Thursday, December 28, 2017

1500: Makes Virus, screens target

HK :: VOLUME #15
#1500: Makes Virus, screens target
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Emer­ald Build­ing, Base­ment Fifth Floor, Core Ma­chine Room re­gion.
Tao Wenx­ian stands by Shi Lei's, lis­ten­ing to Shi Lei to say one after an­other Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant Safety ac­ci­dent, his whole body can­not help but shiv­ered, the com­plex­ion was very pale.
When Shi Lei de­cided when at­tack Wo Sang Na­tion Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant, why did Tao Wenx­ian ques­tion the Shi Lei's de­ci­sion? Be­cause Tao Wenx­ian be­lieves that the at­tack Nu­clear Power Plant pro­ce­dure is ex­tremely ex­treme, is easy to cause the ca­su­al­ties of nu­mer­ous dawn.
But on pro­cess­ing Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant issue, seems Wo Sang Na­tion does not care, this makes Tao Wenx­ian feel one like fool.
„[Jazz], told you again a news, mak­ing you have a look at Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant and Tokyo Elec­tric­ity Com­pany, was ac­tu­ally what coun­te­nance!” The Shi Lei right hand in the void cen­ter point sev­eral, [Izual] re­lated in­for­ma­tion, in the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, will have demon­strated im­me­di­ately.
Tao Wenx­ian is ex­am­in­ing re­lated in­for­ma­tion, the com­plex­ion is uglier.
LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, is demon­strat­ing from 1979 to 1998, the Num­ber One unit that Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant stands, ex­am­ines the re­ac­tor main steam pipe cur­rent ca­pac­ity mea­sure­ment data, has en­coun­tered 28 times dis­tor­tions, thus con­ceals se­cu­rity risk.
Mean­while, three Nu­clear Power Plant of Tokyo Elec­tric­ity Com­pany, in amount­ing to 199 pe­ri­odic in­spec­tions, has dis­cov­ered se­cu­rity risk, but was con­cealed.
Face of Tao Wenx­ian =
The color is very pale, a lit­tle bit cold sweat keeps down­ward drops, his voice crabbed start to talk said: „Big Brother Stone, our Na­tion(s) Nu­clear Power Plant. Also is this?”
Shi Lei shakes the head, „be­fore No!, I have said that Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant has op­er­ated close Forty year. The equip­ment cor­ro­sion of nu­mer­ous gets older, Tokyo Elec­tric­ity Com­pany uses the pro­ce­dure of being con­cealed and un­re­ported, re­duces solves the se­cu­rity risk open­ing cap­i­tal. Our Na­tion(s) Nu­clear Power Plant, is very com­pletely new, does not have any big issue.”
Tao Wenx­ian re­laxed, „that is good, that is good!” After say­ing. Tao Wenx­ian deeply in­spired, said to Shi Lei: „Big Brother Stone, sorry. Be­fore should not sus­pect you, please for­give.”
Shi Lei has pat­ted the shoul­der of Tao Wenx­ian, „[Jazz], does not need to care. Ac­tu­ally you pre­vent me. I was very in­stead happy. If, you with­out con­sid­er­ing the rights and wrongs, then ac­cepted my re­quest, that will make me be wor­ried.”
Tao Wenx­ian has smiled hap­pily, among them the awk­ward­ness, elim­i­nates in the flash. „Big Brother Stone, if we want to in­vade Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant, what com­plete Plan you do have?”
When Shi Lei has not replied. Tao Wenx­ian con­tin­ues say­ing: „My opin­ion is, we have made through USB dis­sem­i­na­tion Virus. In­vests it into not hav­ing the In­ter­net en­vi­ron­ment, should we mon­i­tor it? Or its how de­ter­mine tar­get?”
Shi Lei says with a smile: „We do not need to mon­i­tor it!”
„Why?” Tao Wenx­ian puz­zled [say / way].
Shi Lei hit a sound to refer , the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, was demon­strat­ing Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant in­dus­try Con­trol Sys­tem re­lated in­for­ma­tion.
„[Jazz], we have the in­dus­try Con­trol Sys­tem de­tailed plan that Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant stands, we in view of in­dus­try Con­trol Sys­tem, com­pile Tro­jan Horse Virus, then goes in the order pre­in­stall, mak­ing Virus de­ter­mine should carry on any­thing to op­er­ate.” In the Shi Lei ex­pres­sion, brings to wipe Crazy.
The Tao Wenx­ian ex­pres­sion is sur­prised, „how wants achiev­ing to make Virus de­ter­mine op­er­ate, Virus that we man­u­fac­ture, vol­ume per­haps not small Right?”
Shi Lei nods with a smile, „these are not issue! So long as our Virus hide well, does not need to be wor­ried that was dis­cov­ered. After all, our time prop­a­ga­tion modes, not through net­work, but through USB dis­sem­i­na­tion.”
„Good, Big Brother Stone, I will study care­fully!” Tao Wenx­ian set firm re­solve, these time in view of Wo Sang Na­tion Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant, makes a time earth­shak­ing in­va­sion side case.
If pure stand­ing in Hacker view­point issue, in­vades Nu­clear Power Plant, that is a very rous­ing chal­lenge.
„Èn! I screen tar­get, arranged ahead of time!” Shi Lei def­i­nitely was say­ing. „The de­sign con­cept of Tro­jan Horse Virus, I have trans­mit­ted to you, you refer much.”
Tao Wenx­ian nods, „Big Brother Stone, I can as soon as pos­si­ble ac­com­plish!”
Shi Lei has not spo­ken, has pat­ted the shoul­der of Tao Wenx­ian, turns around to leave Tao Wenx­ian Safety Room, re­turns to own Safety Room.
„[Izual], Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant 868 in of­fice did per­son­nel, how an­a­lyze?” Shi Lei was in­quir­ing [Izual].
To in­vade Nu­clear Power Plant Tro­jan Horse Virus, im­plants Nu­clear Power Plant in­ter­nal IPC Sys­tem, must draw sup­port from Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant in­ter­nal staff per­son­nel.
If no in­ter­nal staff per­son­nel help of Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant, even if Shi Lei has the Hacker tech­nol­ogy of ex­ceed­ingly high pen­e­trat­ing place, im­pos­si­ble to im­plant Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant in­ter­nal in­dus­try Con­trol Sys­tem Tro­jan Horse Virus.
„Sir, Sys­tem cur­rently an­a­lyzes, the Sys­tem First step in­quired Tokyo Elec­tric­ity Com­pany human re­sources in­for­ma­tion, in 868 in of­fice per­son­nel, has 42 Tool to pre­pare con­tact IPC Sys­tem au­thor­ity merely.”
„At pre­sent Sys­tem the pre­lim­i­nary ac­com­plish dis­po­si­tion side has writ­ten the work, re­moves 17 dis­po­si­tion bi­ased. Through the com­pre­hen­sive analy­sis of Sys­tem, these 17 dis­po­si­tion bi­ased, any­time and any­where is car­ry­ing the work USB, in­clud­ing in tak­ing a bath.” The [Izual] re­sponse said.
Shi Lei flipped the su­per­cil­ious look, [Izual] knows the op­po­site party in tak­ing a bath, is car­ry­ing the work USB?
„Mon­i­tors the record and Met­ro­pol­i­tan Po­lice De­part­ment po­lice records data analy­sis ac­cord­ing to the so­ci­ety, Sys­tem re­moves 9 ob­serv­ing law and dis­ci­pline. Ac­cord­ing to the Sys­tem syn­the­sis re­trieve record, these 9 ob­serv­ing law and dis­ci­pline, have not oc­curred in­clud­ing traf­fic ci­ta­tion, every day the com­ing and going to work is very punc­tual, does not have any night­club to seek plea­sure with the al­co­holic in­tox­i­ca­tion record.”
Shi Lei nod­ded, def­i­nitely [Izual]'s de­ter­mine. per­son­nel that like this ob­serves law and dis­ci­pline, does not have the op­por­tu­nity to start gen­er­ally!
„Other 16 in of­fice per­son­nel?” Shi Lei in­quired.
„please wait a mo­ment, sir, Sys­tem cur­rently an­a­lyzes the sur­plus tar­get sit­u­a­tions.” [Izual] had not replied im­me­di­ately, but in analy­sis.
Al­though tar­get re­duced 16 tar­get, but each tar­get, [Izual] needs to an­a­lyze many data, wanted to im­prove the speed not to be pos­si­ble.
„Sir, sur­plus 16 tar­get an­a­lyze, first re­moves 7 non- net­work user tar­get. Ac­cord­ing to the analy­sis of Sys­tem, these 7 tar­get age com­pletely over 55 years old, Sys­tem not in hous­ing ad­dress that tar­get cor­re­sponds, dis­cov­ers In­ter­net ac­cess.” [Izual] re­moved 7 tar­get once more, only re­main­ing 9 pos­si­bil­i­ties tar­get.
Shi Lei nods, was wait­ing for [Izual]'s con­tin­ues to an­a­lyze.
„Sur­plus nine tar­get, re­move 7 to be firm and res­olute once more, vig­i­lant psy­cho­log­i­cal higher tar­get, Sys­tem chooses two tar­get. First tar­get is 28-year-old Kato Kon, un­mar­ried otaku, dis­po­si­tion in­tro­vert(ed) and Black Belly, usu­ally like the dwelling at home sur­face, but on the va­ca­tion, will then go to Ginza and Shibuya, seeks for aid ser­vice.” The [Izual] analy­sis said.
The Shi Lei ex­pres­sion stares slightly, can­not bear sigh: „[Izual], act cute, is not Good Sys­tem!”
„Sir, Sys­tem is un­able to un­der­stand act cute opin­ion.” After [Izual] re­sponse , to con­tinue to give in­for­ma­tion, „Sec­ond tar­get is 32-year-old Iijima Sora, the un­mar­ried fe­male, the Sys­tem dis­po­si­tion side writes the re­sult to be void for the emo­tion, was at­tracted by the ma­ture man eas­ily. And, Sys­tem in Wo Sang Na­tion Guest­house reg­is­ters in Sys­tem, dis­cov­ers the Iijima Sora reg­is­tra­tion record re­peat­edly.” [Izual] has re­ported Sec­ond tar­get.
Shi Lei flipped the su­per­cil­ious look, al­though the sum­mary con­tent of [Izual] analy­sis has that lit­tle strange, but has say­ing that tar­get of [Izual] choice, lo­cates very ac­cu­rately.
Two tar­get both have the re­spec­tive weak­ness, so long as looked for the weak­ness, Shi Lei then can im­plant in their USB Tro­jan Horse Virus, with the aid of their USB, spread to Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant in­dus­try Con­trol Sys­tem Tro­jan Horse Virus again.
Shi Lei is pon­der­ing, ac­tu­ally should choose First tar­get Kato Kon, is Sec­ond tar­get Iijima Sora. If chooses First tar­get Kato Kon, best plan, ex­actly as stated through en­tic­ing Kato Kon, thus short gain Kato Kon USB right of use.
But Shi Lei, does not have any ap­pro­pri­ate im­ple­ment per­son­nel tem­porar­ily. Even if there is ap­pro­pri­ate im­ple­ment per­son­nel, Shi Lei is not will­ing to make im­ple­ment per­son­nel sac­ri­fice it­self.
Sec­ond tar­get, Shi Lei sub­or­di­nate(s) has ap­pro­pri­ate im­ple­ment per­son­nel ac­tu­ally, they do not mind im­ple­ment this Task! data that pro­vides from [Izual], al­though the Iijima Sora age is 32 years old, but the ap­pear­ance and stature are good.
„Makes me think that ac­tu­ally should dis­patch Ye Feng, is Ma Liang, or does Zheng San­pao go to im­ple­ment Task?” Shi Lei is con­sid­er­ing the [say / way].
In the Nanyue Na­tion three peo­ple, does not know that they by the Shi Lei car­ing, had been pre­pared to sell to a sin­gle lonely fe­male them!
Had pon­dered slightly, Shi Lei all shook the head to deny the an­swer, be­cause the Ye Feng three peo­ple of ages were in­suf­fi­cient, did not have the ma­ture fla­vor, per­haps is un­able ac­com­plish Task.
This time Task is es­sen­tial, does not con­tain the least bit ac­ci­dent, Shi Lei must con­sider com­pletely.
„Should two tar­get also choose!” Shi Lei pat­ted started, al­though Shi Lei sub­or­di­nate(s) in­deed did not have to process Kato Kon im­ple­ment per­son­nel ap­pro­pri­ately, but Shi Lei can seek for the col­lab­o­ra­tor in Wo Sang Na­tion!
Kato Kon is not likes going to Shibuya and Ginza in any case, seeks for aid ser­vice? Shi Lei can def­i­nitely arrange per­son­nel, tracks Kato Kon, then ahead of time in Shibuya and Ginza, pre­pares aid ser­vice per­son­nel. In sit­u­a­tion that thus in Kato Kon does not know, use Kato Kon USB.
This Plan, only flaw, ex­actly as stated aid ser­vice per­son­nel, must let op­po­site party con­ser­v­a­tive se­cret. Nat­u­rally, the con­ser­v­a­tive se­cret way had many types, but for­ever shut­ting up, ab­solutely is not the best method. Be­cause, Shi Lei [Hope] does not leave be­hind flaw. Pro­vides against con­tin­gen­cies Wo Sang Na­tion to carry on in­ves­ti­gate, thus in­volves Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group.
„Sir, Sys­tem in­quired to con­form to Sec­ond tar­get im­ple­ment per­son­nel!” [Izual] is prompt­ing Shi Lei.


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