Friday, December 29, 2017

997: Entire sect congress

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#997: Entire sect congress
Comments 52
„Eh?” Yun Che shakes the head hastily: „Not... This... Blames Se­nior Sis­ter long too at­trac­tive, each time... Me­trop­o­lis... Not care­ful non­sense...”
The se­duc­tively at­trac­tive girl beau­ti­ful eye nar­rows the eyes, lip angle smiles se­duc­tive to be in­com­pa­ra­ble, is bring­ing the strange­ness of faint trace: „I heard that you im­me­di­ately be­come Sect Mas­ter's di­rect dis­ci­ple, is re­ally en­vi­able.”
„Aha, orig­i­nally big... Se­nior Sis­ter knew, this, is only lucky.” Yun Che smil­ing dili­gently, the fre­quency of heart­beat is ac­tu­ally a con­fu­sion, can only in the heart pump air un­ceas­ingly... This woman, re­ally aw­fully... Is this in­born syco­phancy in leg­end?
The se­duc­tively at­trac­tive girl win­ning smile is sweet, her foot­steps are sud­denly leisurely, drags the fresh pos­ture to Yun Che walk... She re­sem­bled only walked two steps, Yun Che at pre­sent is ac­tu­ally sud­denly one hazy, a demon such as mon­ster body al­ready nearly be­fore the body.
Sud­denly leaves is so near, Yun Che has not re­sponded un­ex­pect­edly for a very long time that such there. At pre­sent, is the se­duc­tively at­trac­tive girl flat­ters to lean the world suf­fi­ciently the ap­pear­ance, in a pair of bright and in­tel­li­gent phoenix eye the pupil light is grace­ful, par­tic­u­larly smelts Li. Re­sem­bles to throw his arms, per­forms to re­veal the char­ac­ter and style.
His vi­sion un­con­scious down­ward... Vi­sion such near, dis­cov­ered that her front the Ice Phoenix chart mark was not only sup­ported to be op­press to the point of cre­at­ing un­rest the shape, ar­rived at the blast­ing open edge rad­i­cally. The peaks and ridges under snow clothes are per­fectly round, just like two groups of giant snow white jade balls, the so as­ton­ish­ing com­po­nent, does not have the slight sag­ging con­di­tion, but is in­com­pa­ra­bly ar­ro­gant.
Even, Yun Che smelled a gang of fra­grant Yu to the ex­ces­sive frank­in­cense in­dis­tinctly.
In Yun Che's dull ig­no­rant, se­duc­tively at­trac­tive girl lifts a lush sprout slowly, bright such as jade refers to high-pitched and fine, if hay white and ten­der bam­boo shoots, point gen­tly be­fore the Yun Che's chest:
„You may prob­a­bly lis­ten to the Sect Mas­ter's words well, Sect Mas­ter most liked the clever child.”
Yun Che: „...”
The sound of charm­ing bone to inter the body made Yun Che have one type the feel­ing of in­stan­ta­neously es­cap­ing the strength, an in­tense numb feel­ing from in­ner­most feel­ings spread to whole body.
Stops in the jade of his front refers to is only gen­tly touches, ac­tu­ally as if in­stan­ta­neously the blood ig­ni­tion of his chest cav­ity, a dry and hot feel­ing with the boil­ing fast world-wide whole body of blood, the out of con­trol feel­ing of that flash, in­tense lets among the Yun Che heart star­tled, short breaths, had un­ex­pect­edly more than sev­eral times this se­duc­tively at­trac­tive girl has knocked down ma­li­ciously, heartily im­pul­sion of dev­as­ta­tion.
„Hon­ored Mas­ter, I came back!”
The Mu Xi­aolan cheer­ful sound con­veys from out­side, mak­ing Yun Che's mind awake rapidly.
Mu Xi­aolan is very ob­vi­ously happy, al­most jump­ing en­tered the main hall, saw that Yun Che and with is very near, has cov­ered up the most form fe­male who he stood, blurted to ask di­rectly: „Well? Are which se­nior or Se­nior Sis­ter visit...”
Last pro­nun­ci­a­tion of char­ac­ter has not put out com­pletely, the Mu Xi­aolan whole per­son was sud­denly stiff there, pair of ice pupil such as was gripped the fierce con­trac­tion by the nee­dle...
Pū passes!
Mu Xi­aolan heav­ily has knelt, the broad and hand­some fore­head deeply dan­gles, the whole body in cow­er­ing to trem­ble: „sect Zong­zong... An­ces­tors... Sect Mas­ter!”
Yun Che just has also turned around at this time, a face in­ex­plic­a­ble looks at Mu Xi­aolan: „What Sect Mas­ter? You silly...”
Sound, in Yun Che heart sud­denly one cold, fierce has turned around.
Be­fore the body, is still that „se­duc­tively at­trac­tive girl”, points, also point gen­tly touches as in his front, has not left. But, her aura changed... Com­pletely changed...
That fatal se­duc­tive dis­ap­pears, com­plete dis­ap­pear­ing, dis­places, is lets his Soul such as by Wei ice that ten thou­sand zhang (3.33 m) moun­tain buries, was for­merly light the curved cor­ner of the eye be­comes dip, out­lined is let­ting the dig­nity that the per­son was afraid, in which flat­ter­ing light, changed to suf­fi­ciently freeze per­son Soul cold light.
Refers to the jade of his front, trans­mits no longer lets his blood boil­ing heat flow, but was one makes him just the blood of boil­ing in­stan­ta­neously freeze, rapidly spread the whole body, let him such as falling ice hole ice-cold.
„...” The Yun Che's mouth open­ing, pub­li­cizes again, eye pupil un­sys­tem­atic trem­bling, in the throat such as in the card any thing, a char­ac­ter was un­able to put out.
This ter­ror peer­less pres­sure, he just by one­self had with­stood today.
That dis­tinct... Clearly be­longs to Snow Song Realm King!!
Fin­ger gen­tly puts aside from the Yun Che front, Mu Xu­anyin form from delay Yun Che body side slowly, step by step Wei ice.
„Don't the words that for­gets this king and you crosses to speak!”
The sound, did not have the least bit for­merly soft charm­ing, but is cold, if North Pole cold wind, char­ac­ter char­ac­ter such as heav­enly might im­pe­r­ial man­date.
„re­spect­ful... Sees off Sect Mas­ter!”
Snow shade micro hazy, is in­stan­ta­neously be­side hun­dred zhang (333 m). The body of Mu Xi­aolan lightly is still trem­bling, has waited for her to leave was very long, cau­tiously stands up from the ground, but the color of small face for a very long time has not ac­tu­ally re­stored, ob­vi­ously is heavy that fright­ens.
„...” Sob­bing of Mu Xi­aolan fear: „Sect Mas­ter here, will scare to death me un­ex­pect­edly, the poor point was dis­re­spect­ful a mo­ment ago. Yun Che, does Sect Mas­ter come to see spe­cially your?”
The Mu Xi­aolan sound falls, back to her Yun Che ac­tu­ally through­out like block­head pile mo­tion­less, the Mu Xi­aolan three half steps to him in front, had ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that his face pre­sents is ex­ag­ger­at­ing the ex­treme im­pres­sively the panic-stricken con­di­tion.
„Yeah? Yun Che? You how?” Mu Xi­aolan had a scare by his ap­pear­ance, adept shakes be­fore him hastily con­tin­u­ally: „Hello! Feeds Ah!”
„...” Yun Che lift­ing hand slowly, move­ment stiff re­quest on chin that in fell com­pletely, bit by bit pushes up­wardly.
„”, Falls for a long time chin to close fi­nally... A lit­tle is slightly crooked.
An­other along with it also slug­gish up­hold, presses on the left face, is „ka” one, fi­nally was.
„Your you... You should un­able... Was scared by Sect Mas­ter?” Mu Xi­aolan dis­turbed ask­ing.
„Shouted...” Yun Che ex­pi­ra­tion of slowly, asked spook­ily: „Sect Mas­ter she... What did the given name call?”
“Eh, this... ” Mu Xi­aolan ap­proaches, said with the min­i­mum sound: „The Sect Mas­ter's given name is Mu Xu­anyin, but! Even if you are Sect Mas­ter's di­rect dis­ci­ple, can­not say the Sect Mas­ter given name, that is very big dis­re­spect­ing.”
Yun Che: „~! @#¥%... &\;*”
„You... Why... Early didn't say?” Yun Che vi­sion hid­den bit­ter­ness.
„You have not asked my Eh?” Mu Xi­aolan to wink the in­no­cent and con­fused eye.
Yun Che: „...”
„You... All right?” Mu Xi­aolan was wor­ried that the timid [say / way], she has not seen Yun Che this ap­pear­ance. Today in Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, he to dares to talk back in­clud­ing Sect Mas­ter coura­geously, now un­ex­pect­edly was scared prob­a­bly ap­pear­ance.
„Ap­pear­ance that I likely am being all right?” Yun Che puts out a hand to cover the face, state of mind chaotic low nan said: „I ac­tu­ally am also liv­ing... Sim­ply is... Mir­a­cle...”
Then, his body in a flash, has re­versed to Mu Xi­aolan di­rectly.
„Eh?” Mu Xi­aolan shouted lightly, sub­con­scious sup­ported Yun Che for­ward, but along with it, her whole body hemp, such as suf­fered the elec­tric shock, after the short stiff­ness, has sent out long call­ing out in alarm.
„--- ---!!”
Be­cause Yun Che's head solid pres­sure on her chest.
Re­mov­ing that Mu Xi­aolan is thrown into con­fu­sion, a small face as red as the nape of the neck: „You... You... You are in­ten­tion­ally!”
Then, she stamps the feet fiercely, no mat­ter again also Yun Che, panic-stricken run­ning off.
„...” Yun Che sits on the ground, quite a while has not stood up, is pon­der­ing the life silently.
She... Sect Mas­ter... Snow Song Realm King!?
This is...
How they pos­si­bly are the same per­son... How pos­si­ble!?
But in just now, his time of turn­ing around, the se­duc­tively at­trac­tive girl turned into Snow Song Realm King... this process, her fin­ger in his front, the twin has ex­changed may not have.
At this mo­ment re­called „they” sound, in the tim­bre, in­deed has in a big way same... How­ever, a Jiao­jiao is soft, the cake flat­ters the bone to inter the body, Wei Ling She­hun, the ice-cold pen­e­trat­ing heart, is im­pos­si­ble to as­so­ci­ate to a per­son body comes up!!
It is not right! Is again im­pos­si­ble to be the same per­son.
The key is... If she gets angry ten thou­sand li (0.5km) not fresh Snow Song Realm King, de­pended on me to say to her...
I am liv­ing un­ex­pect­edly also!?
More­over has be­come her di­rect dis­ci­ple?
More­over is Snow Song Realm King, her how many days ago, un­ex­pect­edly does the af­ter-wed­ding meet­ing give me and Mu Xi­aolan orig­i­nally de­liv­ers Lotus Rhyme Cold Dew?
Wait / Etc.! She de­liv­ered Lotus Rhyme Cold Dew on that day, said to come to see a per­son... Dif­fi­cult to be in­ad­e­quate per­son who she must look is...
A Yun Che palm pats on the fore­head. He wants to un­der­stand fi­nally that on that day Mu Xu­anyin per­son­ally the per­son who came to here to look, clearly was he!
Should be at that time, be­cause Mu Bingyun re­al­izes on him ex­tremely to be at vari­ance with the com­mon sense the place, there­fore be out­spo­ken told Mu Xu­anyin his mat­ter..., Snow Song Realm King. But Snow Song Realm King should also at that time, syn­the­size all that knows, guessed cor­rectly on him pos­si­bly to have an­cient times the Evil God's in­her­i­tance in­dis­tinctly, there­fore came a view out­come per­son­ally.
But rea­son that Mu Xi­aolan of that day does not have to think to out­side that was she has iso­lated Mu Xi­aolan in­evitably in the prac­tice room, by her great strength, was easy.
„My Mas­ter... com­pares a fear­ful­ness.” Yun Che im­plored the one breath lightly, in the brain, reap­peared ini­tially is meet­ing that time pic­ture with Jas­mine, that time Jas­mine, has al­most filled de­spis­ing to each few words that he spoke, more­over some­what tired of him, rep­ri­manded him... After all, by her in al­ti­tude, do not say he who at that time had no merit to speak, even if were Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent most pow­er­house, in her eyes was the micro in­sect, at­tached in him, re­ceived him for the dis­ci­ple, be forced.
But at this time wants to come, even if that sim­ply some „hu­mil­i­a­tion” time, happy likely is the dream­land.
„Jas­mine, I meet see again/good­bye to your...”
--- --- --- --- --- ---
After seven day, Ice Phoenix Realm tem­ple.
The tem­ple, sit­u­ated in Ice Phoenix Realm north, is away from the Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake re­cent place ex­tremely, is Sect Mas­ter the place of oc­cu­py­ing, is Ice Phoenix Realm, and even en­tire Snow Song Realm most sa­cred place, only if ob­tains sum­mon, oth­er­wise no­body is near.
Today, is the Ice Phoenix God Sect mil­len­ni­ums is dif­fi­cult a time en­tire sect con­gress, but so huge en­tire sect grand meet­ing, ac­tu­ally only then the mo­not­o­nous in­com­pa­ra­ble rit­ual of con­tent --- di­rect dis­ci­ple ac­knowl­edg­ing as teacher!
Dou­ble-hour Shang Zao, in the tem­ple the front huge square is en­tire si­mul­ta­ne­ously stood mil­lion dis­ci­ple, the elder, Palace Mas­ter, Vice Palace Mas­ter, dea­con, Hall Mas­ter wait / etc. also came the larger part. The vast crowd, is ac­tu­ally com­plete si­lence, falling the nee­dle may hear.


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