Friday, December 29, 2017

995: heartless eliminates a potential informant

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#995: heartless eliminates a potential informant
Comments 47
„In Lower Realm, lit­tle has the record about Pri­mor­dial all Gods ex­tremely, you can have one's wish, act in a self-serv­ing man­ner. But, here is God Realm! Is Pri­mor­dial all Gods the place of oc­cu­py­ing! The ves­tiges of here some in­nu­mer­able gods, the in­her­i­tance of god, the record of god, the mem­ory of leg­end of even god god!”
„You ar­rive at God Realm, al­most knows noth­ing about here, dares not to know re­strain­ing, to be un­yield­ing for a while, but the flaw big dew did not know, re­gard­less of being fight­ing with Li Mingcheng and Ji Han­feng, is fac­ing Mu Yizhou, with­out scru­ple has dis­played Star God's Bro­ken Shadow!”
„Knows it not to harm your Mu Bingyun for­tu­nately, if the per­son of other hav­ing a mind, in­curs that worst con­se­quence again... Will have count­less peo­ple to do every­thing pos­si­ble from you to cap­ture strength of --- that Evil God has never pre­sented the Cre­ation God in­her­i­tance! At the ap­pointed time, you die with­out the bur­ial ground are light, but must im­pli­cate planet that you come!”
When Yun Che and Li Mingcheng and Ji Han­feng fight, in­deed has used sev­eral times Star God's Bro­ken Shadow. At that time Mu Bingyun has been wait­ing and see­ing in se­cret, al­though thought that had to be fa­mil­iar, but has not rec­og­nized is Star God's Bro­ken Shadow... but, Yun Che fac­ing Mu Yizhou and Mu Lu­o­qiu, from two peo­ple of hands in­stan­ta­neously Liu Hang the move­ment that stole, mak­ing her de­ter­mine com­pletely that surely was Star God's Bro­ken Shadow with­out doubt.
Snow Song Realm King early knows Yun Che to see Heaven Slaugh­ter Star God, there­fore does not have Star God's Bro­ken Shadow, she can also act ac­cord­ing to their re­la­tional as well as the strength of Yun Che un­usual el­e­ment guesses cor­rectly any­thing. But... This merely re­gard­ing know­ing Yun Che and her of Heaven Slaugh­ter Star God re­la­tions. If Star God's Bro­ken Shadow were known by oth­ers, even if not think of Evil God In­her­i­tance, the con­se­quence will be quite also se­ri­ous.
There­fore, she must give Yun Che ice-cold­est se­vere alert­ing.
But Yun Che, in­deed is.
He is in­vin­ci­ble in Blue Pole Star, makes any­thing not to need the scru­ples. But he ar­rives at Snow Song Realm, al­though al­ready three months, but the ma­jor­ity of time are prac­tic­ing the room, truly out­side with time such sev­eral days that God Realm con­tacts, the body has the in­er­tia that the Blue Pole Star world brings with­out doubt... More­over is the quite heavy in­er­tia.
To the God Realm cog­ni­tion, was su­per­fi­cial enough to can say that ab­solutely did not have.
Causes him al­most to put in the enor­mous dan­ger not to know.
This trough cold water, Yun Che of pour­ing passes the heart to be cool.
In the past dared such to rep­ri­mand Yun Che's, only then Jas­mine and Lit­tle Demon Em­press, but scold­ing that now, Snow Song Realm King is re­lent­less, made Yun Che not have the anger of least bit, be­fore , di­rectly dis­si­pates to the re­sent­ment that she deeply buried, in the heart, in­stead had one point of grat­i­tude and re­spect.
Be­cause, she not only has alerted him ma­li­ciously... More­over, she al­ready knows him to carry Evil God In­her­i­tance, but com­pletely do not cap­ture in light of this, oth­er­wise, will not waste the lips and tongue to tell him these.
Her im­pos­ing man­ner is very fear­ful, al­most presses him to breathe heav­ily does not take of­fense. The hearsay, she is also in­com­pa­ra­ble heart­less, re­gards the life worth­lessly such as... But, seems not dan­ger­ous. Has never pre­sented Cre­ation God in­her­i­tance, this in God Realm, can be the en­tice­ment that no one could re­sist with­out doubt, she has dis­cov­ered that was first, was the only one dis­cov­ery... The mean­ing of ac­tu­ally com­pletely not hav­ing cov­eted.
Yun Che feels a heart­felt ad­mi­ra­tion deeply does obei­sance: „Thanked Sect Mas­ter to alert... dis­ci­ple knows wrong.”
„Knows wrong? Snort!” Snow Song Realm King heav­ily coldly snorted: „You should bet­ter know re­ally wrong! Your pro­found strength and el­e­ment abil­ity, you com­pletely may dis­play, do not need to cover up. But... You can­not use Star God's Bro­ken Shadow in God Realm from now on!”
„Yes.” Yun Che nods, after was sounded the alarm ma­li­ciously, even if makes him use, he does not dare.
Star God's Bro­ken Shadow flick­ers the body abil­ity for­mi­da­ble, when let­ting him will dis­play the Heavy Sword in­fe­rior sup­pres­sion to low­est. If no Star God's Bro­ken Shadow to co­or­di­nate, be­fore he in­fe­ri­or­ity by Heaven Smit­ing Sword fight is much greater.
The eye of that pair of thorn soul as if flick­ered to see through in the Yun Che heart to think that dis­dained say­ing: „You do not need to think to be a pity. My Snow Song Realm ‘Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow’ unique God Realm, triv­ial Star God's Bro­ken Shadow was con­sid­ered as any­thing. Al­though the head-fam­ily ex­cept for this king, few can build, but you, since is ca­pa­ble of build­ing Star God's Bro­ken Shadow, does not have the rea­son to cul­ti­vate in­ad­e­quate Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow!”
„...” Yun Che said slowly: „Said... Is Sect Mas­ter will­ing to re­ceive dis­ci­ple for the dis­ci­ple?”
„If not so, you thought that you can also live is stand­ing here?” Snow Song Realm King coldly said: „You do not need to do obei­sance me now, be­cause you are in­com­pe­tent! seven days later, is the rit­ual of ac­knowl­edg­ing as teacher. These, you kept Ice Phoenix Palace on the 7 th, where can­not go, wants to un­der­stand that well you in the God Realm stand­point and sta­tus, you came here goal! To un­der­stand that what tal­ented per­son has qual­i­fi­ca­tions un­yield­ing and dis­cusses fairly! If wants to un­der­stand how to do to be able the live long time!”
„this king re­ceives dis­ci­ple rarely, if ex­tremely dies young stu­pidly, to throw my Snow Song Realm King face coun­te­nance!”
Yun Che deep in­spi­ra­tion, said again: „Yes... Thanked the Sect Mas­ter in­struc­tion.”
„You go. Mu Feng­shu and Mu Sushan they also wait out­side, be­fore you leave, shouted that they come.”
Mu Feng­shu and Mu Sushan?
Yun Che had not asked that re­turn­ing to nor­mal mood, step slow de­par­ture.
When he ar­rives at the for­ma­tion edge, for­ma­tion opened a half a Zhang long slit au­to­mat­i­cally.
Yun Che goes out of for­ma­tion, saw out­side Mu Feng­shu and Mu Sushan.
Sees Yun Che, Mu Feng­shu in­stan­ta­neously face don't, look com­plex, but Mu Sushan walked hastily: „Yun Che, re­ally con­grat­u­lated. Old Man sees your 1st day ap­par­ent you to de­cide in the non- pond the thing, has not thought that in­clud­ing Hanyi, is well below you un­ex­pect­edly. Drops down Heav­enly Lake under thou­sand zhang (3.33 m)... Until now, Old Man is un­able to be­lieve.”
Al­though Mu Sushan as be­fore is the pos­ture of elder, but looks at the Yun Che's look, al­ready and was for­merly com­pletely dif­fer­ent, spoke, even has taken slightly... Re­spect­ful and pru­dent?
Be­cause only, he by the Snow Song Realm King per­son­ally des­ig­na­tion is di­rect dis­ci­ple!
Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple and Realm King di­rect dis­ci­ple, this is two com­pletely dif­fer­ent con­cepts. The for­mer is only dis­ci­ple, but lat­ter... The sta­tus is al­most not under the el­ders and Palace Mas­ter! If can re­sult in the Realm King favor, must faintly in the el­ders and Palace Mas­ter on.
After all, di­rect dis­ci­ple left Realm King re­cently the per­son!
Re­gard­ing Mu Sushan, Yun Che has one point to re­spect through­out, said hastily: „dis­ci­ple is also lucky. Sect Mas­ter in in­side was wait­ing for that in Se­nior Sushan and Feng­shu Hall Mas­ter, please two enter.”
„Sect Mas­ter she...” Mu Sushan has low­ered the sound vig­or­ously: „Has to men­tion that is what mat­ter?”
Yun Che shakes the head: „Not. How­ever since is si­mul­ta­ne­ously sum­mon your two, should any im­por­tant mat­ter about Cold Snow Palace.”
„Must so.” Mu Sushan nod­ded, in the heart thinks faintly some­what rest­lessly, as if not likely about Cold Snow Palace, but he can­not think of any­thing in ad­di­tion.
Mu Sushan and Mu Feng­shu par­al­lel enter, just en­tered for­ma­tion, for­ma­tion then di­rectly com­pletely closed, has iso­lated the in­side and out­side all.
--- --- --- ---
Reen­tered Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, Mu Feng­shu and Mu Sushan foot­steps ob­vi­ously was slow, be­came cau­tiously. They lower the head, ar­rive at the pool, si­mul­ta­ne­ously wor­ships on bended knees under:
„Sushan pays re­spect to Sect Mas­ter.”
„Feng­shu pays re­spect to Sect Mas­ter.”
„Does not know Sect Mas­ter sum­mon, has what in­struc­tion.” Mu Feng­shu bows the head to say.
„Does not have any im­por­tant mat­ter ac­tu­ally,” sound un­ex­pected light of Snow Song Realm King: „Has an im­ma­te­r­ial minor mat­ter to in­quire you.”
Snow Song Realm King leaves be­hind them spe­cially, how pos­si­bly for im­ma­te­r­ial minor mat­ter. In the Mu Sushan heart has tight­ened: „Sect Mas­ter but please tell that Chief Hall Mas­ter and Sushan de­cide how­ever know say all.”
„Is very good.” Snow Song Realm King nods slowly, in the spo­ken lan­guage is quite slight in­clud­ing the pres­sure feel­ing: „this king wants to ask you, be­fore sev­eral months, when Yun Che ini­tially to Cold Snow Palace, once with two dis­ci­ple that called Li Mingcheng and Ji Han­feng has fought, this mat­ter, can you still re­mem­ber?”
Mu Sushan is stunned, but the Mu Feng­shu whole body trem­bles, fear sound track: „Li Mingcheng is the Feng­shu nephew, Ji Han­feng is Hanxue (cold snow) dis­ci­ple, that day is rash to Yun Che, is Feng­shu teaches the crime with an im­proper method...”
Ob­vi­ously, Mu Feng­shu thinks that Snow Song Realm King wants to in­ves­ti­gate the mat­ter of the same day, after all, pre­sent Yun Che is not that day Yun Che... he now is Snow Song Realm King di­rect dis­ci­ple!
„, Feng­shu you do not need to be anx­ious,” the Snow Song Realm King sound is as be­fore light: „The mat­ter that day has, this king also slightly has hear­ing, spoke of rashly im­po­lite, in­stead was Yun Che, Li Mingcheng and Ji Han­feng were the se­vere wound in the body, you had not ac­tu­ally in­ves­ti­gated that such mind made the per­son ap­pre­ci­ate, what wrong had.”
„...” Mu Feng­shu does not dare to speak.
„this king wants to ask an­other mat­ter...”
Has Snow Song Realm King moved, the sound that but Mu Feng­shu and Mu Sushan hear ac­tu­ally re­sem­bles nearly in the be­side the ear: „When Yun Che and Li Mingcheng and Ji Han­feng fight the move­ment of using, can you have the im­pres­sion?”
Mu Sushan fast raise one's head, al­though does not un­der­stand why Snow Song Realm King will ask this spe­cially, but if said the im­pres­sion, he not only has, but also is very deep, he replied hastily: „Re­turns to Sect Mas­ter, al­though the mat­ter has sep­a­rated in March, but Sushan is the im­pres­sion is quite deep, move­ment end that be­cause Yun Che that day in­sti­tute uses what is ex­quis­ite strange in­com­pa­ra­ble, Sushan was apart from him less than hun­dred zhang (333 m) at that time, how has not seen clearly him to shift un­ex­pect­edly.”
Mu Feng­shu also hastily said: „Feng­shu, al­though can­not per­son­ally see Yun Che and Mingcheng fights, when he and Ji Han­feng fights the sev­eral move­ments of using, in­deed such as Sushan said that ex­quis­ite strange, held the sword to be heavy ob­vi­ously, can ac­tu­ally shift in­stan­ta­neously, sev­eral times made Ji Han­feng be caught off guard... Feng­shu, is hard to catch.”
Their mind have sta­bi­lized many at this time. Orig­i­nally Sect Mas­ter in­quired the Yun Che's mat­ter... Since in­deed, de­cides to re­ceive is di­rect dis­ci­ple, nat­u­rally must know the whole story. They replied earnestly that many have smug­gled also to the word of Yun Che's award­ing.
„Then Yun Che pro­found strength has not en­tered Di­vine Dao, the move­ment can ac­tu­ally make you as deep as a well, this may be won­der­ful. To come, that de­cides how­ever is the un­usual move­ment.” The Snow Song Realm King sound was in­dis­tinct near the ear was also near a point: „You may think, is the out­come that he uses what move­ment?”
„This, Sushan in­deed re­peat­edly had con­sid­ered.” Fac­ing the in­quiry of Snow Song Realm King, Mu Sushan is very the earnest reply: „Yun Che uses the move­ment, ac­tu­ally and Sect Mas­ter's ‘Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow’ is some­what sim­i­lar, but he came from Lower Realm... the Lower Realm move­ment, nat­u­rally im­pos­si­ble to com­pare with Sect Mas­ter's Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow.”
„That, if not for Lower Realm, but is God Realm, is pre­cisely that God Realm of max­i­mum level? What move­ment has, uses with Yun Che sim­i­lar?” Snow Song Realm King asked lightly.
God Realm of top level?
How long Mu Sushan has not thought deeply about, sud­denly vi­sion dodges, es­capes the tastes: „Star God's Bro­ken Shadow!!”
These four char­ac­ters, makes Mu Feng­shu such as be filled with wis­dom, fol­lows closely its tone chan­nel: „Good! Yun Che uses the move­ment, is ex­tremely sim­i­lar in Star God's Bro­ken Shadow that Pro­found God Con­fer­ence saw with past years... Even is it can be said that ex­actly the same!”
Snow Song Realm King pat­ted three to start slowly, [say / way] of ap­plause: „Is very good. Is ex­pe­ri­enced Feng­shu and Sushan, this king slightly makes the prompt worthily, you then ac­cu­rate guess­ing cor­rectly. It seems like that even if no prompt of this king, you can also think quickly.”
„Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple meets 12 Star Gods Star God's Bro­ken Shadow un­ex­pect­edly, if this re­veals, Star God Realm traces, this king this just re­ceived dis­ci­ple under place, very pos­si­ble to die young.”
The air, as if con­geals in the flash, cold in­tent of awl soul such as the most fear­ful plague, has soaked the whole body of Mu Sushan and Mu Feng­shu in­stan­ta­neously, they have re­al­ized any­thing fi­nally, fierce kneel­ing has bent down, the body trem­bled in the fear fiercely.
„Sect Mas­ter, Sushan... Sushan pledged that will not re­veal half char­ac­ter... If vi­o­lates, the con­demned by heaven and earth, dies like a dog...”
„Feng­shu... never knows Star God's Bro­ken Shadow..., since... Never knows...”
„Feng­shu, Sushan,” the Snow Song Realm King sound ice-cold and faint: „You lived these many years, should very clear truth, only then de­ceased per­son, true con­ser­v­a­tive se­cret.”
„Sect Mas­ter!” [Say / Way] that the Mu Feng­shu balls trem­bles: „Feng­shu... and Sushan these years has been loyal and de­voted to Sect Mas­ter, have per­formed the dis­tin­guished ser­vice to sect...”
„You have been very in­deed loyal, your lives, to sect , has been very im­por­tant, died had been a pity.” Snow Song Realm King quiet slow heart­less: „But Yun Che, since be­came this king dis­ci­ple, his life, but be more im­por­tant than your lives.”
The ice mist later form stretched out a palm slowly: „You are the choice me­di­ate vol­un­tar­ily, wants this king to begin per­son­ally!”


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