Friday, December 29, 2017

990: Heavenly Lake Goddess (First Part)

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#990: Heavenly Lake Goddess (First Part)
Comments 152
Mu Huanzhi is bring­ing Yun Che and Mu Hanyi they floats cen­ter Heav­enly Lake, he puts out a hand ac­cord­ing when their day spirit, the palm puts down, two con­trols were sep­a­rately many an ice blue crys­tal.
In­te­grates Yun Che and soul crys­tal of Mu Hanyi soul strength!
Mu Huanzhi turns around, the palm sways, a huge blue light screen shop in the front, two soul crys­tal one on the left and other on the right par­al­lel has also in­laid in this time above the light screen.
„This is your soul crys­tal, is con­nected with your Soul, depth that your Soul con­di­tions, as well as you sneak, through soul crys­tal pre­sent pro­found array on.”
After Mu Huanzhi body, moves: „You who comes first?”
This is de­cides the Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple own­er­ship the sect im­por­tant mat­ter, but ex­cept for them, other peo­ple stays in the pool com­pletely, has not ap­proached to Heav­enly Lake above sur­rounds.
Be­cause this to them from the start is not the com­pe­ti­tion, but rad­i­cally is a Mu Hanyi per­son of per­for­mance, fi­nally can be any­thing, they looked that does not need to look, wants not to need to think, only paid at­ten­tion, will im­me­di­ately be­come Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple Mu Hanyi, then can have a more shock­ing per­for­mance.
Mu Hanyi mod­est [say / way]: „Ju­nior Brother Yun Che comes first.”
Yun Che also re­jec­tion with­out hes­i­ta­tion: „I only need achieve Se­nior Brother Hanyi 20% to win, since my re­sult must take Se­nior Brother Hanyi for ref­er­ence, then nat­ural should Se­nior Brother Hanyi come first.”
„Hanyi, you come first.” Mu Huanzhi said. In any­body opin­ion, Yun Che this does not dare ob­vi­ously... Also is im­pos­si­ble to dare.
Mu Hanyi is re­spect­ful, be­fore his body treads, has at­tracted very long air/Qi slowly, the eye pupil closed, mo­ment, around the body floated off a light blue light, and fast be­comes pro­found.
Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake as be­fore peace­ful fear­ful­ness, all lines of sight cen­tral­ized on Mu Hanyi, oc­ca­sion­ally is par­tial to Yun Che, only pities as be­fore.
Mu Hanyi blue light ar­rived at peak richly, has formed a point of link beau­ti­ful halo. He opened the eye at this time sud­denly, the body falls fast, en­tered in Heav­enly Lake.
On the light screen, Mu Hanyi soul crys­tal sparkles, and pro­jects to­gether the fast grow­ing light...
Ten feet...
30 feet...
50 feet...
100 feet!
The rapid­ness of speed, such as puts on every water, in an in­stant, dropped down hun­dred feet depth.
„Good... Quite quick!”
Al­though early knows Mu Hanyi to dis­play surely as­ton­ish­ingly, but just by one­self had felt the au­di­ences dis­ci­ple still star­tled dumb­found­ed­ness of water of Heav­enly Lake.
Hun­dred feet cold, re­sem­bles un­ex­pect­edly to his Shad­ow­less sound!
150 feet...
200 feet...
300 feet...
Dumb­found­ed­ness that all dis­ci­ple com­pletely are all star­tled, but after 300 feet, the Mu Hanyi speed fi­nally was slow, but was only slightly slow, as be­fore as­ton­ish­ing in­com­pa­ra­ble.
Mu Huanzhi looks at the light screen, nod that does not live. Al­though Mu Hanyi won own grand­daugh­ter, but makes him dif­fi­cult as be­fore to damp the ap­pre­ci­a­tion in heart.
Yun Che both eyes shut lightly, from be­gin­ning to end has not looked at light screen one, with­out the slight­est show of feel­ing, does not know is think­ing any­thing.
Above the pool, Mu Bingyun also closes one's eyes, her pro­found qi was hav­ing the soul sound, the bi­og­ra­phy to the re­mote sky.
„Elder Sis­ter, you im­pos­si­ble, be­cause this mat­ter loses one's tem­per, what ex­actly had? Do you a mo­ment ago, want to kill Yun Che re­ally?”
In this world, she most un­der­stands her per­son.
„Snort! He saves your life, I will cer­tainly not kill him, but I lose one's tem­per for.”
In the brain of Mu Bingyun, trans­mits heav­ily, if the echo of thun­der, this sound makes the Mu Bingyun mind one slow, is more puz­zled: „Why do you lose one's tem­per?”
„This boy is full of holes, ex­poses Star God's Bro­ken Shadow in first, ex­poses Evil God In­her­i­tance, if dis­cov­ered all these is not I, but is other peo­ple, he al­ready died ten thou­sand times, can en­counter the calamity of being drowned in­clud­ing planet that he comes, but he ac­tu­ally quite the same as does not know, but also in front of the per­son, in he can­not stir up com­pletely re­lies on the lofty char­ac­ter, in­so­lent ex­ces­sive, ar­rives at the ex­treme sim­ply stu­pid, works as re­ally also in Lower Realm! How could I do not get angry.”
Mu Bingyun com­plex­ion chang­ing sud­denly, fierce raise one's head: „Evil God... in­her­i­tance? What Elder Sis­ter were you say­ing?”
Evil God... Pri­mor­dial var­i­ous Era of Gods to the high god, is hav­ing Cre­ation God plane/level un­sur­passed Di­vine Power, is in the for­mi­da­ble in­com­pa­ra­ble god the god, his in­her­i­tance...
Mu Bingyun has thought of any­thing at this time sud­denly, iced the blue pupil to pre­sent the in­stant con­trac­tion: „...”
„Does not need to ask that one­self looks.” The se­ri­ous sound has the anger of not hav­ing been dis­ap­pear­ing as be­fore: „Snort, runs into me to cal­cu­late him to have good luck ever, how oth­er­wise die does not know. This is also I... Gives on him the first class!”
The Mu Bingyun surg­ing emo­tions surge, are hard to re­turn to nor­mal, Evil God In­her­i­tance... in God Realm never has the Cre­ation God plane/level in­her­i­tance. About the Evil God's record, once had men­tioned he had „God of El­e­ments” god name.
But re­cently was re­lated „Evil God” hearsay, short eight years ago... Star God Realm Heaven Slaugh­ter Star God, as if took some Evil God's strength...
Star God's Bro­ken Shadow... Heaven Slaugh­ter Star God... the strength of Evil God... Yun Che... Blue Pole Star... Ab­solute God Slay­ing Poi­son... Sky Poi­son Pearl... eight years... Het­ero­ge­neous nat­ural tal­ent... non- Ice Phoenix blood­line, but cul­ti­vates Ice Phoenix God Con­fer­ring Codex... to have both cold ice and flame Di­vine Power...
No won­der... No won­der...
„Then, you want him re­ally... Is re­ceiv­ing dis­ci­ple? You should know that he will not stay for a long time Snow Song Realm.”
„...” After Mu Bingyun asked that has not ac­tu­ally been replied.
The pro­found light that on the light screen pro­jects still in the growth, and brings the in­ter­mit­tent screams.
500 feet...
600 feet...
700 feet...
800 feet!!
When the pro­jec­tion of light screen is 800 feet, the screams in pool blast out di­rectly, sat in ground dis­ci­ple has stood com­pletely, dumb­founded is star­ing at the light screen.
800 feet, such length to Di­vine Dao pro­found prac­ti­tioner, more­over is dis­tance of twin­kling, but re­gard­ing the Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake depth... Ac­tu­ally is an ex­tremely fear­ful digit!
Al­though on the scene is Ice Phoenix God Sect topest dis­ci­ple, but, did not ex­ag­ger­ate said that about half, if con­tacted this depth cold qi, will die di­rectly, will strug­gle will not have.
But Mu Hanyi is still con­tin­u­ing down­ward, sign that not hav­ing the least bit must stop.
820 feet...
850 feet...
880 feet...
900 feet!!
The shout com­pletely van­ishes, all dis­ci­ple eyes stare in a big way, holds the breath thor­oughly. Elder Palace Mas­ter also re­vealed deep star­tled to ac­com­mo­date. Only has Mu Yun­zhi to look to smile... Be­cause she knows, Mu Hanyi limit as be­fore in­ces­santly so.
To here, the Mu Hanyi speed be­came es­pe­cially slow, but is con­tinue dive as be­fore.
920 feet...
940 feet...
950 feet...
He sinks every time one foot, on a speed slow point, but has not stag­nated through­out truly. All vi­sion lock­ing stub­bornly above light screen... They in the tes­ti­mony the his­tory that is cre­ated by dis­ci­ple one gen­er­a­tion! But starts from 900 feet, each in­stant, is the new his­tory!
970 feet...
980 feet...
990 feet!!
Speed of Mu Hanyi sub­mer­sion is ex­tremely slow, each inch re­sem­bled is sur­mount­ing the nat­ural moat slowly, the heart­beat of peo­ple, stared the big eye pupil, lest missed any in­stance.
1000 feet!!
This mo­ment shock, in­tensely to being sim­i­lar the steel­yard weight pounded above Soul of every­one. Leaves light screen re­cent Mu Huanzhi for a very long time to stare.
Under thou­sand feet, Mu Hanyi reached the limit fi­nally, he only stayed half breath in thou­sand feet depth, then starts to strug­gle sur­fac­ing the boat, the speed that but, he sur­faces the boat is very slow, the ray that above the light screen, Mu Hanyi soul crys­tal re­leases also started be­comes chaotic.
„Res­cues Hanyi quickly!” Mu Yun­zhi anx­ious to yell.
Does not need her to make noise, Mu Huanzhi is get­ting rid like light­ning, bound­less pro­found qi puts on thou­sand feet pool of water, cov­ered on the body of Mu Hanyi, car­ried over him fast.
The pond sur­face breaks, the Mu Hanyi form was flung by far, drops above the pool. His sur­face like the white paper, aura is weak, whole body in fierce trem­bling, but is still strug­gling set­ting out, wor­ships on bended knees to say to Mu Huanzhi: „dis­ci­ple... thanked Great Elder to save a life...”
Mu Yun­zhi mov­ing to like light­ning, palm ac­cord­ing to his car­ry­ing on the back, scat­ters cold qi for him.
„Ha Ha Ha Ha,” Mu Huanzhi is ac­tu­ally laughs: „Worthily is this gen­er­a­tion of most out­stand­ing dis­ci­ple... one, goes di­rectly to thou­sand feet un­ex­pect­edly, re­called that our gen­er­a­tion, under sixty-years cycle, can enter Heav­enly Lake for­tu­nately, does not have one per­son to reach thou­sand feet depth, is re­ally en­cour­ag­ing lam­en­ta­ble Ah!”
„Con­grat­u­lates Se­nior Brother Hanyi.”
„Hanyi be­came di­rect dis­ci­ple is in­deed ap­pro­pri­ate.”
Mu Hanyi so goes all out, ob­vi­ously for shows it­self in front of Realm King. But he also in­com­pa­ra­bly shock­ing has achieved, high of his nat­ural tal­ent, the good of con­sti­tu­tion, the depth of cold ice at­tain­ments, mak­ing the per­son of pres­ence deeply ex­claim in sur­prise all.
But these el­ders, have cast the vi­sion that en­vies to Mu Yun­zhi.
„Hanyi, do not di­vert at­ten­tion, first scat­ters cold qi fully, passes the lit­tle while to do obei­sance Sect Mas­ter, does not may the least bit be dis­re­spect­ful.” Mu Yun­zhi does not hes­i­tate to trans­fer whole body pro­found strength, by in makes Mu Hanyi re­gain enough con­di­tion most in a short time.
„Yes, Hon­ored Mas­ter.” Mu Hanyi also closes the eye, de­presses in­ner­most feel­ings ex­tremely ex­cit­edly, starts to drive out the cold fully, in the heart started when think­ing the lit­tle while has done obei­sance Sect Mas­ter to say any­thing.
All at­ten­tion cen­tral­ized in bloom­ing on daz­zling halo Mu Hanyi, but is built on the Heav­enly Lake cen­ter as be­fore Yun Che, likely for­got gen­er­ally.
„Yun Che, this you.” Mu Huanzhi makes noise, this re­minds peo­ple im­me­di­ately of this „show­down” also to have an­other per­son: „Hanyi pen­e­trated the Heav­enly Lake 1000 feet, you only need achieve his 20%, is 200 feet then.”
Mu Huanzhi said that the pool a piece laughs se­cretly im­me­di­ately. 200 feet? The joke, can seven feet at the most!
Be­cause of Yun Che's height more than seven feet point.
Every­one can think that he en­ters the Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake only con­se­quence, brings pro­found strength di­rectly to be frozen in­clud­ing the body, is im­pos­si­ble to con­tinue to dive again a point.
Be­fore Yun Che treads, with­out speech, even has not re­volved pro­found qi, such fell di­rectly to Heav­enly Lake.
In peo­ple opin­ion, this gives up ob­vi­ously di­rectly, how be­cause to strug­gle again is also use­less. That while he falls, Mu Huanzhi has put also out a hand, after prepar­ing tied by the pond hy­draulic pack­ing, to res­cue him him... After all, he en­rages Sect Mas­ter, al­though must die, should ad­ju­di­cate by Sect Mas­ter per­son­ally.
Hand that but he ex­tends, was si­mul­ta­ne­ously stiff to­gether with his ex­pres­sion there.
Crashes into Heav­enly Lake Yun Che such as not to be ex­pected that like that was stag­nated by di­rectly to seal|con­fer Jie, but is the sub­mer­gence goes, al­though speed of sub­mer­gence far in­fe­rior Mu Hanyi, but is not slow.
--- --- --- --- --- ---
【Yeah! Had not come the warm air to today, frozen I was fat sev­eral jin (0.5 kg), is sim­ply angry!】


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