Sunday, December 31, 2017

1016: Tenth Level Golden Crow's Record of the Burning World

#1016: Tenth Level Golden Crow's Record of the Burning World
Comments 77
Yun Che Qi read comes up in great num­bers and from all sides, a se­vere pain trans­mit­ted from his left ear sud­denly. Mu Xu­anyin in the white hands turn over of his neck­band, has seized his ear, has raised from Heav­enly Lake him di­rectly.
Mu Xu­anyin starts heavy, straight pain Yun Che looks fierce in­stan­ta­neously, the brain pain awakes all of a sud­den, hur­ries to yell: „dis­ci­ple... dis­ci­ple does not dare... Hiss­ing... dis­ci­ple to Hon­ored Mas­ter..., only then re­spects... Does not dare ab­solutely... Has such read­ing to think...”
The mean­ing that Mu Xu­anyin ac­tu­ally com­pletely do not loosen, can hav­ing Dragon Qu the face dis­tor­tion of Yun Che pain, it can be imag­ined she is clutch­ing snow ac­cu­mu­lated of Yun Che left ear the strength of mul­ti­ple dis­ci­pli­nary pun­ish­ment. Her [say / way] with a smile: „That is good, for­gives you for mas­ter not...”
Among Mu Xu­anyin light lan­guages, pupil light non­cha­lant to the Yun Che's body next one slant­ing, the sound stops sud­denly im­me­di­ately, after the beau­ti­ful pupil con­cen­trates slightly, has nar­rowed the eyes slowly, in long and nar­row eye seam flood dan­ger­ous flat­ter­ing light.
„For good Che'er of mas­ter, was re­ally had un­der­es­ti­mated for the mas­ter your bold,” her sound be­came softer, slow, was makes in the heart that Yun Che lis­tened to jump crazily: „Un­ex­pect­edly dares to ap­pear for the mas­ter in front of this ugly thing... Big courage!!”
Mu Xu­anyin car­ries the arm of Yun Che ear to fling, Yun Che a piti­ful yell, was lost im­me­di­ately by far, pound­ing of heav­ily above pool. This falls, Mu Xu­anyin used the dark strength, Yun Che to tum­ble out in the pool stops very much, was ac­tu­ally the pain re­sults in the face whiten, in the mouth hiss­ing the air/Qi, for a long time is un­able to stand up.
At least broke sev­eral bones.
The de­sire is loose clean.
„Oh, is re­ally Sect is un­for­tu­nate.” Mu Xu­anyin sighed spook­ily, com­pletely did not turn over to the re­spon­si­bil­ity to send out charm­ing of any men im­pos­si­ble re­sis­tance in own each point of lus­ter of the skin: „You are not will­ing to touch Feixue under the blood of Horned Dragon, ap­proved your strength in med­i­ta­tion to be ex­cel­lent for the mas­ter, has not thought that the reg­u­la­tions are the color peri­cardium day, in­clud­ing bad dis­ci­ple who Hon­ored Mas­ter dares to be moved!”
„...” Yun Che holds on to the body with great dif­fi­culty, low­ers the head, does not dare to talk back, does not dare to look at Mu Xu­anyin one again.
„, It seems like after the mas­ter can only many trained.”
faintly sigh that Mu Xu­anyin is quite nerve-rack­ing, hand strokes, jade slip that one vol­ume of blue light sparkle fell near the Yun Che's foot lightly, she car­ries to pass away: „What in this jade slip en­graves is com­plete Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow, by your per­cep­tion, should be able to per­ceive through med­i­ta­tion vol­un­tar­ily, does not need to teach for the mas­ter.”
„For the time being closes you in this Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, some date and time, how for the mas­ter can test your Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow prac­tice, if can also pass, is the mas­ter, then did not in­ves­ti­gate that per­haps the crime of your lese ma­jeste, has the re­ward, if makes for the mas­ter dis­ap­pointed...” The Mu Xu­anyin pupil light trans­fers slightly, faint smile: „Con­se­quence will be very se­ri­ous.”
The sound flut­ters com­pletely, Mu Xu­anyin leaves, for­ma­tion also clos­ing of Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake firmly.
„” A re­sound­ing, sev­eral bones of dis­lo­ca­tions by Yun Che fast gath­ers, can only slowly re­store as for that sev­eral of break. He then sets out, [say / way] of clench­ing jaws: „Had not re­sponded... Nor­mally isn't good!”
In front of Jas­mine, he is lit­tle dis­tressed, but in front of Mu Xu­anyin... He al­most never not dis­tressed.
If there is not ex­pe­ri­enced Ice Phoenix Palace ini­tially meets, the mo­men­tous change of Mu Xu­anyin will cer­tainly make Yun Che un­able to get back one's com­po­sure to the pre­sent. Even if so, were re­call­ing Mu Xu­anyin, some of his mind are as be­fore ab­sent-minded, is un­able com­pletely her with that Wei ice world, mak­ing Snow Song Realm King that the com­mon peo­ple keep silent re­late to­gether.
Why her dis­po­si­tion will have that big con­trast...
Which is gen­uine she?
Yun Che moves into Heav­enly Lake, tran­quil more than dou­ble-hour, fi­nally gen­tle in­jury and in­ner­most feel­ings. He leaves the water of Heav­enly Lake, falls on the pool, sits well, has not ac­tu­ally taken up Mu Xu­anyin to lose to his Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow, but put out one vol­ume to flash pure gold ray jade slip.
The ap­pear­ance of this vol­ume of pure gold jade slip, mak­ing the air the tem­per­a­ture rise sud­denly, straight star­tled sur­round­ing ice spirit scat­ters in all di­rec­tions to go.
Com­plete... Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World!
Huo Poyun for­merly dis­played „Nine Suns Heav­enly Fury”, al­though is un­able to in­jure him, but ac­tu­ally enor­mously trem­bled his soul. How­ever he had not for­got­ten that this jade slip can only the gin­seng read one time, later will van­ish di­rectly.
Yun Che calms the mind with rapt at­ten­tion, both eyes closed, the sen­sa­tion such as rivulet trickle, turned round above pure gold jade slip, plun­dered fast, fell above Di­vine Art of Eight Level bound­ary di­rectly.
After short sev­eral breaths, in his mind then re­sounds res­o­nant Golden Crow long cry, has lit a fire Golden Crow to dance in the air in his Soul deep place. His body sur­face, slowly reap­pears stronger and stronger Golden Crow Di­vine Flame.
Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World each high Realm, the Golden Crow Fire might will then grow time ---, more­over is the large scale vi­o­lent in­creases each time, the color of flame also will tend the golden color. More­over fol­low­ing each sin­gle layer Realm, sep­a­rately cor­re­sponds Golden Crow to burn to ex­tin­guish the tech­nique sim­i­larly.
Eight Level bound­ary --- 【Burn­ing Sun Ray】, Is the might must ex­ceed greatly 【Golden An­ni­hi­la­tion】 The point kills the flame tech­nique, Golden An­ni­hi­la­tion the Golden Crow Di­vine Flame com­pres­sion is one, but Burn­ing Sun Ray, is ac­tu­ally a peak point, al­though needs the sev­eral fold in the Golden An­ni­hi­la­tion con­den­sa­tion time, if re­leases suc­cess­fully, such as to­gether came from the hot sun the fire of limit, burns suf­fi­ciently puts on so­ci­ety all things.
Ninth Level bound­ary --- 【Il­lu­sion­ary Do­main Red But­ter­fly】, This is not Yel­low Springs Ashes same burn­ing ex­tin­guishes Do­main, but im­pres­sively with Dragon God Do­main same Soul Do­main! But Dragon God Do­main fright­ens un­sur­pass­edly dif­fer­ently, al­though Red But­ter­fly Do­main is im­pos­si­ble to achieve Dragon God Do­main peak like that to frighten, can ac­tu­ally achieve more ter­ror­ist mind to burn to ex­tin­guish!
If ter­ri­fy­ing Golden Crow Di­vine Flame, will burn in their Soul deep places, mak­ing their bod­ies not die, but the soul ex­tin­guishes.
Tenth Level bound­ary, is Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World high­est Realm that jade slip records, burn­ing of its cor­re­spon­dence ex­tin­guishes the flame tech­nique, is 【Nine Suns Heav­enly Fury】!
Nine Suns Heav­enly Fury that Huo Poyun dis­plays, is most pri­mary „One Sun” con­di­tion. Even if the most pri­mary con­di­tion, its ter­ror as be­fore trem­bled en­tire Ice Phoenix God Sect. But al­ways One Sun, the might is not the con­stant-am­pli­tude in­creases, but is geo­met­ri­cal mul­ti­ple sud­denly to in­crease. Com­plete Nine Suns Heav­enly Fury, is Nine Suns Over­look­ing the World... the ter­ror of its might, is un­able to imag­ine.
Per­haps, that true ex­tin­guish­ing world in­vin­ci­ble might.
Al­though, a Flame God Realm hun­dreds of thou­sands of years of his­tory, once four peo­ple built Nine Suns Heav­enly Fury..., but never the per­son cul­ti­vates to the bound­ary of Nine Suns. Huo Poyun to achieve the bound­ary of One Sun less than 30 years old of age, is Flame God Realm never has the mir­a­cle.
Under the con­geal­ing heart could not feel that pass­ing of time, mo­tion­less Yun Che when open­ing eye, the time passed by for seven days, his flame still, but pure gold jade slip be­fore body, ac­tu­ally in this time flame con­fla­gra­tion, in­stan­ta­neously turned into the ashes.
The right palm lifts, the palm one slightly rolls Golden Crow Fire silent to ig­nite, then fast be­comes pro­found, first dis­play­ing, in count­ing breaths, has then achieved the Eight Level flame bound­ary, flame aura and color, had the ob­vi­ous change.
He also has the con­fi­dence in half a month, cul­ti­vates Burn­ing Sun Ray to Lit­tle to be­come.
But his hand holds the flame, brow ac­tu­ally slightly to lock:
„Tenth Level... re­ally to bound­ary? Why al­ways thinks in­com­plete...”
„Ok, cul­ti­vates Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow.”
--- --- --- --- --- ---
Ice Phoenix City ter­ri­tory, the Ice Phoenix 36 th palace.
„Is the Feixue mat­ter, the Yun Che ini­tia­tive re­jec­tion?”
Mu Xu­anyin leans the body side to sit above ice chair, the pupil light smokes how­ever, the milk-white bosom half dew, the both legs of over­lap out­lined the slen­der curve that par­tic­u­larly was arous­ing. A sec­tion fair calf re­veals from skirt, flows is also want­ing the shiny smooth com­pared with full room ice flower the skin light.
Mu Bingyun stands in her body side, cres­cent moon eye­brow con­cen­trates lightly, the micro dew is puz­zled.
„Oth­er­wise? The Feixue that clever tem­per, pos­si­bly is not she is not will­ing to be obe­di­ent again.”
The Mu Xu­anyin sound is soft, swings the heart splen­did train of thought that on the jade white face is float­ing charm­ing myr­iad pink color slightly.
In the air flut­ters is se­cret­ing the fra­grance of heart in­ter­mit­tently, the Mu Bingyun pupil light un­know­ingly falls on her be­cause of ex­tremely the peak very and slightly on the milk-white bosom of half dew, puts aside in­stan­ta­neously, the heart­beat im­me­di­ately be­comes slightly some non- na­tures. Her light lan­guage said: „Should not. Al­though the Elder Sis­ter method is some­what ab­surd, but in­deed is most likely to let him achieve­ment Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm the method be­fore Pro­found God Con­fer­ence. More­over, by his per­son­al­ity, as well as some man all vi­cious na­tures, he has no rea­son the re­jec­tion to be right.”
„Who knows that per­haps, is he can­not have a lik­ing for Feixue.”
Out of the win­dow ice-cold snow light sprin­kles into, Mu Xu­anyin lies down lan­guidly, hem of the skirt was tucked up by the jade leg, pair of smooth­ing to the fil­a­ment lifts fully on ice chair, tip of toe ex­quis­ite shiny smooth, if the ice con­cen­trates, dor­sum pedis and sole of the foot ex­quis­ite is wip­ing crisp cream likely, such as the Run of jade, such as satin sup­ple...
Also only has in front of Mu Bingyun, she so will have no scru­ples.
„Can't have a lik­ing for?” Mu Bingyun shakes the head: „By the Feixue ap­pear­ance... Should not be right.”
„That is dif­fer­ent.” After slen­der snow the tem­ple sends near in­fi­nitely en­chant­i­ngly blue plun­ders the ear, Mu Xu­anyin sud­denly has smiled, is star­ing at the Mu Bingyun pupil light flood the beau­ti­ful flat­ter­ing color: „Since Feixue he is not will­ing to want, that only re­mained a method.”
„What method?” The Mu Bingyun pupil light has trans­ferred, but moves the Mu Xu­anyin wu col­or­ful happy ex­pres­sion, she un­con­scious mov­ing away.
„That nat­u­rally only then... My good younger sis­ter to offer Pri­mor­dial Yin per­son­ally, comes to pro­mote pro­found strength for him, re­paid the gra­cious­ness of life-sav­ing.”
A words say­ing ended, Mu Xu­anyin is smiles to make noise ten­derly.
The Mu Bingyun beau­ti­ful ice face does not change coun­te­nance: „Elder Sis­ter, can­not de­lib­er­ately cre­ate trou­ble.”
Out­side, Mu Bingyun is re­spect­ful to Mu Xu­anyin. But in se­cret, they are un­able not to dis­cuss, in the emo­tion does not have the sis­ters of any im­pu­rity bar­rier, each other is in the world the only fam­ily mem­ber. In their mak­ings and man­ners have dif­fer­ently ex­tremely clearly.
Chilly, if in snow fe­male ce­les­tial, charm­ing such as calamity world se­duc­tress.
„Re­ally is, you can­not make an amus­ing point re­sponse, mak­ing Elder Sis­ter happy one.” Mu Xu­anyin light sip flow­ery lips: „Re­ceived male dis­ci­ple ac­tu­ally, com­pared with ex­pec­ta­tion wants amus­ingly many.”
„Amus­ing? Did you say Yun Che?”
„Not only amus­ing, but also per­cep­tion sim­ply high ex­tra­or­di­nary. Only used for day to com­pre­hend Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow. Such per­cep­tion...” Mu Xu­anyin flat­ters the eye to nar­row the eyes lightly: „Feared that is these King Realm no­body may.”
„... Is this also most pri­mary cause that Elder Sis­ter wants to help him to grow sud­denly as soon as pos­si­ble?” Mu Bingyun said.
„I pre­pare, mak­ing him go to Ice Wind Em­pire along with Mu Hanyi.” The cherry color flow­ery lips warpage of ten­der and beau­ti­ful de­sire drop, in the pupil flat­ters the light slightly grad­u­ally be­comes pro­found: „Takes that Ice Qilin's horn per­son­ally.”


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