tightly once again.
„Per­son who it seems like, you must see, in­com­pa­ra­ble im­por­tant to you.” Looks that Yun Che silent did not speak, aura micro chaotic, did not have the thought that the least bit must give up, the Mu Bingyun light lan­guage say­ing: „You do not need ex­tremely to be dis­cour­aged, the time also 30 months, I as soon as pos­si­ble and Great Realm King dis­cuss this mat­ter, per­haps...”
Mu Bingyun has not said again, be­cause gives him to hope now, when the time comes, takes to him in­stead only to be a big­ger dis­ap­point­ment. She is very clear, this is not only lim­its under four Great Royal Realm, came from the limit of Eter­nal Sky Pearl Di­vine Power... Is im­pos­si­ble to have any fa­vor­able turn.
She this con­sid­er­a­tion, com­pen­sates to Yun Che any­thing now.
„Yun Che, you make your­self tran­quil first. If you had other any de­ci­sions, mo­men­tar­ily said with me again.”
Mu Bingyun sighed gen­tly, bring­ing Mu Xi­aolan to leave, Yun Che whole body stiff there, trem­bled, crosses for a long time, heav­ily sat the ground.
One in­clud­ing Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm is In­ter­me­di­ate stage, has not traced in­clud­ing the Di­vine Dao thresh­old, to the Di­vine Dao prac­tice is the per­son of know­ing noth­ing, was shout­ing a mo­ment ago un­ex­pect­edly must achieve ex­tremely Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm of tal­ent rank... to link him to want in short 30 months to come, is re­ally ab­surd laugh­able.
How­ever, in ad­di­tion, he can also have any­thing to choose.
To Eter­nal Sky Realm, is he can see the Jas­mine only op­por­tu­nity.
Golden Crow Spirit has said that if he within five years can­not see Jas­mine, for­ever do not think see again/good­bye to her. If en­ters the basic qual­i­fi­ca­tions of Eter­nal Sky Realm not to have at the ap­pointed time con­tin­u­ally, that has been equal to... His life this life, will again un­able to see Jas­mine.
„Shouted...” Yun Che puts out a hand to cover own chest, heav­ily has panted for breath sev­eral hun­dred times, fi­nally lit­tle is tran­quil.
„Jas­mine...” He closes the eye, talked to one­self gen­tly: „You al­ways do not be­lieve that I want, for you do not hes­i­tate all, there­fore, I have picked that half Nether­world Udum­bara Flower for you...”
„This time, can be the same.”
„If, this is as­cends the sky to my test. Then... I will let the heaven, lets your see­ing clearly well, I must find your heart firmly how!!”
pro­found qi erupts, the sword wind thun­ders, Yun Che heav­ily works on Heaven Smit­ing Devil Slayer Sword, but in light of this has not ac­tu­ally bran­dished, but once more stiff there. He is not un­will­ing, ab­solutely clear such self-tor­ture, even if with­out stop­ping to have a rest goes all out to prac­tice more than ten dou­ble-hour every day, is im­pos­si­ble in 30 months achieve­ment Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm.
This is re­garded as the im­pos­si­ble nat­ural moat in God Realm, can it be that the con­ven­tional method can sur­mount.
Yun Che closes the eye, is re­call­ing way of this life­time prac­tice in the quiet­ness.
His be­gin­ning, came from Jas­mine Evil God Pro­found Vein.
His prac­tice, sim­i­larly under the Jas­mine in­struc­tion and di­rec­tion. But, his pro­found strength not sta­ble pro­mo­tion under as­sid­u­ous prac­tice, but fol­lows times big wave big bil­lows.
That time he, for Float­ing Cloud City Xiao Lie and Xiao Lingxi, such as at this mo­ment so in­com­pa­ra­ble hope pro­found strength. Under this hope, he ini­tially ar­rives at New Moon City, does not hes­i­tate to pro­voke in the city major sect, to Blue Wind Pro­found Palace, after his di­rect chal­lenge im­pe­r­ial store­house day list dis­ci­ple..., for a big­ger break­through, alone force­fully goes to Waste­land of Death.
Was sup­pressed under Heav­enly Sword Villa, he eats the meat of Flame Dragon, drinks the blood of Flame Dragon...
In Pri­mor­dial Pro­found Ark, space storm of that ratio night­mare also fear...
Golden Crow Light­ning Flame Val­ley, he held Lit­tle Demon Em­press to leap the death sea of fire...
Be­fore he ar­rives at God Realm, the final two leaps, one time Phoenix Pri­mor­dial Yin from Feng Xue'er, one time, is the dark­ness under Cloud's End Cliff awak­ens.
He walks on Pro­found Dao, as if has never had un­event­ful and pro­ceeds in an or­derly way.
His des­tiny added the body, this point, Jas­mine more than once has said him. But, lets his such quick growth, what are more is var­i­ous dan­ger­ous sit­u­a­tions, ad­verse cir­cum­stances, dan­ger­ous sit­u­a­tion, hope­less sit­u­a­tion and dead bound­ary... It is not able to count Qing to have with the death in­clud­ing him many time brushed past.
Can say, all that he has now, is he uses the life and holds to read to wres­tle.
„30 months... Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm... must try to find the so­lu­tion... Even if re­sorts to all means!!”
Cut-throat hos­til­ity surges in the Yun Che's pupil soul, but this hos­til­ity ac­tu­ally does not aim at any enemy, but is he.
„Well well? Are the mas­ters, what you mak­ing? Why sud­denly the ap­pear­ance of good vi­tal­ity?”
Sword hilt Baozhuli, Hong'er rare has not fallen asleep, is star­ing the ver­mil­ion eye to visit him greatly, on the small face full is cu­ri­ous. Be­cause the Yun Che pre­sent ap­pear­ance some­what is in­deed scary, look­ing fierce must eat fe­ro­cious beast of per­son likely.
„Re­gard­less of dif­fi­cult, I cer­tain... Must see Jas­mine.” Yun Che closes tightly the tooth say­ing: „Hong'er, you also cer­tainly very much think your Jas­mine Elder Sis­ter.”
Jas­mine is God­dess of space, in the char­ac­ter who God Realm keeps aloof. Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm can only be dust par­ti­cle gen­eral ex­is­tence in her eyes. If a I such thresh­old is un­able to step over... I have any qual­i­fi­ca­tions to ap­pear in her life again.
„Well... Prob­a­bly has thinks lit­tle.” Hong'er crooked head, not too def­i­nite [say / way].
„~! @#¥%...” Yun Che has pulled out the cor­ners of the mouth, deeply in­spires, thought aloud: „Par­tic­i­pates in the Pro­found God Con­fer­ence con­di­tion is age sixty-years cycle below, pro­found strength is not lower than Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm. Wants me to achieve Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm be­fore age of the sixty-years cycle, I may say thou­sand times of self-con­fi­dence. But, at pre­sent... Two -and-a-half years... How I should do...”
„Clamps...? Why can the mas­ters clamp it­self? Is where is un­com­fort­able?” Hong'er red ten­der flow­ery lips opened.
Yun Che grasps crazily: „Is sixty-years cycle! It is not the clip! sixty-years cycle is the 60-year-old mean­ing!”
„60 years old, big! Will the mas­ters at age 60, turn also into the grand­fa­ther?” Hong'er blinked, but also quite some­what is wor­ried bit under has pointed.
„Nat­u­rally can­not! My 6000 years old also and a pre­sent ap­pear­ance.” Yun Che showed the whites of the eyes: This at least 1.01 mil­lion lit­tle girl, feels all right to think un­ex­pect­edly 60 years old very old...
The words said that will take my pre­sent cul­ti­vat­ing as, unique blood­line, the life should al­ready in 6000 above.
The con­geal­ing eye­brow thinks, Yun Che puts down Heaven Smit­ing Sword grad­u­ally, then took up one to glit­ter slowly the strange blue light, round bead that glit­ter­ing and translu­cent carv­ing such as cold ice con­gealed.
Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill!!
This is first God Realm med­i­cine pill that he con­tacts, its aura, be­fore is far from Yun Che, has seen all med­i­cine pill may com­pare, to its ef­fi­cacy, knows noth­ing. Only lis­tens to other peo­ple to know it to its de­scrip­tion in the tem­pered body, and en­ergy level large scale urg­ing rises pro­found strength.
When it put out shock that ini­ti­ates, as well as Li Mingcheng and Ji Han­feng to the hope that it re­veals, is prov­ing its ef­fec­tive­ness ab­solute no small mat­ter --- . More­over, this is dur­ing the prac­tice of Di­vine Dao plane/level.
If on one­self...
But, Mu Bingyun spe­cially se­verely has also warned him, takes his cur­rent cul­ti­vat­ing as, is im­pos­si­ble to with­stand lives in this Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill ef­fi­cacy, there­fore can­not take ab­solutely ab­solutely. Even if in the fu­ture achieve­ment Di­vine Dao, must be able to take under her as­sis­tance.
Yes­ter­day, these words he kept firmly in mind, has not thought com­pletely must take Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill ea­gerly.
But now...
„Shouted...” Yun Che deep in­spi­ra­tion, pinches the fin­ger of Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill to be get­ting more and more tight.
My body has been able anti- under to de­feat the strength of Ji Han­feng this grade of Di­vine Dao pow­er­house... How can also anti- not under small med­i­cine pill!
Close to the crazy thought and to body of own Dragon God tak­ing ad­van­tage, Yun Che is fi­nally ruth­less clenches teeth, a fin­ger ball, the Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill ball en­trance , of being duty-bound not to turn back swal­lows.
Buzz ---
In a flash, com­pletely with­out enough time flash of re­sponse, Yun Che's body sud­denly one cold, in the brain, has heard one sadly buzz cry.
Was sim­i­lar to frozen thou­sands of year glac­i­ers has blasted open in his body sud­denly, bound­less cold qi con­gealed the in­nu­mer­able ice-cold mighty cur­rents to ex­plode to flee, even if were small­est one bunch, the fear­ful­ness of its ac­cu­mu­lated strength, by far has sur­passed the Yun Che's ex­pec­ta­tion.
Yun Che such as in deep sor­row, was knelt all of a sud­den the ground. ice-cold aura, he does not fear again, but, this after is Di­vine Dao plane/level med­i­cine pill, can let the ef­fi­cacy that Di­vine Essence Realm the strength can sig­nif­i­cantly pro­mote in a short time.
Yun Che clenches teeth stub­bornly, in the mouth sends out the groan of pain, the body that al­most must lose con­trol of ac­tu­ally in nearly the move­ment of dis­tor­tion sits the pos­i­tive, for­mi­da­ble willpower lit­tle strongly trans­fers whole body pro­found qi to try to guide to go in all di­rec­tions the fear­ful ef­fi­cacy.
I cer­tain... Must sup­port...
A blue light reap­pears on Yun Che's, al­though this blue light ice-cold, is not docile, in­stead hot tem­pered flee­ing like flame.
Not is only his body sur­face, his body, each blood, each merid­i­ans, each cell, al­ready by same blue light com­plete flood­ing, seep­age and pack­age. Under this con­di­tion, if can­not with­stand the vi­o­lent ef­fi­cacy slightly, with­out doubt is the whole body com­pletely waste frigid as­pect.
But, Yun Che ac­tu­ally not only has not gone to try vi­o­lent ef­fi­cacy guid­ance or scat­ters to out­side the body, in­stead draws by pro­found qi fully, courses Pro­found Vein and whole body merid­i­ans, he wants not only sup­ports, but must achieve ab­sorp­tion as far as pos­si­ble to build up!
The blue light is get­ting stronger and stronger, is get­ting more and more hot tem­pered, likely by the blue fire that the strong winds sway, the at­mos­phere of prac­tice room also changes, around Yun Che's, pre­sented one to have sev­eral feet big pale blue vac­uum un­ex­pect­edly fully.
Even if Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill in Ice Phoenix God Sect, be­longs to con­sid­er­able high level med­i­cine pill, al­though very small, ac­tu­ally con­gealed to melt the pro­found core source strength of high level ice beast by the Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake pool of water, the ef­fi­cacy was quite vi­o­lent. Di­vine Soul Realm Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple alone builds up is very re­luc­tantly, Di­vine Essence Realm must as­sist to build up by at least the Di­vine Spirit Realm pow­er­house, alone builds up, not dif­fer­ent court­ing death.
As for Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm... that is pure court­ing death.
That let alone, Yun Che starts, is Mu Feng­shu leaves Li Mingcheng spe­cially, is in Cold Snow Palace this re­ward Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill ef­fi­cacy strongest one, pro­found core source strength that con­tains, an ice beast from Di­vine Soul Realm In­ter­me­di­ate stage!
If under cloth­ing/tak­ing this Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill is not Yun Che, but is other one with his same plane/level pro­found prac­ti­tioner, under the ef­fi­cacy re­lease, only need the short sev­eral breaths, then meet Pro­found Vein to ex­plode bro­ken, the in­side and out­side all de­stroy, the whole per­son changes to place to ice the pow­der di­rectly.
The pro­tec­tion of strength of body and Rage God of Evil God's Pro­found Vein and Dragon God... These, are the cap­i­tal and tak­ing ad­van­tage that he dares so to fight tooth and nail!!
The Yun Che's body the bal­loon­ing, shrinks from time to time from time to time sud­denly, the sweat drenches like the rain­storm falls, changes to place to ice the dregs im­me­di­ately, grad­u­ally, his skin, started to turn into more and more grave blue color, only had „ka ka” sound that his space be­tween teeth sent out un­ceas­ingly, was prov­ing will that he has not al­ways col­lapsed.


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