Friday, December 29, 2017

965: The sound of duplicate world

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#965: The sound of duplicate world
Comments 11
„He after all for the sav­ior of mas­ter.” Mu Bingyun said.
„But wife of Hon­ored Mas­ter also re­pay­ment ex­tremely!” [Say / Way] that Mu Xi­aolan is not con­vinced: „Is dis­ci­ple, must lis­ten to the Hon­ored Mas­ter words, must re­spect and serve Hon­ored Mas­ter well, but he...” Mu Xi­aolan sound small, whis­pered: „Ac­tu­ally like is Hon­ored Mas­ter serv­ing him.”
Mu Bingyun shakes the head to smile, said in a soft voice: „Yun Che be­comes Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple, but fa­cil­i­tates him to achieve the tem­po­rary sta­tus of goal, you also know, three years later, he for­ever will leave Snow Song Realm, re­turns Blue Pole Star that he is. For mas­ter to his look­ing, com­pletely be­cause of his gra­cious­ness to my life-sav­ing, but is he is worth for the mas­ter, or is worth our Ice Phoenix God Sect so treat­ing.”
„Well?” Mu Xi­aolan is sur­prised.
„For the mas­ter flame poi­son, dragon breath from An­cient Horned Dragon, the fierce­ness of its tox­i­c­ity, is at wit's end in­clud­ing Great Realm King, but Yun Che ac­tu­ally avail­able short one month pu­ri­fies. He this time can res­cue for the life of mas­ter, then in the fu­ture, in our sects, if had in the im­por­tant per­son the sim­i­lar puz­zled toxin, he can save a life sim­i­larly. Even if in the fu­ture he al­ready not in Snow Song Realm, may planet that goes to him to be at seek help from him.”
This ex­pla­na­tion, mak­ing Mu Xi­aolan start some­what to un­der­stand that fi­nally Hon­ored Mas­ter gives fa­vored treat­ment to Yun Che's: „! I un­der­stood... Words that this as­pect thinks, he re­ally fierce...”
„Yun Che also fully re­al­ize this point, sat­is­fac­tion that there­fore, his all also ac­cept.” Mu Bingyun how­ever said lightly.
„Sat­is­fied...” Re­mem­bers Yun Che that fully ten „sat­is­fied” the ap­pear­ance, Mu Xi­aolan on a lot is not con­vinced, whis­per that can hear.
„Xi­aolan,” Mu Bingyun eye of belt pro­found mean­ing looked at her one eyes: „Yun Che's ex­ter­nal, dis­po­si­tion and style will be quite dan­ger­ous to the fe­male, young girl who par­tic­u­larly has lit­tle ex­pe­ri­ence of the world. You must often con­tact with him from now on, is be care­ful to slightly well.”
First time hears Mu Bingyun to men­tion Yun Che's sud­denly „is not”, Mu Xi­aolan mind shakes im­me­di­ately, im­me­di­ately said ac­cord­ingly: „Snort! Al­though he some as­pects are very fierce, but through­out is a shame­less ob­scene man, this point I had not for­got­ten, will there­fore cer­tainly be care­ful.”
„...” Saw Mu Xi­aolan ab­solutely mis­tak­enly in­tent, Mu Bingyun will not have multi- in ad­di­tion to ex­plain that smiled: „We walk.”
--- --- --- --- ---
Big Ice Phoenix Palace is peace­ful, looks like com­pletely in­de­pen­dent, with the ice-cold world of out­side thor­ough iso­la­tion. A Yun Che per­son walks, al­most can hear clear in­clud­ing the sound of one­self blood flow.
Yun Che has cho­sen a liv­ing room ca­su­ally, in­side is quite spa­cious, but es­pe­cially is also sim­ple chilly, any­thing can­not arouse Yun Che to be cu­ri­ous spe­cially and in­ter­est place. Bed in same ice crys­tal cold bed with Frozen Cloud As­gard, does not have in­clud­ing the ice silk that open­ing can cover.
Left the liv­ing room, Yun Che went to the above prac­tice room di­rectly.
The prac­tice room com­pletely is off-po­si­tion. Be­fore Yun Che ar­rives at a re­cent prac­tice room, the palm places on stone gate, im­me­di­ately, Ice Phoenix En­graved Jade on his shoul­der dodges, stone gate also glit­tered has flick­ered the sim­i­lar ray, then opened.
cold qi comes, the in­ter­nal white piece, Yun Che lifted the step to walk, rear stone gate also au­to­mat­i­cally closed.
This prac­tice room is opened the first time after Yun Che's Ice Phoenix En­graved Jade, then with aura bind­ing of his Ice Phoenix En­graved Jade, later, this prac­tice room also only has him to open, if other Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple were un­of­fi­cial that is un­able to enter force­fully... Nat­u­rally, Palace Mas­ter is an ex­cep­tion.
In­side, im­pres­sively is the cold ice world. Com­pared with out­side cold, ices the el­e­ment to be also richer, in­nu­mer­able ice spirit such as glow gen­er­ally in dances in the air light and lively, ice mist that in ad­di­tion un­ceas­ingly winds around, was de­scrib­ing one im­pres­sively like the dream­land world. But makes Yun Che be sur­prised, is this world one does not look at the bound­ary un­ex­pect­edly, his Spirit Sense fast re­lease, has ex­tended 300 miles away, fi­nally moved the end.
In other words, this prac­tice room, has 300 li (0.5km) length and breadth!
Yun Che un­der­stands at this mo­ment fi­nally Mu Bingyun that „inner space must com­pare big that sees” mean­ing.
These prac­tice rooms have uti­lized high level space prin­ci­ple ob­vi­ously, mak­ing the inner space big hun­dred times that looks like com­pared with out­side con­tinue. Here at­mos­phere and aura also and out­side are com­pletely dif­fer­ent, com­pletely is one purely for Small World that to prac­tice to have.
Is God Realm, solely cul­ti­vates the room, is far from Lower Realm can un­der­stand and imag­ine.
Nearly bru­tal cold qi and rich cold ice aura to other pro­found prac­ti­tioner can be the large pres­sure, but lets Yun Che is very com­fort­able. He gave up con­tin­u­ing the plan of chaotic ex­ten­sion in Ice Phoenix Palace, sat, calms the mind with rapt at­ten­tion, here aura is start­ing to re­store own phys­i­cal strength and pro­found strength.
The Yun Che's re­silience was at vari­ance with av­er­age man, pro­found qi that even if in aura pol­lu­tion thin Lower Realm, he can be in debt in a short time or the ex­tremely heavy in­jury fully re­stores. In this day spir­i­tual en­ergy in­com­pa­ra­bly rich God Realm, his re­silience also with the pro­mo­tion of sev­eral fold, short sev­eral hun­dred the time of breath, being sore of his whole body then com­pletely van­ishes does not see, the whole per­son is sim­i­lar to soaks in the luke­warm water, myr­iad warm rivulets flood into his within the body from all di­rec­tions, is nour­ish­ing his body, fast pro­found strength that re­stores him to be in debt.
Under the con­geal­ing heart re­cov­er­ing con­di­tion, does not know does not see, day of qui­etly. But this, is Yun Che ar­rives at Realm of Gods the first day.
Is hold­ing „low key” basic prin­ci­ple, brings Lit­tle Demon Em­press „can­not stir up trou­ble ab­solutely” the death order, Yun Che ar­rives at Snow Song Realm the first day greatly noisy Cold Snow Palace, an elbow has aban­doned the Chief Hall Mas­ter bi­o­log­i­cal nephew, a sword aban­dons of­fi­cial dis­ci­ple that an in­spec­tor gen­eral in­spected, af­ter­ward not only the whole body draws back, but also can­not take into Di­vine Dao pro­found strength to cul­ti­vate, be­comes Ice Phoenix Palace of­fi­cial dis­ci­ple, broke the en­tire Ice Phoenix God Sect his­tory.
There­fore, with­out a doubt, his name spreads in Cold Snow Palace, spreads in Ice Phoenix Palace, even passed to Ice Phoenix God Hall.
In other words, at least talked over 800 wanted „low key” Yun Che on the road of ar­rival, in ar­rival first day, the name in noisy that en­tire Ice Phoenix Realm passed on.
In the prac­tice room opens the eye, Yun Che long shouted the one breath, the whole body is com­fort­able. Short day, opens the side ef­fect that „Rum­bling Heaven” brings then com­pletely to van­ish, the phys­i­cal strength and pro­found strength re­stored 100% ten. This keeps in his heart from not ex­claim­ing in sur­prise for a very long time that com­pared with here aura, Blue Pole Star aura, can only „un­able to with­stand with pol­lu­tion” re­ally de­scribed.
He started to sus­pect now, after one­self go back at the ap­pointed time, will do not to need to be equal the long time to adapt to Blue Pole Star aura.
„30 months,” Yun Che thought aloud: „Jas­mine, I must see you. Even if... Is com­plete part­ing for­ever.”
Yun Che just about to sets out, sud­denly, his chest one stuffy, the breath stag­nated all of a sud­den, ice spirit and ice mist of en­tire prac­tice room also com­pletely sta­tic there.
Not is se­ri­ous, but bound­less vast, the bound­less pres­sure that if still the heaven is tilt­ing slowly cov­ers under.
This... What this is!?
In the Yun Che heart shocks peak, he has one type not to know the pres­sure that the feel­ing of where com­ing, this sinks sud­denly seems cov­er­ing the world, is cov­er­ing all spaces...
Along with sink­ing of this pres­sure, Yun Che let alone breathes grad­u­ally, the whole body al­most moves does not dare to move, the heart­beat al­most stops, he felt that he is fac­ing the bound­less­ness of en­tire uni­verse sud­denly likely, in its front, one­self is only one small to the dust par­ti­cle that nearly does not have. But fac­ing this cov­ers the sky pres­sure, is not only Yun Che one per­son. Ice Phoenix Palace, Ice Phoenix Realm and Snow Song Realm... and even en­tire East­ern God Ter­ri­tory all God Realm, were cov­ered.
Also at this time, to­gether bound­less vig­or­ous, if still from the an­cient times sound, in end­less space, in east­ern God Realm all Star Realm, all pro­found prac­ti­tioner ear loud:
„God ter­ri­tory 40,000, East­ern God Ter­ri­tory mo­nop­o­lizes 9000. Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, for my East­ern God Ter­ri­tory in 3000 a grand meet­ing. How­ever now, be­cause of many sig­nif­i­cant rea­sons, away pre­vi­ous Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, al­though only crosses for 700 years, new Pro­found God Con­fer­ence al­ready in close.”
Under this sound, en­tire East­ern God Ter­ri­tory as if sud­denly sta­tic, fell into peace­fully com­pletely. All pro­found prac­ti­tioner high raised head, looks to the sky. Shocked Yun Che also to un­der­stand at this time that this un­ex­pect­edly was to passes mes­sage of en­tire East­ern God Ter­ri­tory!!
Sole Star Realm, does not know that be big­ger than many times Blue Pole Star. Cov­ers en­tire East­ern God Ter­ri­tory... to be able in­clud­ing the spe­cial prac­tice room that one­self are at to seep di­rectly passes mes­sage... This is the how ter­ri­fy­ing strength! How ter­ri­fy­ing Realm!
God Realm strength Realm, can be the so basic unimag­in­able de­gree un­ex­pect­edly! What this is re­ally is „per­son”, strength that can have?
The strength of Di­vine Dao, Yun Che has had deep yearn­ing and awe. But at this mo­ment, he this life first time to strength plane/level, has had one type „fear” the mood.
His two new sit­u­a­tions to too many match or the enemy who he is more for­mi­da­ble, his de­feat­ing, tran­scen­dences. But fac­ing the pre­sent strength, he in­com­pa­ra­bly clear feel­ing „un­at­tain­able”.
„This Pro­found God Con­fer­ence only ten years arrange, al­though are hasty, but the heav­i­ness of its mean­ing, ex­ceeded for­mer years all. And this Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, will col­lab­o­rate to con­duct by Brahma Em­peror Realm, Eter­nal Sky Realm, Moon God Realm and Star God Realm.”
These words, to Yun Che touches in a big way in „Star God Realm” three char­ac­ters, be­cause that is Star God that Jas­mine is. But is lets en­tire East­ern God Ter­ri­tory one piece star­tled how­ever.
For­mer years Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, was al­ways con­ducts by Eter­nal Sky Realm.
But this time, is Brahma Em­peror, Eter­nal Sky, Moon God and Star God --- East­ern God Ter­ri­tory four Great Royal Realm con­ducts un­ex­pect­edly to­gether!
This ab­solutely is in the East­ern God Ter­ri­tory his­tory the first time, un­prece­dented!
But de­pend­ing on this point, this Pro­found God Con­fer­ence is un­usual.
„The pre­elec­tion of this Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, will sup­pose in Eter­nal Sky Pearl the in­ner-world. thirty months later, is Pro­found God Con­fer­ence con­venes, the time of pre­elec­tion open­ing. Opens first three months, will be the time of reg­is­tra­tion, Eter­nal Sky Realm will also open to East­ern God Ter­ri­tory.”
A East­ern God Ter­ri­tory au­di­ences piece of shake, in­nu­mer­able Di­vine Dao pro­found prac­ti­tioner... the young pro­found prac­ti­tioner vi­sion re­leases the ex­cited and un­be­liev­able ray once more par­tic­u­larly sud­denly. Clar­ity that the sound of cov­ers the sky said that this time pre­elec­tion Arena, es­tab­lishes in Eter­nal Sky Pearl un­ex­pect­edly!
Eter­nal Sky Pearl in the God Realm only pre­sent world, even if in an­cient times God Realm were Heav­enly Pro­found Trea­sure that had aloofly. If can par­tic­i­pate in this Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, even if no any po­si­tion, solely en­ters Eter­nal Sky Pearl, con­t­a­m­i­nates Eter­nal Sky Pearl Supreme Trea­sure aura, will be the in­es­timable ben­e­fit!
How­ever, East­ern God Ter­ri­tory ex­cited aura has not con­tin­ued to be too long, the fol­low­ing sound, such as under a big trough cold water pour­ing, to Yun Che, is then un­ex­pected... Pounds an ig­no­rant stag­ger­ing blow him in­stan­ta­neously.
„Dur­ing Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, Di­vine Power of Eter­nal Sky Pearl will cover en­tire Eter­nal Sky God Realm. Be­cause the arrange­ment time and Eter­nal Sky Pearl Di­vine Power lim­its, the scale of this Pro­found God Con­fer­ence will be far dif­fer­ent for­mer years. Only age sixty-years cycle below, and Di­vine Power not weak Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm only then reg­is­tra­tion pre­elec­tion. Be­cause the Di­vine Power of ex­tra­or­di­nary body Eter­nal Sky Pearl can with­stand, at the ap­pointed time all pro­found strength are lower than Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm, is un­able to enter Eter­nal Sky Realm in any way, will also be forced to rep­ri­mand.”


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