Wednesday, December 27, 2017

1493: SecondIWN and power failure!

HK :: VOLUME #15
#1493: SecondIWN and power failure!
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Nan­chao Na­tion, local time, on Feb­ru­ary 15, zero Forty-four dif­fer­ence.
Shi Lei dis­plays by the unique skill of other [say / way] also body, lets Nan­chao Na­tion 99.99% net­work user, has sep­a­rated with the link of In­ter­net.
Nan­chao Na­tion In­ter­net users who nu­mer­ous late at night has not rested, be­cause of the be­fore­hand hearsay, thus welling up the street, each other has been ex­chang­ing in­for­ma­tion.
After the tele­phone com­mu­ni­ca­tion and net­work com­mu­ni­ca­tion were shielded, even if Nan­chao Na­tion Of­fi­cial wants fast highly ef­fec­tive spik­ing a ru­mour, is not an easy mat­ter. Also, in this case, re­gard­less of Nan­chao Na­tion Gov­ern­ment car­ries on any­thing to spike a ru­mour, per­haps is un­able to ob­tain trust Right? of all na­tion­als
Only if, they re­sume tele­phone com­mu­ni­ca­tion and net­work link im­me­di­ately. But is such mat­ter, how pos­si­ble?
Be­fore Shi Lei im­i­ta­tion , the multi- coun­try Hacker al­lied armies, in­vade the Shuangqing City Power Grid Man­age­ment Sys­tem pro­ce­dure, the com­pi­la­tion named ‚[Dark Mes­sen­ger]’ Virus, specif­i­cally aims at the Nan­chao Na­tion per­sonal user router and modem, from Sys­tem most bot­tom level con­trol Hard­ware Sys­tem of router and modem.
Modem and router, as in­di­vid­ual user and In­ter­net link ex­change end, after issue, user nat­u­rally is un­able with the In­ter­net link.
How­ever, Shi Lei very sin­is­ter es­tab­lish­ment a cam­ou­flage, al­though [Dark Mes­sen­ger] has taken over con­trol of the in­ter­nal Hard­ware Sys­tem of router and modem, but the router and modem, will not feed back any wrong in­for­ma­tion in user com­puter. And, the router with the modem, the led light that demon­strates own con­di­tion, will be con­trolled by [Dark Mes­sen­ger], the feed­back is sim­i­lar to the nor­mal op­er­a­tion same light, pre­vents to be dis­cov­ered by user.
[Dark Mes­sen­ger] from Sys­tem Ground Level con­trol Hard­ware Sys­tem of router and modem, even if user chooses a reset router and modem, will not have any ef­fect.
or­di­nary user is un­able to dis­cover issue of the modem and router, but net­work ser­vice provider. Will not sus­pect that is the issue of router and modem. Be­cause so large-scale oc­cur­rence issue, the net­work ser­vice provider will only pon­der that more com­plex issue, but is not the so sim­ple rea­son.
„Sir. Ac­cord­ing to the Sys­tem au­to­matic sta­tis­tics, ex­cept for Four Great type net­work. Nan­chao Na­tion Or­di­nary net­work user, only re­main­ing in­suf­fi­cient Three Thou­sand peo­ple.” [Izual] re­ports to say to Shi Lei.
Shi Lei nod­ded, on the face has shown the happy ex­pres­sion, „[Izual] , to con­tinue im­ple­ment Sec­ond Phase Plan!”
„Yes , sir!” [Izual] obeys order the Shi Lei's order, even if Sec­ond Phase Plan, will have a more se­ri­ous con­se­quence. Even brings not the small ca­su­al­ties to Nan­chao Na­tion, but [Izual] is only the im­ple­ment Shi Lei's order, in­de­pen­dently will not pon­der that the order is whether rea­son­able and Law­ful.
Shi Lei's Plan by other [say / way] also body, Nan­chao Na­tion and Wo Sang Na­tion and other coun­try Hacker al­lied armies, used Worm Virus to fall Shuangqing City Power Grid Man­age­ment Sys­tem black, Shi Lei's Sec­ond Phase Plan, ex­actly as stated has used [Dark Mes­sen­ger], in­vaded Nan­chao Na­tion Power Grid Sys­tem!
The Nan­chao Na­tion land area is very small, Power Grid Sys­tem is sim­pler, Shi Lei in [Izual]'s aux­il­iary under. Fast ac­com­plish in view of the Nan­chao Na­tion Power Grid Man­age­ment Sys­tem in­va­sion side case.
The Nan­chao Na­tion elec­tri­cal net­work re­gion, is al­ways di­vided for six re­gions. And Gyeonggi-do, Gang­won-do and Jeju-do, have Power Grid Sys­tem of in­de­pen­dent use re­spec­tively. North and South Chungcheon-do, North and South Gyeongsang-do and North and South Je­olla-do. Then is north-south two comes in handy Power Grid Sys­tem.
Es­pe­cially Gyeonggi-do Seoul City, has dual Power Grid Sys­tem, one is the main force elec­tri­cal net­work, in ad­di­tion has a spare elec­tri­cal net­work. Changes a view, if the Seoul City main force elec­tri­cal net­work pre­sented issue, the spare elec­tri­cal net­work can also re­place the main force elec­tri­cal net­work. And, the spare elec­tri­cal net­work is the Sec­ond Sys­tem of in­de­pen­dence be­side main force elec­tri­cal net­work, not by the in­flu­ence of main force elec­tri­cal net­work.
A spe­cial sit­u­a­tion, be­cause Nan­chao Na­tion do­main is very small. En­tire Na­tion(s) elec­tric power net­work con­nects in to­gether, in other words. Even if the Gyeonggi-do elec­tri­cal net­work pre­sented issue, Gang­won-do and North and South Chungcheon-do elec­tri­cal net­work. Also can the Gyeonggi-do elec­tri­cal net­work trans­porta­tion elec­tric power, guar­an­tee the elec­tric­ity of Gyeonggi-do.
The na­tional elec­tri­cal net­work in­ter­con­nec­tion, hangs Jeju-do of over­seas to be an ex­cep­tion or­phaned!
Shi Lei wants to solve en­tire Nan­chao Na­tion Power Sup­ply, must si­mul­ta­ne­ously shut off en­tire Nan­chao Na­tion Power Grid Man­age­ment Sys­tem. Oth­er­wise, may un­able very much reached(an agree­ment) tar­get.
„[Izual], how many d do we al­to­gether have in Nan­chao Na­tion?” Shi Lei in­quired.
In order to achieve falls en­tire Nan­chao Na­tion Power Grid Sys­tem at the same time black, si­mul­ta­ne­ously does not trans­fer Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany com­put­ing re­sources, Shi Lei, when makes [Dark Mes­sen­ger], built-in d.
Once by [Dark Mes­sen­ger] at­tack com­puter, not only will shut off the link of user and In­ter­net, but will re­tain a for­eign chan­nel. Mean­while, but also meets the mod­ify user com­puter Safety strat­egy.
d is the seed of [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang], means that was planted d com­puter, will be­come the [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] com­pu­ta­tion node.
D that [Dark Mes­sen­ger] con­tains, through the mod­ify com­puter Safety strat­egy, first for­bids the com­puter feed­back sig­nal light, after the sig­nal light was for­bid­den, the led dis­play lamp of pre­tage panel, will then not prompt user, com­puter is still using.
Next d will also con­trol cpu.​fan, is the cpu ra­di­a­tion ven­ti­la­tor, tac­itly ap­proves to for­bid to be it 0 ro­ta­tional speeds. When then, cpu work, the ven­ti­la­tor can­not send out the sound, causes the com­puter user at­ten­tion. In view of hav­ing in­de­pen­dent Graph­ics Card user d a im­ple­ment type of strat­egy, for­bids the in­de­pen­dent Graph­ics Card ven­ti­la­tor di­rectly or is the pump body of wa­ter-cooler.
d will also shield video out­put con­nec­tion, pre­vents screen Mon­i­tor, showed that any image in­for­ma­tion d will also con­trol read- and the read of Hard Disk, the goal to re­duce sound pro­duc­tion d sim­i­larly will take mem­ory Vir­tual will be Hard Disk, as tem­po­rary stor­age space. D does not need the too much Hard Disk space in any case.
As for was planted d com­puter, works in the sit­u­a­tion of ill ra­di­a­tor, can have an ad­verse im­pact, for ex­am­ple burns down cpu, over­burn­ing in­de­pen­dent Graph­ics Card, or is burns down the moth­er­board wait / etc. issue, what mat­ter does that close Shi Lei?
In any case isn't Shi Lei's com­puter, isn't that right?
Can they also find Shi Lei to carry on the com­pen­sa­tion? Shi Lei only wants say­ing that if their com­puter, but also within the war­ranty pe­riod, that con­grat­u­lates them. As for sur­pass­ing sit­u­a­tion be­yond the war­ranty pe­riod, they should thank Shi Lei, gives they have re­placed com­puter just needed the rea­son.
„Sir, we in Nan­chao Na­tion, al­to­gether have planted 7.6 mil­lion d, cur­rently al­to­gether is grasp­ing 892 tflops Loose Dis­tri­b­u­tion Com­put­ing Re­sources.” [Izual] was re­spond­ing to Shi Lei.
Just strided in 2008 era, the com­puter CPU, was well below strong of later gen­er­a­tion. Ac­cord­ing to 2008 e8400 of Intel Com­pany issue is the ex­am­ple, the CPU of this dou­ble Core dual-thread, the fre­quency has been the 3.0 ghz de­gree.
After a con­ver­sion of se­ries, e8400 com­put­ing re­sources is about 24 gflops , 1 tflops equal to 1000 gflops, in other words, at least needs over 40, matches com­puter of e8400 CPU, full power com­pu­ta­tion time, can have 1 tflops com­put­ing re­sources.
But in 2008 era, CPU e8400 is not the low-end prod­uct, but is the high-end prod­uct!
Even if d has planted 7.6 mil­lion com­puter in Nan­chao Na­tion, but only ob­tained close 900 tflops com­put­ing re­sources as be­fore. After all, by com­puter that d all kinds for­bids, to avoid CPU aban­don­ment, [Izual] is im­pos­si­ble to make their full power re­volve.
How­ever, close 900 tflops com­put­ing re­sources, even if Loose Dis­tri­b­u­tion Com­put­ing Re­sources, is a ter­ri­fy­ing digit.
On the Shi Lei face has shown the smil­ing face, be­fore Shi Lei has es­ti­mated in the heart, he thinks has 300 tflops com­put­ing re­sources, that enough has used. Now has close three times in the value of es­ti­mate, how could wasn't Shi Lei happy?
„[Izual], the con­for­mity op­ti­mizes all d, con­structs diwn!” Shi Lei has is­sued the order.
So-called diwn, ex­actly as stated ‚Sec­ond [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang]’, is tem­po­rary [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang], once this mo­tion fin­ished d [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] then being ter­mi­nated to use. Mean­while, all d will also start the self- dele­tion func­tion, deletes in­for­ma­tion that it has thor­oughly.
„Sir, please wait a mo­ment, the Sys­tem cur­rently con­for­mity op­ti­mizes d, it is ex­pected that takes 2 min­utes 57 sec­onds, the con­struc­tion work of ac­com­plish diwn.” [Izual] was re­spond­ing to Shi Lei.
Three min­utes, Shi Lei is wait­ing for pa­tiently.
Time one. one sec­onds sec­ond of past, after close three min­utes, the [Izual] re­port said: „Diwn con­structed ac­com­plish, Sys­tem au­to­mat­i­cally as­signs seven parts diwn, will cor­re­spond at­tack Nan­chao Na­tion six Power Grid Man­age­ment Sys­tem and Gyeonggi-do Re­serve Sys­tem.”
„Starts!” Shi Lei both hands have rapped on the key­board fast.
As Shi Lei's or­ders to be sent out, Nan­chao Na­tion in Dark, beset with a cri­sis big­ger. If at this time, some peo­ple rode air­plane to fly in the Nan­chao Na­tion place above, will then dis­cover a mag­nif­i­cent pic­ture.
From Gang­won-do, to Jeju-do, en­tire Nan­chao Na­tion do­mes­tic light, fast is van­ish­ing, en­tire Na­tion(s) fell into Dark.
With­out net­work, does not have tele­phone Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Net­work, does not have Power Sup­ply, and is in the night, the Nan­chao Na­tion sit­u­a­tion, quite is quite re­ally awful...


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