Friday, December 29, 2017

991: Heavenly Lake Goddess (Middle Part)

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#991: Heavenly Lake Goddess (Middle Part)
Comments 170
Ten feet...
20 feet...
30 feet...
Yun Che dives in the uni­form speed, in the dumb­found­ed­ness of all peo­ple, such di­rectly sub­merged 30 feet depth.
The Yun Che eye in Heav­enly Lake closed, again to in­con­ceiv­able cold qi, to him ac­tu­ally only then lets him from the body to soul com­fort­able cool. He opens the arm, feels the in­nu­mer­able wisp of cool air cur­rents to spill into his body greed­ily, what­ever free sub­mer­sion of body in Heav­enly Lake, com­fort­able al­most wants to go off in light of this.
Re­ally, this feel­ing, im­mersed with the past years in Il­lu­sory Demon Realm Sea of Death is the same, but must be more in­tense.
After all, Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake strength plane/level by far Sea of Death.
More­over along with his grad­ual sub­mer­gence, cold qi also grad­u­ally ag­gra­vates.
Heav­enly Lake cold qi to other peo­ple are night­mare, but, this peak el­e­ment en­vi­ron­ment, co­or­di­nates Great Way of the Bud­dha Art, is ac­tu­ally is sim­i­lar to heaven ex­is­tence to Yun Che.
In this en­vi­ron­ment , he even if any­thing does not do, pro­found strength also growth!
Dur­ing he en­joys, is at a mod­er­ate pace sink­ing to 50 feet depth, re­fracts above the light screen, lets open mouth the Pales­tine's big more and more under the shock.
The sur­round­ing un­usual at­mos­phere and sound, let scat­ter cold qi Mu Hanyi to open the eye, saw, Yun Che that above the light screen re­fracted sub­merged the depth, has been 50 feet depth.
Al­though the speed is very slow, thou­sand feet in depth and Mu Hanyi has the dif­fer­ence of heaven and earth, but has torn their imag­i­na­tion thor­oughly.
„This... What's the mat­ter? This im­pos­si­ble Ah!” au­di­ences dis­ci­ple to look at each other in blank dia­may.
In they are sur­prised, Yun Che still dives in the uni­form speed...
60 feet...
80 feet...
100 feet!
„This...” The el­ders and Palace Mas­ter also started to look at each other in blank dia­may.
Mu Bingyun con­tin­u­ously in de­cid­ing looks at light screen, if did not have for­merly passes mes­sage, she will be shocked sim­i­larly, at this mo­ment, al­though al­ready in heart con­fi­dent, but the surg­ing emo­tions were as be­fore dif­fi­cult to de­cide.
120 feet...
140 feet...
The Mu Hanyi look had tur­bu­lence fi­nally, aura that just de­cided had the ob­vi­ous dis­or­der , he is his Mu Yun­zhi, started to feel rest­lessly in the ex­treme shock.
150 feet... At this time, Yun Che stopped fi­nally.
The stag­na­tion of light screen, mak­ing Mu Hanyi fierce big in­spire, but the whole body cov­ers en­tirely the cold sweat.
They are un­able to imag­ine, ini­tially en­ters Di­vine Dao, Yun Che that for­merly the water of Heav­enly Lake does not dare to step into, can be such depth un­ex­pect­edly... Shock and un­be­liev­able that this bring, com­pletely not under Mu Hanyi for­merly thor­ough thou­sand feet.
Di­vine Essence Realm First Level pro­found strength, can sneak so the depth un­ex­pect­edly. His nat­ural tal­ent, con­sti­tu­tion and prin­ci­ple at­tain­ments... Un­ex­pect­edly such?
In Heav­enly Lake, Yun Che's was re­ally stopped, but nat­u­rally was not be­cause is un­able to dive again, he does not even know own pre­sent re­sides in any depth, but was hes­i­tat­ing any­thing.
Is down­ward, cold qi is heav­ier. But one­self carry Water Spirit Evil Body, heavy cold qi could not in­jure it­self ab­solutely, in­stead can let the ab­sorp­tion of his big­ger de­gree... If then, to most deep place, is the cold qi heav­i­est place...
Can en­able him not to need to prac­tice, only de­pends on this ex­treme cold qi then to achieve Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm be­fore Pro­found God Con­fer­ence!?
Yun Che's has con­tin­ued count­ing breaths hes­i­tant, fi­nally clenches teeth fiercely, un­prece­dented sinks sud­denly.
Above the light screen, stag­nated the blue light of count­ing breaths to rise sud­denly sud­denly, such as the beam flew to flee to­gether on, in a flash, fled from 150 feet 300 feet... Next flash, then al­ready until 500 feet!
„What... What!?!?”
Stood Mu Huanzhi in front of light screen is sim­i­lar to is bran­dished a steel­yard weight face to face, the body play under panic-stricken shook, the hair in­stan­ta­neously has set up­right.
Above the pool is blasts out one piece to tear to pieces the voice of throat, the in­nu­mer­able chins pound ma­li­ciously on the ground, the eye­ball of every­one al­most de­parts the eye socket along with the light beam of ris­ing sud­denly.
Sat like re­ceive an elec­tric shock has stood in ground Mu Hanyi, the fa­cial color was stiff, look dull crazy... Crashes into the in­com­pa­ra­bly ab­surd dream likely sud­denly.
Yun Che is still con­tinue dive, speed not only has not slowed down, in­stead is get­ting quicker and quicker, quicker and quicker...
700 feet!
1000 feet!!
The peo­ple also in the shock of the light beam not hav­ing risen sud­denly re­cover, the light beam has then risen to thou­sand feet, then dri­ves straight ahead on straight, di­rect sec­ond Mu Hanyi orig­i­nally shock­ing peer­less re­sult.
2000 feet...
4000 feet...
7000 feet...
1000 zhang (3.33 m)!!!
Above Cold Ice Giant Dragon, the blue light shoots to­gether sud­denly, hits above the light screen, the en­tire light screen is de­feated and dis­persed in­stan­ta­neously the blue frag­ment, only re­mains two soul crys­tal still to float air­borne, is re­leas­ing the light blue light.
Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake com­plete si­lence, every­one re­sem­bles sud­denly in the falling dream once again. Mu Huanzhi has turned around, the pupil im­pres­sively is pre­sent­ing con­tin­u­ally the con­di­tion of con­trac­tion, under the sound also brings to shock ex­tremely trem­bles: „Sect Mas­ter, this... This...”
„Vic­tory and de­feat al­ready minute, fol­low­ing does not need to look again.” The Snow Song Realm King coldly voice, en­ters soul Wei ice, was telling all per­son just now all of all for real, but did not have a dream.
Mu Hanyi sits on the ground, com­plex­ion is pal­lid, the lip trem­bles, for a very long time is out of sorts. If he loses to Mu Feixue from the be­gin­ning, ex­tremely will not be in­sane, even can also dis­play enough con­fi­dent... But at this mo­ment, he such as sud­denly dropped Nine Nether Hell from the heaven, the drop­ping vari­ance in a big way to bru­tal.
The Mu Yun­zhi whole per­son of his body side is sim­i­lar to the pet­ri­fi­ca­tion, lip also with Mu Hanyi same in fierce is trem­bling, for a very long time has not stopped, could not say any words.
„But... But...” Mu Huanzhi wants to say any­thing, could not say any­thing.
„Has what, but!” The Snow Song Realm King sound ag­gra­vates sud­denly, star­tled peo­ple trem­bles: „This tests the re­sult to be bright, Yun Che al­ready wins Mu Hanyi, for­merly the crime of af­fronting avoided, and is this king di­rect dis­ci­ple, seven days later holds the en­tire sect con­gress in the tem­ple, the rit­u­als of line of ac­knowl­edg­ing as teacher!”
„Huanzhi, your re­spon­si­ble rate per­son arranges this mat­ter, acts with­out fail!”
The mat­ter that for­merly had, all peo­ple have not been able to re­spond and ac­cept truly, Snow Song Realm King an­nounced the de­ci­sion un­ex­pect­edly di­rectly. Mu Huanzhi has gawked ac­tu­ally count­ing breaths, hur­ries to bow the head: „Yes.”
„Frozen Cloud (Bingyun), these, Yun Che still stayed in the Ice Phoenix 36 palaces on.”
„Yes.” Mu Bingyun lightly how­ever ac­cord­ingly. Her be­hind, Mu Xi­aolan was al­ready dull the silly likely block­head pile.
Mu Bingyun just ac­cord­ingly, near her ear, then trans­mit­ted one to have the anger... Deep help­less sound: „This boy, just has been taught, un­ex­pect­edly so does not know re­strain­ing, I want to hold to pat him ac­tu­ally re­ally!”
Mu Bingyun smiles gen­tly, re­turns to the tone chan­nel: „In­stinct type of thing, if so easy to change, was not the in­stinct. ‚Evil God’ mean­ing is the evil dif­fer­ent god, if on him has the in­her­i­tance of Evil God strength, then his dis­po­si­tion is also per­haps re­lated with this.”
„, The rea­son hence, I have then obeyed the di­vine in­ter­ven­tion, re­ceives him for the dis­ci­ple, does not know... His strength, his per­son­al­ity, to my Snow Song Realm is the luck is the calamity.”
En­tire Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake passes the at­mos­phere that is com­pelling ig­no­rant, but cre­ates all these chief crim­i­nals also in Heav­enly Lake. At this time, Mu Yun­zhi stood sud­denly, her trem­bling with fear [say / way]: „Sect Mas­ter, Yun­zhi had the words to say... Yun Che he wins Hanyi this mat­ter, too... Too fishy. And...”
No per­son dared the de­ci­sion of dis­obe­di­ent Snow Song Realm King, Mu Yun­zhi speaks these words, has over­drawn this whole life all guts sim­ply: „More­over again two years, are Pro­found God Con­fer­ence. If Hanyi is di­rect dis­ci­ple, Sect Mas­ter train­ing, must be able un­ex­pect­edly on Pro­found God Con­fer­ence for my Snow Song Realm bloom­ing honor, but Yun Che... he... His pro­found strength is re­ally mean, not only when the time comes the dis­qual­i­fi­ca­tion par­tic­i­pates in Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, per­haps... Per­haps will also bring in... By­stander's cen­sure...”
Mu Yun­zhi said that these words, is the whole body sweat, sev­eral near pros­tra­tions. For the final op­por­tu­nity, she was al­most is also ready for any sac­ri­fice to go all out.
„Oh? then, you thought that the de­ci­sion of this king is ig­no­rant?”
The Snow Song Realm King sound is very pale, does not have the slight anger, is ac­tu­ally star­tled Mu Yun­zhi sud­denly kneels down, the whole body shiv­ers: „No... Yun­zhi does not dare... Yun­zhi talked too much, ask­ing Sect Mas­ter to for­give.”
„That is good,” Snow Song Realm King makes noise lightly, she spoke each time, the under peo­ple were breathe the tight screen, the at­mos­phere do not dare to breathe heav­ily one: „I also think that you are live are im­pa­tient!”
The Mu Yun­zhi body sways, al­most must fall to the ground softly. The sur­round­ing peo­ple deeply lower the head com­pletely, does not dare to make a sound.
„Since had the re­sult, then today's Heav­enly Lake grand meet­ing, should fin­ish.”
heav­enly might order cov­ers the sky under: „Feng­shu, Sushan, you wait be­side Heav­enly Lake, do not have the order of this king, can not leave. Other peo­ple, are far away com­pletely, can not stay.”
„More­over, this king re­ceives the mat­ter of dis­ci­ple now, be­fore seven days later the rit­ual of ac­knowl­edg­ing as teacher, can not out­side pro­claim!”
Mu Feng­shu and Mu Sushan look the star­tled color. They sev­eral hun­dred years rarely by Snow Song Realm King sum­mon one time, this time, un­ex­pect­edly sud­denly were usu­ally left be­hind them...
For the Cold Snow Palace any im­por­tant mat­ter.
They nat­u­rally do not dare to speak the in­quiry, si­mul­ta­ne­ously bows the head in the hor­rid­ness ac­cord­ingly.
In the si­lenc­ing, this stemmed from the Heav­enly Lake grand meet­ing that all peo­ple an­tic­i­pated to fin­ish in the strange at­mos­phere. God Hall and sys­tem­atic de­par­ture Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake of Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple to lead in var­i­ous el­ders and under Palace Mas­ter.
Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake for­ma­tion closes slowly, only has Mu Feng­shu and Mu Sushan un­easy kept be­side for­ma­tion.
The Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake sky, Snow Song Realm King has not left, her silent looks at tran­quil Heav­enly Lake Chi Mian, no­body knows that this Wei ice heart­less Snow Song Realm King is think­ing any­thing.
Under Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake...
1000 five hun­dred zhang (333 m)...
2000 zhang (3.33 m)...
3000 zhang (3.33 m)...
4000 zhang (3.33 m)...
5000 zhang (3.33 m)!!
Did not have the bright light sub­ma­rine world, sud­denly flood clear blue light. Yun Che's mind shakes, calms down to look rapidly down­ward... Re­mote of under foot in­suf­fi­cient hun­dred zhang (333 m), is print­ing a blue light arc of Dodge im­pres­sively.
That is...
Cold Veins!!
Mu Bingyun said that bot­tom of Heav­enly Lake Cold Veins!!
One ar­rived at the bot­tom of Heav­enly Lake!!
Yun Che's speed all of a sud­den slow.
Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake under 5000 zhang (3.33 m), ac­tu­ally mys­te­ri­ous feel­ing hy­draulic pres­sure. But here cold qi, ter­ror to was un­able with „heavy” to de­scribe. After all, this seems less than three hun­dred zhang (333 m) long Cold Veins, has ac­com­plished the se­vere cold­ness of en­tire Snow Song Realm.
The cold ice spirit air/Qi such as the storm is spilling into to his within the body gen­er­ally. His Evil God Pro­found Vein adds the strength of Rage God, nat­u­rally has the upper limit to the spir­i­tual en­ergy ab­sorp­tion de­gree, when five hun­dred zhang (333 m), his ab­sorp­tion rate then reached the bound­ary, later dives, the ab­sorp­tion rate then placed the hump speed, slightly has not changed.
The pool of water is limpid, tak­ing ad­van­tage of the Cold Veins blue light, the sur­round­ing all takes in every­thing at a glance. Ex­cept for blue light clear Cold Veins, in line of sight does not have any for­eign mat­ter, in­com­pa­ra­ble pure.
„Here, even if any­thing does not do, one year also com­pares fa­vor­ably with oth­ers ten years of self-tor­ture....” Yun Che sighed one darkly: „This de­gree wants to achieve Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm two years later, as be­fore is im­pos­si­ble.”
Only pos­si­bil­ity that now can think of... Only then strength ter­ror to Di­vine Lord Realm Snow Song Realm King.
Read hence, Yun Che no longer stayed, then must fly to flee on. But at this mo­ment, his cor­ner of the eye flashes through sud­denly wipes the re­flec­tion of dif­fer­ence.
That is any­thing... The Yun Che's move­ment stops im­me­di­ately, the line of sight changed the ori­gin of re­flec­tion.
--- --- --- ---
【To­mor­row must go out the hi­ber­na­tion, it is es­ti­mated that hav­ing no free time sym­bol, there­fore today force­fully two....】


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