Sunday, December 31, 2017

1015: Xuanyin seductive woman

#1015: Xuanyin seductive woman
Comments 182
„Has the issue?” The re­sponse of Mu Huanzhi, lets the Mu Xu­anyin slightly sink­ing eye­brow.
Mu Huanzhi said hastily: „Huanzhi has taken down com­pletely, will begin to man­age im­me­di­ately.... Wood Spirit Race these years mostly hid­den in threat small Low-Rank Star Realm, and re­gard­less of Wood Spirit or Wood Spirit Bead, al­ways in pri­vate buys and sells, can only send for some Low-Rank Star Realm seek­ing in se­cret, but whether to find 70% spirit strength above, then must look at the des­tiny.”
„As for Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade and Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass,” Mu Huanzhi slightly spits the one breath: „Huanzhi can only with every ef­fort for it.”
Why he may I ask Mu Xu­anyin to seek for these things sud­denly.
„The quicker the bet­ter.” Mu Xu­anyin said: „If there is a news, but you can­not for it, first in­form this king.”
„Yes.” Mu Huanzhi at heart one thump. Her words clearly in­di­cated that these things she wants is quite anx­ious, but these four things are far from every thing, must get so far as one es­pe­cially to be dif­fi­cult in a short time, let alone four.
„Sect Mas­ter, about Qilin Horn, some Huanzhi ac­tu­ally fea­tures.”
„Oh?” the Mu Xu­anyin vi­sion has leaned: „Said!”
„Yes.” Mu Huanzhi re­called slightly that then said re­spect­fully: „Two years ago, Huanzhi ac­ci­den­tally hears from Yun­zhi there prob­a­bly, at the be­gin­ning of Ice Wind Im­pe­r­ial Fam­ily that Mu Hanyi comes then, has im­pe­r­ial fam­ily sa­cred relic, Ice Wind Em­pire founds a na­tion ex­isted, it is said ac­ci­den­tally digs from ten thou­sand zhang (3.33 m) ice­field, may be com­plete Ice Qilin's horn ex­tremely, thus re­gards as town coun­try sa­cred relic, has spread 70,000-80,000 years in Ice Wind Im­pe­r­ial Fam­ily.”
„... Since is town coun­try sa­cred relic, hid away was so long, why Mu Hanyi must dis­close this mat­ter to Mu Yun­zhi on own ini­tia­tive.” Mu Xu­anyin cold sound track. Mu Yun­zhi will know this mat­ter, is Mu Hanyi in­forms with­out a doubt.
„This...” On Mu Huanzhi face micro presently ga color: „Ac­cord­ing to Yun­zhi, rea­son that Mu Hanyi and she men­tioned that Ice Qilin's horn, was Ice Wind Monarch had then de­cided be­fore the sev­eral years, if Mu Hanyi can be­come Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple, Ice Wind Monarch will then hide away sev­eral thou­sand years of town coun­try sa­cred relic to offer this in Sect Mas­ter, to re­port the gra­cious­ness of Sect Mas­ter.”
„Snort, he may re­ally have a mind!” Mu Xu­anyin coldly said.
Mu Huanzhi said: „East­ern God Ter­ri­tory Qilin ex­ter­mi­nated for hun­dreds of thou­sands of years, seeks Qilin Horn only to go to West­ern God Ter­ri­tory, is not quite easy. If Ice Wind Em­pire has Qilin Horn is, that is nat­u­rally good. Has half a month again, Mu Hanyi will then re­turn to Ice Wind Em­pire to at­tend his fa­ther mil­len­nium birth­days, mak­ing him bring back then, or... Does Huanzhi by one­self leave to take now?”
If Mu Xu­anyin spoke, Ice Wind Em­pire was 10,000 courage, only had obe­di­ently to offer.
„No need.” Mu Xu­anyin ac­tu­ally over­rules: „The words that this king today and you speak, do not tell any­body.”
„Low-Rank Star Realm seeks for Wood Spirit Bead, High-Rank Star Realm seeks Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade and Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass news darkly, re­mem­bers the arrange­ment enough re­li­able per­son. Did not need to man­age as for Qilin Horn, es­pe­cially do not dis­close that to Yun­zhi and Mu Hanyi, you went.”
„Yes.” Mu Huanzhi has doubts at heart myr­iad, but must draw back in a hurry.
In the wind and snow, Mu Xu­anyin turns around slowly, the cold star dou­ble pupil changed the re­mote north, in­ter­labial has chanted in a low voice: „Ice Wind Em­pire...”
Does not know that the stu­por how long, Yun Che woke, the con­scious­ness just re­cov­ered, then felt that in­nu­mer­able [say / way] cool bit­ing cold aura are emerg­ing his body, mak­ing him in­stan­ta­neously sober.
Opens the eye, in the line of sight is Wang Jing­shui, the dis­tant place, is flood the col­ored glaze bril­liance strange flower and grass, aura that the tip of the nose trans­mits is pass­ing peak the pu­rity of ice-cold and peak again.
Here is... Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake!
His en­tire body, is soak­ing in Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, body all wounds van­ished do not see, mind is in­com­pa­ra­ble clear un­der­stand­ing.
In brain the mem­ory be­fore fast reap­pear­ing stu­por, he re­leases Dragon Soul, after was in­stant sober ex­hausts pounds fully to own fore­head, then...
„Oh? such quickly awoke.”
The sound of ten­der soft as wadding, makes hazy within Yun Che im­me­di­ately a whole body hemp, the bone micro crisply, his sub­con­scious turn­ing the head, to he not far pool above, the Mu Xu­anyin ease side lies down there, falls on ten thou­sand fresh out­stand­ingly beau­ti­ful beau­ti­ful faces to bring to seem to be faint smile that does not have.
As Yun Che's wakes up, her side slowly sits, the snow clothes next pair also wants the slen­der point com­pared with Mu Feixue ** nat­ural over­lap, the male ser­vant rubs seemed to be that a basil in­un­dates qui­etly, mak­ing the Yun Che brains smoke, un­ex­pect­edly was di­rectly ig­no­rant there.
„Che'er, your body, is ab­sorb­ing water of Heav­enly Lake cold qi prob­a­bly, this also be­cause of the Evil God's strength?”
Mu Xu­anyin dig­ni­fied heart­less, Snow Song Realm is known to every­body, no­body dares to touch, even if proud and ar­ro­gant Yun Che, does not dare to have the least bit be­fore her ab­solutely hur­riedly. But at this time, his front Mu Xu­anyin pupil light is sure to spook­ily, the beau­ti­ful face en­chant­ing flood, flow­ery lips such as spits the pis­til in bud, each char­ac­ter com­pletely is the soft and gen­tle words gen­tle voice.
When one such as he ini­tially sees, by his slip of the tongue shouted „Big Breasted Se­nior Sis­ter” se­duc­tively at­trac­tive girl...
Yun Che does not know one ig­no­rant how long, all of a sud­den wakes up, sets out from Heav­enly Lake hastily: „Mas­ter...”
The words just ex­ported, he felt sud­denly the cool feel­ing is some­what un­usual, sub­con­scious low­er­ing the head, sees im­pres­sively own whole body un­ex­pect­edly is stark naked, he one star­tled, im­me­di­ately like re­ceiv­ing an elec­tric shock in re­tract­ing Heav­enly Lake, among the state of mind chaos, for­gets to grasp clothes to put from Sky Poi­son Pearl im­me­di­ately.
The Yun Che's em­bar­rass­ment, lets Mu Xu­anyin chuckle smiles ten­derly, the flow­er­ing branch that smiles shiv­ers all over, the plen­ti­ful milk-white bosom under snow clothes trem­bles to jump con­tin­u­ous, wipes daz­zlingly snow white, in trem­bling to jump al­most over­flows the lapel mouth.
At this time Mu Xu­anyin has changed a quite loose snow clothes, above still en­graves the Ice Phoenix chart mark, Ice Phoenix chart mark be­comes with ex­tremely spe­cial ice silk mark, cold light es­pe­cially is eye-catch­ing. But the jade gen­eral ice blue long hair as be­fore na­ture the mag­nif­i­cent falling in Xiang shoul­der jade back, floats the water vapor, re­sem­bled just had bathed. But the both arms have snow gauze of Bo Ru ci­cada wing, fer­tile white del­i­cate arms of pair of pow­der lotus root are partly vis­i­ble.
„Lit­tle devil, you have the Horned Dragon's Blood air/Qi, Feixue such beau­ti­ful women are ac­tu­ally not will­ing to touch, lets have to worry for the mas­ter is your body has the sick­ness, there­fore care­fully has in­spected for you. How­ever looks like, as if not any too major prob­lem.”
In­spec­tion... Body...
„~! @#¥%...” Brain that Yun Che sobers with great dif­fi­culty once more one ig­no­rant, in the brain pre­sents the pic­ture that piles of should not pre­sent com­pletely un­con­trolled, he is thrown into con­fu­sion grasped clothes to put on ca­su­ally, this time float­ing off cau­tiously from pool of water: „dis­ci­ple... thanked Hon­ored Mas­ter... care... That, Feixue she...”
After one­self knock down a mem­ory fuzzi­ness, he does not know com­pletely do one have Mu Feixue fi­nally gives...
But even if he can re­mem­ber, at this time rad­i­cally is also in­ca­pable of think­ing that be­cause of this time in­ten­tion piece of chaos, whole body has evil fires in the crazy fever, in any event is un­able to de­press, in­stead burns fiercely... Sim­ply like was once again the blood of Horned Dragon.
Mu Xu­anyin beau­ti­ful cer­tainly world, but her un­sur­passed bit­ter cold makes the whole wide world trem­ble sim­i­larly suf­fi­ciently. In Snow Song Realm, no­body's line of sight dares to have a stay of over breath on her, flame god three Sect Mas­ter that for­merly ar­rived, do not dare with her pair of cold pupil look­ing at each other.
But, Yun Che pre­sent Mu Xu­anyin, the body did not have, even if the tiny bit Wei ice, the black eye­brow col­or­ing eye­brow like the fog, the beau­ti­ful eye class hopes that in the beau­ti­ful pupil the peak pres­tige changes to be­witch­ing of peak to seize the soul coldly com­pletely, ver­ti­cal is the sit­ting pos­ture, was out­lin­ing as be­fore con­vex-con­cave fluc­tu­at­ing to let­ting per­son blood­line fell pros­trate the check per­son curve that opened, whole body each spot, each inch flesh, was send­ing out such as the mon­ster such as demon you
Yun Che's both eyes straight falling in she charms on the en­chant­ing body, how is un­able to put aside, evil fire from lower ab­domen fast spread to whole body.
„Oh? you also know that cares about Feixue.” Mu Xu­anyin soft [say / way]: „You felt re­lieved, her Pri­mor­dial Yin also, was only, she was vis­ited by you also looked, touched has also traced, not can be re­garded im­pec­ca­ble char­ac­ter. You is how many should give oth­ers a con­fes­sion?”
„...” Near the ear the ten­der soft sound pulls up swings the heart and soul, but Yun Che has al­most not ac­tu­ally heard clearly her in say­ing any­thing, an eye straight is star­ing at Mu Xu­anyin... the front, along with her sit­ting pos­ture an­tev­er­sion, the chest snow clothes falls slightly slightly, two groups of full crisp nephrite fat flood, picked a snow sparkling stone to be pro­found, looked merely eclipsed the bone ** gully, full came into the Yun Che's line of sight.
In the Yun Che's throat, hears the heav­ily swal­low­ing sound.
To has es­ti­mated be­yond sev­eral li (0.5km) to hear again.
The Yun Che whole body quickly grasps the mean­ing of some­thing im­me­di­ately, the evil fire was fright­ened has been put out much. This is not his first time swal­lows the saliva in front of Mu Xu­anyin, but for­merly ini­tially saw in Ice Phoenix Palace, he has not known that the op­po­site party is Mu Xu­anyin, but thinks that is God Hall Se­nior Sis­ter..., but now, at pre­sent is Snow Song Realm King, Ice Phoenix Sect Mas­ter, is his Hon­ored Mas­ter!
Among the Yun Che mind chaos, the the front snow shade in a flash, the fra­grant wind throws to sud­denly, the snow face of Mu Xu­anyin was near at hand, beau­ti­ful pupil fog, white hands pinch­ing gen­tly in his neck­band.
„...” Yun Che mouth big, a few words can­not say.
„For­merly in Ice Phoenix Palace, you did not rec­og­nize as the mas­ter, the spo­ken lan­guage,” the Mu Xu­anyin sound is friv­o­lously spooky, re­sem­bles soft as to be greasy: „The pre­sent is dis­ci­ple, un­ex­pect­edly also dares to have the crooked thoughts for the mas­ter, is re­ally the big courage.”
„...” Mu Xu­anyin face nearer sev­eral points, flow­ery lips of ten­der col­ored as al­most touches the Yun Che's cheeks, light Qi Jianmi is leav­ing the flower fra­grance of being in­fat­u­ated with: „You are not will­ing to want Feixue, is dif­fi­cult to be in­ad­e­quate... To ac­com­pany your dual cul­ti­va­tion for the mas­ter?”
Just like com­ing from the charm­ing light lan­guage of dream­land, mak­ing Yun Che have a parched mouth in­stan­ta­neously, within the body evil fire flies ran­domly, flees his blood­line to be hot-tem­pered ran­domly to sev­eral near rup­tur­ing.
Such near that Mu Xu­anyin leaves, the Yun Che vi­sion, then eas­ily in­vades in her loose snow clothes slightly, the soft light of lunar halo flows on her fra­grant shoul­der, is out­lin­ing the col­lar bone shiny smooth half arc, down­ward, two groups high stand tall and erect the snow fat white glar­ing again, be­cause of ex­tremely full soft Run, is only body move­ment slightly, will be trem­bling.
„,” Mu Xu­anyin sim­ply has not de­tected the Yun Che's line of sight likely, refers to the light check in the jade of his neck­band, the ob­se­quious at­ti­tude myr­iad, if dream soft and gen­tle words: „If lets come for the mas­ter, does not take two years... Only needs an evening, can make you enter Di­vine Soul.”
An evening en­ters Di­vine Soul Realm, if „nor­mal” Mu Xu­anyin under con­di­tion said these words, will de­cide how­ever will let the Yun Che ex­cited shock jumped. But Yun Che at this mo­ment is ac­tu­ally soul and body is the evil fire scur­ries about, is lis­ten­ing to her words, in the brain wants ac­tu­ally not to be an evening breaks through Di­vine Soul Realm, but per­forms is Mu Xu­anyin on him ** plate waist, re­verse waist... Pic­ture that also or lus­ter of the skin Fu Qiao under his body, re­cited per­sua­sively lightly...
Myo- Rong Jie is out­stand­ingly beau­ti­ful, frown and smile com­pletely char­ac­ter and style... This was gen­uine world out­stand­ing per­son, se­duc­tive to nearly fear­ful.


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