Thursday, December 28, 2017

1495: Second target: Exchange Rate!

HK :: VOLUME #15
#1495: Second target: Exchange Rate!
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Nan­chao Na­tion, local time, on Feb­ru­ary 15, at ex­actly 9 : 00 am, Stock Mar­ket open­ing price time.
When the flash of Stock open­ing price, the kospi200 index falls again and again, from 1100 points, ar­rived at 1010 points di­rectly, will only miss 10 points then to fall below 1000 crit­i­cal junc­tions!
Seoul City, Pres­i­den­tial Palace.
Nan­chao Na­tion Pres­i­dent Park, cur­rently hear of sub­or­di­nate(s) Fi­nan­cial Ex­pert re­port.
„Pres­i­dent, our Stock Mar­ket can­not de­fend, we are with­stand­ing the dif­fi­cult po­si­tions of in­side and out­side con­verg­ing at­tack. Na­tion(s), has prob­a­bly 100 Bil­lion to 1 20 Bil­lion US Dol­lar fund, Short Sell(ing) our Stock bulk lots. The over­seas float­ing cap­i­tal, has sur­passed 4000 hun­dred mil­lion US Dol­lar to enter the mar­ket at pre­sent, and quan­tity of over­seas float­ing cap­i­tal, cur­rently fast in­crease!” Wears gold-rimmed glasses, looks like the re­fined mid­dle-aged per­son, re­ports to say to Pres­i­dent Park.
Pres­i­dent Park nod­ded slightly, then looks to an­other wear sim­ple old man, in­quired: „Pro­fes­sor Jin, what view do you have?”
Hair gray Pro­fes­sor Jin, frowns say­ing: „Pres­i­dent Park, I and Pro­fes­sor Wen view is con­sis­tent. Our Stock Mar­ket, def­i­nitely can­not de­fend.”
It looks like re­fined, is bring­ing gold-rimmed glasses Pro­fes­sor Wen, re­veals wipes the smug look, „ac­cord­ing to my es­ti­mate, fi­nally en­ters our Stock Mar­ket over­seas float­ing cap­i­tal, should sur­pass One Tril­lion US Dol­lar. Even if there is a dis­par­ity, will not miss too much. How can we pos­si­bly de­fend Stock Mar­ket?”
The brow of Pres­i­dent Park deeply wrin­kled.
In the Pro­fes­sor Jin eye flashes through a help­less­ness, opens the mouth say­ing: „Pres­i­dent Park, al­though we can­not de­fend Stock Mar­ket, but we want snipe these In­ter­na­tional Float­ing Cap­i­tal as be­fore, we must show a courage of cross­ing the ru­bi­con, can kill the enemy 1000 to dam­age 800 pass dif­fi­cul­ties.”
Pres­i­dent Park had not replied that was younger than Pro­fes­sor Wen then to shout Pro­fes­sor Jin. „Pro­fes­sor Jin, do you know, if we want the snipe over­seas float­ing cap­i­tal. How many funds needs to lose ap­prox­i­mately? Do you know that our For­eign Ex­change re­serves do have 2980 hun­dred mil­lion US Dol­lar merely? Do you know. Our Na­tion(s) Bank back­log, but can also sta­bi­lize the do­mes­tic sit­u­a­tion?”
Pro­fes­sor Jin was closely ex­am­ined again and again, has not replied Pro­fes­sor Wen issue, but looked to Pres­i­dent Park, waited for the reply of Pres­i­dent Park.
Pres­i­dent Park has pon­dered the mo­ment, af­ter­ward in­quired: „Pro­fes­sor Wen, if we choose rob­bing of snipe In­ter­na­tional Float­ing Cap­i­tal, we need to in­vest many funds. How many funds also pos­si­bly loses?”
Mid­dle-aged per­son Pro­fes­sor Wen shot a look at Pro­fes­sor Jin, in the eye has been full of the pleased ex­pres­sion. Be­cause, Pro­fes­sor Jin in the past was Fi­nan­cial As­pects First per­son-in-charge. But today, Pro­fes­sor Wen saw Dawn, raises Dawn of throne Pro­fes­sor Jin.
Pro­fes­sor Wen had pon­dered, opens the mouth say­ing that „Pres­i­dent Park, ac­cord­ing to my com­pu­ta­tion, we need to in­vest close 500 Bil­lion US Dol­lar, ap­prox­i­mately lose 1500 to 2000 hun­dred mil­lion US Dol­lar. Can re­sist the over­seas float­ing cap­i­tal at­tack.”
1500 hun­dred mil­lion US Dol­lar, are 2000 hun­dred mil­lion US Dol­lar, is not a small num­ber. Even if re­gard­ing Xia Na­tion, is not the small num­ber.
The brow of Pres­i­dent Park wrin­kled, loses 1500 to 2000 hun­dred mil­lion US Dol­lar in Stock Mar­ket, this huge re­spon­si­bil­ity, is im­pos­si­ble to un­der­take. Oth­er­wise, Pres­i­dent Park can only wait for is im­peached, even the en­tire cab­i­net, col­lec­tively takes the blame and re­signs.
„Pro­fes­sor Jin, why do we want snipe these In­ter­na­tional Float­ing Cap­i­tal?” Pres­i­dent Park was in­quir­ing Pro­fes­sor Jin. After all Pro­fes­sor Jin is Fi­nan­cial As­pects issue Chief Con­sul­tant Ex­pert, Pres­i­dent Park [Hope] Pro­fes­sor Jin has every rea­son.
How­ever. Pro­fes­sor Jin ac­tu­ally slightly shakes the head, „Pres­i­dent. I only said my view. Our Na­tion(s) eco­nomic sit­u­a­tion is very bad, is not only Stock Mar­ket has Dan­ger, even is our Won and US Dol­lar Ex­change Rate , has big Dan­ger. If, we do not wres­tle at risk of life, dis­plays one type with the psy­chol­ogy that In­ter­na­tional Float­ing Cap­i­tal fights to the death, they will not sat­isfy the in­ter­ests that Stock Mar­ket gets sim­ply. Stock Mar­ket ben­e­fit, to Ex­change Rate Mar­ket, but also small lit­tle.”
Pres­i­dent Park look in great sur­prise, in­tense in­quiry: „Pro­fes­sor Jin, what you said is real?”
If Stock Mar­ket col­lapsed, Nan­chao Na­tion can also ac­cept, after all, how Stock Mar­ket col­lapses again, can­not be too big re­gard­ing the in­flu­ence of Or­di­nary per­son. But Ex­change Rate Mar­ket is dif­fer­ent, if Ex­change Rate Mar­ket pre­sented issue, cur­rency rel­a­tive de­pre­ci­a­tion, cor­re­spon­dence is the price rises.
For ex­am­ple cur­rency de­pre­ci­ates 50%, 100 Yuan com­modi­ties orig­i­nally, then need 200 Yuan, but cur­rency that in a short time, in the peo­ple hand grasps not dou­bled and re-dou­bled in­crease of num­ber, then re­gard­ing the life of peo­ple, will have the se­ri­ous in­flu­ence, will cre­ate the peo­ple tur­moil.
Pro­fes­sor Jin earnest nod, „nat­u­rally real. Thinks in 1997 that fi­nan­cial [Storm]! At that time, no one be­lieves that they dared at­tack Na­tion(s) Ex­change Rate Sys­tem, but weren't they at­tack? More­over has made very good progress!”
„Joke!” Pro­fes­sor Wen sneers, „Pro­fes­sor Jin, the pre­sent will be in 2008, dis­tance that fi­nance [Storm], passed for ten years. Our fi­nan­cial sys­tems are more per­fect, our Na­tion(s) Bank re­serve are more, we and Li Jian Na­tion re­la­tions are closer, how do they dare at­tack our Ex­change Rate Sys­tem?”
„Why doesn't dare?” Pro­fes­sor Jin asked back.
Pro­fes­sor Wen is sim­i­lar to a en­raged lion, high sound track: „They do not dare! Be­cause here is Nan­chao Na­tion! We are De­vel­oped Na­tion, we have the In­ter­na­tional Mon­e­tary Fund good credit rat­ing, we have the sup­port of World Bank, we have the sup­port of Li Jian Na­tion, we have Cer­tain Vic­tory all con­di­tions, how do they dare?”
„Su­per­fi­cial!” What Pro­fes­sor Jin has not said that but sneers say­ing that „is not own, even­tu­ally is not own, at­tempts to ob­tain oth­ers' help, but why will oth­ers help you in the crit­i­cal junc­ture? All has been said!” Pro­fes­sor Jin likes the Xia Na­tion cul­ture, can al­ways un­know­ingly, say some Xia Na­tion idiom lit­er­ary ref­er­ences.
Pres­i­dent Park has rubbed the tem­ples, looks at Pro­fes­sor Jin, in­quired: „Pro­fes­sor Jin, if we save Stock Mar­ket, cer­tainly will lose 1500 to 2000 hun­dred mil­lion US Dol­lar, isn't that right?”
Pro­fes­sor Jin nods.
„If we do not save Stock Mar­ket, this fund, in­vests into Ex­change Rate Sys­tem, once In­ter­na­tional Float­ing Cap­i­tal at­tempts at­tack our Ex­change Rate Sys­tem, we do save Ex­change Rate Sys­tem again, how many ap­prox­i­mately lose?” Pres­i­dent Park opin­ion is, does not res­cue Stock Mar­ket, but takes strict pre­cau­tions against to cling to tena­ciously Ex­change Rate Sys­tem.
The Pro­fes­sor Jin ex­pres­sion was star­tled slightly, smiles bit­terly to stand, „Pres­i­dent, this issue, my un­able to an­swer. The pre­sent was the young­ster world, today within, I will pre­sent the per­son­nel my res­ig­na­tion re­port. In me fi­nally, is the time of fi­nan­cial Ad­viser Chief, I in­sisted that own opin­ion, we rather lose 1500 to 2000 hun­dred mil­lion US Dol­lar, must show the de­ter­mi­na­tion of burn both jade and com­mon stone, mak­ing In­ter­na­tional Float­ing Cap­i­tal not dare to spell with us hardly, with­draws from our Nan­chao Na­tion money mar­ket on own ini­tia­tive!”
After say­ing, Pro­fes­sor Jin turns around the exit / to speak to­ward con­fer­ence room to walk, has not re­turned. This past sixty years of age, of­fered the life to the Na­tion(s) old per­son, in this mo­ment, re­lated to the Na­tion(s) fu­ture des­tiny the time, was ac­tu­ally not ap­proved by Na­tion(s), his feel­ing like a knife twist­ing in the heart gen­eral ache. So the sit­u­a­tion, mak­ing him think of Xia Na­tion An­cient Era Yue Fei.
‚Per­haps, goes to Xia Na­tion to travel, is a good choice.’ Pro­fes­sor Jin raised went to the Xia Na­tion thought.
In the con­fer­ence room, Pro­fes­sor Wen hides in the gold-rimmed glasses later look, dis­closed that wipes cloudy and cold, ‚old east and west|thing, you got the hell out fi­nally, from now on, my Wen Chang name, is Chief Fi­nan­cial Con­sul­tant!’
As Pro­fes­sor Jin de­parts, in the con­fer­ence room, the at­mos­phere was some­what silent.
Waited for about two min­utes, Pres­i­dent Park in­quired: „Stock Mar­ket sit­u­a­tion about our Na­tion(s), what view every­body has? Ac­tu­ally we should use the Pro­fes­sor Jin plan, chooses the dis­posal rec­om­men­da­tion of Pro­fes­sor Wen?”
Other Fi­nan­cial Ex­pert and pol­icy Spe­cial­ist, you have a look at me, I have a look at you, af­ter­ward looked to­gether to Pro­fes­sor Wen, after Pro­fes­sor Jin de­parted, as the Sec­ond Seat fi­nan­cial ad­viser, Pro­fes­sor Wen nat­u­rally met pro­mote as­cend to Chief Fi­nan­cial Con­sul­tant, al­though few peo­ple think that the Pro­fes­sor Jin plan was bet­ter, but in the pre­sent sit­u­a­tion, they can only make the choice that was con­trary to con­vic­tions.
The Nan­chao Na­tion Gov­ern­ment brain trust, has made the final choice, gives up en­tire Stock Mar­ket, Nan­chao Na­tion Stock Mar­ket, tragedy gets up.
Mu Shuang looks at Nan­chao Na­tion Stock Mar­ket, when Sam­sung Elec­tron­ics Stock, after falling per­cent Sixty, Mu Shuang has cho­sen the clear­ance de­ci­sively.
Per­haps al­though the Sam­sung Elec­tron­ics Stock price, will fall a dis­tance, but will not have the too much space. Sam­sung Elec­tron­ics after is High-tech Sub­stan­tial En­ter­prise, but is not the High-tech con­cept en­ter­prise.
Falling that even if the Sam­sung Elec­tron­ics Stock price keeps, but even­tu­ally bot­tom line, be­cause Sam­sung Elec­tron­ics so is in­deed valu­able, their fix­tures pro­duce, their brand val­ues, their tech­ni­cal val­ues, syn­the­size to have a bot­tom line po­si­tion, when has achieved the bot­tom line po­si­tion, how re­gard­less to use the fi­nan­cial mea­sure op­er­a­tion, is very dif­fi­cult to con­tinue to fall.
Mu Shuang has emp­tied the Sam­sung Elec­tron­ics Short Sell(ing) con­tract, al­to­gether has made per­cent Sixty prof­its, this is very ideal sit­u­a­tion. 9 Bil­lion US Dol­lar, dur­ing two days has gained 54 hun­dred mil­lion US Dol­lar, bet­ter busi­ness?
Even if daily rob­bing a bank, one time robs 5 Mil­lion US Dol­lar, needs three years 5 months to raise enough 54 hun­dred mil­lion US Dol­lar. There­fore, rob­bing a bank any­thing, is re­ally not a good idea.
The sin­cer­ity wants to get rich, the sim­plest way, goes to Wall Street to kid­nap a per­son ca­su­ally, re­quests to pay the ran­som money, com­pared with some rob­bing a bank Safety Right?
After Mu Shuang has taken ware­house in­ven­tory the Sam­sung Elec­tron­ics Short Sell(ing) con­tract, im­me­di­ately tells [Izual], dis­sem­i­nates some hearsay on In­ter­na­tional, in­di­cated that such and such big funds have aimed at Nan­chao Na­tion Ex­change Rate Mar­ket, such and such in­vestors set­tle on Nan­chao Na­tion Ex­change Rate Mar­ket to want the tragedy.
Such hearsay keeps pour­ing, mak­ing the Nan­chao Na­tion sit­u­a­tion very not won­der­ful. Be­cause be­fore being sim­i­lar to Nan­chao Na­tion, Chief Fi­nan­cial Con­sul­tant Pro­fes­sor Jin in­fer­ence, In­ter­na­tional Float­ing Cap­i­tal does not sat­isfy the in­ter­ests that Stock Mar­ket gets, but went to Nan­chao Na­tion Ex­change Rate Mar­ket the vi­sion!
To Stock Mar­ket, the Ex­change Rate Mar­ket ben­e­fit is big­ger, more­over gets the in­ter­ests the speed to be quicker


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